Rep. Blumenauer Calls On Democrats to Legalize in 2019


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Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D) sent a blueprint for cannabis legalization to Democratic leaders in Congress on Wednesday, Forbes reports.

“Congress is out of step with the American people and the states on cannabis. We have an opportunity to correct course if Democrats win big in November. There’s no question: cannabis prohibition will end. Democrats should lead the way. If we fail to act swiftly, I fear as the 2020 election approaches, Donald Trump will claim credit for our work in an effort to shore up support — especially from young voters. Democrats must seize the moment.” — Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer, in written statement to Democrat leaders

What’s the plan?

“By the end of 2019,” Blumenaur writes, “marijuana will be legal at the federal level, and states allowed to responsibly regulate its use. The federal government will not (interfere) with state efforts to responsibly regulate marijuana use within their borders.”

Rep. Blumenauer — who represents voters in Portland, Oregon — is one of the most canna-friendly members of Congress: his name is attached to the Rohrabacher–Blumenauer Amendment, which is included in the annual spending bill to block federal interference with state-legal medical cannabis operations, and he is a founding member of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus.


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