Workers in Utah Ratify State’s First Cannabis Industry Union Contract

Dispensary workers at West Bountiful, Utah-based WholesomeCo last week ratified their union contract, becoming the state’s first cannabis industry workers to unionize.

Full story after the jump.

Workers at West Bountiful, Utah-based WholesomeCo last week ratified their union contract with United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) Local 99, becoming the first cannabis industry workers in Utah to do so. Workers had voted to unionize in November 2023 by a 21-1 vote.   

In a statement, UFCW Local 99 President Jim McLaughlin called the contract “an important milestone not just for WholesomeCo employees, but for all Utah cannabis workers.” 

“With the ratification of this historic contract, WholesomeCo will continue to be a great place to work while helping raise the standard of living for employees industry-wide.” — McLaughlin in a press release 

The agreement includes guaranteed wage increases over three years; company-provided insurance coverage for medical, dental, and vision; paid bereavement and parental leave; paid time off and paid holidays; paid meal breaks; and a ratification bonus. 

The contract covers delivery fulfillment agents, demand inventory agents, inventory compliance agents, pharmacy fulfillment agents, pharmacy agents, and retail display agents at WholesomeCo’s West Bountiful facility.

Shaylee Robinson, a delivery fulfillment agent, in a statement, noted that “Forming a union wasn’t easy, but being able to have strong workplace protections has made everything worth it.”

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