Texas Dispensary on Bus Tour to Promote Program Enrollment

Texas medical cannabis dispensary Goodblend is going on a bus tour to promote enrollment in the state’s limited cannabis program. The tour is currently slated for four cities over five dates.

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Texas medical cannabis dispensary Goodblend is going on a bus tour to promote medical cannabis enrollment, according to the San Antonio Current. Using a 36-foot bus as a mobile dispensary and doctor’s clinic, Goodblend began the tour in Austin on October 14, moving on to Houston, San Antonio, and Sugar Land.

Prospective patients can make appointments online and then visit with a doctor one-on-one to determine their eligibility for medical cannabis. Staff will have on-hand educational materials for people without an appointment who want to know more about Texas medical cannabis, the report says.

“It’s starting as an education and awareness tour, but our intent is for it to turn into something more regular,” said Marcus Ruark, president of Goodblend.

The effort comes on the heels of an update to Texas’ medical cannabis law that added post-traumatic stress disorder and cancer to the program. Ruark believes that many Texans may not be aware of the changes and may think a recommendation hard to obtain.

“It’s actually simple to participate in the program, but it may not appear so at first glance,” he said. “That’s one of the things we’re trying to change with this tour.” He added that Goodblend may take the tour to smaller cities or offer deliveries going forward.

The Current reported the following dates and locations for the tour:


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