Gage Skidmore

Trump Suggests He May Support Cannabis Reforms

Former President Donald Trump suggested during a press conference at his Florida home that he has grown more supportive of the idea of cannabis reforms as the policies gain traction across the country.

Full story after the jump.

Former President Donald Trump hinted during a Thursday press conference that he has grown more supportive of adult-use cannabis policies as the reforms continue to sweep the country, Marijuana Moment reports.

“As we legalize it, I start to agree a lot more because, you know, it’s being legalized all over the country,” Trump told reporters at Mar-o-Lago, his home in Palm Beach, Florida. The former president hinted at his apparent evolution on cannabis after reporters asked him about the Biden Administration’s plan to move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III under the Controlled Substances Act.

Trump also neglected to say whether he would support the adult-use cannabis amendment being considered by Florida voters this November, but said he would announce his position “fairly soon.”

“As we legalize it throughout the country — whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing — it’s awfully hard to have people all over the jails that are in jail right now for something that’s legal. So I think obviously there’s a lot of sentiment to doing that.” — Trump, to reporters, via Marijuana Moment

In 2018, while discussing the Colorado cannabis legalization experiment, then-President Trump was secretly recorded saying that he believed cannabis use causes people to “lose IQ points,” which is not true.

Trump is heading the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential ticket against current Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently reiterated that she believes nobody should be in jail for simple cannabis use or possession. Harris also recently tabbed as her VP running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who received an A rating from NORML on cannabis policy issues.

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