Poll: 64% of Likely Voters Back Florida Adult-Use Cannabis Amendment

Another Florida poll found the state’s adult-use cannabis legalization amendment is on-track with 64% of likely voters saying they plan to vote for the reforms this November.

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The proposed constitutional amendment to legalize adult-use cannabis in Florida appears to be on track with 64% of likely voters in a recent University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab (PORL) poll saying they plan to support the reforms at the ballot box in November. 

The poll found 31% opposed and 5% unsure or refusing to answer the question. 

Support includes 79% of registered Democrats polled, along with 50% of Republicans and 63% of independents. In Florida, constitutional amendments require 60% support to pass.  

A poll published earlier in July found the same level of support. 

In a statement, PORL Faculty Director and professor of political science Dr. Michael Binder noted that it remains unclear “how much money will be injected into the campaign against this amendment.”  

“If the opposing organizations ramp up their campaigns, we may see this number come down, depending how much cash is spent in opposition.” — Binder in a press release 

According to state Division of Elections Data, the pro-legalization campaign, Smart & Safe Florida, has outraised the opposition, raising so far $66.475 million in cash and $129,000 in in-kind donations, while the Florida Freedom Fund has about $121,000 on hand, the majority coming from POB Ventures, which has links to a medical cannabis worker training organization and a cadre of hemp businesses.


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