South Dakota Producing More Hemp Fiber Than Any Other State

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South Dakota farmers are producing more hemp fiber than farmers in any other U.S. state, according to recent data.

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Despite being one of the most recent states to have issued industrial hemp farming licenses, South Dakota is now producing more hemp fiber than any other state, according to data from the South Dakota Industrial Hemp Association (SDIHA) outlined by South Dakota News Watch.

South Dakota became the No. 1 producer of hemp grain and seeds in the U.S. in 2022 and now — with 30,000 acres planted on about 40 farms — the state has in 2024 claimed the No. 1 spot in the production of hemp fiber. The industry is also primed to grow further in both farms and acreage, the report said.

Hemp growers say South Dakota’s warm and relatively dry climate is ideal for hemp cultivation and the soil and growing conditions outperform even neighboring states.

“We’re the highest production and the highest in yield-per-acre, both of those. We are going to try to hold that for next year. This will be our first year to dominate that category.” — ” Bill Brehmer, board member of the South Dakota Industrial Hemp Association (SDIHA), via South Dakota News Watch

Hemp farming was federally legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill, including hemp crops and all of their derivatives, but South Dakota’s hemp program was not launched until 2021.

Meanwhile, federal lawmakers are considering backtracking on the issue this year with new Farm Bill language only covering hemp-derived cannabinoids that are “naturally occurring, naturally derived and non-intoxicating.”


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