Proposal in Mexico Would Decriminalize an Ounce, Free Some Drug Offenders

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is pushing for lawmakers in his country to raise the limit on decriminalized marijuana for personal use from five to 28 grams, according to an Associated Press report.

His proposal also asks Mexico’s Congress to free people on trial or incarcerated for possessing up to one ounce and would allow the use and importation of cannabis-based medicine. Possessing larger amounts would remain punishable under the country’s drug trafficking laws.

Last November, Mexico’s Supreme Court approved an appeal by members of anti-crime group Mexico United Against Crime, and marijuana activists Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Consumption. The groups argued that they have the right to grow and distribute cannabis for personal use. The court’s criminal chamber ruled in their favor – recognizing an individual’s freedom to take part in recreational activities harmless to others is a principle of human rights – but the ruling only applies to the groups’ petitions, according to a New York Times report.

“We Mexicans know all too well the range and the defects of prohibitionist and punitive policies, and of the so-called war on drugs that has prevailed for 40 years,” Pena Nieto said. “Our country has suffered, as few have, the ill effects of organized crime tied to drug trafficking.”

According to Peña Nieto, if enacted, the move would effectively decriminalize consumption in the country, and keep pace with a “gradually emerging” worldwide consensus to reform drug policies.


Prominent Rabbi Rules Cannabis Kosher for Passover

A major Ashkenazi rabbi has ruled that using cannabis for medical purposes is kosher for Passover.

In the past, cannabis has been included in the group of legumes, or kitniyos, which, until last December, were banned during Passover (grains remain forbidden).

The Times of Israel, though, has reported that Belarusian rabbi Chaim Kanievsky said that Jews of any lineage may use the drug for medical purposes this Passover.

In a video uploaded to YouTube by the pro-legalization group Cannabis Israel, Rabbi Kanievsky, an 88-year resident of Bnei Brak, a city east of Tel Aviv, blesses a group of cannabis leaves. In the video, two Jewish men, among them another prominent rabbi, inform Kanievsky that the plant and its odor are medicinal before blessing the leaves.

There is precedent for the ruling: Orthodox rabbi Efraim Zalmanovich ruled in 2013 that cannabis was kosher if used medicinally. He said that taking drugs to escape the world is “certainly forbidden,” but that those who use the drug for medical purposes are not breaking Jewish law.

Cannabis use remains illegal for recreational use in Israel, but doctors prescribe it for patients undergoing chemotherapy or experiencing chronic pain.


D.C. Marijuana Activists to Meet With White House Officials on Monday

Adam Eidinger, the activist behind the Washington D.C smoke-in, will meet with White House officials for a “Bud Summit” on Monday, where they will likely discuss changing marijuana’s Schedule 1 status.

The White House confirmed the meeting after Eidinger’s group, DCMJ, announced it via press release, The Washington Post reports.

It appears the smoke-in — during which activists carried a 51-foot replica joint adorned with the phrase “Obama, Deschedule Cannabis Now!” and lit up publicly — caught the attention of officials. Eidinger had previously written letters asking for a meeting but had not received any response.

It is not clear if Eidinger, along with a small group of advocates, will meet with Obama’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, and he declined to comment on who exactly had invited him. Obama’s drug policy advisors have met with other national pro-cannabis groups.

“As a former cannabis (and current?) user, you know firsthand that cannabis does not belong in the Controlled Substances Act,” Eidinger wrote in a letter addressed to the president last month.

Marijuana remains federally prohibited despite its legalized status in Colorado, Washington, Alaska and Washington, D.C. It shares the Schedule 1 distinction with heroin and ecstasy. While it is legal for medicinal use in 24 states, it remains hard to research due to its federal status.


Cannabis Marketing News

More Than Half of Americans Have Tried Cannabis, Poll Shows

A new CBS poll indicates that more than half of Americans have experimented with cannabis.

This is a significant eight percentage point increase from last year’s poll, in which 43 percent of Americans admitted to having tried marijuana. Cannabis use appears to remain most popular among men and citizens under the age of 65.

The poll also found that 56 percent of Americans believe that marijuana should be made legal, a rise of three points from the last time CBS posed the question. Support for cannabis reform continues to be most popular among male voters and voters under the age of 65. The legalization issue also remains split along party lines, with the majority of Democrats in support of legalization and the majority of Republicans opposed.

Legal access to medical marijuana continues to enjoy wide support: nearly nine out of ten Americans believe doctors should be allowed to prescribe small amounts of cannabis if they believe it would be beneficial.

Most Americans believe that legalization should be a states rights issue, and that the federal government shouldn’t play a role regarding the legality of cannabis.

The general poll results list a four point margin of error, and the poll was conducted April 8-12 using a random sample of 1,020 adults from around the country.


Illinois Senate Passes Bill to Decriminalize Cannabis

The Illinois Senate has approved a bill removing criminal penalties for the possession of a personal cannabis stash, reports the Marijuana Policy Project.

Senate Bill 2228 was passed with a 40-14 vote on Tuesday, and now goes to the House for consideration.

The law would make possession of up to 10 grams of cannabis punishable by a civil fine of $100-$200. Jail sentences would no longer be applicable for such an infraction. Also, the civil offense would be automatically expunged from the violator’s record, meaning that small-time cannabis possession will no longer risk staining someone’s permanent record.

“We need to replace Illinois’s current patchwork of marijuana possession laws with a consistent standard that will be applied fairly across the state,” said Sen. Heather Steans (D-Chicago), who introduced the bill. “People should not be sent to jail for an offense that would have been punishable by a small fine if it had occurred a few miles down the road. It’s irrational, it’s unpredictable, and it’s unjust.”

More than 100 communities across Illinois have already reformed the criminal penalties for marijuana possession.

Current state law carries a penalty of up to 30 days in jail for the possession of 2.5 grams of cannabis or less. Between 10 and 30 grams could land a person in jail for a year, in addition to the fines. And no matter the amount carried, the state can currently issue up to $1,500 in fines for possession.


Jeff Church: Adding Terpenes to Cannabis Products

Jeff Church is the Vice President of Research and Process Development at Thinc Pure, a leading extract manufacturer in Washington State. He is a renowned hash expert and helped break the story of Rosin Tech when we reported on the now-ubiquitous extraction method last year. Jeff recently joined our host Shango Los for a conversation about a new cannabis trend: the idea of extracting pure terpenes to add flavors to cannabis products. In the interview, Jeff talks about the finer points of operating an extraction machine to isolate terpenes, why this process is becoming popular, and how people go about adding terps to their cannabis products.

Listen to the episode via the media player below, or scroll down for the full transcript!

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Shango Los: Hello and welcome to the podcast. I am your host Shango Los. The podcast gives us an opportunity to speak directly to entrepreneurs, cannabis growers, product developers, and cannabis medicine researchers all focused on making the most of cannabis normalization. As your host I do my best to bring you original cannabis industry ideas that will ignite your own entrepreneurial spark and give you actual information, to improve you business strategy and improve your health and the health of cannabis patients everywhere.

Today my guest is Jeff Church. Jeff Church is Vice President of Research and Process Development at Thinc Pure. Over the last 20 years Jeff has worked with every modern extraction method and enjoys researching ancient hash making techniques. Jeff Church is also know online as Reverend Cannabis and today he is here to talk with me about fortifying cannabis products with extra terpenes. Welcome back to the show Jeff.

Jeff Church: Thanks for having me Shango.

Shango Los: Jeff let’s start at the very beginning by establishing for folks new to the topic why terpenes are so beneficial. Why does your extraction team work so hard to preserve terpenes in the final product that is delivered to your customer or patient?

Jeff Church: Terpenes are really the embodiment of what the different effects are that you’re going to get from different cannabis extracts. The flavor is all in the terpenes. The cannabinoids THC, CBD have their own effects but without the terpenes to modulate that effect you really have kind of a flat effect that is nothing really special.

Shango Los: In the early days I really didn’t get what terpenes were until the first time I came across citrine. I’m like “Oh like citrus.” Just like when I cut into a piece of citrus suddenly I’m feeling stimulated and happy and the world is great. Then I realized that really at the heart of cannabis is aromatherapy.

Jeff Church: Exactly. That’s precisely it. There’s many different terpenes. There’s limonene which is going to give you a really up kind of an effect. There’s myrcene which, I mean limonene — it’s from citrus as well. Myrcene which is from mangos is going to give you a relaxed effect. There’s many, many, many more terpenes: 150 of them that have been tested in cannabis.

Shango Los: Efforts to preserve terpenes began by extractors studying how best to use the technology. If you had an Eden CO2 Extractor, you were twiddling the knobs and working with your time and everything so that you could preserve enough terpenes in the end process. A lot of incredible oil is now being made because of all those efforts and shared intelligence by extractors. Now though some producers want to fortify their products with additional terpenes. It’s moved more towards adding some extra punch to your product so it either tastes better or it has more medicinal qualities. What are some of the sources of these terpenes that are being added to the final product?

Jeff Church: That’s definitely a great question. There’s 2 main categories that I see. Well, 3 really. There’s plant-based terpenes which are extracted from any plant. Limonene can be extracted from citrus. Linalool can be extracted from lavender. Humulene from hops. Myrcene from mangos but there’s also synthetic versions of those that can be created in the lab just to basically be that molecule. Those are the one direction, the one class is the natural and the synthetic.

Then there’s something called cannabis derived terpenes. Those are exactly what they say they are. They’re terpenes derived from different strains of cannabis. All these different cultivars have a unique fingerprint in them so deriving these terpenes from them really carry that effect over into your extract.

Shango Los: Is myrcene from a mango chemically the same as the myrcene that’s in cannabis?

Jeff Church: Yes it definitely is. The effect that you get from the myrcene in cannabis is the effect that you’re going to get from myrcene in mango. One caveat though is you don’t have all of the other terpenes present if you’re just extracting it from mango and you may have some terpenes that would never be present in cannabis at all that are extracted from that mango. When you have this pure myrcene it’s going to be 99.something percent pure. There’s always going to be something else in there that is from its original source.

When you’re smoking these things it’s like you’re smoking a derivative of that plant rather than smoking cannabis.

Shango Los: All right well then I must admit I’m kind of surprised because when I normally think of eating mangos I don’t think about the myrcene effect which is one of the things that I really love about indicas. A little bit of couch lock, a little bit of munchies, a little bit of body relaxation. It actually puts me second guessing my original opinion that I came into this show with that adding terpenes was totally uncool from food sources.

I’ve seen some folks that are doing pet products: CBD from hemp pet products. They’re adding terpenes from food products like mango and other things and they’re calling it “whole plant medicine,” which that’s just patently untrue, but the idea of getting a terpene from a food and then adding it to a cannabis product: I was really against it just because it felt like bringing in something alien. What are your thoughts about that?

Jeff Church: It’s definitely not something that I want to consume myself. I think that there’s a big market out there for nicotine vape pens with all these different fruit flavors and things like that. I think that there’s a market for it. Is the effect going to be there as great as it would be from cannabis? I don’t know. Just as there’s myrcene in mangos there’s going to be other things in there that are going to modulate the uptake of cannabinoids or lessen the effect of the myrcene.

Where eating a mango is not going to knock you out but having a really really myrcene high cultivar of cannabis will bring you down. It’s more of a flavoring thing I feel like when you’re extracting fruit flavors and things like that. You can get the pure terpenes and they definitely have their modulating effects but I don’t know that you’re really going to much further than getting a small amount of modulation with the flavor where cannabis it’s able to modulate the effect quite strongly.

Shango Los: Right on. That’s going to naturally fit into talking about extracting terpenes from “whole plant” cannabis but before we do that let’s hit the intentional flavoring of cartridges for a second. We’ve all smelled or some people are using nicotine pens and they’ve got Wild Cherry or Honey and Milk or whatever it is. Mostly I smell them when I’m walking down the street and somebody exhales. I’ve had 2 different companies who have intentionally added flavor to their oil cartridges. The first one was mango and I won’t say the name of the company because I didn’t care for it at all.

It tasted really cheap like if there was a mango breakfast cereal. It tasted inauthentic but then I had one last week that I got from the rep of Kurvana down in California and my god the banana. It tasted so good. It also had a terp base of actual cannabis flower so it was everything I know and I love and am familiar with with a regular cannabis terpene but then it had this little “umph” of banana and it tasted really authentic.

I was getting this information second hand and so from what I understand they actually extract their own bananas to create their own terpenes so that it tastes really good. I was like “Man while I probably wouldn’t be using a banana cartridge all the time” … it was treat. When I passed it around to people who were with me they were like “Wow. That’s really good.”

I guess while it may not be my personal preference I definitely can see the attraction to it.

Jeff Church: Exactly. It’s not like you’re going to find … actually nowadays there’s a strawberry banana flavored cultivars of cannabis. There’s many different flavors of cannabis for sure so banana is not completely foreign to the whole equation but you really hit it on the head. It has all of those other terpenes that are in the cannabis plant. If they extracted it really well, tried to preserve those terpenes the best they could, and then added in this banana flavor that they extracted in a really nice method so that you’re really getting the full embodiment of the banana then it’s going to be a pleasurable experience.

Now is the banana going to add to the modulation of the effect that you get? That’s questionable. The modulation can happen just by your enjoyment, right? If you’re really enjoying something a lot then that’s going to be pleasurable for you. It’s going to make the whole experience feel a lot better.

Shango Los: I think that’s probably the same thing that people do with banana daiquiris right?

Jeff Church: Exactly.

Shango Los: Because even though the banana is not adding anything to the modulation it’s like “Hey my drink makes me feel like I’m on a tropical vacation so I’m feeling even more festive even though I’m just at my local Mexican restaurant or whatever.”

Jeff Church: Exactly. It’s not medicinal. It’s more recreational I feel like but all recreation is medicine in my mind as well but it’s kind of weird. We have these 2 different classifications. We have the medical and we have recreational. I also believe in spiritual. I think that that would be in that recreational class of extracts.

Shango Los: Yeah I agree with you. I’m one of those people who believe that we’re all patients because even if we’re buying at a recreational store and even if really our goal is just to get high, well we’re getting high as an anti-anxiety because the rest of our life is so stressful and we want a little bit of respite and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. We’re going to take a short break and be right back. You are listening to the Ganjapreneur.Com podcast.

The Ganjapreneur.Com podcast is going to sound a little bit different going forward. We are now producing our podcast in-house so we can have more control over how they sound. We want to make them an even better listening experience for you. That means the show is going to sound a little bit less produced and whiz bang and a bit more down to earth and pleasant on the ears. We didn’t used to control the commercial content and we and many of you thought it sounded out of sync with the rest of the vibe of the show. Going forward during the commercial breaks we’re going to bring you companies that we believe in. We’re going to tell you about them. We’re going to tell you how to get in contact with them and then we’ll get right back to the show. Pretty simple really.

This change also means we are booking our own commercials now. If you want to reach out and connect with our audience in the most personal way we can offer, drop us an email at and we can talk about you becoming a commercial sponsor of the podcast. It is our hope and intention that these changes will make the podcast an even more pleasant listening experience. Thanks for listening and be a part of the Ganjapreneur family. Now back to the show.

Welcome back you are listening to the Ganjapreneur.Com podcast. I’m your host Shango Los and our guest this week is Jeff Church of Thinc Pure. Before the break we were talking about the nature of terpenes, why we extract them and use them, how they can influence us like aromatherapy. We talked about bringing in terpenes from food sources and different sources. I want to talk specifically now about extracting terpenes from whole plant cannabis because that is absolutely the rage right now.

People are talking about it in forums everywhere and the idea is that you are going to remove the entire flavor profile of a particular strain say for example Gorilla Glue and you’re going to take that whole terpene profile so that the liquid terpenes that you end with smell and taste just like Gorilla Glue. Jeff why don’t you tell us a little bit about how that found its way into extraction coolness now so people have got a little historical frame for this discussion?

Jeff Church: I think it really all started when people started to try and preserve their terpenes in their extracts. Every extraction method that there is whether it’s alcohol, CO2, Butane, Propane — you’re extracting terpenes but you’re also extracting the cannabinoids. This movement to really have just pure terpenes is the new phase of evolution in extraction. There’s many many many different ways to extract cannabinoids and terpenes together and there’s probably just as many ways to extract just terpenes.

You can do steam distillations. You can do vacuum distillations. There’s cold trapping that you can do. You can do your distillations with heat. You can do them in a cryo distillation. There’s many many many different ways to slice it but essentially what you’re doing is extracting the essential oils of the plant. Just like you would have lavender essential oils you’re extracting the essential oils of cannabis.

That smell, that taste really carries over. It’s completely potentized into something where if you have one drop of it and you smoke that on a nail it tastes like you just smoked a whole gram or so of extract.

Shango Los: I first got a good understanding of the power of it when … oh actually I was with you. It was at Emerald Cup this past year down in Sonoma County at the fairgrounds and you said “Oh man you’ve got to see this” and we went over to the United Cannabis booth and Tony Verzura was doing his demo and the place was packed.

There were all these heads all around and he was kind of explaining to people and showing how he did it and then he was painting people’s slabs. If you’ve never seen this this is something pretty cool. He was taking this really small amount of raw terpenes that he had extracted with this tiny little paint brush and then people were going up to him with slabs of oil that they said “Oh. This oil is mediocre.” Shatter or wax or something. He was painting along the slab and you could tell that there was something going on there because it was changing the coloration of it.

The person who’s slab it was was getting all super excited. Then they’d pass it back and we’d smell it and I’m like “Oh my gosh. This suddenly went from smelling like mediocre oil to the best Gorilla Glue oil everywhere.” People were really jazzed about it.

Jeff Church: Yeah I think it’s a really cool concept. You can take pretty much any extract that you have whether you’ve got a vape pen or you’ve got a slab of BHO or Rosin or Dry Sift or Bubble Hash it really doesn’t matter what it is. You can add the terpenes to that and the really cool thing about it is if you’re smoking this one extract that you have all the time you’ll hit this level where you’re not feeling the effects as much as you had been before. It’s effective. It definitely does what it’s supposed to do but you don’t really have as great of an effect.

If you just add a little bit of terpenes to it that effect is amplified quite a bit and you really get the effect of the cultivar that it was extracted from. Where you’re really used to this one kind of hash per se, adding the terpenes to it will make it a whole new world where it’s just like smoking another strain that you haven’t been smoking.

Then adding a different strain of terpenes to it will affect you in a whole different way. Whatever the effect of that original cannabis was it’s going to be mirrored in this. I think that’s really what has got a lot of people caught up in this and really turned out a lot of terpene fan boys out there.

Shango Los: Yeah. I actually saw that first person at Emerald Cup. I was hanging out in the chill room behind the Forever Flowering tent there with Eric Branstad and he had a whole bunch of really hardcore Humboldt heads there and they were passing around one of the small terpene vials that Tony was selling. I don’t remember what the strain was but they painted some onto some oil and one by one they were doing dabs and you could just see this look on their face of like salvation like the sky was going to open up. They’re like “Ah! This is a perfect terpene experience.”

It was really astonishing to see people with a really exceptional taste in cannabis to be so overjoyed by having such a flavorful dab. People were being converted right there instantly into fan boys.

Jeff Church: It is definitely the holy grail of modulation of cannabinoids. Like I said you get stuck on one variety because you’ve got a whole bunch of it and adding one drop of this just makes it a whole other world. People really look for flavor in their cannabis. They want that to carry over into the smoke. It’s really part of that enjoyment that you get from smoking cannabis. It’s the flavor. Without that it’s just a high that’s kind of flat and really not as enjoyable.

Shango Los: Right on so let’s kind of shift gears. Let’s talk a little bit about how to use these terpenes as a product developer. We’ve talked about people have been extracting terpenes in all these different ways and there’s a lot of ways that you can go about it but once you have the terpenes in your possession I’m sure that there’s more to do with it than just simply painting onto a slab at home. What are some of the applications that you have seen product developers in licensed cannabis using the terpenes for?

Jeff Church: I actually haven’t seen much in the licensed arena like 502 recreational. I haven’t really seen much at all except for terpenes that are extracted from other plants. If we’re talking cannabis derived terpenes it’s mostly been done in the medical states. I would say that Tony Verzura has been the pioneer in all of this. He’s created what he calls terp melt which is full melt bubble that he adds a drop or two to every gram and he mixes that all together. I just changes the flavor completely.

There’s terp rosin as well. People add it to their vaporizer cartridges. Some friends of mine down in California have a product that they make that’s a distillate of cannabinoids so basically the most refined cannabinoid experience that you can have out there that’s pretty much free of terpenes and then they derived from cannabis terpenes and add that back into it and put that into their vape pens. They have these cannabis derived distillate vape pens that are extremely popular because it tastes better than any dab that you’ve had before honestly.

Vaporizing it at that lower temperature is really nice. That’s another thing just as a little side note. People tend to dab in the 600 to 800 degree range, 800 being way way too hot for my taste when you’re talking about regular cannabinoids and terpenes but if you are going to dab just straight terpenes which is kind of the thing that people are doing a lot of nowadays you want to be down in the 400 degree, 4 to 450 to really get that full flavor.

There’s many different products out there. There’s people that are even putting these terpenes into edibles, not like a brownie but like a capsule. You’re adding them in there so that the modulating effects are present when you’re eating that capsule. Where before I feel like a decarbed cannabis oil where you’ve decarbed it completely. You’ve boiled most of the terpenes out of there so the effect is going to be pretty flat. It’s going to be just the THC effect with a little bit of modulation of whatever terpenes were able to make it through that whole decarb process but if you add just a little bit of these terpenes to that product you get all of the modulating effects that you would be getting from smoking the different strains.

It’s really a game changer. I think that the future of extracts at least is purification and addition of these cannabis derived terpenes.

Shango Los: That just begs the question to me about where does that fall on the line with whole plant medicine? We’d been saying that you need to use the whole cannabis plant because all of the small and discrete and not really researched parts are all essential for the entourage effect so that you get the best medical impact possible from the cannabis.

What we’re talking about is doing a whole plant terpene extraction and then adding it hopefully to a whole plant product. How do you see it? Do you see it as no longer being whole plant or are we now like super whole plant, we’re beyond whole plant?

Jeff Church: I see it as a whole plant extract but at the same time it’s not like FECO. It’s not like the Rick Simpson Oil type thing. That’s really a whole nother classification and honestly Rick Simpson Oil people are really into it being a full plant extract. It’s devoid of a lot of the terpenes because you have to boil out the ethanol that you’ve used to extract it and anything that’s volatile at less than the boiling point of ethanol, is going to be lost in the equation.

It is really super whole plant but at the same time I think that it’s more getting to a point where you’re trying to take these different classes of chemicals from within the plant and refine them into their most pure forms, leaving all of the things that you don’t want in your smoke: waxes, chlorophylls, and things like that that are harsh to smoke. Leaving all of those behind and then recombining these things together to make something that’s the most enjoyable extracts that I’ve every smoked.

Shango Los: Wow. Well there you go. We’re going to take another short break and be right back. You are listening to the Podcast.

Entrepreneurs across the country are establishing businesses in response to cannabis normalization. Once a state becomes legal for cannabis they all go through similar growing pains. New business owners must develop a business plan, a brand, learn growing and processing techniques, and develop products from those new skills and get them to market. Most challenging they most work how to work creatively within the narrow bands of legality set by their state regulators.

Each step in the process is filled with hidden delays that burn resources. The most common challenging belief I have seen from my own clients and other players in Washington, Colorado, and Oregon is that they think they can do it all themselves or worse that they have to do it all by themselves. This is simply untrue and in most cases will cost you a great deal of time, money, and frustration. We have reached the point now that there are exceptionally good cannabis consultants who have learned from their mistakes, risen to the top of their own markets and now offer this advice to new cannabis entrepreneurs in states that are just moving into production now.

One of these is Green Lion. Green Lion was an early player in the Washington medical market. They grew up during times of confusing gray market regulations balancing between honoring the Cole 2 Memo and state cannabis laws while continually striving to push the market forward with groundbreaking growing processing and products. Green Lion was in the first round of licenses awarded by Washington State and they began the difficult challenge of running tandem medical and state licensed recreational operations while being a shining example of creating revenue and staying within the fine details of state law.

Their extraction lab uses a variety of methods and has a reputation for producing exceptional oils and an employee training program taught by folks who are now industry leaders. Green Lion can help you obtain your own cannabis sales goals. Their multifaceted team has the expertise you need whether it be growing, extraction, product development, branding, or support working through your state’s licensing process.

Green Lion is also now acquiring established medical and recreational marijuana product lines to bring into the Green Lion family. If you have an established product and want to participate in the licensed cannabis market Green Lion could be the place for you. They will fold your manufacturing team into their production and get your proven products into the hands of cannabis enthusiasts everywhere.

Finally do you enjoy fine cannabis oil? Green Lion presently provides recreational and medical products made with their premium oils throughout Washington state. Ask for Green Lion dab oil, CO2 oil, and kief infused prerolls, vape cartridges, and full plant extract topicals at your favorite retail location. Get your pen ready because here comes the contact information. If you want to achieve a positive cash flow in a shorter time, reach out to Green Lion.

If you have a marijuana business that needs to find a licensed home to manufacture reach out to Green Lion. Drop a line to and let them know how you want to work together and tell them Ganjapreneur sent you too. That email address is and now back to the podcast.

Welcome back. You are listening to the podcast. I am your host Shango Los and our guest this week is Jeff Church of Thinc Pure. Before the break we were talking about all the different applications for extracted terpenes that you can add back into a cannabis product to fortify it to make it both a stronger modulation experience as medicine and also just a damn good dab for recreation and just fun.

In your last bit before we went to a commercial you said something that totally jumped up for me. You said that some people are dabbing terps. Do you mean that they’re dabbing just straight terps and so they’re not dabbing THC?

Jeff Church: That’s exactly what I mean. It’s a really interesting concept. If you’re all about the tastiest flower, the tastiest extract, this is really the pinnacle of cannabis is dabbing its terpenes. Tony Ferzura from United Cannabis really popularized this. He has a terpene dab bar that he sets up at the different cannabis festivals. You know the Emerald Cup. He was doing it as well down at High Times in San Bernardino. People just line up for low temperature dabs.

What’s really really interesting about it is you could have a dab of terpenes as your first dab of the day and you’re going to feel high. There’s certain qualities to the terpenes where they kind of act as solvents on the cannabinoids that are sitting on the receptors and your cannabinoid receptors can be somewhat blocked to where they’re packed with cannabinoids on the surface. When you add this terpene in there it really loosens that up a bit and allows for the cannabinoids to pass through the membrane and hit those receptors in a more efficient way where you’re feeling more effect from the cannabinoids that you had in your system from smoking last night.

You’ll really feel high one way or the other and it’s very strain specific but it’s all about the flavor. People are all about the terps nowadays so doing this is something really exciting. I would caution that smoking pure terpenes may not be the healthiest thing for you.

Shango Los:I was thinking about that too man. We were already talking about dabbing a concentration of terpenes, people potentially getting terpene toxicity and being part of the “Oh he dabbed too hard and then he fell over,” right?

Jeff Church: Yeah I don’t know it’s going to be “dabbed too hard and fell over” but really damaging your lungs is something that can happen by smoking too much terpenes. You really want to be careful. There’s a threshold where you don’t want to pass that too much or else it’s going to be a harsh smoke. It’s going to not be enjoyable. It’s enjoyable the moment you’re smoking it but down the road when your lung capacity is being diminished by smoking these pure terpenes it could become an issue.

Shango Los: It’s not really the kind of a thing that somebody’s really going to abuse though is it or do to much of? I can understand how dabbing some terpenes. It’s your first one of the day or kind of mix it in with your dab session or something like that. That might be enjoyable but it’s not really the kind of thing that somebody’s going to be dabbing terps all the time just straight is it?

Jeff Church: That’s definitely what a lot of people are getting into. I think that the most popular thing is really taking a dab and dipping it into the terpenes.

Shango Los: Right on. That I get.

Jeff Church: Then you’re talking maybe 10, 15% of your dab is going to be terpenes and the rest is just going to be cannabinoids and other constituents that are in the smoke so it’s kind of deluded. Just like you wouldn’t take a lot of essential oils and apply them directly to your skin it’s the same sort of thing. Essential oils a lot them you really want to cut them in another oil, a carrier oil, before you put it onto the skin so that there’s not too high of a concentration in any one spot on your skin. Same can be true for your lungs as well.

Shango Los: You also mentioned the other product was RSO because of course the terps are very volatile and they are burnt off from heating, making RSO and FECO. It makes me curious about doing a distillation at the beginning of the plant material you’re going to use to remove the terpenes at that point and then go ahead and make your RSO. Then stir back in the terpenes at the end and somehow maybe kind of Frankensteining back together a whole plant FECO extract. Have you seen anybody do that yet?

Jeff Church: It sounds like you need a patent. I have not seen anybody do that with FECO, with a full plant extract. I have seen people doing that and I’ve done it myself with the distillate where you have the cannabinoids and then you have the distillate or you have the terpenes that they’re extracted then you have the distillate of the cannabinoids that you extract from the same type of material.

There’s a company down in California that’s doing it. There’s actually a whole bunch of different companies down there in California doing it right now.

Shango Los: I think that’s one of the problems with trying to patent any of this is that there’s so many different people working on it at the same time in parallel and people are sharing the science with each other that it makes it really hard to secure originality on paper.

Jeff Church: Right. I was mostly joking.

Shango Los: It is happening even though we joke about it. Right on. One more thing I want to hit on too: where do you see the direction this is heading in? I know this is already bleeding edge stuff but where do you see this idea of extracting the terps and fortifying cannabis products heading here in the next couple years?

Jeff Church: I really see a lot more extraction of terpenes and the re addition of those into other lines of already existing extracts that are out there just like Tony’s been doing with the terp rosin and the terp melts and other companies been doing with the distillate added with the terps. I think that that’s really what it is is us finding out what we like in cannabis and what we don’t like in cannabis.

I don’t like to smoke an oil that has a whole bunch of chlorophyll in it like an RSO. I would much rather smoke something that has a higher purity of cannabinoids in it. The same is true with terpenes. I think adding these purified elements back together and creating the ideal extract that is devoid of all of the parts that we don’t want it really the future.

Shango Los: Right on so that’s all the time we have for you today. Thanks for being on the show again Jeff.

Jeff Church: Definitely. It’s a pleasure to be here. Thank you.

Shango Los: You can follow Jeff Church on Instagram @CannabisReverend. You can find out more about his company at their website ThincPure.Com and that’s “think” with a C, no K. Finally if you want to hear more from Jeff you’ll find an earlier Ganjapreneur podcast episode with him about rosin oil in the podcast archives and a presentation he made on rosin at CannaCon Seattle this year in the video section of the Ganjapreneur.Com website.

You can find more episodes of the Ganjapreneur podcast in the podcast section at Ganjapreneur.Com and in the Apple iTunes store. On the Ganjapreneur.Com website you will find the latest cannabis news, product reviews, and cannabis jobs updated daily along with transcriptions of this podcast. You can also download the Ganjapreneur.Com app in iTunes and GooglePlay. Do you have a company that wants to reach our national audience of cannabis enthusiasts? Email to find out how. Today’s show was produced by Pat Packett. I am your host Shango Los.


President of Mexico Supports Medical Cannabis Legalization

In an about face from his previously vocalized opinions, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said on Tuesday that he is open to the idea of medical cannabis legalization in Mexico, and that government officials would be announcing new measures that reflect this change of heart in the coming days.

Peña Nieto’s announcement was made in a speech given at the United Nations General Assembly on international drug policy, which is taking place this week in New York. “I am giving voice to those who have … expressed the necessity of changing the regulatory framework to authorize the use of marijuana for medical and scientific purposes,” he said. Drug use should be addressed as a “public health problem,” he said — not as a criminal offense.

“We should be flexible to change that which has not yielded results, the paradigm based essentially in prohibitionism, the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ … [which] has not been able to limit production, trafficking nor the global consumption of drugs,” said Peña Nieto.

Peña Nieto had been previously outspoken against any reform of Mexico’s marijuana laws, though mounting pressure from the public, as well as a Supreme Court ruling from late last year that established a legal right to the cultivation and personal consumption of medical cannabis, have apparently eroded his opposition.


Canadian flag flying against the sun.

Canada Announces Plan to Decriminalize Cannabis by Spring 2017

The Canadian Liberal Party will introduce legislation to decriminalize and regulate recreational cannabis nationwide by the spring of 2017, Health Minister Jane Philpott announced on Wednesday at the U.N. General Assembly on international drug policy in New York.

According to a Reuters report, Philpott said Canada’s new marijuana laws would keep cannabis out of the hands of children and keep marijuana profits out of the hands of criminals. “We will work with law enforcement partners to encourage appropriate and proportionate criminal justice measures,” she said. “We know it is impossible to arrest our way out of this problem.”

Earlier this month, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale said in an interview that the federal government was working to establish a task force that will figure out the best way to end cannabis prohibition. The task force would include representatives from the federal, provincial, and municipal governments.

Nationwide legalization was a major running platform for current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during last year’s election, though international drug laws made it unclear how and when Canada would be able to carry through on that promise. Mr. Trudeau warned earlier this year that undoing cannabis prohibition could be a long and complicated process, but it’s heartening to see the Liberal Party’s continued commitment to its promise of legalization.


Maine Could Be First State to Add Addiction as MMJ Qualifying Condition

Maine could become the first U.S. state to approve medical cannabis as a treatment for opioid addiction.

A group of medical marijuana patients and caregivers gathered on Tuesday at a public hearing to lobby for the change, CBS News reports. The hearing was ripe with personal stories of how cannabis has been a safe and effective method of kicking more dangerous drug habits, such as pharmaceutical painkillers or heroin.

One 23-year-old student said marijuana helped her kick a heroin habit that she developed while studying in Morocco. “Marijuana saved my life for sure,” she said.

Supporters argued that medical cannabis is already prescribed to help with addiction in states with more relaxed marijuana laws, such as California and Massachusetts — but this would be the first time that state laws would be updated to specifically allow for such treatment.

The hearing was called by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services after a successful petition from one of Maine’s medical cannabis caregivers.

The medical establishment in Maine does not support changing the law, however, and argues that there’s insufficient scientific evidence supporting the claims that cannabis can treat addiction. Leah Bauer, psychiatrist and medical director for the Addiction Resource Center at Mid Coast Hospital in Brunswick, argued that such a change could lead addicts to another “toxic and habit-forming substance.”

“In fact, [addicts] using marijuana may be like pouring gasoline on the fire,” she said.


Waka Flocka Flame Has Bad Edibles Experience at Dope Cup

On Sunday Ganjapreneur attended the Dope Cup, hosted by Dope Magazine at Dockside Cannabis in Seattle. It was an open-consumption event complete with a retail cannabis store, food trucks, and a reggae and hip-hop concert featuring Waka Flocka Flame as the headliner. The weather was perfect for a night of fun with friends and fellow cannabis enthusiasts, and the vibe was excellent because Dope Magazine always puts on a great party. According to a post on his Instagram account, however, Waka Flocka Flame had a bit of a rough night after his set, as he apparently wound up calling the paramedics after having a bad experience with some edibles.

When Waka first came out for his set, both he and his DJ repeatedly mentioned how high they were from the very beginning. First, Waka thanked an anonymous person who offered him a blunt when he walked in to the event. Then, mid-way through the opening song, he was passed an enormous joint from someone in the front of the audience, which he proceeded to take 5 or 6 hits off of before passing it back into the crowd.

Waka Flocka Flame Edibles at Dope Cup

Waka went on to finish his set and gave an amazing, energetic performance, and the crowd was jumping the whole time (despite everyone being super stoned). Apparently, though, after the performance Waka accepted some medicated edibles and wound up calling the paramedics as a result.

In his post, Waka suggested that the paramedics were called because the edibles contained GMOs, which he avoids (he is also a vegan). This claim may sound a bit dubious to anyone who has ever had a bad edibles experience, however. We think it is more likely that Waka simply over-medicated and had to sit through the discomfort and dizziness that so many of us have gone through at some point.

For us, this is a great example of how even seasoned cannabis consumers need to know their limits, and to be aware of the potency of the products they are consuming.


Cannabis branches hanging out to cure after harvest season.

Colorado Law to Further Restrict Cannabis Advertising

The Colorado House gave tentative approval on Friday to a law expanding restrictions on medical cannabis advertisements, according to an Associated Press report.

The restrictions introduced in House Bill 1363, which prevent retailers from directing medical marijuana advertisements at patients under 21, have been described as a commonsense safeguard. Similar restrictions already exist for recreational cannabis, and the bill was drafted at the request of Colorado’s Department of Revenue.

The Colorado cannabis industry doesn’t appear to oppose the tightening of the rules. “It really just harmonizes the medical law with what is in the recreational law,” said Kevin Fisher, co-owner of the Rocky Mountain Remedies cannabis retailer in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. “The last thing we want to do is market to kids.”

The Colorado Press Association, however, have announced their opposition to the legislation. They argue there is no evidence that marijuana advertisers have ever targeted their efforts on minors, and also argue that defining what is and what isn’t considered appealing to children can be overly complicated.

“It’s the basic concept of it’s a violation of commercial speech under the First Amendment,” said Greg Romberg, a lobbyist who works for the CPA.


Oregon Rec. Licenses Coming Soon

Oregon entrepreneurs have submitted nearly 900 applications for the state’s recreational cannabis business licenses.

As of April 19, data from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission listed the following totals:

  • 610 recreational producer licenses
  • 155 recreational retailer licenses
  • 70 recreational processor licenses
  • 43 recreational wholesaler licenses
  • Five laboratory licenses
  • One research certificate

That adds to 884 total completed applications. There are an additional 409 applications in “draft” form.

Oregon has been operating a recreational marijuana market since October, after lawmakers passed emergency legislation to allow medical dispensaries to sell flower and clone products to adults. Many dispensaries that opted in to the temporary recreational market are likely to pursue a recreational license, according to a Marijuana Business Daily report.

Oregon marijuana laws don’t limit the number of business licenses that the state can award, so every legitimate and completed application should be successful.

The Oregon legislature recently opened up the cannabis market to out-of-state investors. With licenses expected to be awarded within the next few weeks, out-of-state cannabis companies have been eyeing the Oregon market for potential expansion opportunities. Colorado companies Sweet Leaf, Mary’s Medicinals and Dixie Elixirs have all announced interest in the Oregon market, according to The Oregonian‘s Noelle Crombie.

The Oregon market is not without its pitfalls, however, evidenced by Harborside Health Center’s — one of California’s flagship medical cannabis companies — pulling out of the state entirely this month to refocus its efforts on the California market.


A doctor organizing their work via a touchscreen tablet.

Doctors Launch Pro-Legalization Advocacy Group

Breaking away from the American Medical Association’s official position, a group of more than 50 physicians have formed Doctors for Cannabis Regulation, endorsing adult recreational use of marijuana.

The group is founded by David L. Nathan, an associate professor at Rutgers’ Robert Johnson Medical School and American Psychiatric Association fellow, and includes former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, who served under the Clinton Administration.

“Doctors should affirmatively support this,” Nathan said in a Washington Post report. “If you’re going to make something against the law, the health consequences of that use have to be so bad to make it worth creating criminal consequences. That was never true of marijuana. It was banned in 1937 over the objections of the American Medical Association.”

When cannabis was banned in 1937, it was still being used to treat some medical conditions. At the time the AMA was concerned that outlawing marijuana would “deprive the public of the benefits of a drug that on further research may prove to be of substantial value.”

Recently the AMA has publicly encouraged researching the medical benefits of cannabis, calling on the Drug Enforcement Agency and Food and Drug Administration to create a “special schedule and implement administrative procedures” to allow grant applications and conduct clinical research trials.” The association, however, does not support state-based medical programs or legalization.

“We want to build a group of physicians who are going to be out in the public making the case for marijuana legalization to physicians, medical associations and the public at large,” Nathan said.


Dispensary Feature: Portland Best Buds

Ganjapreneur recently toured the Portland Best Buds dispensary, one of the latest ventures to pop up in the famously community-oriented St. Johns neighborhood of Portland, Oregon.

Doubling as a cannabis dispensary and local art gallery, Portland Best Buds strives for quality above all else — a quaint, neighborhood-centric location, personable and friendly budtenders, and, naturally, a hand-picked selection of some of Oregon’s finest cannabis strains.

The store was easy to find, and we found parking available on the side of the building. If that fails, however, there’s also ample street parking in the surrounding neighborhoods. The sidewalk bustled with foot traffic, many of them shoppers from the massive New Seasons grocery store located directly across the street.

“We want to be more than just another pot shop,” dispensary owner Paul Pedreira explained as we met in the Portland Best Buds waiting room. The walls here were lined with colorful paintings by a local artist. A note on the wall shared a message discussing the various pieces, and offered contact information for the artist featured that month. The artist on display during our visit also worked for the dispensary as a budtender — now that’s an encouraging work environment.

The walls in Portland Best Buds are lined with top-shelf cannabis selections.

As we perused the selections, we were very impressed with the many varieties of high-quality cannabis on display. It was clear from the options, and from the amount of information the working budtender could share about each strain, that a lot of thought went into the products stocked at Portland Best Buds. Paul explained that it was a group effort: each strain was openly discussed by the employees before the dispensary would agree to carry it, and that general quality was the #1 factor in every such decision. After several whiffs of tantalizingly attractive offerings, it was clear their method has been working.

Flashy, hand-written labels list strain names, cannabinoid content and a brief description for anyone unfamiliar with a particular strain.

The only drawback worth mentioning is that their emphasis on perfect pot comes with a price. So if you’re looking for some mediocre product for $5 to $8 per gram, look again. Prices range from about $12-$16 per gram and there is an ongoing special available, where three pre-rolls of high quality flower cost $10.

Other offerings at Portland Best Buds include infused edibles, beverages and other goodies.

PBB has no aspirations to become known as Portland’s next big cannabis emporium. And it should be obvious that, unless you have legitimate medical concerns (or if you’re Snoop Dogg), you should expect to pay an extra buck or two if you want to really push the boundaries of quality Oregon cannabis — which is what PBB is all about.

And we are happy to report that if you do have legitimate medical concerns (i.e. a patient in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program) then your prices at PBB will be 25 percent lower — and that discount will never go away, Paul explained. Even if regulatory officials ultimately decide to meld the state’s medical and recreational marijuana industries, PBB will honor OMMP cardholders.

Vape pens and cartridges are also available.

As an institution of St. Johns, Portland Best Buds strives to offer as much as possible to the local community, which appears to have graciously and enthusiastically accepted the cannabis retailer. The dispensary is now an ongoing participant in monthly First Thursday events, in which art galleries across the city host open houses in celebration of local artists.

This antique freezer was rescued and refurbished from PBB’s original location. It currently stores infused beverages and other perishables.

It was a bumpy road to reach this point, however. During the dispensary’s earliest months, complaints from an uptight neighbor uprooted the business from its original location and sparked a long and expensive process of moving to a different, nearby building, Paul said. We walked to the old location, which was only about four blocks away. Even after such a short distance, the area was significantly more residential than the shop’s current, bustling location on Lombard St. To learn more about the story behind his struggle, check out our recent interview with store owner Paul Pedreira, in which he shares his experience battling against efforts by city and state officials to shut down PBB in a series of sweeping, regulatory blows.

Portland Best Buds also offers a selection of cannabis clones for consumers who are interested in starting their own garden.

While it was a painful and unfair moving process, it appears to have ultimately worked in PBB’s favor: the shop is now located on one of North Portland’s main thoroughfares, a brand new New Seasons grocery store has opened up across the street, and Paul said that sales have quadrupled since relocating.

Harlequin — one of PBB’s high quality, CBD-rich strains.

We can happily recommend that anyone who is looking for truly top shelf Oregon cannabis — or anyone that is of-age and interested, who finds themselves in the neighborhood — should definitely check out Portland Best Buds. It’s well worth your time and consideration. Check out their website at or stop by for a visit in person at 6313 N. Lombard St. in Portland, OR.

And thank you Paul for the fantastic tour and for sharing your excellent strain choices with the Portland community.


Medical Marijuana Amendment Added to VA Appropriations Bill

Veterans could soon be able to talk to their Veterans Affairs doctors about using medical marijuana after the Senate Appropriations committee approved an amendment to the fiscal 2017 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies appropriations bill, the Military Times reported.

The amendment, sponsored by Sen. Steve Daines (R-Montana) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) would let VA doctors discuss marijuana as a potential treatment and recommend use in states where it is legal.

So far, there has been no research in the U.S. on whether or not marijuana is effective in relieving symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disordeer, but a Feb. 2016 report from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs acknowledges that while “marijuana use by individuals with PTSD may result in short-term reduction of PTSD symptoms…continued use…may lead to a number of negative consequences.”

The VA recommends “evidence-based” practices to treat mental and physical health issues such as PTSD, depression and pain. In January, 19 Democrats and two Republicans wrote to VA Secretary Bob McDonald pushing to allow VA doctors to discuss and recommend marijuana.

A similar amendment was approved by the Senate in the fiscal 2016 VA appropriations bill but was pulled from the final version of the law. The amendment would also prohibit the VA from using funds to interfere with veterans’ ability to participate in medicinal marijuana programs.


Hawaii Postpones Medical Cannabis Licensing Due to Paperwork Delays

Hawaii’s Department of Health has postponed awarding their medical marijuana licenses until April 29, after experiencing delays with applicant fingerprinting and background checks.

The health department was due to name the license recipients on April 15, according to the Marijuana Business Daily report.

Peggy Leong, supervisor for the state’s Medical Marijuana Dispensary Licensing Program, said that the applicants have been very responsive and cooperative. The majority would submit their fingerprints and consent forms by April 19, she said. Nearly 60 applications were submitted, including one by actor Woody Harrelson.

“A small number of applicants are traveling abroad and unable to respond as quickly as we had hoped. In addition, it also came to our attention that many business entities, such as limited liability corporations, corporations and trusts failed to submit the consents and fingerprints of the individuals involved in the entities,” Leong said in a press release. “The department sent an email to all applicants clarifying the requirements of who is subject to a background check.”   

Eight medical cannabis licenses will be divvied out among the four islands: Big Island and Maui will have two each; Oahu will have three, leaving one for Kauai. Each organization will be permitted to operate two grow sites and two dispensaries.  


Pennsylvania Becomes 24th State to Allow Medical Cannabis

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) signed the state’s Senate- and House-approved medical marijuana law on Sunday, making it the 24th state to legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes.

The program will roll out in the next 18 to 24 months, after which patients with their doctor’s approval will be able to legally acquire and consume cannabis products in the treatment of several specific conditions, including “cancer, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord damage, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, glaucoma and PTSD.”

According to Gov. Wolf, opening up another treatment option “will improve the quality of life for patients and their families throughout Pennsylvania.” Gov. Wolf had been lobbying lawmakers to pass the law for months.

The new law will allow a maximum of 150 cannabis dispensaries and the state will be collecting a 5 percent tax on all medical marijuana sales. Furthermore, officials anticipate up to $10 million per year in application and registration fees for the industry.

The bill was first proposed nearly one year ago, and has persevered through several iterations, bouncing back and forth between the Pennsylvania Senate and House until the House finally concurred last week with the Senate’s bill.


Canadian Feds Working Toward National Legalization

The federal government of Canada is making moves toward the national legalization of recreational cannabis.

In an interview with CBC News’s Stephen Quinn, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale said that officials are working toward legislation that will “ultimately involve the legalization of marijuana, trying to take the whole profit element out of the hands of organized crime.”

“The present regime with respect to marijuana has obviously failed and failed miserably,” he said.

According to Goodale, the government’s first step is establishing a task force of federal, provincial, and local government representatives to address the issue. “Municipalities and provinces want to be involved in how this is structured and how this is done,” said Goodale. “They want it done right and they want to be engaged in doing it right. That task force involving the provinces and municipalities will be announced very shortly. We’ll have a detailed announcement coming in the next several weeks.”

Canadian research analyst Noel Atkinson of Claurus Securities predicted in a recent email that this news may ultimately benefit the country’s licensed medical marijuana producers, asserting that “the licensed producers are positioned to be the primary wholesale suppliers to a government-regulated retail network for recreational marijuana.”

Marijuana legalization was a main feature of the Liberal Party’s successful campaign. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has recommitted the party to legalization since the election; in January, however, he also warned that there remain several international barriers blocking full legalization in Canada.


Mass. Legalization Efforts Supported by Voters; Officials Launch Prohibition Campaign

A majority of voters in Massachusetts support ballot questions to legalize recreational marijuana use in the state for individuals 21 and older, but the Republican governor is teaming up with two powerful Democrats to oppose a likely ballot question.

Of the 497 registered voters polled for the April 1-10 Western New England University survey, 57 percent supported legalizing cannabis for adult use, with 35 percent opposed and 7 percent were undecided. Democrats overwhelmingly favored legalization – 64 percent to 29 percent – while independent voters supported the issue by a 63 percent to 37 percent margin. Republicans opposed the measure 58 percent to 35 percent.

Voters ages 18 to 39 supported legalization by a 74 percent margin, those ages 40 to 54 by 54 percent, and voters ages 55 to 64 by 53 percent. Just 43 percent of individuals ages 65 and older supported legalization.

Despite the measure’s popularity in the poll, Gov. Charlie Baker, House Speaker Robert DeLeo (D) and Boston Mayor Martin Walsh (D) have joined forces to discourage legalization efforts, according to the Sentinel and Enterprise.

The Campaign for a Safe and Healthy Massachusetts will directly oppose the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, who are pushing for the measure.

In a statement announcing the campaign, the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy Massachusetts declared the ballot question “is written by and for the corporate interests that have profited from legalization across the country.”

DeLeo said he opposed any measures making it “easier to introduce young people to drug use.”

In 2008 voters in the state approved a proposal to decriminalize possession of up to one ounce or less, and in 2012 they approved the use of medical marijuana. Both initiatives passed with approval rates of 65 percent and 63 percent, respectively.


Paul Pedreira: Fighting Back Against Over-Regulation

Paul Pedreira is owner of Portland Best Buds, a premium cannabis dispensary located in the St. Johns neighborhood of Portland, Oregon.

Portland Best Buds originally launched in the summer of 2015. The dispensary, however, has faced a lion’s share of the regulatory harassment that has become all-too-familiar among cannabis startups and entrepreneurs. Portland Best Buds was forced to uproot from its first location and spent a series of time facing a government shutdown as Paul scrambled frantically to maintain his little cannabis foothold in North Portland.

Ganjapreneur recently caught up with Paul to discuss the many issues and obstacles he’s faced since leaving the film and television industry and launching his new career offering compassionate cannabis care as a medical cannabis entrepreneur. Read the full interview below:

Ganjapreneur: What were the reasons behind your transition from television and film into the cannabis industry?

Paul Pedreira: Portland Best Buds is a new venture for me after working in television and film for 25 years. The decision was pretty easy on two levels: first, I have seen cannabis help people with a range of medical problems from cancer to epilepsy. I have witnessed numerous people get off opiates because of cannabis. Second, it seemed like a good business decision because as a first time business owner I knew the playing field was relatively even, as opposed to going into another business where the players were much more experienced than me.

How long was it before you started running into problems?

That’s the downside of dealing with such a cutting edge industry: the government. There are so many problems on the local and federal level I don’t know where to start, except to tell my own story about how the Oregon Health Authority and the city of Portland almost took everything away from me after I put my life savings into this business.

Back in July 2015 I was awarded a license from the state to sell medicinal cannabis. I purchased a property in St. John’s after the state confirmed the location was approved.

Well after the approval the city demanded I prove that my building was commercially zoned by providing 50 years of proof every 3 years that there was a grocery store there. I had a full-time job working on the Grimm TV Series at the time, so I had someone go to the library and research the entire history of the grocery store and make copies of the materials — after completing that task, we found out the city had the records the whole time. Very strange. Although it wasn’t exactly a hardship to do research for the city, I found it strange and somewhat abusive that they demanded I track down information they already had in their system, by their own admission.

What I later found out is I had a neighbor vehemently against a cannabis shop, even though they were okay with a bodega selling crack pipes and alcohol. All of a sudden there were permit issues, fines, and the city began corresponding with OHA, trying to revoke my license.

Why the sudden change of attitude by regulators?

My building was grandfathered in as a commercial building because it was a grocery store since the 1950s, and the state had approved the location, so I thought I was safe.

But the state sent a letter stating my application was denied — two months after I was in business! It was as if the approval never happened. Zoning issues were a bit vague in the early rules of OHA, but my building had been clearly zoned for retail (and still is). But one call from a neighbor changed all that because they suddenly had a stance of “we don’t want dispensaries in neighborhoods.”

So the state turned 180 degrees on your business two months after it opened — what do you do about that?

It was either lose everything or fight, so I hired a law firm and they pointed out to the state that you cannot just revoke a license without an appeal process, and, long story short, I was able to find a new location in the same neighborhood. On Thanksgiving Day of 2015 I moved my company to 6313 N Lombard, and the rest is history. Since then, a New Seasons has opened up directly across the street, our sales quadrupled and we found a home right around the corner from the old shop. I never thought I would have to say this but my lawyers saved Best Buds.

Ultimately, a happy ending for you! But at a high price nonetheless — why do you think you faced so much over-regulation?

I think many small businesses have been ruined by government, especially cannabis related. We get emails from the state everyday that contain new rules and laws. Each time that happens a small business is affected financially: you have to hire more people, and services, just to stay compliant.

Then we have the feds: without a federal rescheduling, we can’t do normal banking and we can’t take normal business deductions on the federal level. Our current AG is against legalizing, and with senators like Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) leading the charge against legalization, who knows what is next.

Despite these problems, I am so grateful and excited to be on the cutting edge of progress and although government is hurting the cause, cannabis will prevail as both medicine and recreation… my shop is now a St. John’s institution, with a First Thursday event every month, and my staff is a huge part of our success.

How much of your business would you estimate comes from recreational vs. medicinal sales, and do you have plans to pursue a recreational license?

Our success will depend on a rec license however if the state abandons the medical program, Best Buds will continue to serve the medical community with premium products at a steep discount. They are the reason I’m in this business.

How many staff members are there at the Best Buds store?

We currently have 4 full time, Lisa Miller, Michael Kinney, Nick Kinney, and Jared Conley. Without them I couldn’t function! If you read our reviews on Leafly, they’re all about great service, support, and product. This is why a corporate big box cannot compete with us: this is a very customer interaction-based business so the typical corrupt corporate greed model won’t work. What you need is small, nimble mom and pop like boutique stores that address each customer’s unique needs.

Where do you see Portland Best Buds in 5 years?

That’s a great question. Profits are not our only goal. St Johns is my home and it is transforming everyday. I want Best Buds to be a vibrant part of the community because if you don’t give back, then why go through the trouble? I’m planning to start a charitable trust with an emphasis on education. Perhaps there will be a Best Buds 2, but that’s a ways off. Our First Thursday events are extremely important to us in that we can spend quality time with our customers and connect with emerging artists.

Given your long dedication to the film industry, and the amount of regulatory resistance you’ve faced since entering legal cannabis, do you ever sometimes regret taking that leap and becoming a ganjapreneur?

Never. No regrets. I was protected from government in my former career; now I am on the front lines, but I feel this work is more important and vital to society, and I love being at the tip of the spear. Government can make things very difficult, but the genie is out of the bottle and there is no stopping us now.

If you could offer one piece of advice to someone considering their own cannabis company, what would you say?

First I would highly advise retaining a good cannabis attorney. The government is running the show and they change the rules quite frequently, not to mention the ongoing problem with the Feds.

Thanks Paul for answering our questions and sharing your story of perseverance with our community. To learn more about Portland Best Buds, visit their website at or stop by for a visit at 6313 N Lombard, Portland OR.


Tad Hussey: Building Your Own Soil

Tad Hussey of Keep It Simple Organics was recently a guest on the podcast, and he and our host Shango Los had a discussion about wild-crafted probiotic nutrients. The response we got from our listeners was so enthusiastic that we invited him back for another two episodes! In our second interview with Tad, he gives us an overview of what his process is for creating custom soils, what some of his favorite ingredients to use are, how to get your soil tested to know exactly what nutrients it has and what it needs, and even what his own preferred recipe is for creating a a soil from scratch.

Listen to the episode below, or scroll down for the full transcript!

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*Note: You may have noticed that our podcast format has recently changed. We have been experimenting with our format recently, and have decided to take our show in a new direction. Based on the feedback we have received, we are changing up the structure and stripping away much of the added production and sound effects in order to deliver something a bit more down-to-earth and easy on the ears. This also means that we are now booking our own commercials. If you are interested in connecting with our audience in the most personal way that we can offer, send us an email at and we can talk about you becoming a commercial sponsor of the podcast. It is our hope that these changes will make the podcast an even more pleasant listening experience moving forward. Thank you for being a part of the Ganjapreneur family!

Read the full transcript

Shango Los: Hi there, welcome to the Ganjapreneur podcast. I am your host Shango Los. The podcast gives us an opportunity to speak directly to entrepreneur’s, cannabis growers, product developers and cannabis medicine researchers all focused on making the most of cannabis normalization. As your host, I do my best to bring you original cannabis industry ideas that will ignite your own entrepreneurial spark and give you actionable information to improve your business strategy and improve your health and the health of cannabis patients everywhere.

Today is part 2 of our 3 part series with Tad Hussey of Keep It Simple Organics founded my Tad’s father, Leon Hussey, Keep It Simple is an edible nursery production green house, outdoor preschool, organic hydro-shop and feed store in Washington state. Tad is an educator and sought after speaker on probiotic growing. During the first part of the series, we talked about wild crafting probiotic nutrients for nutrient teas. This week we are going to talk about building your soil from wild crafted and alternatively sourced inputs to save you money on store bought inputs. Our third visit with Tad in a couple weeks, we’ll be talking about compost tea. Welcome back to the show Tad.

Tad Hussey: Thanks for having me back, I’m excited to be here.

Shango Los: The response from your first visit was so strong, I knew I had to have you back to talk more about ways to wild craft to save money on store bought nutrients. Before we get into the specifics of what inputs to use for building soil, let’s set up a framework of what building soil means. Many new growers just grab a bag of potting soil and go for it. Why is knowing how to build a soil from scratch important?

Tad Hussey: That’s a great question, Shango. One thing I noticed is the traditional method for growing is you start with a base media that’s relatively inert, then you go out and buy these expensive bottled nutrients to water into the soil and grow your plant then you throw out the soil at the end of your growing cycle. With building your soil and knowing what’s in your potting soil, you can add the minerals and nutrients that your plant needs right into the Rhizosphere so the plants really in control of it’s growing habits. You’re not spending money on these expensive bottled nutrients, when you start looking at what’s on the label in a lot of these organic nutrients, these are things you can put directly into your soil prior to ever planting your plant.

Shango Los: I would think that if you build your soil right, the nutrients are always there so it becomes a buffet situation for your plant that instead of there being a lot of nutrients then less nutrients, then a lot of nutrients when you water again that if you’re putting it in the soil, the nutrients are just kind of always there. It’s like on demand nutrients for your plant. Am I picturing that right?

Tad Hussey: Yes, exactly. It takes time for these nutrients to become plant available because when you add organic bottled nutrients or you add amendments into your soil, they’re not immediately available to the plant. You’re not feeding the plant, you’re actually feeding all these microbes in the soil that then help make these nutrients plant available. By getting them into the soil early, letting the soil nutrients cycle and prep and then planting your plant, you’re just going to have a healthier happier plant. It’s going to be more disease resistant and you’re going to get a better overall yield.

Shango Los: Right on, that makes a lot of sense. The last time we talked to you we talked a lot about nutrient teas and how to wild craft, meaning grabbing plants from your yard or other places in the natural environment that we could make into teas to feed the soil. Now we’re talking about similarly, how to wild craft more alternative sources for building that soils environment for all the microbes. Why don’t you just start from the beginning and tell us how you recommend that people build their soil?

Tad Hussey: Sure. Now in addition to your yard, I’m going to send you to your local feed store. That’s the next best place to look for a lot of these amendments. In addition to a feed store, your local garden center, nurseries, these are all great places to look for things. A variety of amendments that we would want to use would be things like organic alfalfa meal or fish meal or fish bone meal. There’s a bunch of minerals like glacier rock dust, there’s so many things that we can incorporate into our soil that it’s pretty damn amazing what our options are.

Shango Los: Let’s start at the top. Let’s say you’re working with a client and let’s say they’re a commercial client, they are asking you how they are going to save money from buying all these bottled nutrients. Where would you start with them? What would you tell them the first things to go collect? I know there may be more nutrients than we’ve got time for today, but kind of give us a rough guide walkthrough for folks. They can add or remove amendments as they want.

Tad Hussey: Sure. If you were for example, growing outdoors, the first thing I would have you do is get your soil tested to see if that’s something we can use and amend appropriately. By getting a soil test with Logan Labs, they’re probably my favorite soil testing lab, it costs $25 for a standard soil test and that will give us all the trace minerals that your plant needs as well. This is my initial starting point, if we’re talking about building soil from scratch, say a potting soil or indoor soil environment in that case what I like to do personally is do a mix of about 50% peat, 33% aeration in the form of per-lite or pumice, and 17% to 20% is earthworm castings or compost. You can also use cocoa if you prefer instead of peat, personally I prefer peat for a variety of reasons. If you do use cocoa, you’d want to incorporate a little bit more sulfur and calcium in the form of gypsum.

Shango Los: When you were talking about potentially using the soil from your own yard versus bagged soil for growing outdoors, is there a good reason why you wouldn’t use soil from your yard indoors?

Tad Hussey: No, it’s just that with an outdoor environment, it makes sense to me to just utilize the existing soil. For an indoor growing environment, a lot of times we want to really tailor the media for optimization. That being said, if you have wonderful soil in your garden then there’s absolutely no reason you couldn’t bring it inside to grow your plants, just keep in mind you are potentially bringing in diseases or pests or pathogens. In my experience, I’ve found outdoors there’s enough things in nature that will just take care of a lot of these problems and sometimes when you bring that soil inside you can potentially be exposing yourself to some of those issues.

Shango Los: I understand. It’s like you’re potentially bringing in contaminants because you’re bringing in wild soil essentially.

Tad Hussey: Sure, I don’t want to say that it’s not possible or even discourage people from doing it because I think that’s a great and really affordable starting point for people in building soils but just aware in the back of your mind that that is a potential.

Shango Los: We’ve got listeners in all parts of the country, and they all have got different soils but are there certain things that are common when people get back their soil test? For example, Logan Labs or somewhere else, or is there as much variety in tests as there are in regions in the country?

Tad Hussey: Yes, soil can very so much just based on your region. If your soil is very high in calcium, you’ll actually have to do a slightly different test with Logan Labs but that’s something you would probably want to contact them directly on. Here in Washington state, we can just go with the standard soil test to get those results.

Shango Los: After you get the soil test, do you do a little consultation with Logan to have them help you read it? Then you’re going to figure out what you would want to amend into your soil to bring it to where you want it to grow, am I following you?

Tad Hussey: Sure. In my experience, they’ll make recommendations a lot of times or you can pay for that recommendation. I’d say about 75% to 80% of those recommendations are pretty good. I like to make slightly different amendments for cannabis than I would for a traditional farm crop which is what they’re recommending towards, or a garden. It would at least tell you if you have any major excesses or deficiency’s.

Shango Los: Right on. I know a lot people are really excited to hear your specific recipe and I know you’ve got it from a really profound source. We do need to take a short break first, when we get back we will go through your recipe. You are listening to the Ganjapreneur podcast.

The podcast is going to sound a bit different going forward. If you heard the show last month on CDB derived from hemp, then you probably noticed we’ve been experimenting with the format. We got really good feedback on that episode so we’ve adopted those changes permanently starting with this episode. That means the show is going to be a bit less produced in Wizbang and a bit more down to earth and pleasant on the ears. We also didn’t use to control the commercial content and we, and many of you, thought it sounded a bit out of sync with the rest of the vibe of the show.

Going forward during the commercial breaks, we’re going to bring you companies that we believe in. We’re going to tell you about them, tell you how to get in contact with them and then we’ll get back to the show. Pretty simple really. We got to thinking about why we do this and that how on the internet, we can be whatever we want to be. We decided to strip of all the monster truck rally production and are just planning on hanging out with you.

This change also means that we are booking our own commercials now. If you want to reach out and connect with our audience in the most personal way that we can offer, drop us an email and we can talk about you becoming a commercial sponsor of the podcast. It’s our hope and intention that these changes will make the podcast an even more pleasant listening experience. Thanks for listening and being part of the Ganjapreneur family. Now back to the show.

Welcome back, you are listening to the podcast. I am your host Shango Los and our guest this week is Tad Hussey of Keep It Simple Organics. Before the break we were talking about how important it is to get your soil tested so that you know what you’re beginning with if you’re going to amend your soil. Tad was going back and forth about the differences between using your outdoor soil for outdoor and maybe starting with more of a sterile soil for the indoors. Tad, now we want to hear your specific recipe because I’ve heard from a lot of people that this is a really solid recipe and it’s the one that you give to your clients. Let me just hand you the mic and let you go through your recipe.

Tad Hussey: Thanks Shango. Probably my favorite online free recipe for building soil right now comes from a gentleman that goes online by the name Clackamas Coot. He’s a good friend of ours and was instrumental in helping me when I first was building our soil recipe prior to doing any of the lab testing and subsequent work that we’ve done over the last 10 years.

The recipe that Clackamas Coot gives out is approximately 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 high quality compost or earthworm castings and 1/3 aeration in the form of pumice or per-lite with 10% of that being able to be made up from rhizaels as well. To that, he adds a half a cup per cubic foot of neem cake or karanja cake, kelp meal, and crab and crustacean meal. In addition to that, you’re adding 4 cups per cubic foot of the following mineral mix, which is one cup glacial rock dust, one cup gypsum, one cup oyster shell or egg lime and one cup of basalt.

Don’t get caught up that you have these exact ingredients, it’s really best to source what you can locally not just from an environmental perspective but also as a cost savings with the freight of moving these minerals around the country. If you aren’t able to source a particular mineral locally, there’s a very good chance we could substitute it for something in this recipe.

Shango Los: Where do people pick up these inputs? I’m sure that some of the long time growers go, “Ah, I know exactly where to get that,” but a lot of our folks may not. Is this all going to be at the feed store?

Tad Hussey: Some of it’s going to be at the feed store, some of it may be at your local garden center and some things you may unfortunately have to find online. Neem cake and karanja cake is one that’s a little bit tougher to find locally depending on where you live in the country. The kelp meal should be something that your local feed store would carry, and crab and crustacean meal is another thing you might be able to find at a local garden center. You’ll definitely be able to find gypsum locally and some sort of rock dusk and the agricultural lime. Many of these things are source-able locally.

Shango Los: I guess one of the things to point out too, is if the goal is to use the product that’s as close to nature as possible and if the goal is also the save some money that the closer you are to buying it in bulk by the scoop, the better for you. Because every time somebody packages this stuff up to sell it to you they are adding more to the cost.

Tad Hussey: Exactly. It’s much better to find these raw amendments. Even if you say for example pay a little bit more to buy these ingredients online, you’ll probably still be saving money on what you would pay for a bottled nutrient at the local hydro shop.

Just to get you back to this recipe, one thing I wanted to add is a lot of the recommendations by Clackamas Coot are in half a cup per cubic foot. This is a pretty safe recommendation for people in terms of wanting to add different amendments of other types to their mix. Assuming you wanted to add a little bit of organic fish meal or fish bone meal or alfalfa, these things at a half of cup per cubic foot are probably okay. Just keep in mind of your NPK values as you add these things to make sure you’re not getting and over abundance of any particular macro or micro nutrient.

Shango Los: I was just thinking about that. We’ve probably got a lot of listeners that are going to be very specific about measuring this stuff out. Then you’ve got other people like me who are a little more iron chef-ing it in the kitchen. These are general numbers, I’m getting the idea that as long as you don’t stray too far, this is kind of a hard thing to screw up.

Tad Hussey: Exactly, we’ve definitely tested and pushed the upper limit of this with our soil mix. I’m putting in almost 100 pounds of nutrients per yard of soil into our soil mix. We have to let it heat and cool as it nutrient cycles for at least 2 weeks prior to planting in it. Then we’re able to make it through an entire growing cycle without having to add any other inputs besides water.

Shango Los: Let’s say that we’ve gotten all these important inputs and they look beautiful all set up together. How does one go about actually mixing them? I’d actually ask for 2 answers, one for the home grower who is doing a couple yards of it then something scalable solution for somebody who is doing this at a commercial option. I know that friends and growers, they just throw it all in a tarp and then scoop it around and mix it up by hand. Do you have a more elegant way to do that?

Tad Hussey: Well, this is probably the toughest part of building your own soil to be honest. It is some labor and I highly recommend wearing a dust mask or respirator when you do mix these ingredients. A tarp is probably one of the simplest and easiest ways to do this. I’ve personally don’t like using a concrete mixer because I find it is really messy. In general, the other option is if you have a small tractor, you can scoop the ingredients and move it around that way on asphalt or concrete. Mixing soil is tough work which is why we typically recommend reusing the soil. Once you use the soil once, you’re not doing this over and over again.

Shango Los: Reusing the soil is a good point. I know a lot of growers, they use all brand new soil every time that they do a grow and from hearing you speak, I’ve heard you talk about reusing the soil. Why don’t you talk a little bit about the benefits to amending your own soil and it’s re-usability and what amendments you may need to add a second time.

Tad Hussey: There are so many benefits to reusing your soil. One, if you are in a garage or a large scale facility, your biggest time and cost and expense is moving soil in and out of the facility and deposing of that soil. Not only that but if you’re using chemical nutrients and you’re disposing of this soil, you’re potentially leaking nitrates and phosphates into our ground water and contaminating our environment and ground water systems. There’s a ton of benefits there. In addition to that, our goal as we make this soil is to work towards having living soil. We’re building and mimicking nature here as we go over time.

Many of these minerals that we’re adding in this recipe are not even plant available that first cycle. The idea is that these nutrients will be released over time. What we’ve done with our soil mix is we’ve actually tested it up to 4 years out at 4 cycles a year. The production actually improves after that first cycle as the microbes establish more and more soil structure. The goal is building toward this soil structure in your garden indoors.

Shango Los: That’s the antithesis of what I hear more often for folks. They want to make sure they’re giving their plants the most to thrive on so they’ll either buy pre-done soil or they’ll build a soil new each time. What you’re saying is some of the stuff isn’t even available the first time around so it might actually be better your third cycle or your fourth cycle. How long do you need to let the soil rest between growing cycles?

Tad Hussey: That’s going to be entirely dependent on how many nutrients you’re adding per growing cycle. For example with our soil what we do in an indoor raised bed is our idea of an optimum environment because we’re giving each plant more access to soil and media. What we would do is literally harvest the plant at the end of the cycle and shake off the soil that comes out with the roots and take that plant away and harvest it. Then what we do is mix in what we call a nutrient pack but it’s just a combination of organic minerals and nutrients similar to what we talked about in the Clackamas Coot recipe. You would mix that back into the soil, add a little bit of compost and maybe a little bit of aeration if this soil needs more drainage.

If you think about it, every time you harvest a plant you’re pulling out organic matter and you’re pulling out nutrients because this isn’t a closed loop, these are things that need to be replaced every cycle. The cost to replace that and the amount that you’re adding is so minimal compared to what you’re putting in initially that you end up saving a ton of money. You’re really only disturbing the top 2 or 3 inches of the soil which are designed to be deserved by nature in a natural system. Overall, you end up with a happier, healthier plant. In your time down if you’re amending at these lower rates is really only 24 to 36 hours before you’re bringing back in your next crop of vegetative plants into that flower room.

Shango Los: How do you know? I know you said that you use the Keep It Simple nutrient pack but for folks who are going to do this themselves, how do they know what percentage of the original recipe they should add during the resting part of the cycle? Is it easy to say across the board, “Just add 10% of each of the inputs and that should be good,” or how should folks think about that?

Tad Hussey: If it were me, I would probably start adding back in half a cup per cubic foot of all those main ingredients and maybe 2 cups per cubic foot of the mineral mix as an initial starting point. It really depends on how large of a pot you’re growing in and how large your plant grows to determine how much nutrients are being taken out of the soil. Here’s where another soil test would give you a base line for what you need to re-amend. You really just have to pay attention to how your crop finished and how that amendment you made at the beginning of the next cycle effected that crop. Over time, you kind of get a feel for the soil and learn how to work it to where you can manage your inputs appropriately.

Shango Los: Right on. We’re going to take another short break and be right back. You are listening to the podcast.

Entrepreneur’s across the country are establishing businesses in response to cannabis normalization. Once a state becomes legal for cannabis, they all go through similar growing pains. New business owners must develop a business plan, a brand, learn growing and processing techniques and develop products from those new skills and get them to market. Most challenging, they must learn how to work creatively within the narrow bands of legality set by their state regulators. Each step in this process is filled with hidden delays that burn resources.

The most common challenging belief that I have seen from my own clients and other players in Washington, Colorado, and Oregon is that they think they can do it all themselves. Or worse, that they have to do it all by themselves. This is simply untrue and in most cases will cost you a great deal of time, money, and frustration. We have reached the point now that there are exceptionally good cannabis consultants who have learned from their mistakes, risen to the top of their own markets and now offer this advice to new cannabis entrepreneurs in states that are just moving into production now.

One of these is Green Lion. Green Lion was an early player in the Washington medical market, they grew up during times of confusing gray market regulations balancing between honoring the Cole 2 memo in state cannabis laws while continually striving to push the market forward with ground breaking growing, processing, and products. Green Lion was in the first round of licences awarded by Washington State, and they began the difficult challenge of running tandem medical and state licensed recreational operations while being a shining example of creating revenue and staying within the fine details of state law. Their extraction lab uses a variety of methods and has a reputation for producing exceptional oils and an employee training program taught by folks who are now industry leaders. Green Lion can help you attain your own cannabis sales goals. They’re multifaceted team has the expertise you need whether it be growing, extraction, product development, branding or support working through your state licensing process.

Green Lion is also now acquiring established medical and recreational marijuana product lines to bring into the Green Lion family. If you have an established product and want to participate in the licensed cannabis market, Green Lion could be the place for you. They will fold your manufacturing team into their production and get your proven products into the hands of cannabis enthusiasts everywhere.  Finally, do you enjoy fine cannabis oil? Green Lion presently provides recreational and medical products made with their premium oils throughout Washington state. Ask for Green Lion dab oil, Co2 oil and kief infused pre-rolls, vape cartridges and full plant extract topical’s at your favorite retail location.

Get your pen ready because here comes the contact information. If you want to achieve a positive cash flow in a shorter time, reach out to Green Lion. If you have a marijuana business that needs to find a licensed home to manufacture, reach out to Green Lion. Drop a line to and let them know how you want to work together. Tell them Ganjapreneur sent you too. That email address is Now, back to the podcast.

Welcome back, you are listening to the podcast. I am your host Shango Los and our guest this week is Tad Hussey of Keep It Simple Organics. Tad, right before the break you said something that totally raised an exciting flag for me. You said “indoor raised beds” was one of your preferred ways of growing. Is that exactly what it sounds like? Are you talking about for those who are growing indoors versus outdoors, indoors you’re actually constructing a raised bed that is shared by multiple plants so instead of them being in individual containers, you’ve got a couple different plants that are sharing the same raised bed. They’re roots can intermingle, they can access nutrients at different parts of this larger raised bed, then they grow side by side. Is that what you’re describing?

Tad Hussey: Exactly. It makes growing so much easier. We aim for about a foot to 18 inches in depth for soil on these beds and typically stay about 4 feet in width, then you can build them at any length that allows us to reach into the beds. By putting structures up above the beds, we can then scrog the plant and train it appropriately. The raised beds allow for better and more consistent watering. They allow for those plants to share a mycorrhizael relationship with each other. They make it really, really easy to set up a watering system. For example, the blue mats or drip irrigation.

Shango Los: As soon as you said that, my mind just started running with the implications of it. I think this is going to be my next thing to look into. Why don’t we take a quick little side bar? How would you recommend people go about building an indoor raised bed? What are your preferred materials?

Tad Hussey: Most of this stuff you can just get at Home Depot. If you build them 8 by 4, it’s really easy in terms of the lengths of the lumber. For example, you can make them out of something as simple as plywood and 2 by 4’s, from that you just insulate it with pod liner, put in a couple degree angle on the drain so you have a drain in one corner in case for some reason you happen to over water. That’s really all there is to it.

Shango Los: That’s really cool, right on. Let’s get back to the soil recipe we were talking about in the second segment. The goal of building our own soil is to make sure that the soil itself is alive. It is a good home for microbes, it will make the nutrients be more bio-available to allow for more thriving plants. Will I be feeding the soil over the course of the cycle or is the idea that I’ve built a soil, so I don’t have to do anything to it? Or will I feed it with something in particular?

Tad Hussey: I think the goal here is to really get all the minerals and nutrients into the soil so the plant can select what it wants when it wants it. That being said, sometimes you will find that you may not have amended the soil with enough nutrients in the beginning of your cycle. You will have to add something to make up any deficiencies. Sometimes it’s as simple as top dressing with some earth worm castings if it seems like there is a minor deficiency or you can have on hand an organic bottled nutrient like a grow or a bloom formula, just in case, to help the plant finish it’s life cycle. In addition to that, there are a lot of things people like to add. Silica is a great one because it helps with any micro-toxicities in the leaf surface as well as heat stress. It builds thicker cellular walls so you have a stronger stalk. That’s a really popular addition in the form of potassium silicate, seaweed extract powder will provide plant growth hormones and regulators as well as chelation and some potassium and up to 70 trace elements. There’s a ton of different things you can add. The only limit is your imagination in regards to the different nutrient sources out there.

Shango Los: I see, it’s a lot like so many aspects of cannabis growing where if you build your soil, you’re going to be 80% of the game already locked down. If you want to continue on from that, you can do even better. It’s kind of this sliding scale about how much you want to get into it, how much you want to research and how much you want to spend and spend time finding these materials.

Tad Hussey: Exactly, and here’s where a lot of that wild crafting stuff from the last talk would come in to play. You could definitely top dress your bed with comfrey for example, or apply nettle tea for the silica. One thing to keep in mind that I like to warn people is always start at a quarter strength of what the recommended applications are when you’re applying to a heavily amended soil like what we’ve been talking about. In addition to that, make sure that when you do apply these nutrients, not only are you going light but you’re not applying them homogeneously across your entire growing space. You really can’t tell if a product or an amendment is having an effect on your crop unless you have a control there. I always like to tell people to experiment. Try 2 or 3 slightly different soil recipes and be sure to keep track to how your plants respond to that. You may be growing a particular strain or cultivar that may want slightly more phosphorus or a little bit more potassium. By experimenting with this, you can really dial in your own scene right there in your home.

Shango Los: Right on. I’ve got one more question for you before we wrap up today. You brought this idea of reusing the soil into the discussion, I really like that idea both for the improved nutrient value of the soil over the 2, 3, 4th cycle — but also it just wastes less resources. When you’re keeping the soil outside and you’re giving it a cycle off to breathe, do you need to do this in a covered environment so that it’s not getting wet or is it easy enough to make a big pile out in the elements and let it fend for itself? How do you keep the soil while you’re cycling it or while you’re letting it rest during an off cycle?

Tad Hussey: In a raised bed situation, you’re never even moving the soil out of the facility or out of your room. It’s going to stay right there where it is. If you’re growing in smaller containers and you need to re-pile the soil, re-amend it then move it back in, ideally I don’t think you’re really letting the soil rest. If you had to move it outside, keep in mind that you are potentially exposing it to pathogens and diseases when you bring it back indoors. I would definitely put a tarp over the top because you don’t want to leach out any nutrients that are still preexisting in the soil. Getting back to this reused concept, the one question I get asked the most is how do you deal with pests. For example, if you all of sudden have to deal with spider mites or fungus gnats or root aphids, how do you reuse the soil in situations like this? That would be an entirely new talk but basically I just want to say that I really firmly believe that there are organic solutions for all of these pests and that you can still reuse the soil. We have people locally here doing that, using a combination of predatory insects in various organic IPM strategies. Just because you get a pest doesn’t necessarily mean you still have to check out your soil and start over.

Shango Los: Right on. That’s a really good thing to point out. If you’re a listener and you think that idea of predatory insects is a good idea, feel free to go back to our podcast from about 6 weeks ago with Shane Young of Natural Enemies Bio-control out of Portland and he talks all about how to use beneficial insects. It’s a pretty good show. Tad, thank you so much for joining us on the show again. I’m looking forward to having you back in a couple weeks to talk about compost teas. For anybody who wants to hear more about Tad, you can go back to last months episode where we talk about wild crafting nutrient teas and you can also view Tad’s entire presentation at Canna-Con Seattle from 2 months ago on the video section on Tad, thanks for being on the show and we’ll talk to you again in a couple weeks.

Tad Hussey: Sounds great. Thanks Shango.

Shango Los: You can find out more about Tad Hussey and Keep It Simple Organics on their website at You can also find some of the materials that Tad talks about sourcing on their website as well. You can find more episodes of the Ganjapreneur podcast in the podcast section at and in the Apple iTunes store. On the website you will find the latest cannabis new, product reviews and cannabis jobs updated daily along with transcriptions of this podcast. You can also download the app in the iTunes store and Google Play. Do you have a company that wants to reach our national audience of cannabis enthusiasts? Email to find out how. Today’s show was produced by Noel Abbott. I am your host Shango Los.


Feds Back Down on Medical Cannabis Prosecution

In a dramatic and hard-fought win for the cannabis normalization movement, the federal government has formally acknowledged cannabis pioneer Lynnette Shaw’s right to grow and distribute medical cannabis.

Shaw is widely considered the mother of medical cannabis. She helped author California’s original medical cannabis bill, Prop. 215, and in 1997 founded the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, the nation’s first state-licensed medical marijuana dispensary, in Fairfax, California.

In 1998, the feds singled out Shaw as part of a broader attack on California’s marijuana industry, hoping to make an example out of an industry pioneer. Shaw avoided being shut down until 2011, when the Obama administration threatened the Marin Alliance with asset forfeiture and lengthy prison sentences. Shaw was forced to abandon her operation, and the feds banned her from participating in any future cannabis endeavors.

In a phone interview with Ganjapreneur, Shaw described the aftermath of the Marin Alliance shutdown as filled with paranoia and espionage. “They terrorized me,” she said. “They ruined me financially; they ruined basically any opportunity of me working anywhere.”

She went off the grid, leaving behind her phone and online networks for the safety of her friends and colleagues. She knew she was being watched, and wanted to avoid bringing trouble to other cannabis professionals. “They wanted me to give up names and supply routes,” she said. Shaw bought a pit-bull, both for protection and companionship — she was “on the run” for more than four years.

“Change your rental car every three days,” she laughed. “That’s how you lose a tail.”

In 2015, Shaw found a way to break back into the industry. A clause tacked onto the 2015 national spending bill called the Rohrbacher-Farr Ammendment blocked the Department of Justice from spending federal funds to prosecute state-legal medical marijuana enterprises. Citing unlawful interference with medical marijuana laws, Shaw filed a lawsuit against the agencies that had been hunting her for years. In October 2015, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer ruled in her favor.

This week, the 9th District Circuit Court finally threw out the subsequent appeal by federal agencies, making Lynnette Shaw the first person to be federally-sanctioned to grow and dispense medical cannabis. And it won’t stop there.

But what’s next for the mother of medical cannabis?

Shaw recently co-founded the Veterans Cannabis Group to help out the struggling veteran population in her area. The organization will host an official kickoff barbecue event on April 30. Though she hopes eventually to revive the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, Shaw has a few things to take care of first.

“We’re going to have to go and get our people out [of federal prison] now. I am not giving up the fight. I’m like a general back on the battlefield — what I want to do is rescue my people. Get them out of these cases, get them out of jail, get them off probation, get them off of marijuana testing. The war against medical marijuana is over, we just have to clean up the mess. We can make this all go away in just a few years.”

Attached below is the original press release issued by Shaw and her attorney:

18 years of civil litigation comes to an end against Lynnette Shaw over her permit to sell medical marijuana

The close of 18 years of Federal civil litigation came with a mere 2 sentences on April 12, 2016. The signal is loud and clear: the war against medical marijuana is coming to an end…medical marijuana won!

In June, 2015, Lynnette Shaw and her attorney Greg Anton filed for relief from a permanent injunction against distributing medical marijuana. In October, 2015, a Federal judge issued a scathing decision, affirming Shaw’s right to act in accordance with California law. Then the Federal government appealed. Today, the 9th Circuit Court dismissed the appeal. This is the first time a federal court has specifically allowed a person to distribute medical marijuana without federal interference.

“I’m relieved that the vindictive persecution has ended,” said Ms. Shaw. “I’m thrilled to return to the industry I helped create.”

Ms. Shaw has received honors and awards for her achievements in pioneering medical marijuana and licensed dispensaries.

In June, 1997, Fairfax, Ca, Ms. Shaw and The Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana created the first-in-the-nation regulated dispensary to sell medical marijuana.


New Rules Aim at Eliminating Odor from Washington Marijuana Facilities

Washington State’s Puget Sound Clean Air Agency has deployed new rules aimed at curtailing odors associated with producing and processing marijuana, the Washington Liquor and Cannabis Board announced in an email this week.

“Marijuana odors and compounds can degrade air quality and create a nuisance to others,” the release said. “Producers and processors of marijuana are sources of both odors and volatile organic compounds which are defined as air contaminants under the Washington Clean Air Act.”

Under the new rules, facilities in King, Kitsap, Snohomish and Pierce counties emitting such types of contaminants must obtain an Order of Approval from the PSCAA.

Prospective producers must file a Notice of Construction permit which requires a steep $1,150 filing fee. Applicants must include the facility type, expected square-footage of canopy size, expected yield, and odor control equipment details; such as schematics and specifications.

In February, Alan Rathbun, member of the state’s Liquor and Cannabis Board, indicated that the board had received comments from the public regarding potential odor issues but decided it would be up to environmental agencies, such as the PSCAA, to determine if steps were needed to address the issue.

“We have consistently communicated with our potential applicants that there may be many other regulations that they may face outside the requirements for obtaining a producer, processor or retail marijuana license,” he said in an interview with the Seattle-based Municipal Research and Services Center.


Details Revealed Behind Ohio’s New Medical Cannabis Bill

There’s a Marijuana Policy Project-backed campaign going on in Ohio to legalize medical cannabis, but lawmakers in The Buckeye State might just beat activists to the punch.

A bill unveiled in the Ohio House of Representatives today would legalize medical cannabis, bringing safe MMJ access to needy patients within two years’ time.

The law would grant the purchase of medicated edible products, patches, plant material and concentrated cannabis oils by approved patients who are 18 or older — for younger patients, parental permission would of course be required.

Home-grown cannabis is not an option as per the new proposal, and it currently remains unclear whether or not patients would be allowed to smoke their medicine.

If passed, the bill would establish a nine-member commission under the Ohio Department of Health that would oversee the rules for a medical marijuana industry. The commission would be granted one year to write the rules determining who would be allowed to grow, sell and prescribe cannabis.

The law places many restrictions on physicians that prescribe medical cannabis — doctors who choose to do so would have to update the state on the number of patients for whom they have recommended marijuana every 90 days, including a description of each patient’s condition and the doctor’s reasoning for recommending MMJ. One unique difference between most other states’ marijuana laws, however, is that lawmakers in Ohio are not deciding a list of conditions that qualify for medical cannabis. They are leaving that decision up to the doctors themselves.

The proposal also determines that MMJ will be offered via highly regulated dispensaries, and that individual localities could vote to ban such storefronts.

Banks dealing with medical marijuana retailers would be protected from prosecution — but as a state law, this allowance would not prevent federal authorities from cracking down. Instead, Ohio lawmakers would issue an official recommendation to the feds that marijuana be reduced from a Schedule 1 drug

Finally, lawmakers would also encourage MMJ research with state-sanctioned funding, but employers will still be allowed to ban employees from using medical marijuana — even if employees have the recommendation of a doctor.

For a more detailed analysis of the medical marijuana landscape in Ohio, see this report.
