The top cola of a young, outdoor cannabis plant.

Jamaica Licenses First MMJ Cultivator & Producer

Jamaica’s Cannabis Licensing Authority has granted its first approvals for the nation’s medical cannabis industry, as Everything Oily Labs Limited was issued a processing license and Epican was issued a license to cultivate, the Jamaica Gleaner reports.

Hyacinth Lightborne, chair of the CLA, indicated that three other applications were also approved and those companies were “completing their requirements,” while another 57 applicants are “in the conditional approval stage,” and 209 other applications “are currently being processed.”

Agriculture Minister Karl Samuda commended the CLA for its diligent work in the process noting that the agency is ensuring that Jamaica’s products will “meet the standards of the international community.” However, he also warned that regulators needed to “move swiftly” in the application process while ensuring that the products “meet the standards of the international community” so the nation does not “miss the boat.”

“So I ask that [the CLA] be very careful but at the same time be very swift in the discharge of their responsibilities,” he said.

According to the CLA website, current regulations in Jamaica do not allow for cannabis import or export; however the nation’s Chief Medical Officer does have the authority to grant the export and import of cannabis “preparations” such as extracts and tinctures. In addition to allowing medical cannabis production and use, the 2015 amendments to the nation’s Dangerous Drugs Act also allows for expungement of some cannabis-related crimes.


A tall, green building surrounded and contrasted by orange and red buildings.

New Frontier Data Partners with Public Accounting Firm for Cannabis-Tax Reports

CohnReznick LLP, one of the largest public accounting firms in the U.S., is partnering with New Frontier Data, which provides cannabis industry data and analytics, to produce reports and webinars on tax issues in the cannabis space.

Giadha Aguirre De Carcer, CEO and founder of New Frontier Data, said the partnership “could not have occurred at a more pivotal time for the industry as a whole” and the two firms “will explore the overall impact the U.S. tax code” has on industry operators, investors, and stakeholders.

“The industry is growing very fast, with still little visibility into, or understanding about, critical matters relevant to both compliance and profitability,” Aguirre De Carcer said in a statement. “CohnReznick’s breadth and depth of expertise in complex taxation and regulatory matters will fulfill a critical need in this rapidly growing market.”

The companies plan to produce bi-weekly tax insights that will be published in New Frontier Data’s free weekly “CannaBit” newsletter, a report examining “the tax pitfalls” facing canna-businesses, and two educational cannabis tax-specific webinars.

Michael Harlow, partner at CohnReznick, said they are “very excited” to launch the project.

“We are looking forward to applying our expertise in this burgeoning market while working hand in hand with New Frontier Data to fill clients’ needs for business intelligence that helps maximize their mission and growth goals,” he said in a press release.

Based on aggregated 2013 revenues, CohnReznick, based in New York City, is the 10th largest public accounting firm in the U.S., reporting $508 million in revenues in 2014.


CannaRegs ‘Pulls Plug’ on Deal with MassRoots After CEO Shakeup

CannaRegs CEO Amanda Ostrowitz said the company is “pulling the plug” on its $12 million stock deal with MassRoots following the surprising vote by MassRoots’ board of directors to remove founder Isaac Dietrich as CEO and install Vice President Scott Kveton, Business Insider reports. Ostrowitz, who was named president of MassRoots in conjunction with the deal, was traveling in Italy at the time of the vote.

“I had no idea what the hell was going on with the board,” she said in the report, adding that she is voiding the deal because she needs to do what is best for her company, “not be on a roller-coaster ride.”

According to the report, Ostrowitz indicated she had not been in direct contact with the board over the ouster of Dietrich or CannaRegs’ withdrawal from the deal; instead, she had received confirmation of the withdrawal from attorneys. Forbes, who broke the MassRoots story, reported that Dietrich’s removal was directly related to the CannaRegs deal as Kveton believed the price Dietrich paid for the company was too steep.

“This was a deal we absolutely intended to do,” Ostrowitz told Business Insider, adding that she had not considered selling the company until approached by MassRoots and was actively raising funds to thwart a separate attempt to purchase the firm. “We were in the due diligence, paperwork phase. We did everything we needed to do.”

In an email to Business Insider, Kveton indicated that the “transition” to remove Dietrich had been in the works for “some time” and called Ostrowitz’s decision “unfortunate.”

“ … Amanda has built a great business, but ultimately the board wanted to maximize the deal for the MassRoots shareholders and we just couldn’t get there,” he said in the email.

Ostrowitz said that while the company is “still on good terms with Massroots” she didn’t think Dietrich should “be out of the picture.”

Dietrich, who is still listed as CEO on the MassRoots website, has not publicly commented on the board’s vote.


Study: Opioid-Related Deaths Decrease after Colorado Legalization

According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, cannabis legalization in Colorado has led to a 6.5 percent decrease in opioid-related deaths, equaling .7 percent decrease in opioid deaths per month.

“This reduction represents a reversal of the upward trend in opioid-related deaths in Colorado,” the authors wrote concluded in the study titled “Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Opioid-Related Deaths in Colorado 2000-2015,” published in the American Journal of Public Health, and online Oct. 11.

According to a Washington Post outline of the study, the researchers examined opioid-related death trends before and after Colorado’s adult-use laws took effect, attempting to isolate medical from recreational markets by comparing Colorado to Nevada, which did not allow adult-use cannabis use in 2014, as Colorado did. The team purports a 95 percent confidence level.

The study is the latest to support numerous others finding cannabis could be used as an exit drug for opioid use disorders. A HelloMD and University of California Berkeley survey of nearly 3,000 patients earlier this year found 97 percent of participants agreed that they could decrease their opioid use when using cannabis. A University of British Columbia and University of Victoria study published in February found 30 percent of medical cannabis patients were using cannabis instead of opioid-based prescriptions. In May, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a division of the National Institutes of Health updated their website to reflect NIDA research reflecting correlations “between marijuana legalization and adverse outcomes associated with prescription opioids” which found that states with legal cannabis access see lower levels of opioid prescribing, non-medical opioid use, and less opioid-associated hospital admissions.

“Notably, the reduction in deaths was present only in states with dispensaries (not just medical marijuana laws) and was greater in states with active dispensaries,” the new section states. “Though none of these studies are definitive, they cumulatively suggest that medical marijuana products may have a role in reducing the use of opioids needed to control pain. More research is needed to investigate this possibility.”


The Pennsylvavnia state capitol building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with a rainbow behind it.

Pennsylvania Allows First MMJ Producer to Begin Production

Cresco Yeltrah has been given the greenlight by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to begin medical cannabis production – it is the first licensed operator to receive the go-ahead in the state. The firm, one of 12 licensed in Pennsylvania, is based in Jefferson County, northeast of Pittsburgh.

Cresco has already integrated with the state’s seed-to-sale tracking system and is now able to begin accepting seeds and clones.

“Every day we hear from patients who are desperately waiting for medical marijuana to help alleviate the symptoms of their serious medical conditions,” said Gov. Tom Wolf in a press release. “My message to them today is that Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program is moving forward and we will have medication to them sometime in 2018. Cresco Yeltrah will now be able to grow medical marijuana, making sure that patients will not have to wait much longer.”

Acting Health Secretary and Physician General Dr. Rachel Levine said she expects the state’s 11 other licensed producers to be ready to cultivate and process medical cannabis “in the coming weeks.”

“We are working with them, as well as the dispensaries, to ensure the program stays on track,” Levine said in a statement. “Patients are our first priority, and we want to get medication to them as safely and efficiently as possible.”

Officials expect the program to be fully implemented by 2018.


Neeraj Bhardwaj: Creating the Magnetic Induction Vaporizer

Neeraj Bhardwaj is President of Loto Labs, creator of the Loto Lux, the world’s first magnetic induction-based vaporizer.

Neeraj recently came on the podcast to talk with our host TG Branfalt about the magnetic induction technology used inside of the Loto Lux, how the experiences of his family and his own desire for a healthier lifestyle set him down the path to establishing a new and improved vaporizer technology, the company’s successful crowdfunding campaign, staying the course through fallout from unforeseen difficulties, and much more!

Listen to the interview below, or scroll down to read a full transcript of this week’s podcast episode.

Listen to the podcast:

Read the transcript:

TG Branfalt: Hey there, I’m your host TG Branfalt and you’re listening to the Podcast where we try to bring you actionable information and normalize cannabis through the stories of ganjapreneurs, activists, and industry stakeholders. Today I’m joined by Neeraj Bhardwaj. He’s the President of Loto Labs. How you doing today?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: I’m good. How are you doing?

TG Branfalt: I’m doing all right. Doing all right. Really stoked to talk to you. Your story’s really interesting. How you brought the Loto Lux to market is really interesting. Before we get into that, what’s your background? How did you get into the cannabis space?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Ah, yes, that’s an interesting question actually, because I’m from tech. My background is mainly semiconductors and non-destructive testing and the way that I got into cannabis is kind of a personal story. My mother was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and when she was going through chemotherapy they were giving her all kinds of medicines to eat, and to sleep, and, you know, chemotherapy is itself a poison. She couldn’t eat and it was sad to see her become so thin, so someone suggested I take her cannabis.

Now, this is an Indian woman who’s never smoked or drank in her life, and myself I had only done it a couple times before that. It wasn’t something I did or practiced. I had to learn how to smoke it and that meant grinding it and rolling it, with tobacco in this case, as the person who showed me to do it. We were rolling spliffs and honestly, Mom felt fantastic and she could eat french fries immediately. It was absolutely unbelievable. I was shocked at what cannabis could do when I felt great.

After she passed I started smoking a lot of cannabis and I really gave up drinking and really, really enjoyed different strains and kind of got into it that way. Besides that, I really, really want to stop smoking cigarettes and that’s part of the way I got into the vaporization space. I wanted to stop smoking everything.

TG Branfalt: Originally, you had applied for a patent to apply this technology for the glycerin propylene glycol nicotine. Let’s start with this. How’d you originally get the idea for the Loto Lux? Explain to me what sets it apart from other vaporizers?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: All right, so the idea for the Loto Lux, it came from necessity. After my mom passed away, my son was born a few months later, and I wanted to stop smoking everything, because obviously there are tiny particles that are caught on your clothing, and it’s in your breath. You exhale carbon monoxide for, I believe it’s months, or maybe not months, but it’s a long time after inhalation of, say, cigarettes. Carbon monoxide’s exposed. You don’t want to have that around a small infant. I started trying vaporizer after vaporizer, and unfortunately, I found that all the vaporizers that I tried had issues related to their heating technology. That’s indicative with all resistive heating.

Basically, I was frustrating with burning, breaking. What I mean by breaking is there was a replaceable part, always. Like a coil or the cartridge, which happens to be the entire vaporizer. All these consumable piece are annoying because they break. They also burn. The material which it intends to vape as well, is something called a wick. It’s inside of a vaporizer as well. Now, this is different for dry herb and liquids. I’m kind of going to go back and forth between the two, but I’ll try to be distinct when I do that.

We started teaching my son baby sign language, and in baby sign language, I met one of the most brilliant minds I’ve ever come across. Dr. Andrew Bleloch. He is a Cambridge physicist, has taught there, as well as other universities. He started a couple other startups in different spaces, like genome sequencing and electron microscopy, and most recently a vape company with me. We have another founder named Gabe. He was a friend through ice hockey, and we frequently used the ice hockey rink for our first meetings. This idea for the induction vaporizer, and for the Loto Lux, which at that time, we called the Evoke, came from a combination of wanting to make a different vaporizer with a different technology.

We found magnetic induction, because Andrew said nobody’s doing it, so we patented it. A couple days later, we filed for our provisional. A couple weeks later, we shot a crowdfunding campaign, and the rest is history.

TG Branfalt: Why did you specifically decide to use that tech for cannabis? As a layperson, I’m not really clear on what magnetic induction heating is, so why don’t you give us an overview of what that does and why you chose to run with that when you were designing the product?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yes, excellent question. Magnetic induction is one of the four ways to heat up something organic. We know that that’s combustion, you light something on fire. There’s irradiation, with something like plutonium, which is very dangerous. There is resistive heating, which is how every single vaporizer today works. They all use a resistant wire, which is shorted over some power source. In most cases, a battery. We just discussed the burning, breaking, leaking. Then there’s magnetic induction.

If you’re familiar with magnetic induction stove tops, I can explain it in a moment, but this is exactly the same technology that we’re using. In a magnetic induction stove top, you turn on the stove to 100%, you put your hand on it, it’s ice cold, or room temperature I should say, you then put a ceramic pot on it, the ceramic pot will do nothing, there’ll be no interaction. You put a magnetic, metal pot on top of that surface, and it will heat evenly itself, meaning that the magnetic pot is the heater. Field waves create magnetic hysteresis, as well as any currents which flow up and down the surface of that magnetic metal. This then causes something like molecular friction, which causes the heat to arise inside of the material. This happens very efficiently and very rapidly depending on a couple different factors. We miniaturized and patented that for personal vaporization.

TG Branfalt: How long did that take you, man? I mean, just you explaining it, it sounds sort of futuristic almost. From the time that you sat in that ice hockey rink, and you guys said, “All right, this is what we’re going to do.” Until you drew up the patent. How long did that take for you to design this?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Oh my gosh. That’s a complicated question, because it took a very long time to make this device. Well, that’s the story of the last couple years, then, isn’t it? The concept didn’t take long, but the implementation of a concept to an actual physical product took a brilliant mind, here in Silicon Valley, a gentleman named Darius …. He came up with the original circuit designed for magnetic induction vaporizer. We came up with something called a magnetic induction susceptor, which happens to be the heater and the wick, which is one piece. That piece, when placed inside of our magnetic induction field, will heat up evenly, without contact. It’s pretty amazing.

TG Branfalt: You crowdfunded this thing, which I find is really one of the most fascinating aspects of this whole project to me, because of the number of these crowdfunding projects that succeed is very small compared to the number that fall apart or never get funded. Can you tell me about the crowdfunding experience, or about your experience in the crowdfunding space?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yeah. Let me tell you what’s going on with the crowdfunding space. It was amazing. It helped launch this company. It built a core group of fans. It showed us market validation, which is very useful for investors, and it was all around an amazing learning experience. There was a guy named Gregory Fox who came to our Garage Mahal and he was amazing. He got to try the unit. Yeah, he’s one of the original backers. We have a couple of these folks who have come, and that we’ve met over the years that we’ve traveled to LA a couple times. It’s been pretty remarkable, the crowdfunding people that we met.

The crowdfunding campaign doesn’t get you to product, not to people. I can say that with confidence. Unless you’re knitting your own hats, if it’s something that’s a complicated electronic device, you still have to have more money to get to product. We had to raise more funds, like everyone else, and in doing that, we had to build prototypes to prove that this technology was viable, to ourselves, and obviously, to investors, and the community. It took a long time to do that, and we had some pitfalls along the way.

We worked with a very ambitious company in Silicon Valley that was our first design firm, and they did maybe some unscrupulous things, but generally, they lost key personnel. The gentleman named Darius. He had left the company for a variety of reasons, and because of that, we also left that company. That set up a variety of different things that happened to us. We found a new design firm. We had to change the design. This took a long time. Then, there were respins of the boards. We had to tool. There were a number of different things that happened.

TG Branfalt: You had mentioned that you had a couple of setbacks. What kept you going when you hit a snag, and what did you do to maintain support?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Oh, that’s a good question. The way that I was able to maintain this company during this time. It was pretty difficult, because I had new kids … A new kid, sorry, and then another new kid later. Having children is very, very complicated with the startup at the same time, because of sleep deprivation. What kept me going through this, maybe it was some kind of mania, because I can’t really tell you how all of this came to fruition. Really, what kind of kept me on this path was the patent. The fact that I knew we had something. This is a real technology. This is something that’s impressive and amazing, and I think that because I’m a user of this technology, I’m maybe the only user out of a couple of us, I knew this was something really important and really significant. We also had a lot of interest from some massive companies worldwide. Private equity firms to other corporations that were in the space. Because of that, it was obvious that they were eyeing us to see if we would live or die, so I chose to live.

TG Branfalt: What amongst the crowdfunders, the general public, not just the investors, but the individual that helped with the crowdfunding, how did you maintain their support?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Oh, so let’s talk about that. This has been a tricky situation for us. We, as I mentioned before, had several setbacks. We try to always convey the most up to date information we had, and while that seems the most ethical and smartest thing to do, it is now proven to be wrong to me. I would say that what we should’ve done is, we should’ve waited to communicate longer at the beginning, but instead, we got whatever information we had and we passed it along to our crowdfunders, and it was extremely overzealous. That being the case, we missed our deadlines, and missing deadlines is a terrible thing in crowdfunding.

However, we have extremely supportive crowdfunders. Unbelievably. There are very many vocal crowdfunders that you’ll find from our campaign that are very upset that they haven’t received their units yet, but I think all will be forgiven as soon as they receive those units. However, the majority of the people, the vast majority of the people, have been supportive, and it’s been remarkable.

TG Branfalt: I mean, it takes a lot for any individual, or entrepreneur, or someone in a startup to be able to come out and admit that mistakes were made and not make excuses, so I applaud your candor in those regards. I know that they’re starting to ship here pretty soon, so congratulations, you’ve made it. Right?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: We’ve made it. We’ve got here. We did it. We made the units. We put the money in. We have made it. They just have to ship. Next year is going to be an interesting year for us. This year, we just need to focus on getting Loto Luxes out to our crowdfunders and to the market.

TG Branfalt: Well, I want to talk to you a bit more about your experience in the space. Before we do that, we’ve got to take a break. This is podcast. I’m TG Branfalt.

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TG Branfalt: Hey. Welcome back to the podcast. I’m your host TG Branfalt here with Loto Labs president Neeraj Bhardwaj. Before the break we were talking about the fact that you’ve gotten these units, they’re off the line, you’re entering the market with a product. Tell me about your experience thus far in a crowded and competitive market such as cannabis vaporizers.

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yeah, good question. I worked in semiconductors and non-destructive testing for about 15 years. Both of which are very, very competitive and crowded. I was in sales and marketing, and I can tell you what I learned. I learned that companies with the most protectable IP and more products in their IP pipeline had the best shot at long term value creation. Without IP, and that stands for intellectual property, without such a thing, you will always have “me too” competitors, and it will basically come down to who has a better marketing budget. Cannabis is a lot like semiconductors. At the beginning, it grew at an absurd rate. I mean, obviously, cannabis is growing at an absurd rate. There’s room for lots of competition here, because the market is growing so incredibly fast, and a high tide lifts all boats.

Another thing I gleamed from corporate life was that in a competitive market, the customer wields much more power, and companies really have to account for that. That’s something that we’re really focusing on. You may have noticed some of our rebranding efforts. This is a very difficult task. The voice that we’ve been speaking with now, we have some new personnel and couldn’t be more grateful to them for coming on board.

TG Branfalt: When you were entering the space, you mentioned intellectual property, that’s not something that’s really afforded to a company that touches the plant, we’ll say. Was the ancillary industry, is it a little more appealing to you because you have those IP protections?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Well, yes. Obviously, we’re an ancillary company to the cannabis market. We’re an ancillary company to the tobacco market. We are the don’t smoke market.

TG Branfalt: As a new entrant to the cannabis accessory industry, what has struck you the most about the space thus far?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: So far I would say it’s the support and enthusiasm people have for this industry, within the cannabis community as well. You don’t really find that in semiconductors. I also think a common misconception you hear is about the green rush and all these cannabis companies make lots of monies, but the reality is that this fluctuating, uncertain, and changing market is making it very complex to do things like banking and to use credit cards. We get lumped into these categories all the time, and it makes it quite challenging for us as well, especially because we are not pro-cancer, let’s put it that way. Very anti-cancer here. It makes us really upset when people are comparing us to … Whatever reason. Whatever they want to stop us for, it’s very upsetting.

TG Branfalt: You’re talking about because your product is used for … It’s not a smoking device, so why are you lumped into this sort of market?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Well, vaporizers were ancillary to nicotine. Fortunately, we straddled tech, cannabis and nicotine as well other herbs and medicines. Vaporizers are viewed as paraphernalia.

TG Branfalt: What has the response been from people within the cannabis industry, people who touch the plant? What has been their sort of response to the Loto Lux?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: People within the industry have given us some interesting feedback. The biggest feedback we get is that the flavor of their cannabis is unbelievably better with our device. If you look at, say, concentrates, for instance, every device that I can think of actually ends up burning some of the concentrate. Our device does not, and it creates an unbelievable flavor.

TG Branfalt: So it maintains the terpene profiles?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: There’s a lot of things you can do. Our device is extremely customizable. There’s an app that allows you to change settings. You can change, obviously, the way a terpene profile is inhaled by adjusting different heat settings. Unlike a normal resistive heating device, where you have a bell curve of heating that goes up and then goes down, ours has an attack, sustain, and decay, much like an electronic keyboard. There’s an attack at the beginning when you start heating, and then there’s a sustain, and there’s the decay. Very digital in comparison, because the temperatures are able to change so rapidly.

TG Branfalt: This is done through a phone app?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: That’s right.

TG Branfalt: How did you figure this out? How did you figure out that you could maintain some terpene profiles with differences in heating?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Well, it’s just been a lot of testing, actually. It’s been quite a lot of testing over here. Yeah, it’s a complicated process. I can’t quite say the exact terpene profiles, or exactly what’s happening, but obviously something’s happening, and it’s going to take some PhDs some time to research this and come up with a set of values for what’s happening here.

TG Branfalt: I mean, that’s a super, super cool function. As a guy who really enjoys my vaporizers, and especially my live resins, and things that maintain terpene profiles, that’s a really exciting feature for us terpene snobs.

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Oh, man. You’re going to love it. You should see what happens with dry herb. There’s different settings for that as well, so you can go from a very smooth flavor, a very nice experience, all the way to something like incinerated. People like to do that, [inaudible 00:21:31]. Incinerate that popcorny flavor out and just take it in. I don’t know any other vaporizer that can really do that.

TG Branfalt: I haven’t heard of one yet, my man. I want to talk to you a bit about your Cannabis Cup experience, but before we do that, we’ve got to take our last break. This is the podcast. I’m TG Branfalt.

At Ganjapreneur, we have heard from dozens of cannabis business owners who have encountered the issue of cannabias, which is when a mainstream business, whether a landlord, bank, or some other provider of vital business services refuses to do business with them simply because of their association with cannabis. We have even heard stories of businesses being unable to provide health and life insurance for their employees because the insurance providers were too afraid to work with them. We believe that this fear is totally unreasonable, and that cannabis business owners deserve access to the same services and resources that other businesses are afforded, that they should be able to hire consultation to help them follow the letter of the law in their business endeavors, and that they should be able to provide employee benefits without needing to compromise on the quality of coverage they can offer.

This is why we created the business service directory, a resource for cannabis professionals to find and connect with service providers who are cannabis friendly and who are actively seeking cannabis industry clients. If you are considering hiring a business consultant, lawyer, accountant, web designer, or any other ancillary service for your business, go to to browse hundreds of agencies, firms, and organizations who support cannabis legalization and who want to help you grow your business. With so many options to choose from in each service category, you will be able to browse company profiles and do research on multiple companies in advance, so you can find the provider who is the best fit for your particular need. Our business service directory is intended to be a useful and well-maintained resource, which is why we individually vet each listing that is submitted. If you are a business service provider who wants to work with cannabis clients, you may be a good fit for our service directory. Go to to create your profile and start connecting with cannabis entrepreneurs today.

TG Branfalt: Hey, there. Welcome back. I’m your host, TG Branfalt. You’re listening to the podcast. I’m here with Neeraj Bhardwaj, president of Loto Labs. You guys went to Cannabis Cup. I’ve been to one, so whenever I find someone who’s been to one, I really like to talk to them about it. Describe your Cannabis Cup experience, and how did you leverage that opportunity?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: All right. Yeah, let me tell you about that. We’ve actually been to several Cannabis Cups. We’ve done a lot of research before we went to the one where we presented at the 2014 Denver Cannabis Cup. I would say my experience with the Cannabis Cups are a lot like my first experience with Oktoberfest. Going to Denver, the mecca of cannabis at the time … I say at the time, because I think it’s going to shift to California, but anyways. It was exciting, and we saw a lot of different things. A lot of interesting people were at these events. With met a lot of the general public that would use our device. It was a really, really interesting thing to have thousands of people try our device in such a short period of time. The feedback and support we got was amazing, and basically, everyone loved the taste. That was the thing.

We heard three things, mainly. The flavor’s unbelievable. Oh, you can switch capsules so easily? That’s pretty amazing, because unlike other vaporizers, you fill these capsules in advance, and you just pop them in our device, because there’s no mechanical or electric connection. Of course, then there was the fact that we had an app that would control these different things, in real time, I should say.

TG Branfalt: When you unveiled at this event, what was going through your head as someone who’s worked on this and saw it from an ice hockey rink to being tested by thousands of people?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: I felt like I was on pins and needles. It was so unnerving, because we had gotten our first prototypes ever, the very first ones, three days before the Cannabis Cup. We had to rework them in our hotel room, we had to buy soldering irons and rework them, in between day one and day two. We lost three units in between those two days as well. It was incredibly difficult, very stressful time, but the team made it a little bit more enjoyable. That Cannabis Cup was very intense. Very, very intense. Everything we’ve done has some interesting story attached to it.

TG Branfalt: Your first time there as a vendor, you’ve been to Cannabis Cups prior. What did you learn from other vendors that were there?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Well, the main thing I learned was that everybody’s burning the materials. I mean, literally burning them. That’s kind of the way people do this. Especially with concentrates. I wanted to mention very briefly that our device works with everything. It works with dry herb, it works with dry tobacco, other herbs and medicines. It works with eLiquids, eJuices, all these things work with the heating discipline, which is induction technology.

TG Branfalt: You’re really candid in describing sort of the setbacks that you experienced, which not a lot of guys are open about that. Not a lot of CEOs or presidents of companies are open about that. What’s your advice for other entrepreneurs who are probably facing a lot of the same problems that you faced early on?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: The advice that I would have for entrepreneurs, first of all, you’re insane, know that. I’m an ice hockey goalie. Everyone thinks I’m crazy anyway. Besides that, I would say, and this advice is crazy, but I got it from my dad who started his own company, an old science farm in my grandparents’ garage. They’re a 30-some-year-old company now, or maybe almost 40 years old. Sorry, my bad. It’s almost 40 years old, because it started the year I was born, which is very interesting. Same thing started with my son. We started the same thing. Sorry, I digress. My advice is from my father, he said, “You can’t fail if you don’t give up.” Think about that. It’s really crazy. In every way that you think about that, on every level. That’s an insane way of thinking, but it’s true. If you don’t give up, you don’t fail. That’s what I thought. That’s what got me through the tough time.

You know, I learned a couple other things I think are good advice as well. The biggest deterrent to being great is just being good. I really love what my friend Christian Sanz at Skycatch says, and he says to his team, “Humble, nimble, reliable.” I think that really is an interesting mantra, and it really fits our company really well. We’re able to do a lot of things. We’re really nimble, but at the same time, we’re here, and we’re not going anywhere.

TG Branfalt: Have you ever heard the phrase, “Better done than perfect”?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yeah. Oh yeah.

TG Branfalt: Not like anyone should ever listen to my advice for entrepreneurs, but that would be my advice, is better done than perfect.

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Absolutely. That’s very apropos, because you know, it’s Silicon Valley here. We like to say that if you’re happy with your first shipment, then you shipped too late.

TG Branfalt: That’s a really interesting one. I’ve never heard that one before.

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yeah. Well, no. I mean, at B school they taught us that for startups and NTIs, new technology introductions, you really have to be shipping your MVP almost, and MVP stands for minimum viable product. If you look at software, if you look at a lot of different companies who have learned from different … and all these things put together, there’s definitely the idea that you need to ship and iterate as fast as possible. Fast fail, that’s a really important thing. Yeah, I was just trying to give one piece of advice, but basically, I could give a lot.

TG Branfalt: I’m sure the listeners appreciate, again, your sort of honesty and your straightforwardness. So where can people find out more about the Loto Lux and how to obtain one?

Neeraj Bhardwaj: The Loto Lux is sold online at We have limited supplies, so I would rush to get as many as I could. Honestly, because these are not going to be made in this kind of device again. We are going to be iterating, obviously, as fast as possible, but this device is … Honestly, I’m floored by the performance and by this device. I think you’ll see when you get one in your hands, how incredible this guy is.

TG Branfalt: Well, I want to thank you for coming on the show, man. Again, it’s not often that I get somebody who is as excited about what they do and your openness. I really appreciate it and can’t wait to see the Loto Lux and the response, and what you guys come out with next.

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yeah, absolutely. My candor comes from the fact that I don’t have time for anything. I don’t have time to BS or gloss over stuff. I’ll just be straight, right at it,
this is what happened, this is what happens. There’s nothing to hide. Yeah, there’s absolutely nothing to hide.

TG Branfalt: Well, I appreciate it, my man, and thanks again for being on the show.

Neeraj Bhardwaj: Yeah, man. It was awesome. Good talking with you.

TG Branfalt: You can find more episodes of the podcast in the podcast section of and in the Apple iTunes store. On the Ganjapreneur website, you will find the latest cannabis news and cannabis jobs updated daily along with transcripts of this podcast. You can also download the app in iTunes and Google Play. This episode was engineered by Jeremy Sebastiano. I’ve been your host, TG Branfalt.


Indoor medical cannabis plants grown for personal use in California.

Michigan Gov. Appoints 7 to MMJ Advisory Panel

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder has appointed seven members to the state’s Marihuana Advisory Panel, including representatives for law enforcement, physicians, patients, counties, and towns. Snyder is also tasked with appointing another five members to the panel representing cultivators, processors, dispensaries, and safety compliance facilities but according to the governor’s office, those appointments will wait until after the new medical cannabis licensing regime takes effect in December.

The two representatives from the law enforcement community are Roseville Police Department Chief James Berlin, who will represent local police, and Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole, who is currently serving his second term.

Dr. Saqib Nakadar, the medical director for Doc Greens Clinic and doctor of osteopathic medicine, will represent licensed physicians on the panel. Doc Greens Clinic has three locations in the state, specializing in internal medicine and medical cannabis. Paul Samways, the managing partner of Cannabis Accounting, will represent medical cannabis patients.

Suzanne Schulz, the planning director and managing director of design, development, and community engagement for the City of Grand Rapids, will represent cities and villages; attorney Catherine Kaufman, partner at the municipal law firm of Bauckham, Sparks, Thall, Seeber & Kaufman, P.C., will represent townships; and Wayne County Director of Commission Affairs Alan Helmkamp will represent counties.

The remaining members of the panel, all of which will serve three-year terms, will be appointed by the state attorney general, and the directors of the Michigan State Police, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, and the Department of Agriculture, or their designees.


Cannabis samples submitted by licensed growers/producers to a testing lab in Washington state.

Hawaii Licenses 2nd Testing Lab

Hawaii’s second medical cannabis testing lab has been licensed and can begin testing products immediately, according to a KITV report. Pharmlab Hawaii is expected to test products for dispensaries on Maui; Steep Hill Hawaii, located in Oahu, was approved to test products in July and until now have been the sole testing facility in the state.

Wanda Change, Department of Health environmental health analytic services branch chief, said the approval not only gives dispensaries and producers more testing options but “could potentially” cut down on costs and wait times.

A third laboratory, Oahu-based Aeos Labs, might be ready for an on-site inspection from the Health Department by January. Aeos is operated by Clinical Labs of Hawaii. Labs are not allowed to touch any cannabis products until they are approved by the state.

Medical cannabis testing labs screen products for heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, intestinal bacteria, pathogens, microbial contaminants, and dangerous molds as well as the cannabinoid profile of the products.

Chris Whelen, head of the Health Department’s State Laboratories Division, has previously indicated that interested labs continue to “submit or resubmit validation studies for certification.”

As of Sept. 30, there are 19,190 patients registered in Hawaii’s medical cannabis program.


The Toronto Stock Exchange in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Toronto Stock Exchange Could Delist Cannabis Companies with U.S. Interests

The Toronto Stock Exchange could delist, suspend, or halt trading for medical cannabis companies with investments in the U.S. because the operations are prohibited under federal law. In the Oct. 16 Notice to Issuers, regulators say while they are “aware” that some states have legalized cannabis for medical and adult use, “it is illegal under U.S. federal law to cultivate, distribute, or possess marijuana.”

“Furthermore, financial transactions involving proceeds generated by, or intended to promote, marijuana-related business activities in the U.S. may form the basis for prosecution under applicable U.S. federal money laundering legislation,” the memo states. “While the Exchange is aware of the federal guidance concerning the enforcement of these legislative provisions, the Exchange notes that such guidance does not have the force of law and can be revoked or amended at any time.”

The memo indicates that regulators will review cannabis-related stocks currently trading and break them down into two categories – those that touch the plant and ancillary businesses – before determining whether to take any action against the firm.

According to a Reuters report, about 25 companies listed on TMX Group exchanges, which includes the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Toronto Venture Exchange, cultivate, distribute and possess cannabis but Ungad Chadda, TMX head of capital formation for equity markets, declined to indicate how many of those companies have U.S. exposure.

Richard Carleton, chief executive of the Canadian Securities Exchange, a smaller exchange which competes with TMX, said the firm would welcome cannabis companies with U.S. exposure, noting that 12 of the 50 cannabis firms currently trading on the CSE have U.S. interests.

The TSE memo says it would continue to allow Canadian canna-businesses that operate within Canada and comply with Canadian laws.


Sunlight glares off the roof of a tall, commercial building.

MassRoots Board of Directors Remove Founder as CEO, Install VP

According to a Forbes report, MassRoots’ board of directors has voted to remove founder and CEO Isaac Dietrich and install Vice President Scott Kveton in the role. The move comes after MassRoots’ August acquisition of CannaRegs for $12 million in stock, which Kveton believed was too steep a price, the report says.

Amanda Ostrowitz, CannaRegs founder and CEO, was named president of MassRoots in conjunction with the deal. Ostrowitz, who was out of the country at the time of the vote, defended the high price because the company was debt-free with revenues of $500,000 per year and she had been offered $10 million in private investment.

The report indicates that Dietrich had actually secured a majority of shareholder support to remove the board and, while Dietrich confidants claim the vote to remove the board took place, there was no 8-K filing, which would have been required if such an action occurred.

Dietrich had come under fire this past summer when it was suspected he paid for stock promotions. According to the report, last week MassRoots paid $18,000 to two stock promotors – $15,000 to Small Cap Leader and $5,000 to Stock Commander – for newsletter mentions.

According to one large shareholder, many other shareholders are now upset with the board’s decision to oust Dietrich and the shareholders could vote to remove the board and reinstate the founder.


A metal suitcase stuffed with $100 bills.

Report: Cannabis Industry Investments Already Beyond 2016 Figures

According to Viridian Capital Advisors’ Cannabis Deal Tracker, investments in most sectors of the legal cannabis industry are up so far in 2017, with cultivation and retail investments leading the way.

According to the report, as of Sept. 29, investments in the space are so far more than double the 2016 figures, with total investments reaching $1,809,416,206 through the end of Q3 this year compared to $720,041,586 through the end of Q3 last year.

Cultivation and retail business investments are already nearly four times 2016 figures, the report says, at $718,762,031 at the end of September, compared to $190,359,138 in 2016. Agriculture technology also saw a significant increase, from $5,606,622 last year to $43,805,617 so far this year. Software and media investments more than doubled from the $23,587,864 in 2016 to $56,624,965, the report indicates. Investment gains in the consulting services sector also doubled, from $20,732,845 in 2016 to $56,211,483 this year. Infused product and extract investments were also strong at $57,155,131 this year from $27,009,208 last year. Biotech and pharmaceutical investments this year are also strong as the sector has raised $571,181,328 this year, compared to $328,037,130 in 2016.

Sectors experiencing a drop in investments so far this year include consumption devices, down more than $10 million from 2016 levels ($25,301,853) at $14,931,026; hemp, which netted more than $1.5 million last year has received just $579,162 as of Sept. 29; physical security services, which reached almost $2 million last year but sits at $446,667 so far this year; and the real estate sector investments, which are down nearly half from $12.1 million in 2016 to $6,876,272 as of Sept. 29.

Harrison Phillips, Viridian Capital Advisors vice president, told Benzinga, that the first half of 2016 saw $230.1 million in investments, while the first six months of this year saw more than $130 million total investments.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated following corrections to the Cannabis Deal Tracker made by Vidirian Capital.


Cannabis foliage inside of a licensed grow operation in Washington state.

Arkansas Receives More than 320 MMJ Industry Applications

Regulators in Arkansas received 95 medical cannabis cultivation applications and 227 dispensary applications, according to state Department of Finance and Administration figures outlined by the Associated Press. Pulaski County, the state’s most populous, received 26 applications for dispensaries, the most in the state, while cultivators are most interested in setting up operations in Jefferson County – which was listed in 13 cultivation applications.

Garland County was listed on 22 dispensary applications, and Washington County in 17. Under the state’s voter-approved medical cannabis constitutional amendment, each of the state’s eight regions will see up to four total dispensaries and regulators will select up to five cultivators.

Last month, on the application’s deadline, regulators indicated they had received about 300 cannabis industry applications total. Cultivation applicants had to pay a refundable $15,000 application fee, and dispensary applicants a $7,500 refundable fee. The applicants will be blindly reviewed by the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission, who will ultimately award the industry licenses.

According to the state Health Department, more than 1,200 patients have already been approved to participate in the program when it comes online; Marisha Di Carlo, director of health communications, said the department expects to receive about 30,000 patients applications based on other state trends, including qualifying conditions and population.


Wildfires encroach onto the backside of a California housing community.

California Cannabis Producers Offering Support for Wildfire Victims, Relief Efforts

Santa Rosa, California-based CannaCraft Inc. is temporarily donating its 12,000-square-foot office space in the city to the American Red Cross for its use as its regional headquarters to coordinate its relief efforts for the Northern California wildfires. The medical cannabis company has also partnered with dispensaries Mercy Wellness and SPARC/Peace in Medicine to donate $40,000 in medical cannabis products to patients affected by the ongoing fires.

The Red Cross has stationed at least 200 volunteers, equipment, and supplies at the office space and is providing around-the-clock relief.

“These fires have affected every member of the CannaCraft family, so we are particularly committed to helping with fire relief efforts as we are able. We are thankful that our headquarters remain intact and operational, making it possible for us to support the American Red Cross by donating much-needed space,” said CannaCraft CEO Dennis Hunter in a press release. “We will continue to evaluate our resources including vehicles, property, facilities, equipment, and product to determine how to best serve our community at this time. We will be providing more information on these efforts as they develop.”

Another cultivator, Kevin Jodrey of Wonderland Nursery, last week said he would bank other growers’ genetics who are at risk of losing crops to the wildfires at his nursery for free as the fires consume cannabis crops in the Emerald Triangle.

Mendocino Generations, a cannabis-growing collective comprised of Mendocino farmers, are also helping fellow cultivators by offering land storage space, equipment, homes, and harvest help before the fires can reach the grows.

Chiah Rodriques, co-founder of Medocino Generations and Paradigm, called this the “most financially challenging and stressful year ever” for the state’s cannabis farmers.

“We are a strong group bonded by community, history, cannabis and love,” Rodriques said in a statement. “Fundraising ideas have begun and many are gathering money and supplies for those who have lost homes or are displaced.”

The group has also set up a GoFundMe page to assist those that have lost their homes and businesses.

As of Oct. 13, more than 20 percent of Sonoma County had been evacuated. Gov. Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency in eight of the state’s 58 counties. The Redwood Complex Fire has burned more than 30,000 acres.


The flag of Uruguay spliced over an image of commercial-grade cannabis inside of a controlled, licensed grow site.

Uruguayan Cannabis Producer Plans to Export MMJ Oil

International Cannabis Corporation, a licensed cannabis producer in Uruguay, plans on exporting medical cannabis oil next month for sale in Canada and Mexico, according to a report from Reuters. Alejandro Antalich, the chief executive of ICC, said he hopes to eventually sell the product locally but is not permitted under the nation’s adult-use regime.

The law, which originally mandated that pharmacies sell just two types of cannabis products to Uruguayan residents, allows medical cannabis products to be exported while recreational-use products must remain in the country. In August, banks began closing the accounts of pharmacies selling cannabis and last month officials announced they would begin moving the sales to private shops that will sell the products for cash.

Antalich said he would like to sell the medical cannabis oil locally “if the Public Health Minister thinks it can be commercialized in the local market.” ACC also announced they would begin constructing a cannabis laboratory on the outskirts of Montevideo, the capital, in April. The lab will be used to produce cannabis products, including the oils. In the meantime, ICC will produce the oil from a transitory lab.

The company plans to invest $10 million in its production facilities through 2018.


A cannabis seedling being grown in a personal, homegrow setting.

KIND Financial Launches First ‘Seed-to-Payment’ System in Canada

KIND Financial has rolled out the cannabis industry’s first-ever “seed-to-payment” system in Canada, which will allow users to track the complete lifecycle of a plant from seed to payment, including granting users access to bank accounts and credit card processing. The e-commerce platform also allows companies to explore international trade options without worrying about foreign relations and security and is designed to work with multiple currencies and languages.

David Dinenberg, KIND Financial CEO, said that as the cannabis industry grows, compliance is emerging as a “critical issue” but banking is the “largest problem.”

“Our mission is to ensure business and technological growth for all constituencies within the cannabis industry while ensuring full compliance with evolving regulations, and that’s why we’re thrilled to make these services available to our great neighbors in the north,” Dinenberg said in a press release, adding that the company partnered with Microsoft on its data-protecting efforts.

Currently, the software is currently only available to licensed producers in Canada, but the firm expects to roll it out in other cannabis-legal nations “shortly.” The firm is also actively working on a mobile payment system, called Kind Pay, with is expected to launch before the end of the year.


Patrick Vo: Pioneering Seed-to-Sale Systems in Emerging Markets

Patrick Vo is the CEO of BioTrackTHC, a seed-to-sale software giant whose product can be found in dispensaries throughout the U.S. and beyond.

In this episode of the podcast, Patrick joins our host TG Branfalt for an interview about BioTrack’s early days in Florida and the company’s transition into the cannabis space, Patrick’s own journey as BioTrack’s first employee to eventually becoming CEO of the company, the company’s role and goal when they are consulted by government officials about seed-to-sale tracking systems, and the many benefits to be had by hiring a diverse and talented team of employees.

You can listen to the full interview through the player below, or keep scrolling down to read a full transcript of this podcast episode.

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Read the transcript:

TG Branfalt: Hey there, I’m your host; TG Branfalt; and you’re listening to the podcast; where we try to bring you actionable information, and normalize cannabis, through the stories of Ganjapreneurs, activists, and industry stakeholders. Today I’m joined by Patrick Vo, who’s the CEO of BioTrackTHC, one of the most prolific seed to sale companies working in the space right now. How you doing this afternoon Patrick?

Patrick Vo: I’m doing well Tim, how are you? Thank you for having me.

TG Branfalt: It’s a pleasure. It’s a pleasure. I’m really looking forward to this. I’ve got a lot to discuss today. But before we get into the details of BioTrack; why don’t you tell me about yourself. What’s your background? How did you get into the space?

Patrick Vo: Sure. So, I come from an accounting background. I’ve got my undergraduate and graduate degrees in accounting. I started off my career in big four public accounting. At Price Waterhouse Cooper, specifically. After a number of stints in my career where I kind of wanted to transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship; I was introduced to the two founders of BioTrack. And, at the time it was just the two founders. They didn’t really have any other employees. And so I came on as employee number one, to kind of build a company around the product. At the time, we had … this was over five years ago now. We had roughly between 12 to 18 licensed facilities in Colorado using our platform. And, here we are now five years later with eight government contracts. With a ninth on the way. Over 2000 facilities across the nation use our platform. So, you know, I came on with the company early on, and we’ve just been growing phenomenally ever since.

TG Branfalt: So, tell me a little bit more. I mean, you’re employee number one. And, now you have over 2000 offices. Describe to me from your perspective, watching that explosive growth happen. When you signed on the dotted line, were you thinking this is gonna be just a huge, massive company?

Patrick Vo: So, back then we were very optimistic about the growth of the industry, don’t get me wrong. But even … Looking back now, even our most aggressive hopes for the industry were not sufficient to really describe what we have experienced in the last five years; because shortly after … By the fall of 2012, both Washington and Colorado passed adult use. And then Cannabis really became a part of the national conversation in a higher … A topic that was discussed more and more. And the landscape of public opinion regarding cannabis really started to shift towards acceptance. And mainstream acceptance. And, absolutely looking back now, it is amazing how far we’ve come. Just from the small little office we used to be in. And, we still have that start up mentality right now. Don’t get me wrong. The industry is still … it’s still a patch work, right? There’s no uniformity from state to state. Each state does things a little bit differently.

And so we’re constantly having to innovate the product and evolve it to be relevant on a state by state or territory by territory basis. But, it’s just been phenomenal. It’s been a lot of fun. We really enjoy what we do. And, we’re really … If you were to ask me now, where do we see ourselves in five years? I would be hesitant a little bit. Not because I’m not optimistic, but because if you asked me that question five years ago, in spite of our optimism, we still had no idea what we were in for.

TG Branfalt: Well and you mentioned innovation and … How is it that the company was formed to combat Florida’s Opioid epidemic, and now operates in the space? I mean, there’s definitely some relationship between Cannabis as an exit drug. But, you know, you’re not doing that. So, describe to me this transition.

Patrick Vo: The founders of the company, the original … So the vision has always been to develop software systems that facilitate or ease access to medicine for the patients that actually need that medicine. While at the same time, erecting hurdles and obstacles to those who would abuse. And so, the original software system developed by one of the founders who … By the founder who is a software developer; was intended to prevent the diversion of Pharmaceuticals, of scheduled Pharmaceuticals, from the patients who needed them to the doctor shoppers. It’s one of the reason why we had our start in Florida. Because we were trying to combat the pill mill problem, the opioid epidemic. And so the software system used a combination of bio-metrics, chain of custody, to ensure that the patient’s medication … The dispensation of Pharmaceuticals to the patients, was more coordinated. So that way, Doctor shoppers out there could not use forged, fake, stolen IDs to constantly amass these opioids.

And, over time, we pivoted from that to the cannabis industry. A number of cannabis industry leaders in Colorado saw our product, and said, “If you can pivot that technology to tracking Cannabis” … And keep in mind, this was back in … This was way back in 2010; This even pre-dated my time with the company. But, they came to us and said, “Listen, we’re using manual spreadsheets. We’re using generic nursery management systems, generic point of sale systems that are not tailored to the workflows that are unique to cannabis. And if you guys could develop something, tweak this product to be an end to end solution for us; that’s something that we would buy.”

And that was for two reasons. One was obviously they understood that in order to create a business that was sustainable long term, they would need business management tools, business optimization tools, they would need that all-important data. In order to build a business. They knew long term it wasn’t sufficient to just put up a shingle, say I sell medical weed, and that they’d be making money hand over fist for years and years to come. The second reason why back then especially before the advent of these centralized, government seed to sale systems was, it was a signal. They wanted to send a signal to law enforcement and to others around them that; hey listen, I’m using a specialized tool to track my plants, track my inventory, track my point of sale. You know? And tracking that digitally as opposed to using an amalgamation of different tools, where there’s potential for product leakage.

Or, even … especially nowadays, the other problem we have is inversion of black market product into the regulated space. And so that’s when we made our pivot to cannabis. And we haven’t looked back. And since then we’ve just been really growing, pun not intended at the time, but now it is. In this space, and where we’re just so happy with the direction things have gone.

TG Branfalt: You had mentioned every state is a different patchwork of regulations and … When you are working, or tweaking your software to these different states; do you work with regulators to identify gaps or trends that spark the advances in your software? Or, is this something that you guys sort of do proactively as the regulations are being developed? What comes first here?

Patrick Vo: That’s a great question. It honestly depends often times on who is on the other side of that conversation. We always bring to the table the knowledge, the expertise, that we accumulated over time with all of the different markets within which we’ve operated. You know, and that’s in fact also one of the advantages going into these government conversations; is that we started from the industry. So we can speak to the unique challenges. You know, tracking cannabis is not the same as tracking generic agriculture. It’s not the same as tracking pharmaceuticals. It is truly its own special thing. And so, we go into the conversation with all of that expertise, all of those experiences, and we’re able to bring to the table: here’s what operators do in reality. Here is what we have experienced in the other states in which we’ve operated from a regulatory perspective. Here’s what was tried. Here are the things that worked, here are the things that had unintended consequences that no one foresaw at the time.

And we bring those to the table but … It’s similar to anything else that is on the frontier. In the sense that, you never … You still don’t have a secret sauce, right? If you told us … If you were to ask us back in 2012, “Patrick, have you guys figured out the secret sauce to tracking cannabis and have accounted for everything?” We would have probably confidently said,”Yes, we thought everything through. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback from our customer base. This is comprehensive.” And here we are five years later; I’m looking back now saying, “No, there were so many things.” The industry itself is still innovating. So, we come with all of those things, and the government agencies, the regulators, they’re doing their … What they can as well. The best they Cannabis with all of the guidance they’ve received from various sources.

And often times, they try to take the best of all worlds. They take a piece of what they like from state A, a little bit of what they like from state B; they inject some of their own new ideas in to it. Or maybe it’s not a new idea, but it’s a new way to arrange different things that they’ve seen from other states. And they try to make it something new. And learning from what the other states and territories have done. And so, often times it depends on our audience, and how set they are on doing things a certain way, or whether or not they’re willing to hear input and say, “Well, we think that, that’s a great idea. But keep in mind, somebody else tried it this way and these were the outcomes.” And not saying that you’re going to get the same outcome, but we do try to keep them as informed as possible in those conversations.

TG Branfalt: So I want to talk to you a lot more about your five years in this industry. What you’ve seen in terms of evolution. But before we do that, we’ve got to take a short break, this is the podcast. I’m TG Branfalt.

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TG Branfalt: Hey welcome back to the podcast; I’m your host, TG Branfalt here with Patrick Vo, CEO of BioTrackTHC. Before the break we were talking about all of the innovations in the space. How you guys have innovated. Tell me about the last five years that you’ve been a part of this industry, and how your … you and your company have kept up with the constant changes.

Patrick Vo: I would say … People. And by people I mean, customers, vendors, government agencies, potential investors in our company. We’re always asking, “What is it that makes BioTrack different from everyone else? Or, what makes us unique”, I should say. Not necessarily different, but what makes us unique? If I could sum it all in one word, I would say, “Grit.” We have had a lot of challenges along the way. And actually true to your namesake, Ganjapreneur, it’s one thing to be an entrepreneur and involved in a start up. It’s one thing to be involved in the … a frontier industry like Cannabis. It is something else entirely different at the intersection of those two. Being in a start up in an industry, especially back in 2012, when it still wasn’t as widely as accepted; there were very few markets. It was still a very interesting time, I will call it. With DEA raids still, and those things. It has been explosive.

I will say that … And we haven’t always gotten it right. I will tell you that it has definitely been a challenge. We … a start up’s … The worst thing for a start up of course, is to not be able to get off the ground. You can’t get someone to see the value in your product or your service, or to buy it. And at the end of the day, for a business to continue, you need customers. You need revenue. The second worst thing though, is growing faster than you can handle and getting in over your skis as they say. But you … Often times you don’t have a choice in that. The industry experienced explosive growth, as I mentioned earlier, with Washington and Colorado passing adult-use cannabis. In spite of maybe some of the more recent articles. As a nation we saw that the sky didn’t fall over these states. More and more states began passing medicinal. More states passed adult use. We’re seeing entire countries now become more accepting of cannabis.

It’s just been an absolutely wild ride. Like I said, we haven’t always gotten things perfectly. But we learn from those things. We are still here. And we are taking those lessons learned. A lot of these things you can’t learn from a book. You can read about it in entrepreneur-type books; you can read articles on entrepreneur-type magazines and blog articles. But at the end of the day, no one can truly prepare you for the chaos, the stress, the pressure of being in this kettle of entrepreneurs of cannabis and everything that goes with it. It is just a recipe for absolute chaos and disaster for your life. And so, it’s not something for everyone. But, we have built a team here over the last few years who, at the end of the day, we absolutely love what we do. It still excites us on a regular basis, and we take the lessons learned.

Sometimes they’re very hard lessons to learn, but we take those lessons and we do what we can on the next day to incorporate that into the way we do business, into the way we conduct ourselves, into improving our product and our service; and continue to move forward. Looking back, it’s been an absolute wild ride. And, we’re really looking forward with a lot of optimism in terms of the future for the industry. As the industry continues to develop, we’re gonna do everything we can to be there for it.

TG Branfalt: You talk about explosive growth and expansion in the industry and you guys, you’ve expanded globally. Tell me about where you guys are, describe the expansion. How do you identify the markets that you enter?

Patrick Vo: So, I guess there’s kind of two ways to look at that, in terms of the expansion. Obviously here in the United States, it is very much a … We have a government affairs team. We have obviously our sales team, our product team. We get a lot of input directly from the industry. But we’re also … We do our best to stay on top of the cannabis conversation, as it moves from state to state. And, we try to get involved in that conversation as early as possible. Because we do feel like we have something to say. We have value to add to those conversations. Often times, they also reach back out to us as well, because of our reach; because of the fact that we started in the industry. We didn’t start on the regulatory side. We started in the industry and we brought that industry knowledge to the regulatory side. And so, they oftentimes find us. They come to us asking hey, what worked? What didn’t work in this state?

Or not even a what worked, what didn’t work; but what was the outcome of this approach? And then from there they can make their own determination as to whether or not both the approach as well as the outcome is something that they would find acceptable for their state. From an international perspective, obviously again, we keep in touch with the news. We have built very strong relationships, and in our network, they oftentimes … yes, they’re working here stateside, but they have connections overseas. And also, those connections overseas seek us out as well, because though the conversation is spreading, everyone still knows that here in the United States; we are the ones who have had the longest time in this experiment if you want to call it that. It’s gone well beyond that.

But, with states that have enacted medical Cannabis for … in the span of decades now, and what has happened as a result of that, similar to the new states who are coming on board. Countries as well, want to learn. And obviously they may come at it with a different social perspective, a different cultural perspective. The economics for them may be different, but at the end of the day, there is still something for them to learn. And so, they still come to the United States to learn from us. And to learn what we have done, and the outcomes of what we have done; so that way they Cannabis have informed decisions about how they want to approach Cannabis.

TG Branfalt: I’ve heard from some of the people I’ve interviewed who work in the regulation space that there’s models that they prefer working under. Is there a model that you … A regulatory model that you guys prefer working in over another model? Say a Michigan model versus a New York Model?

Patrick Vo: One of the things that we are very sensitive about is the fact that though we as team BioTrack have learned an incredible amount, and I know that from a seed to sale perspective, we are one of the foremost experts in that domain of knowledge. It is not out call to tell someone else how to run their state, their territory, their country. What we do is we bring our knowledge and our past experience to the table, and they then bring their preferences to the table; because frankly, right now … Again, what necessarily works for one state or one country, culturally, may not necessarily work for another. And one of the things that we are sensitive about and try to avoid is this whole; here’s BioTrack … Or not even BioTrack specifically; here’s another American company coming in here, trying to tell us what to do. That’s not our place. That’s not our role.

Our role is to inform, our role is to be a subject matter expert. Our role Cannabis be to guide and provide guidance and advice, if we were in those shoes. But at the end of the day, those regulators are responsible fully for what happens to the their industry. And, at the end of the day, it’s their call. Our job is to help them to be as successful as they can possibly be. And they are the one’s who define that. So we’re … We don’t walk into for example … We had that conversation recently. There was a state who, they came to us and one of their concerns was that … We have a very specific outlook. A very specific perspective. And in the way we want to do things here.

And we from the start of that conversation, told them; “Listen, we are not here to impose our way of doing things to your people. They’re your people. In order for this to be successful, we as team BioTrack, we don’t have all the ingredients. We don’t have all of the perspectives. And so, therefore, we can’t give you that answer. We can tell you what we have experienced, we can tell you what has worked, and why it probably worked. What has not worked and why it did not work. And, you can take that knowledge along with all of the other things. Right? Because there are many other components than just seed to sale. There’s physical security, there is the marketing and advertising. There’s the …

Even just the conversations in terms of what’s an acceptable product type for consuming Cannabis? All of those things have to come into play. It’s our job to give them as much information as possible so they can make an informed decision for the people that they are responsible for. The people who elected them into office. The industry that looks to them for guidance for regulations, and things like that. And so, you know, we never take the approach of, “Hey, here is the right way to implement a Cannabis program. And you either do it this way, or you’re going to fail. Or, it’s not going to be the ideal system.” So, that’s not our job.

TG Branfalt: You’ve mentioned your team several times. I really want to talk to you about building executive teams, especially for a sort of global company. But, before we do that, we’ve got to take a second break. This is podcast; I’m your host, TG Branfalt.

At Ganjapreneur, we have heard from dozens of Cannabis business owners who have encountered the issue of canna-bias. Which is when a mainstream business whether a landlord, bank, or some other provider or vital business services, refuses to do business with them simply because of their association with cannabis. We have even heard stories of businesses being unable to provide health and life insurance for their employees because the insurance providers were too afraid to work with them. We believe that this fear is totally unreasonable and that cannabis business owners deserve access to the same services and resources that other businesses are afforded. That they should be able to hire consultation to help them follow the letter of the law in their business endeavors. And, that they should be able to provide employee benefits without needing to compromise on the quality of coverage they can offer. This is why we created the business directory; a resource for Cannabis professionals to find and connect with service providers who are Cannabis friendly, and who are actively seeking Cannabis industry clients.

If you are considering hiring a business consultant, lawyer, accountant, web designer, or any other ancillary service for your business; go to to browse hundred of agencies, firms, and organizations who support Cannabis legalization, and who want to help you grow your business. With so many options to choose from in each service category, you will be able to browse company profiles and do research on multiple companies in advance so you can find the provider who is the best fit for your particular need.

Our business service directory is intended to be a useful and well-maintained resource, which is why we individually vet each listing that is submitted. If you are a business service provider who wants to work with Cannabis clients, you may be a good fit for our service directory. Go to to create your profile and start connecting with cannabis entrepreneurs today.

TG Branfalt: Hey welcome back to the podcast; I’m your host, TG Branfalt. Here with Patrick Vo, CEO of BioTrackTHC. So, I wanted to talk to you a bit about … you know, you were talking about your team and I want to talk to you quite a bit about this. Tell me about building an executive team for a global company.

Patrick Vo: Our philosophy has kind of been the same from day one. Whether we’re in start up phase, or as you mentioned, building for a global company; we search for talent. The right culture fit for our company. As I mentioned before, our greatest strength is our grit. And our ability to get things down under high pressure situations. And to get the job done come hell or high water. And so, one of the things that has been an outcome … It wasn’t something that we intentionally set out to do. And I know this has a lot of relevance to the national conversation with the recent events in Charlottesville and things like that; but, is the diversity of the BioTrack workforce. I truly believe that within both Cannabis as an industry, and the tech industry, that BioTrack is unique in the diversity of its workforce. The extent of its diversity.

And again, it’s not something we set out to do. We did not set out from day one saying, “We’re going to hire with the intent to have a diverse workforce.” We make our hiring decisions based on whether or not the individual’s skill set, and their personality is a match for our greatest needs, and a match for our culture. And, we actually looked up one day, and realized; wow, we have an incredibly diverse workforce. I am Vietnamese American. My parents immigrated here to the United States. Actually, my Dad is second generation; my Mom is first generation. So I’m kind of two and a half generation. But you know, I was born here in the states. And I’m a US citizen. Our COO is a Palestinian American. Out CTO is Black American. We have staff here from all over the world. We have Argentinian Americans, Guatemalan Americans, Columbian Americans, Peruvian Americans. We have staff whether developers or tech support, from Poland, from Armenia.

We have a Syrian American on our staff. We have an Iranian American on our staff. Haitian American, Jamaican American. It’s just … BioTrack is … And we’ve not even just talking about nationality here. We’re talking about faiths, and everything like that. Anything that could make someone unique, we have here. And it’s something that we are incredibly proud of. It’s something that we have embraced as a team. And again, it’s not something we originally set out to do. We set out to hire the most qualified people who are the best culture fit for who we are, and what we represent. And it so happened, that we have this amazing team that is also amazingly diverse. And, having had this team now; and as we continue to build out our team, I am constantly challenged every day by unique perspectives that honestly inform our decision making, make us a better team, make us a better company.

And also, I’m surrounded by crazy talent. One of my … Something that I’m responsible for, for this company, is to hire people who are smarter and more talented than I am, because that’s what it’s going to take to get this team to support this industry. To make it successful, and to, as we say; make it across the finish line. And, it’s something that though we did not intend to do; it’s something that we are incredibly proud of and something that I’ll be honest, is not … Diversity in the cannabis industry is something that is a conversation that we’re not having enough of in the cannabis space; because when you set out to hire based on the right fit when it doesn’t matter what the person’s ethnicity is, what the person’s faith is, what the person’s orientation is on any given thing, you end up with an incredibly robust team that cares about one another. That we’re rowing in the same direction for the same objective. And it is absolutely incredible.

And I do attribute a lot of our company’s success to the fact that we have a team that has strengths in so many areas and that we overlap each other. Where one person is weak, another one has strengths or a perspective or knowledge base that really we’ve got all of our bases covered, and it’s something that we’re incredibly proud of.

TG Branfalt: So let me ask you this; As the CEO, what’s been the most … What’s been the biggest challenge that you’ve had to overcome as first the CEO of a startup, and as you said you still have the startup mentality. But you’re much bigger than that now. So, what’s for you, what’s the most challenging thing that you have to deal with in this role as a CEO? And you’re a young guy, so how does that play into it as well?

Patrick Vo: I would say one of the biggest challenges that we have … And we discussed this a little bit earlier in the Podcast; is that there is no one product … Or, let me re-phrase; there is no one way to do this. To do Cannabis. Cannabis is still refining itself as an industry, businesses as well as government institutions, are still determining what are best practices. And because every state, every territory, and now on a country-by-country basis; everyone is doing things a little bit differently. In the seed to sale space, there is no one product. It’s not the same as we have one widget that is then sold uniformly across the country.

And that we can then pour all of our efforts and resources into improving that one widget. Or in … And so, what we have, we actually don’t have just two products. The business seed to sale product and the government seed to sale product. We have eight different government seed to sale products. We have dizens of different versions of the business seed to sale product, because the way things are done in Colorado are not the same as the way things are done in Illinois. And neither of those two do things that way they do in Hawaii.And especially now that we are introducing territories and countries above and beyond states in the US; the product as well as the service, there are many variations to it.

And so that is definitely a challenge. Right? It’s not the same as building … I build cell phones, and I have two versions of the cell phone. A mid range cell phone and a high range cell phone. And it’s sold the same globally. So, that piece is I would say, one of our most challenging pieces. And again as I mentioned earlier, we are not the perfect company. This is a company made of people who, we are still learning as we are going. We are learning how to make the product better. We are learning how to serve our customers better. But what is important is the fact that we are continuing to make forward progress. We are not content as a team to keep our product the way it is. Even though we are juggling 29 … That’s just a number but; 29 different versions of the product. The Connecticut version. The Michigan version. The Oregon version. And so … Or the service to our customers.

So we definitely have challenges that are above and beyond what the typical start up has to experience. When you have a much simpler product portfolio and a much simpler environment, economy in which you operate. You know, so that’s one of the things that I would say is one of the greatest challenges. It’s not just a BioTrack challenge. It is a challenge for pretty much all of the software companies in this space; because like I mentioned, every state does … And every business within each state, does things a little bit differently. And to be able to keep up with all of those changes, the ever-changing landscape of regulations and the industry innovations themselves. It’s not a simple task. And it’s something that we tackle every single day, to make forward progress and make sure that our product, as well as our service to our customers continues to improve and get better as we move forward.

TG Branfalt: So finally, I’ve got to ask you Patrick; You’re a 34-year-old CEO of a company that’s operating in basically every state market, virtually every state market in the US and in Jamaica. What’s your advice for entrepreneurs looking to enter this space or just sort of in general?

Patrick Vo: When starting out, the most … it’s very easy to try to be the solution for everyone. But it’s impossible to do. And, it is a lot of effort for something that to be honest, to be blunt; it’s not in your best interest when starting out. When starting out, keep it simple. Your product or your service, and the value that you are adding to the specific customer that you are looking to sell to, that you’re looking to serve. That is one of the most challenging things, especially in a market like Cannabis. It’s very easy to try to … to picture yourself ten years down the road and be the of Cannabis. Right? Keep your product, your service simple, and target those who would benefit most from it.

And then from there, once you’re firmly established, and once you’re rooted there; at that point in time you can expand to other areas. Adding additional services, adding additional products to your product portfolio. Keep is simple. You know? I mean, Amazon originally sold just books.

TG Branfalt: I forget about that actually.

Patrick Vo: Right. Yeah, I mean it’s so interesting. But … Many people forget. I forget about it. I order my groceries form Amazon. Anything I want. Even if I’m technically gonna shop somewhere else, I’m gonna go to Amazon and look at the reviews. You know, the product reviews there. But they started off with just books. And then they added, you know, this. And then they added that. And, then now they are kind of a one stop retail for many people. And so that’s where it all begins. Is to find … Keep it simple. Whatever your product or service is. And, I guess the second thing I would add to it, which is just as critical; is to have more grit than anyone else in your space.

Take the government contracts area for example. Work isn’t everything. But put your time into whatever it is that’s sitting right in front of you. And, knowing that if you put in just a little bit more than somebody else who is also in your space, then your product or your service is going to stand out to more people. And to the people with whom it stands out, it’s going to make the different between them buying your product or service, compared to somebody else’s. And/or afterwards staying with you; even when things go wrong. And, there cannot be enough emphasis on that point. The reason why elite athletes operate at the level they do, is because they’re willing to put more into their training than others. They’re willing to make the sacrifices that others aren’t willing to make.

And, that’s what it takes to differentiate yourself out of an ocean of other products, other services that are … that probably do what you’re doing. And so I guess those would be the two things. Keep it simple; and put in more than the next guy. And, you’ll be able to find your way.

TG Branfalt: Well I want to thank you so much for taking the time today to appear on the podcast. Congratulations on all your guys’ success. You know, the stories that … You’re still the startup mentality. I think it’s really enlightening for a lot of people to hear that such a successful company still holds those startup ideals so … Thanks for sharing your story on today’s episode; really appreciate it.

Patrick Vo: TG, thanks for having me. It’s been an absolute pleasure. And I really enjoyed it. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak.

TG Branfalt: You can find more episodes of the podcast in the podcast section of and in the Apple iTunes store. On the website, you will find the latest cannabis news and cannabis jobs updated daily, along with transcripts of this podcast. You Cannabis also download the app in iTunes and Google Play. This episode was engineered by Jeremy Sebastiano. I’ve been your host, TG Branfalt.


The Maryland Statehouse in capital city Annapolis, Maryland.

MMJ Companies’ Lawsuit Against Maryland Allowed to Proceed

The lawsuit against the state of Maryland by two would-be medical cannabis companies will be allowed to proceed and the result could halt the state’s yet-to-launch regime, the Baltimore Sun reports. The plaintiffs, Maryland Cultivation and Processing and GTI Maryland, accuse the state of acting arbitrarily in denying them cultivation licenses.

The lawsuit argues that the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission improperly gave licenses to two lower-ranked firms because the plaintiffs were not informed their proposed geographic location would determine whether they got a license.

Alfred F. Belcuore, a lawyer for Maryland Cultivation, said all the commission conveyed “was they would pick the best.”

“If we would have been asked to move from Frederick County into Prince George’s County, we would have said yes,” he said in the report.

Regulators argue the law requires “geographic diversity” and they were just in making their decision based on that factor.

Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams said that if the court finds that licenses were improperly awarded it could force the MMCC to reconsider the awards. In a separate lawsuit against the state, Alternative Medicine Maryland, LLC claims the agency ignored the “racial and ethnic” provisions in the law; none of the 15 cultivation licenses awarded last year were to an African-American-led firm.


A doctor's stethoscope sits on top of a patient's medical chart.

Only Two Physicians Have Applied to Recommend MMJ in Louisiana

Just two physicians have applied to recommend medical cannabis in Louisiana – and only one of those applications has been approved, the Associated Press reports. In their response to the organization’s public records request, the State Board of Medical Examiners indicated the other license is still pending review.

In an email to the AP, Dr. Vincent Culotta, the executive director of the board, said that he had “no thoughts” about why doctors have been slow to enroll and there are “no patterns available to analyze.”

Louisiana’s law allows patients with qualifying conditions – such as cancer, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, muscular dystrophy – to access medical cannabis products, but it does not allow flower; opting instead for tinctures, pills, oils, and topicals.

State Sen. Fred Mills, the Republican pharmacist who championed the legislation, said he expects physician interest in the program to grow once cultivation starts and sales are on the horizon. He told the AP he’s met “400 or 500 families” of people with qualifying conditions who will eventually ask their doctor about accessing the program.

Under the law, Louisiana State University and Southern University are allowed to grow medical cannabis products. According to the report, LSU estimates product to be ready by the summer.


CannaEast Compliance Summit 2018 Coming to Orlando, Florida in January

Though cannabis is often looked at as something of a West Coast phenomenon, the wildly successful Cannabis Compliance Summit will be touching down on the Eastern seaboard early next year.

The 3rd CannaEast Compliance Summit 2018 will take place in Lake Buena Vista, located just outside of Orlando, Florida, on January 17-19, 2018. The event — which is hosted by Infocast, a leading producer of industry-specific, deal-making events — promises a unique environment for cannabis professionals, hopeful cannabis entrepreneurs, and investors to come together and learn about the industry from scientists, experts, and successful ganjapreneurs from around the continent.

The 3rd CannaEast Compliance Summit 2018 is designed to help you navigate the numerous and complicated regulatory, compliance, legal, business and technical challenges of the cannabis space — all in the name of avoiding and learning from mistakes done in other states with legalized markets.

This year, featured speakers at the 3rd CannaEast Compliance Summit will cover a wide breadth of knowledge and experience, including major cannabis business leaders such as Tim Keogh, CEO of AmeriCann Inc.; politicians, such as Pennsylvania Sen. Daylin Leach (D); and government officials with insider knowledge of state regulatory agencies, such as Christian Bax, the top medical cannabis regulator in Florida, Michelle Larson, the director of Minnesota’s Office of Medical Cannabis, and Shelly Edgerton, the director of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

Starting January 17, attendees will be treated to a pre-Summit workshop which will provide guidance on food safety regulations related to cannabis-infused edibles, tips for creating a compliance plan to keep your cannabis enterprise above board and fully state-legal, and demos for compliance and seed-to-sale tracking software. The main summit kicks off on January 18 and will feature two full days of keynotes and panel discussions from some of the industry’s top East coast players.

Since the original Cannabis Compliance Summit took place, this conference has evolved into the go-to event for bringing cannabis testing labs, equipment/technology providers, growers, processors, retailers and industry experts into the same room to come together to learn about and improve the cannabis space.

“Don’t miss your chance to meet the key East Coast regulators to help you navigate through compliance and regulatory challenges and develop best practices for compliance, testing and delivering safe cannabis products,” said Vladka Anderson, Director of New Topic & Business Development for Infocast.

Buying tickets in advance will save you money on the entrance fee, but early bird ticket pricing ends December 1 so book your spot at the CannaEast Compliance Summit now — Ganjapreneur readers can also use the discount code 1804MEDIA15 to get 15% off the early bird price!


An outdoor cannabis plant's cola inside of a garden grow site in Humboldt County.

Environmental Groups Urge Humboldt County Regulators to Hold Off on New Cannabis Cultivation Licenses

A cohort of five environmental stewardship organizations sent a letter to the Humboldt County, California Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors asking them not to permit any new cannabis grows as the state rolls toward the adult-use industry.

The Oct. 12 letter, authored by representatives from the Environmental Protection Information Center, Northcoast Environmental Center, Redwood Region Audubon Society, the North Coast Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, and Humboldt Baykeeper, contends that while the Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance “would significantly minimize environmental and social impacts” from cannabis farms, the organizations are concerned “about the potential cumulative impacts of permitting ‘new’ cultivation sites” while the county struggles with current operations.

“Humboldt County continues to experience unacceptable impacts, both social and environmental, from the cannabis industry despite the county’s attempts to regulate the medical marijuana industry through the [Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance],” the letter says, pointing out that the Draft Environmental Impact Report found that only 8 to 13 percent of existing farms applied to cultivate under the MMLUO. “The likely culprit is inadequate enforcement of the MMLUO, particularly against cannabis grow operations that did not file an application with the county.”

The group said while they were “encouraged” by the Board of Supervisor’s recent moves to decrease the time between the notice of code violation and abatement order from 75 to 10 days and raising the fines for violation from $10,000 to $90,000, the progress made to rid the region of unlicensed grows is moving slowly.

The conservationists suggest not permitting any new grows – indoor, outdoor, or mixed light – “that did not exist before Dec. 31, 2015 or did not seek a permit under the MMLU, except under the Retirement, Remediation, and Relocation program.”


A printed, official contract with a pen resting on top of it.

Michigan Regulators Announce Application Details for New MMJ Regime

Prospective Michigan medical cannabis industry licensees and their affiliates will be subjected to a full background check, including their criminal and financial history, whether they have maintained tax compliance, and their business litigation history, according to guidance released by the state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

The applicant must submit their fingerprints to the agency as part of the “pre-qualification” process, which will include the background checks; the names of all persons with stake in the cannabis venture; documents related to the applicant’s business, including its bylaws is available; and all tax-related documents.

Once pre-qualified, applicants will next need to inform LARA what business license they are seeking and provide floor plans and layout of their proposed facility. Potential licensees must also provide the agency with a copy of the municipality’s ordinance authorizing cannabis industry operations, and its technology, staffing, marketing, inventory, security, and recordkeeping plans.

The announcement is the latest cannabis industry guidance released by the agency as the state moves from its so-called “gray market” medical cannabis model to a more comprehensive system. Earlier this week LARA announced they would be hosting a series of educational sessions throughout the state next month to answer questions from interested parties.


Fires Engulf Cannabis Farms in California’s Emerald Triangle

Several cannabis farms in Mendocino County, California have fallen victim to wildfires, which have grown increasingly severe throughout the state in recent years.

Mendocino County is one of three counties that comprise the state’s famed Emerald Triangle, which is known worldwide as a leader in cannabis production. The region also includes Humboldt and Trinity counties, but they have not been as affected by the fires.

While the fires spell danger and misfortune for the entire state — there are 22 active wildfires throughout the state and at least 23 people have died so far while hundreds more have been declared missing — they are particularly dangerous toward cannabis crops, which will both easily burn and cannot be insured due to the plant’s federally illegal status.

“If their facilities burn down, a lot of these people won’t be able to get any economic relief for them from an insurance claim,” Derek Peterson, CEO of cannabis producer Terra Tech, said in a CNN Money report. “There’s no mechanism for recovery to repay them for their loss. It’s a tremendous risk for these people.”

Nikki Larestro, secretary of the Mendocino Cannabis Industry Association and co-founder of cultivator Swami Select, said that she personally knows growers who have already lost their crops. “A lot of plants have been lost in the fire, especially in Sonoma County. In southern Mendocino County, there are farms burning right now,” she said in the report.

With emergency responders and firefighters doing their part to keep people safe and contain fire damage, members of the cannabis community are also doing their part to protect the livelihoods of local growers. Cannabis grower Kevin Jodrey of the Wonderland Nursery announced on Facebook that any grower who was concerned about losing their cannabis genetics to the blazes could store their strains free-of-charge at the nursery.

His post has drummed up an outpouring of support and has been shared online more than a hundred times:

“If you’re a grower in Sonoma or Mendo and fear losing your genes to the fires I can bank the stock at my nursery. You can come get it when it’s safe. I’ve done this for years for Humboldt farmers fighting camp raids. I’ll do it for you too. Nobody will steal your [stuff] nor do you have to pay me. Stay safe.”

Jodrey could not be reached for comment by the time of this article’s publishing.

Governor Jerry Brown (D) has declared a state of emergency in eight of the state’s counties. The wildfires, though abnormally destructive this year, should not take a big toll on California‘s legal cannabis market when it launches in January — there are simply too many other cannabis producers in the state — but could spell financial doom for the affected growers.


An outdoor, CBD-rich cannabis strain close to harvest.

Kentucky Gov. Will Not Allow Cannabis Legalization While in Office

In a Wednesday interview, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin told WHAS radio host Terry Meiners that he would veto any adult-use legalization measure as long as he is in office and that legalization as a way to fund the state’s pension is a “sucker’s bet.”

Bevin pointed to Colorado’s legalization experience, which he said while the state has received a “hundred-and-something-million” dollars in tax revenue, legalization is not worth “the cost.”

“… THC content in marijuana is not like it was even a generation ago. There are people overdosing based on ingestion of products and edibles and things,” Bevin said in the interview. “You have that state being sued by at least two of their border states. You have law enforcement people and emergency rooms being overrun by problems. You have homelessness, it’s spiking in that state. It has not been good for that state.”

The case brought against Colorado by Nebraska and Oklahoma over the voter-approved legalization regime was dismissed by the Supreme Court more than a year ago. There are also zero deaths in recorded history that have been attributed to a cannabis overdose.

The Republican governor, who was born in Denver, said that he planned on calling a special session “soon” for legislators to consider legislation to fix the state’s pension problem but legalizing cannabis would not be on the table as long as he is governor.

Last month, Franklin Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wingate dismissed a lawsuit challenging the state’s ban on medical cannabis on the grounds that “no constitutional right exists to violate a controlled substances law,” according to a USA Today report.

Dan Seum Jr., the son of state Sen. Dan Seum who proposed legalizing cannabis to help fund the state’s pension system, was a plaintiff in that suit. Seum planned on introducing the measure in January; however, after the governor’s comments, it is unlikely to gain much legislative support.


California Gov. Vetoes Cannabis Edible-Shape Ban, Public Smoking Bills

California Gov. Jerry Brown has vetoed two measures that would have banned smoking in parks and on beaches statewide and another that would have prohibited “cannabis products to be made in the shape of a person, animal, insect or fruit.”

The edibles provision was struck down by the Democrat governor because the measure would interfere with the Assembly Bill 133, which made changes to the state’s voter-approved cannabis industry framework.

“As currently drafted, this bill would chapter out specific provisions in the recently enacted trailer bill,” Brown wrote in his veto message of AB.350. “Therefore, I cannot sign it at this time.”

A similar ban, which also outlawed cannabis edibles from using the terms “candy” and “candies,” took effect in Colorado last month.

The public smoking bans were directed toward tobacco products, however both SB.386 and AB.725 included language allowing the definitions of “cigar” and “cigarette” to include “any other weed or plant as an alternative or supplement to tobacco or nicotine.”

According to the veto message on both bills, Brown struck down similar legislation last year due to his belief that the bans “in every state park and on every state beach” are over-reaching and that the fines associated with violating the laws are “excessive.”

“If people can’t even smoke on a deserted beach, when can they?” Brown wrote. “There must be some limit to the coercive power of government.”
