Survey: Most Cannabis Consumers Use Legal Sources

A recent survey found that the vast majority of Americans either get their cannabis entirely from legal sources (65%) or mostly from legal sources (12%).

Full story after the jump.

A strong 77% majority of cannabis consumers in the U.S. say they get all or most of their cannabis products from legal, licensed sources, according to a recent NuggMD survey.

Specifically, 65% of survey respondents said that “all” of their cannabis products came from legal sources while 12% said that “most” of their products came from legal sources although they still occasionally relied on alternative sources, such as delta-8 shops, vape shops, or an unlicensed dealer.

The survey, which was conducted online, included 473 respondents with a margin of error of +/i 4.51 percentage points. NuggMD, which is primarily a cannabis telemedicine platform, said that most respondents reported using cannabis mostly or exclusively for medical reasons — with the remainder reporting recreational use to some degree — and that most were daily cannabis consumers, which could have skewed the results.

Cannabis remains a federally prohibited Schedule I substance for now but the Biden Administration this year announced plans to move the plant to Schedule III, which would expand research access for the plant and alleviate tax pressure for state-legal industries. During a recent public comment period on the plan, about 90% of the responses filed with the government either supported the plan or called for removing cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act entirely.

Meanwhile, a survey in June found that there were more daily cannabis consumers than daily drinkers in the U.S.

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