Slovenia Votes to Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis

Voters in Slovenia last weekend approved two non-binding cannabis measures: one to legalize adult-use cannabis, and another to let medical cannabis patients grow their own cannabis plants at home.

Full story after the jump.

Voters in Slovenia last weekend approved non-binding resolutions to let medical cannabis patients grow their own cannabis plants at home for personal use and to legalize adult-use cannabis access in the country, according to a Benzinga report. Notably, while the votes demonstrate Slovenians’ eagerness for significant cannabis reforms, lawmakers are not legally required to take action.

The medical home grow proposal was passed with 66.6% of voters backing the resolution. The second proposal, which asked voters whether the government should “allow the cultivation and possession of cannabis for limited personal use on its territory,” was passed with 51.55% support, the report said.

Currently, Slovenia only allows for the cultivation of industrial hemp containing less than 0.2% THC.

The weekend votes — which coincided with the wider 2024 European elections — signal that support for significant cannabis reforms is growing throughout Europe, particularly following the recent April 1 launch of Germany’s new cannabis legalization policy. If the voter-backed reforms are adopted in Slovenia, the Central European country would be the fourth member of the European Union to adopt adult-use cannabis reforms after Germany, Malta, and Luxembourg.

Cannabis reforms are also growing more popular throughout the world — earlier this month, South Africa became the first African country to legalize the personal possession and use of cannabis.

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