Arkansas Judge Voids 27 Medical Cannabis Laws Passed by Lawmakers to Change Voter-Approved Amendment

An Arkansas judge last week voided 27 medical cannabis laws passed by lawmakers to amend the voter-approved law, calling the changes unconstitutional, THV11 reports. The laws voided were passed in 2017, 2019, and 2021 and included THC limits on edibles, how the state collected taxes on cannabis, and industry marketing. 

The lawsuit was brought by cannabis companies Good Farm Arkansas and Capital City Medicinals against the State of Arkansas, and the Department of Finance and Administration, and Alcoholic Beverage Control Division.   

Following the ruling, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, said the ruling by Judge Morgan “Chip” Welch was disappointing and “contrary to the law.” He said he plans to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court “expeditiously.” 

Of the now null and void laws, 24 of them were passed in 2017, two in 2019, and one in 2021. Among them include the law creating the state’s Medical Marijuana Commission, allowing criminal background checks for cannabis business licensees, banning Arkansas National Guard members from being caregivers for medical cannabis patients, a telemedicine ban for medical cannabis patients, tax laws, medical cannabis packaging, cannabis cultivation facility safety and security requirements, and others.  

The original text of the amendment that was approved by voters to legalize medical cannabis will remain in effect as initially written.  


Alabama Pauses Medical Cannabis Licensing Due to ‘Potential Inconsistencies’ in Scoring Data Tabulation

The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC) on Friday voted to pause all proceedings related to the issuance of medical cannabis licenses in the state after the agency’s “discovery of potential inconsistencies in the tabulation of scoring data.” 

The stay comes just four days after the AMCC awarded its first medical cannabis licenses to four cultivators, four processors, four dispensaries, five integrated facilities, three secure transporters, and one testing laboratory.    

In a statement, AMCC Director John McMillan said the agency “will work expeditiously to investigate and identify inconsistencies in the score data.”

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are suspending all current procedural timelines until those matters are resolved.” — McMillan in a press release 

The commission indicated it plans to seek an independent review of all scoring data before proceeding with licensing.  

The stay issued by the commission impacts the following procedural requirements of the program: 

  • Applicants who were awarded a license on June 12, 2023, are not required to pay the license fee by June 26, 2023. 
  • Applicants who were denied award of license on June 12, 2023, are not required to submit a request for an investigative hearing by June 26, 2023. 
  • Licenses that were awarded on June 12, 2023, will not issue on July 10, 2023. 

The stay will remain in effect until lifted by the commission and, once lifted, the AMCC will reconsider the award of licenses, and provide a timeline for the payment of license fees, request for investigative hearings, and issuance of licenses. 


Survey: Cannabis Less Harmful than Cigarettes, Vapes, Alcohol, & Opioids

A survey by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Morning Consult found Americans believe cannabis is less harmful than cigarettes, vapes, alcohol, and prescribed and non-prescribed opioids but more harmful than technology.

The survey also found that respondents believed that cannabis was less addictive than cigarettes, vapes, alcohol, prescribed and non-prescription opioids, and technology.

In a statement, APA President Dr. Petros Levounis said the survey showed “It is clear that we have gotten the message through that cigarettes are dangerous and addictive.”

“We can help prevent more Americans from other potentially addictive behaviors, like drinking alcohol and technology use. For instance, vaping is just as, if not more addictive than cigarette smoking. We can also make sure that people know about our current safe and effective treatments for both substance use disorders and the behavioral addictions. Addiction treatment works.” — Levounis in a press release

Among those surveyed, 13% said they consumed cannabis daily, along with 21% who smoked cigarettes daily, 8% that used vapes daily, 7% that consumed alcohol daily, 4% that used prescribed opioids daily, 2% that used non-prescribed opioids daily, and 67% that used technology daily.

The poll was conducted April 20-22, 2023, and included a sample of 2,201 adults.


New York Regulators Shut Down 16 Shops for Selling Cannabis Without a License Over Last Week

New York regulators on Thursday shut down five unlicensed businesses selling cannabis in Ithaca and Binghamton and the companies now face fines of up to $10,000 per day they were selling cannabis without a license. 

The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) and Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF) also seized products, which is allowed under recently-approved emergency rules. The action targeted three businesses in Ithaca and two in Binghamton. The shops will next be subject to hearings before an administrative law judge and, if found to be non-compliant, the judge may confirm the fines assessed and require unlicensed operators to pay them.  

If an unlicensed location is found to continue selling cannabis products after OCM issues a notice of violation or order to cease, an additional per-day penalty of up to $20,000 may be assessed by an administrative law judge. Further, should the unlicensed business remove the OCM violation notices affixed to the storefront, the business is subject to a fine of up to $5,000.  

The OCM said it had also conducted inspections of businesses in New York City last week and issued notices to 11 of them. 

All fines must be confirmed by an administrative law judge and the businesses may also face penalties under state tax and finance laws.  


Maryland Suspends a Cookies Dispensary License After Video Shows Cannabis Smoke Shot from ‘Gun Apparatus’ into Peoples’ Mouths

The Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) has temporarily shut down a Cookies dispensary following several violations, including a video that “appeared to show large plumes of medical cannabis smoke being blown from a large gun apparatus into the mouths of persons outside the dispensary,” according to the suspension notice outlined. The action came less than a week after Cookies held the dispensary’s grand opening on May 27. 

Inspectors also cited Cookies for advertising online in a way that “targets or is attractive to minors, including a cartoon character.” The notice also said that Cookies social media advertisements violate the agency’s rules for including the likeness of two, unnamed, celebrities, using “at least three publicly known non-cannabis trademarks,” and the use of cannabis in the ads.

The dispensary is also accused of refusing to provide inspectors with material needed for their investigation, including security footage, despite being asked several times. Inspectors said Cookies did not maintain security footage, which “constitutes an operational failure risking diversion and endangering the public’s health.”

Additionally, the MCA said the dispensary did not have a secure door between its service and operational areas which “also creates a risk of operational failure risking diversion because the purpose of the door is to help monitor and limit the number of cannabis agents with access” to all parts of the dispensary. 

Cookies has 30 days from the date of suspension to request a hearing and could face a $10,000 fine per violation. 


Alabama Awards First Medical Cannabis Licenses

The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (MCC) on Monday awarded its first round of business licenses to four cultivators, four processors, four dispensaries, five integrated facilities, three secure transporters, and one testing laboratory.

In a statement, MCC Chairman and oncologist Dr. Steven Stokes said “There was no shortage of qualified individuals and entities who provided applications” for officials to consider.

“Based on the evaluators’ assessments and the Commission’s considerations, we believe that we have selected an outstanding slate of inaugural licensees to represent Alabama’s new medical cannabis industry.” — Stokes in a press release

Under the state’s medical cannabis law, the commission can award up to 12 cultivator licenses, four processor licenses, four dispensary licenses, five integrated facility licenses, and an unspecified number of secure transporter and laboratory licenses.

MCC Vice Chairman Rex Vaughn indicated the state plans to open a second round of licenses for cultivators, transporters, and labs.

“These businesses will not only serve the patients of Alabama but provide business and job opportunities for local communities,” he said in a statement.

The applications for the 90 companies were reviewed by the University of South Alabama.


New York Approves Emergency Rules to Crack Down on Unlicensed Cannabis Sales

New York cannabis regulators are permitted to seize products from unlicensed cannabis retailers in the state under recently adopted emergency regulations. The new rules cover unlicensed sales of both hemp and delta-9 THC products.

The regulations describe the processes by the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) for shutting down unlicensed cannabis sales, including affixing a notice of violation and order to cease unlicensed activity on a door, window, or exterior of the building, along with a sticker “advising the public that the business is ordered to stop the unlawful activity and of the public health and safety concerns relating to illicit cannabis.”

Removing either the sign or the sticker could result in a $5,000 fine, under the new rules.

The regulations also give the agency subpoena power and the ability to bring the case before an administrative law judge.

In a statement, Chris Alexander, OCM executive director, described the rules as “a robust framework to address violations head-on, bolstering [OCM] enforcement efforts and ensuring proper compliance with cannabis laws.”

New York regulators have been slow to roll out retail cannabis sales. According to state data, there are currently just 13 licensed adult-use dispensaries, with four licensed as “temporary delivery only.”


Report: Year-Over-Year Pre-Roll Sales Growth Higher Than Other Cannabis Categories

Year-over-year sales of pre-rolls were higher than any other product category from 2021 to 2022, according to a white paper by Custom Cones USA. From November 2021 to November 2022, pre-roll sales grew 12% in the U.S. and 38% in Canada, according to the paper, which relies on data from cannabis intelligence company Headset.

In the U.S., infused or “connoisseur” pre-roll sales spiked 1,426% year-over-year in Canada and 22% in the U.S. Mixed strain pre-roll sales grew 440% in Canada, year-over-year, and 63% in the U.S. Since 2021, in the U.S. and Canada, sales of multi-pre-roll packs have grown by almost 400%, the report says.

“Over the past few years, the wholesale price of flower has dropped dramatically, making pre-rolls more affordable. With cheaper cannabis costs, it also allowed producers to use higher quality flower. Additionally, advancements in both table-top and automated pre-roll machines have allowed manufacturers to produce more pre-rolls with lower labor costs. All these factors combined led to higher quality pre-rolls at lower retail price points, which has driven strong growth for the category.” —The State of the Pre-Roll Industry, Custom Cone USA, June 8, 2023

The report notes that while all other product categories are experiencing price compression, pre-rolls are experiencing the lowest compression among all categories. In the U.S., pre-roll prices have fallen just 11%. In Canada, prices have increased by 5%, according to the report.

The majority of pre-roll sales continue to be single-packs; however, from 2018 to 2023, the share of single-pack sales dropped from about 95% to about 80%.

“In 2018 multi-packs of regular and infused pre-rolls only made up 27.7% of the market. By 2023, multi-packs make up 47.62% of the market—representing a growth of about 20% over 5 years,” the report says. “Single pre-rolls are always going to have a place in the industry, so expect their decline to level out soon. Single pre-rolls are the perfect add-on item, and it is common for consumers to pick them up for a specific event or occasion.”

The majority of companies surveyed for the paper (54.3%) said they planned on expanding further into multi-pack pre-rolls.


Leafwire Launches the Largest Retargeting Audience in the Cannabis B2B Industry, Reaching 3+ Million Connected Devices

Traditionally, it’s been almost impossible for advertisers to reach the cannabis business community through banner ads on traditional ad networks, utilizing programmatic advertising.

So How Can You Reach a Cannabis Biz Audience on Sites Like CNN, ESPN, and USA TODAY?

There is no single gender, age, geography, job type, company type or purchasing behavior that defines cannabis business professionals; cannabis professionals can be growers, budtenders, greenhouse builders, accountants, scientists, marketers, lawyers, investors and more. It’s an incredibly diverse community that is very difficult to target.

Cannabis consumers and enthusiasts are easier to reach through a variety of large cannabis shopping platforms like Weedmaps, Leafly and Dutchie, but that’s not the cannabis business community. A B2B solution has been sorely missing.

Of course, there are cannabis news sites and social networks such as MJBiz Daily, Leafwire, and Ganjapreneur to reach a B2B audience, but cannabis business professionals also spend a significant amount of time on mainstream sites surfing the web, like CNN, ESPN and Until now, the industry hasn’t had a way to reach cannabis professionals on those massive mainstream sites, until now.

The ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel’

In conjunction with MediaJel and one of the world’s largest ad networks with 10,000+ websites (contact Leafwire for more info), Leafwire has built the largest re-targeting audience in the cannabis business industry. Through partnerships with multiple cannabis news sites and some of the largest conferences in the industry, Leafwire has amassed an audience of cannabis business professionals consisting of more than 500,000 recognizable ‘digital fingerprints’ creating the ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel.”  Now advertisers can purchase ads across 10,000+ sites, like CNN, ESPN and USA Today, and target only a true cannabis business audience.

“Just like real estate is all about ‘location, location, location’, successful marketing relies on ‘targeting, targeting, targeting.’ This is the power of the new ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel.’ You can now advertise almost everywhere online, but reach ONLY the audience you want to target,” said Jake Litke, CEO of MediaJel.

3.2 Million Devices

In addition, those 500,000 digital fingerprints were matched to more than 3.2 million devices (including phones, tablets and desktop computers), and the ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel’ can be targeted on all of those 3.2 million devices.

The beauty of programmatic advertising is the frequency with which you can reach your targeted audience. CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) tend to be around $20, so for a $10K campaign, you are able to show 500,000 impressions (or ad units) to your targeted audience. The goal is typically to show your banners to a specific person between 20-30 times in order to drive engagement (that’s the modern equivalent of the ‘7X’ marketers used to use as a Golden Rule).If you do the math, if you have 500,000 impressions, you have a chance to show your banners/ads to 16,666 professionals – 30X each (16,666 individuals X 30 times = 500,000 impressions).

In addition, programmatic advertising is based on optimization; if a campaign starts off showing ads on 2,000 sites, the optimization engine begins to show more ads on sites producing clicks, so the campaign is continuously improving as it runs longer –  like fine wine, it gets better with age.

What Type of Advertiser Should Take Advantage of the ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel’?

If you’re looking to sell your products and services to the cannabis & hemp business community, the ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel’ is for you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re promoting payment processing, insurance, lighting, packaging, vape hardware, wholesale CBD, consulting services or technology, your target is the same – cannabis business owners and cannabis business professionals.

That’s the audience we’ve amassed on the ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel’- a super targeted list of cannabis business owners and professionals … And they’re waiting to hear from YOU.

For more information on the ‘Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel,’ please reach out to us at



Catalyst Cannabis Sues Glass House Brands Alleging Illegal Product Diversion

California-based Catalyst Cannabis last week filed a lawsuit against Glass House Brands Inc. alleging the company “has become one of the largest, if not the largest, black marketers of cannabis” in the state.  

The lawsuit, claiming violations of the state’s Business & Professions Code, comes about a month after Catalyst CEO Elliot Lewis took to social media in front of a whiteboard and made similar claims about Glass House using “fourth-grade math” and its May 15 First Quarter 2023 Financial Results to allege that Glass House is “the biggest black marketeer … in the history of the United States.”  

In the lawsuit, Catalyst says that prior to the May 15 report, Glass House had indicated that cannabis cultivation capacity in California had dropped 21%, flower prices fell over 20%, and there are 1,200 fewer active cultivation licenses; but meanwhile, the company’s report predicts a 62% increase in its own cannabis production from 2022 to 2023. In the May 15 report, Glass House also estimates its revenues would increase “upwards of $160 million.”     

The lawsuit contends that Glass House “has specifically and intentionally structured its business operations to capitalize on the black market and to separate its legal operations from its illegal operations.”

“Separate and apart from its legal distribution channels [Glass House Brands] maintains a network of distributors specifically to handle the illicit black market sales of its cannabis,” the lawsuit contends, further claiming that by using Glass House’s own, publicly available information, it can be determined that in the fourth quarter of 2022 “upwards of 75%” of Glass House’s sales during the reporting period “were outside the legal market.”    

Further, the lawsuit claims that Catalyst “has received information indicating that in many (if not most or all cases) [Glass House Brands] employees themselves seek out and make deals directly with black marketers, both in California and other states … and then use burner distros as ‘brokers’ or middle-men to transport the cannabis to illicit purchasers/users.” 

The lawsuit describes “burner distros” as companies that are “generally licensed with the state but evade the payment of state taxation, as well as various safety and other regulations and controls, by selling to the black market.” The lawsuit does not name these companies.   

“The dual channels approach permitted [Glass House] to substantially benefit from illegal sales while also ensuring prices in the legal market did not collapse entirely. … The dual channel structure it has employed is a huge ‘win-win’ for [Glass House Brands], but a huge loss for Catalyst and other legal operators who lose sales to illegal dispensaries and are required to actually pay the mandated taxes that are not paid in the black market transactions.” — Catalyst in the complaint 

The lawsuit claims Glass House “engaged in illegal, fraudulent and unfair acts and business practices” calling for the activity to be “preliminarily and permanently enjoined.”  

In an email to Ganjapreneur, Lewis said he had three objectives for filing the lawsuit: “overall state tax reform,” forcing Glass House “to stop flooding the black market with their product,” and to “keep diversity of product or craft farmers in the marketplace without giving what should be a clearly broken business model the ability to kill off small farmers…by using the black market as a piggy bank.”   

“I think glasshouse is super unique case and I have wrestled with the filing of the litigation internally in my head quite a bit. And even today I continue to wrestle with it, and even more so, the ‘landing of the plane,’” Lewis wrote in the email. “Take off is much easier. Sometimes intention and outcome aren’t the same thing. We strive to play it day to day and try to make it so there is good outcome from all. If [Glass House] took reasonable measures to stop flooding the Black Market today, I would happily drop the lawsuit.” 

Lewis added that he “had no intention” to get “involved in anybody’s personal business affairs” but that Glass House’s claims “seemed over the top and so hypocritical” and their actions “harmful to the industry as a whole.” 

The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.  

Glass House did not respond to requests for comment. 


Report: New Mexico Cannabis Industry Employs 4,600+ Workers

A report by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions found that at the end of last year, the state’s cannabis industry employed more than 4,600 workers and about 88% of those workers were employed by dispensaries.   

According to the report, the vast majority of cannabusinesses in the state were retailers (112), followed by agricultural (21), manufacturing (10), wholesale trade (4), and all other sectors (4). 

Agricultural workers comprised 3.7% of cannabis industry workers, with the manufacturing sector employing 3%, wholesale trade employing 2.6%, and all other sectors employing 2.4%, the report says.  

Cannabis industry workers in New Mexico earned an average weekly wage of $560 a week during the fourth quarter of 2022, the report says, which was lower than all other industries in the state except for accommodation and food service, which had an average weekly wage of $474. The agency also found that cannabis industry wages have fluctuated since the first quarter of 2021 – when the average weekly wage was $655. The industry’s weekly wage peaked in the fourth quarter of 2021 at $715, according to the data, but fell the following quarter to $588, before rising to $622 in the second quarter of 2022, and $661 in the third quarter.  

The fourth quarter weekly wage in 2022 was the lowest since the first quarter of 2021.   


Lawsuits Filed After Montana Gov. Vetoes Bill to Fund Roads Using Cannabis Taxes

Two lawsuits in Montana are challenging Gov. Greg Gianforte’s veto of a bill that would have used cannabis taxes as a supplement to county road maintenance funding, the Great Falls Tribune reports. The lawsuits, filed by the Montana Association of Counties (MACo) and the Montana Wildlife Federation, allege the governor violated the state’s constitution by waiting until after the state Senate session ended before submitting his veto of the legislation. 

The lawsuits also name Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen as a defendant, claiming she has failed to call for a poll of state legislators to potentially overturn the governor’s veto.    

In an interview with the Tribune, Roman Zylawy, MACo president and Mineral County commissioner, said “The Legislature’s constitutional check on the executive branch is critical to Montana’s legislative process.” 

“The intent of our Constitution is clear. The Legislature must be given fair opportunity to override a veto.” — Zylawy to the Tribune 

The bill, SB442, would have allocated 20% of the tax revenues generated by cannabis sales to counties for road maintenance and would have amounted to about a $10.4 million annual supplement across the budgets of Montana’s 56 counties. 

Gianforte, a Republican, said during legislative debate that his preference was to spend the funds on public safety and law enforcement, the report says. On May 2, the last day of the Montana Senate’s session, Gianforte’s veto of the bill was not delivered to the state Senate leadership before the session had been dismissed, thus depriving lawmakers of the opportunity to override the governor’s veto. The law had been approved by 130 lawmakers from both chambers of the legislature on both sides of the aisle. 

“Adopting the approach of Senate Bill 442 creates a slippery slope, an incentive for local jurisdictions to reduce their services while keeping taxes higher on their citizens,” Gianforte wrote in his veto letter. “Instead of cutting citizens’ taxes proportionately, they can reallocate those dollars to capricious, unnecessary projects, resulting in the net increase of Montanan’s tax burden.” 

Petroleum County Commissioner Craig Iverson said the governor’s view that the funds would be used for “capricious, unnecessary projects” did not align with the reality of county budgets.  

“There’s no fluff anywhere, no capricious projects at all,” Iverson told the Tribune. “We struggle with the amount of money that we’re given trying to get across 550 miles of roads and do a good job. We enjoy that the recreationalists can come out to Petroleum County and do what they do, but it’s sure hard on the locals to maintain a road that we would like to have and use as well.” 

The lawsuits demand that Gianforte be required to return the bill, along with his reasons for the veto, to the Secretary of State’s Office, and that the secretary of state poll the legislature to determine whether a two-thirds majority exists to overturn the veto. 


Barney’s Farm Launches With Fast & Secure Local Shipping

The renowned cannabis seed bank Barney’s Farm has launched their USA website The launch will bring the finest cannabis seeds, straight from the source, to cannabis enthusiasts across the nation. And with all seeds shipped from their USA warehouse, you can expect quick delivery to any state!

From humble beginnings to global giants

Barney’s Farm, founded in the 1980s by Derry, began as a small venture in the Netherlands, driven by a passion for cannabis genetics and a commitment to innovation. Over the years, the brand has garnered an exceptional reputation for its premium cannabis strains, winning numerous awards and global recognition.

Barney’s Farm quickly became a household name among cannabis aficionados, with its Amsterdam-based coffeeshop attracting visitors from around the world.

The secret behind Barney’s Farm’s success lies in its commitment to quality, innovation, and the pursuit of the finest cannabis genetics. By tirelessly traveling the globe and collaborating with experienced breeders, the team at Barney’s Farm has created a diverse and unparalleled collection of cup winning strains, each with its own unique characteristics, flavours, and effects.

Embracing the US market

The launch of the USA-based website is a strategic move by Barney’s Farm, as they recognize the tremendous growth of the American cannabis industry and its potential for further expansion. With more and more states legalizing cannabis for medical and recreational use, the demand for high-quality seeds is on the rise. Barney’s Farm aims to cater to this growing market by providing a user-friendly platform that offers their entire collection of premium cannabis seeds.

The new website not only makes it easier for US customers to access Barney’s Farm’s extensive catalog, but it also streamlines the purchasing process, offering secure payment options and speedy shipping from their USA warehouse to any state. This move reaffirms Barney’s Farm’s commitment to their American customers, ensuring they receive the same top-notch service and products that European customers have enjoyed for years. Wholesale services will also be available.

Unmatched quality

As a customer of Barney’s Farm’s new USA website, you can expect nothing less than the best. From legendary strains like Pineapple Chunk and Critical Kush to innovative new cultivars such as Glookies and Blue Gelato 41, the options are vast and cater to every taste, preference, and experience level.

Whether you’re a home grower seeking high-yielding strains, a medical user in search of specific therapeutic effects, or a connoisseur on the lookout for unique terpene profiles and flavors, Barney’s Farm has you covered. With detailed descriptions and in-depth information on each strain, you can make informed decisions and embark on your cannabis cultivation journey with confidence.

And here’s a special tip: sign up for Barney’s Farm newsletter to joinin the community of savvy growers who receive exclusive free seed offers and promotions, available only to Barney’s Farm’s loyal subscribers.

The launch of Barney’s Farm’s US-based operation marks an exciting new chapter for cannabis enthusiasts across the nation. With a wealth of knowledge, unparalleled quality, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Barney’s Farm is set to become the go-to source for premium cannabis seeds in the United States. Sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date on exclusive offers and promotions, ensuring you never miss out on the best deals.


Leafly Removes Articles Investigating Worker Death at Trulieve Facility

Online cannabis platform Leafly recently removed two in-depth articles investigating the death of cannabis worker Lorna McMurrey, 27, who passed away after collapsing during her shift at a Trulieve cannabis factory in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Mike Crawford, the host of The Young Jurks podcast in Massachusetts, which broke the news of McMurrey’s death, first posted about the articles’ removal last week on LinkedIn.

Leafly, which closed down its newsroom in March after reporting financial difficulties, offered no explanation for why the stories were pulled, according to a WeedWeek report investigating the missing articles.

Part 1 and Part 2 of Leafly’s removed investigative series can still be accessed via the Internet Wayback Machine. Written by Dave Howard, the articles focus on the cause of McMurrey’s death — the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) originally concluded that McMurrey had died from inhaling “ground cannabis dust” but months later called it the result of a deadly asthma attack — and whether the tragedy had revealed unrecognized worker safety concerns in the cannabis industry.

Howard told WeedWeek that he didn’t know why the articles were removed:

“I worked hard on that series, as did my editor, and we felt it had the potential to help people in the industry. Anytime you have the chance to help someone avoid health problems, you take it.” — Howard, via WeedWeek

Trulieve, a Florida-based multi-state cannabis operator, paid a $14,502 settlement to OSHA in January over the incident and agreed to investigate the potential dangers of ground cannabis dust. Meanwhile, the company recently announced its departure from the Massachusetts state market.


New York Lawmakers Approve Bill to Allow Farmers to Sell Cannabis to Tribes

New York lawmakers have approved a bill to allow licensed cannabis farmers to sell their products to tribal nations that have launched their own cannabis markets, WRGB reports. The approval comes amidst the state’s slow retail rollout, while dispensaries have opened on tribal land throughout the state. 

New York has licensed about 300 growers and 40 processors but there are just 12 licensed dispensaries statewide.   

Jason Ambrosino, the owner of Veterans Hemp Market and Veterans Holdings, told WRGB that his company is sitting on “closer to $325,000 worth of product” because of the lack of retailers. 

The Shinnecock Nation and Seneca Nation both expressed support for the bill.  

Tela Troge, Esq. vice-chairperson for the Shinnecock Nation Cannabis Regulatory Division, said the bill is “beneficial for consumers who will enjoy increased access to safe and tested recreational product.”  

“… It will provide near immediate relief to farmers who are in great financial distress due to lack of a market for their product, while opening a meaningful market for New York’s Tribal Nations.” — Troge to WRGB 

In a letter to the bill’s sponsors, the Seneca Nation said it believes the measure “reflects the type of commonsense partnership between sovereigns by allowing Native Nation-regulated retailers to purchase cannabis and cannabis products that otherwise may be wasted.” 

The measure still requires the governor’s signature before becoming law.


Connecticut Cannabis Sales Reach $23M in May

Combined adult-use and medical cannabis sales in Connecticut totaled nearly $23 million in May, according to state Department of Consumer Protection data. Adult-use sales topped $11.5 million during the month, while medical cannabis sales reached $11.2 million. 

During the month, 312,758 medical cannabis products were sold, with an average price of $35.86, while adult-use consumers purchased 292,054 products, with an average price of $39.47.  

Adult-use sales totals in May were the highest since the launch of legal sales in January, topping the previous record of $10.2 million recorded in April. Medical cannabis sales fell slightly in May from the $11.4 million recorded the previous month. 

The average adult-use cannabis product price also reached its lowest level since adult-use sales commenced but fell only slightly from April’s average price of $39.48. Medical cannabis sales have remained stable but May’s average product price was the second lowest since January.  

The prices reported by the agency do not include taxes, which are based on milligrams of total THC for edibles and concentrates. Flower sales include the state’s usual 6.35% sales tax, a 3% tax that goes to the municipality where the sale occurs, and a tax based on THC content. Medical cannabis sales are untaxed.  


Ottawa Public Health Wants Cannabis Packaging to Feature Graphic Warnings Similar to Cigarettes

Regulators in Ottawa, Canada are seeking to put graphic warning labels on cannabis product packaging that are similar to those on cigarettes, the CBC reports. The recommendation from Ottawa Public Health (OPH) comes as the federal government is seeking recommendations to Health Canada to update cannabis rules.  

Under the OPH proposal, cannabis products packaging would “include graphic health warnings, similar to cigarette packages.” Cigarette packaging in Canada includes images of severe health problems caused by smoking. Cannabis packaging in Canada is required to be plain, with only a standardized cannabis symbol and warning message, and product information.     

“Research on cannabis shows that plain packaging and health warnings reduces brand appeal and increases health knowledge among youth and young adults.” — OPH in its submissions to Health Canada via CBC 

OPH also wants to ban words on cannabis products that could appeal to children, like “candies,” and seeks to prohibit companies from using “shapes, sprinkles, and colors” for edibles, which could also appeal to children. 

As Health Canada seeks to update the rules, the Competition Bureau, Canada’s competition watchdog, has recommended that the nation loosen some if its rules, including allowing higher THC limits in edibles, and easing packaging restrictions, the CBC reports. The group is also recommending that regulators review the licensing process and related regulatory compliance costs to ensure that they are minimally intrusive to competition.  


Feds to Investigate Former Oregon Secretary of State’s Relationship with Cannabis Company Owners

Federal criminal investigators in late May sent subpoenas to five Oregon agencies for records concerning former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan and the owners of cannabis company La Mota, Aaron Mitchell and Rosa Cazares, whom Fagan worked for as a private consultant, Oregon Public Broadcasting reports. 

Fagan stepped down from her government role on May 8 after it was discovered that she had taken the consultant role and her office had prepared an audit of state cannabis regulations that was viewed as favorable to cannabis companies.  

Following her resignation, the state launched two investigations – one into whether Fagan broke state ethics laws, and another focused on the audit. 

Federal prosecutors have convened a grand jury focused on the scandal, although it’s unclear the nature of the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight, chief of the office’s economic crimes unit, in late May sent the subpoenas to the Secretary of State’s Office, the Oregon Department of Revenue, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC), and the Department of Administrative Services, seeking records back to 2018. 

Prior to her resignation, Fagan said he had “faithfully followed Oregon’s ethics rules and laws.” 

From the OLCC, federal officials requested documents regarding the audit carried out under Fagan’s tenure, along with any records dealing with Cazares or Mitchell, and “any communications to or from Shemia Fagan regarding the marijuana/cannabis industry,” among other thing, according to the documents outlined by OPB.  

From the Secretary of State’s Office, investigators requested records related to Fagan’s employment, schedules, travel itineraries, use of official credit cards, call and text records, and campaign finance records. They’re also seeking communications with Cazares and Mitchell and records of the couple’s campaign finance contributions. 

From the Ethics Commission, investigators subpoenaed documents related to “Ethical discussions, questions and or conflicts of interest related to Shemia Fagan and/or her election campaigns” and from the Department of Revenue, “Any communications to or from Shemia Fagan regarding Aaron Mitchell and or Rosa Cazares.” 


Oregon Lawmakers Vote to Crack Down on Landowners Who Allow Illegal Cannabis Grows

Oregon lawmakers have approved a bill to crackdown on landowners who allow cannabis to be grown on their property illegally, Oregon Public Broadcasting reports. The law comes after police seized more than 100 tons of illegal cannabis cultivated across the state last year. 

The illegal sites often lead to environmental damage and are not remediated by the criminal grower or landowner after they are shut down by law enforcement. Under the measure, local governments are authorized to file a claim of lien against property used for illicit cannabis cultivation, if the owner doesn’t pay for the cleanup. The bill also bans the use of rivers or groundwater at the illegal site and criminalizes seizing the identity papers of migrant workers who tend the plants or threatening to report them for deportation. 

The measure was opposed by many Republicans, including state Sen. Dennis Linthicum, who, during debate, described the measure as “an assault on property rights.” 

Jackson County Sheriff Nathan Sickler said the waste and refuse left by the illegal grows are “an eyesore” for the community and police have “no means to deal with it.” 

Gov. Tina Kotek is expected to sign the bill into law and it will take effect immediately after her signature. Elisabeth Shepard, Kotek’s spokesperson, told OPB that “The governor supports cracking down on illegal cannabis operations that have been prevalent in southern Oregon.” 

Current Oregon law allows for a maximum of four homegrown cannabis plants per household.


Antigua and Barbuda Authorizes Rastafari to Grow & Consume Cannabis

The Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda has granted Rastafari officials authorization to grow and consume cannabis as their faith considers the plant sacred, the Associated Press reports. In an interview with the AP, Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne said the reforms are meant to prevent further discrimination of the Rastafari and bring respect to their culture and faith. 

Browne noted that the nation has already decriminalized cannabis and legalized medical cannabis but wanted to take the next step – “to legalize the use of marijuana for sacramental purposes,” which he notes “most countries have not implemented.”   

“We pride ourselves as an all inclusive government, and we believe that we have to provide a space for everyone at the table, irrespective of their religion. … We believe that we have to be inclusive, just as we have recognized other faiths, we think that it’s absolutely important for us to also ensure that the Rastafari faith is also acknowledged, and they too should be given the opportunity to worship.” — Browne to the AP 

Browne said that the nation has also “created a space for a form of reparatory justice for Rastafari,” including waving fees for cannabis companies owned by Rastafari. 

“When you look at Rastafari within the Caribbean for the last several decades … they were castigated or brutalized or killed, and they stood their ground to the extent that many of their practices are now being embraced globally,” Browne said in the interview. “Who would expect that there’d be a global movement today to move towards the decriminalization and certainly the legalization of marijuana or cannabis globally? And I think that the Rastafari movement in the Caribbean should take credit for that global development.” 


Rhode Island Expunges 23K Cannabis Possession Charges

The Rhode Island Judiciary has so far expunged 23,000 criminal records related to cannabis possession, WPRI reports. The affected cases include 3,015 in Superior Court, 10,650 in District Court, and 9,952 in the Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal. 

The expungement provisions were included in the state’s adult-use cannabis law, which was signed by Gov. Dan McKee over a year ago.  

In an interview with WPRI, State Court Administrator Julie Hamil called the automatic expungements “an organizational feat.” 

“There has been coordination at every level of the judiciary to execute this process in a timely and holistic fashion.” — Hamil to WPRI 

The law included an April 30 deadline to complete the expungement process for singular, simple cannabis possession charges, and officials met that requirement. The second phase of the expungement process will focus on cases where cannabis possession was one of multiple charges or counts. The Rhode Island Judiciary indicated that the courts are on track to complete the expungement process for those cases by July 1. 

Mavis Nimoh, executive director for the Center for Health and Justice Transformation described the process as “seamless,” adding that “so many Rhode Islanders are grateful for its expediency.”    

“Common sense policy on criminal record relief is desperately needed as the state enters into a burgeoning economy that for far too long has penalized its citizens,” Nimoh said. 


New Mexico Rolls Out ‘Yes & Know’ Cannabis Public Education Campaign

New Mexico is rolling out its first media campaign to educate the public about responsible cannabis use, the Associated Press reports. The “Yes & Know” campaign is centered around the phrase “Yes – cannabis is legal. Know – the rules,” and will be featured on billboards, TV, radio, print, and digital advertisements throughout this month.

The ad buy is worth $400,000. 

Linda Trujillo, who heads the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department, which oversees the cannabis division, told the AP that state officials “recognize the need for education in this new cannabis industry.” 

“This campaign opens the conversation for responsible storage and safe cannabis consumption.” — Trujillo to the AP

The campaign features low and slow messaging, urging consumers to start with low doses and go slow. It also tells people proper ways to store cannabis, not to take it across state lines or drive impaired, and to keep it out of reach of children and pets.  

Earlier this year, the state Transportation Department held a summit to increase awareness of the risks associated with driving under the influence of cannabis and to look at evidence-based approaches for preventing impaired driving, the report says, noting that police in Albuquerque have not noticed a significant increase in cannabis-related traffic accidents or other crimes.  


Teamsters File Unfair Labor Practices Charges Against Green Thumb Industries

Chicago’s Teamsters Local 777 on Thursday filed additional Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges against Green Thumb Industries (GTI), the parent company of RISE dispensaries, after the workers embarked upon a 13-day strike and claim the company spied on them by reading messages in a private Discord server and diverted hours from part-time employees who participated in the strike, giving them to temporary workers.

In a statement, Jim Glimco, Local 777 president said the union is “disappointed, but not surprised, by this latest turn of events.”

“This is the same employer that has lied repeatedly to both its staff and the general public about its conduct. We hoped for GTI to change its behavior but hope and expectation are two very different things.” — Glimco in a press release 

The nearly two-week strike is the longest unfair labor practices strike at a cannabis retailer in U.S. history, the union said.  

Peter Finn, Teamsters Western Region International vice President and Food Processing Division director, added that GTI’s “continued refusal to respect federal law has led them to lose revenue, operational stability, and the trust of their workforce.” 

“Unfortunately, this is not a company that has learned its lesson,” Finn said in a statement. “If they keep committing ULPs, we will keep filing charges.” 

In an email to MJBizDaily, GTI said it regrets that the union is “choosing to continue their campaign of misinformation, distraction, and delay rather than focus on making progress at the bargaining table.” The company denied the spying claims, saying it “had no means of doing so.” 

“We are confident that this baseless allegation will not stand up to scrutiny,” the company said in the email to MJBizDaily. “In the meantime, we are ready and eager to continue working toward an agreement that meets the needs of our employees and the business.” 


From Cannabis to Crops and Water: Farmer Tom Pivots to Environmental Ambassador

Farmer Tom Lauerman, longtime advocate and cannabis educator, takes on a new role with Natura Solve, a company focused on natural solutions for agriculture and pollution control in soil and water.

VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON June 5, 2023 — Social media and the world of cannabis lit up in support for Farmer Tom Lauerman, as he made what he’s calling a ‘pivot’ into the world of biological soil and water treatments. Teaming up with Natura Solve after two years of trying their SoilMix product for himself, Farmer Tom is now looking forward to doing his part to help heal the planet and support global food and water supply, as an Environmental Ambassador.

The irony is, Natura Solve’s first step into agriculture started with cannabis. Though she’d tried, Natura Solve’s CEO Jennifer Mitchell had hit a wall with farmers when first looking to test the product. With a background in business and entrepreneurs as parents, she understood their perspective. “We’re literally asking them to bet the farm when we invite them to try our product. Their families, communities — our food supply — all are at risk. It’s a tough move, but one we’re here for with them. With fertilizer pricing and water scarcity, we know they’ll need support moving forward.”

The first product tested went into the ground pre-market, in 2014. There was a young man named Brooke Golling who, though he didn’t use cannabis, saw an opportunity with the Farm Bill. His parents were at retirement age and their small Oregon farm was struggling, so Brooke went to work. He converted one farm and gave the new soil amendment a shot. His plants, and business, grew. After adding two additional farms, Brooke was doing well in his local community and serving the globe through his work in multiple non-profits. In the town that Brooke called home before a tragic avalanche accident claimed his life, there are t-shirts with the message “Love grows with love given” as an homage to Golling, and rarely a person that’s gotten a new start around him, doesn’t name him as a critical part of their success story. Natura Solve was no different, and Golling provided a start for a small company with a big dream. Cleaning the earth and healing the planet. It was a message that coalesced Golling all those years ago, and today, with Farmer Tom and his dedication to farmers, the planet, and Her people.

“A few years ago, I received some samples of this remarkable product, and I must say, the results have been nothing short of amazing,” says Farmer Tom, “Being a farmer, I’ve always strived to enhance the growth and productivity of my plants. Since incorporating Natura Solve into my routine, I’ve witnessed a remarkable transformation. The growth of my plants has increased, giving me healthier and more robust crops. But that’s not all. The flower and fruit production has also increased. It’s a sight to behold—the abundance of colorful blossoms and the bountiful harvests have exceeded my expectations.” Coming from a Federally recognized cannabis grower, and one with access to just about any product he’d like to use, the team at Natura Solve saw an opportunity to work together to grow, and invited Farmer Tom to join the team.

“As an Environmental Ambassador, I’ll have the opportunity to use what I’ve learned to really help people. I see this move as my way of benefitting more farms, families, and the planet. To have the opportunity to promote a product that can help to save the Earth is really an honor.”

So, what is an Environmental Ambassador?

Similar to a brand ambassador, Farmer Tom’s role will be to speak up on behalf of the environment, giving a voice to the unheard plants and animals, bugs and fungi. His job will be to promote ways to get involved with the environment, to clean up after industrial waste and biological contamination, and provide solutions for a healthy ecology. Similar to his start in cannabis, Natura Solve is in a new market and the groundwork for bioaugmentation, the methodology behind Natura Solve’s SoilMix and WaterMix, needs to be laid around the globe. Tom’s no stranger to showing up for those that need help. From 2016 until 2019, he went to between forty-five and forty-nine events per year, meeting with supporters and adversaries alike. His work led to widespread change, with even the term that the Federal Government used to use for cannabis, ‘marijuana,’ changed to better reflect the health and medical implications of the plant. “We got people their medicine for fifty dollars a month if they could afford it. If not, we figured it out.” Now, the planet needs healing, and Farmer Tom is once again at the ready. Having had years of using the products he’ll now be promoting, the focus will be on leveraging his experience and the strength of the product, to increase productivity in a way that benefits the environment. “One aspect that has truly impressed me is the efficient use of resources. With Natura Solve, I’ve been able to reduce my water and nutrient consumption. It’s not only environmentally friendly but also economically beneficial, allowing me to optimize my farming practices.” After following up with the company’s owner, Jennifer Mitchell, Tom learned about the other uses and implications for the natural products he’d been using on his plants, and he started testing those applications, with similarly compelling results. “I sprayed my porta potty, which was just about full. Within about 10 days, there was almost nothing left but water!”

Natura Solve’s product uses natural and benign bacteria and fungi, held in a molasses base. Though the solution is simple to use, the impacts are manyfold. Heavy metals, chemicals, and pathogens are just three of the areas where the SoilMix and WaterMix have an impact. Nutrient runoff that produces algae is another heavy hitter, with an average of twenty-one days to clean up waterways and aquariums laden with sheets of green algae, or with toxic Cyanobacteria. As an Environmental Ambassador, Farmer Tom will help with promoting the implementation of Natura Solve’s sustainable solutions.

“We’ve got SoilMix and WaterMix already in the market, and we’ll be adding our SaltwaterMix and Kirk’s Toilet Mix (a solution designed for aerobic and anaerobic sewage conditions) this year as well. We have a list of technologies, application equipment and more that we are ready to bring to market,” says Mitchell, “and Farmer Tom is an exciting addition that I believe will help take our outcomes to a whole new level, while enabling our team to bring more sustainable solutions to the globe. Our goals are lofty, but we’ve made big impacts everywhere from St George, Utah, to Kenya and Uganda. We’re excited to have Tom on board and look forward to seeing what we can all do together.”

As for Farmer Tom, he’s excited about all of the support he’s gotten from the world of cannabis. From his first event to his last encounter, “Everyone is just really happy for me. They tell me I totally deserve it,” says Farmer Tom, “They know how dedicated I am to the Earth and this is the next step to help.” Farmer Tom has made multiple announcements on his social media accounts and will be traveling to events across multiple markets. Ranches, wastewater treatment plants, mine sites and industrial cleanup will all now become a part of his schedule. If you’d like more information, or to have Farmer Tom at your upcoming event, he can be reached at Farmer Tom at
