Jeff Sessions

AG Sessions Still Blocking Cannabis Research

U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Kamala Harris (D-California), members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, have sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to follow up about delays in choosing new cannabis producers for research expansions that were mandated by President Obama more than two years ago, the Wall Street Journal reports.

We write you to follow up on our letter, dated April 12, 2018, regarding the registration of marijuana manufacturers by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). We respectfully requested that you respond to our questions by May 15, 2018. More than four months have elapsed, and it is troubling that we have not yet received a written response.

Marijuana’s impacts are being felt every day across the country—with or without research. It is imperative that our nation’s brightest scientists have access to diverse types of federally-approved, research-grade marijuana to research both its adverse and therapeutic effects. Such research is the critical foundation of sound policymaking that puts public health and safety first.

— From the letter to AG Sessions, via

At least 26 applications from entrepreneurs, university professors, and a former Navy SEAL await a decision from Sessions on how to move forward.

Sessions has said in the past he supports research into the medicinal benefits of cannabis but has dodged further comment about the two years of inaction on the selection process. Individual applications are technically decided by the head of the DEA, acting administrator Uttam Dhillon, however — according to lawmakers — Sessions‘ beliefs on the matter actually controls what happens.


Study Expounds CBD’s Effectiveness vs. Seizure Disorders

A groundbreaking study conducted at the University of Alabama Birmingham has found that cannabidiol (CBD) is an effective treatment for seizure disorders not treatable with traditional methods. The research began in 2015 after the Alabama legislature passed Carly’s Law, which allowed the UAB Epilepsy Center and Children’s of Alabama to study CBD’s efficacy in treating intractable seizure disorders.

The results, published in the Journal of Epilepsy and Behavior, showed that CBD reduces adverse events and seizure severity. It also appears to be accompanied by a reduction in overall seizure frequency.

“This is a highly significant reduction in the number of seizures that the majority of patients experienced, nearly a two-thirds reduction across the entire study population. Some patients experienced an even greater reduction of seizure frequency.” — Martina Begin, MD, professor in the Department of Neurology at the School of Medicine and principal investigator of the study’s pediatric arm

These extraordinary results come on the heels of the Federal Drug Administration having approved — for the first time, ever — a drug derived from cannabis. Epidiolex, a CBD oral solution, is already improving children’s lives.

CBS 4 Miami recently reported on Maya Adache, an 11-year-old with an intractable seizure disorder, who saw an immediate reduction in her seizures after taking Epidiolex.

“We stopped noticing the seizures almost immediately,” Adam Adache, Maya’s father, told CBS 4 Miami. “From the standpoint that her mood has really changed, she’s a much happier person.”

Dr. Ian Miller, Maya’s physician, added to the family’s jubilance, saying that, “She has responded incredibly well, as close to a miracle response as you can have to an epilepsy medication.”


Elon Musk Smokes Blunt in Podcast Interview

Mainstream media has jumped at the opportunity to harsh on cannabis after Elon Musk smoked a blunt on camera in a Joe Rogan Experience podcast interview that was live-streamed late Thursday night.

The two-and-a-half hour interview covers topics ranging from flamethrowers to aliens, artificial intelligence, and the end of the universe. Mr. Musk and comedian Joe Rogan, who hosts the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, sip whiskey throughout the interview but, about two hours in, Rogan lights a blunt and passes it to Musk, who sniffs at and hits the blunt one time. The two talk briefly about drug use, though Musk says he is “not a regular smoker of weed.”

“Alcohol is a drug that’s just been grandfathered in,” Musk said afterward, looking at his glass and musing about the hypocritical nature of prohibition.

Mainstream media reports noted that Tesla stock fell about five percent on Friday and tied the plummeting stocks in part to Musk’s appearance on Rogan’s podcast.

“It’s perfectly legal,” Rogan had said of the blunt, which is mostly true — the interview was filmed in California, where adult-use cannabis has been legalized, but the plant remains a Schedule 1 substance under federal law.

Some reports also suggested that the incident could have led to the departure of two senior Tesla executives. The executives in question, however, say they were driven away for different reasons: one reportedly gave his resignation on Tuesday because “the level of public attention placed on the company, as well as the pace within the company,” had exceeded his expectations; the other executive had been on an extended leave of absence but recently told Bloomberg News that she won’t be coming back.

In August, Musk tweeted that he was considering taking Tesla private and would do so by buying stock back from shareholders at the price of $420 per share. He eventually abandoned the plan but then faced heavy criticism, a subpoena from the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a series of lawsuits accusing the Tesla CEO of market manipulation.

When asked about whether Tesla drug tests its employees, Musk wrote in an email to The Guardian

 “Our policy allows trace amounts of THC during work times, provided they are below the safety limit (much like a minimum alcohol level).” — Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, in an email to The Guardian


Brooklyn DA Wants to Erase 20,000 Cannabis Convictions

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez has proposed erasing tens of thousands of low-level cannabis convictions, The Associated Press reports.

Gonzalez’s reasoning is that, since prosecutors are no longer pursuing criminal charges for these offenses, then individuals who have past cannabis-related convictions hanging over them should be free of that weight.

“It’s a little unfair to say we’re no longer prosecuting these cases, but to have these folks carry these convictions for the rest of their lives.” — Eric Gonzalez, Brooklyn District Attorney, via the Associated Press

New York has a strict medical cannabis program, but adult-use remains illegal and decriminalization is only in spirit — earlier this year, Gonzalez joined with Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in a decision to stop making arrests and prosecutions for simple cannabis possession cases.

Many states and other jurisdictions have proposed cannabis expungement rules following major policy reforms; Brooklyn’s proposal, however, is unique because it would be a case-by-case clearing of convictions that were made under a law that technically still stands.

Gonzalez said that anyone with a cannabis conviction that would no longer be prosecuted in today’s political climate can apply to have their records cleared. Individuals who are also convicted of drug sales, certain violent crimes, and/or sex offenses would be most likely denied.


Texas Rep. Pete Sessions Waffles on Cannabis, Considers Supporting MMJ Group

The office of Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) has announced the congressman is in talks with a group advocating for legal access to medical cannabis, reports Marijuana Moment.

The move would be a full 180 for Sessions, who has personally blocked dozens of cannabis policy amendments and bills from consideration on the floor of the House via the Rules Committee, which he chairs.

Rep. Sessions met with Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism (MAMMA) in hopes of finding “solutions for our children to help improve their quality of life when nothing seems to help.” Sessions’ son suffers from Down’s Syndrome, which he said gives him an understanding of MAMMA’s situation.

“I was pleased to get to continue our conversations together in my Dallas office on Monday because I believe that by working together, real progress can be made. I look forward to continuing my journey with parents like Amy, Thalia and Mayra as we look to find the best solutions for our children.” — Rep. Pete Sessions, in the report

Rep. Sessions is up for re-election in November and the race is expected to be close. His opponent is former NFL player and civil rights attorney Colin Allred. Allred has made cannabis reform a major part of his platform and Texas voters have shown support for that stance, increasing the pressure on prohibitionist Sessions.

MAMMA co-founder Thalia Michelle said that Sessions, talking about his Rules Committee blocking cannabis amendments, claimed that he blocked the amendments not because of his personal beliefs but because of riders added to the amendments or because the language was too broad. But Sessions’ personal views on cannabis are almost certainly negative, as he has been quoted several times making statements against cannabis and using obsolete rhetoric to discuss the plant.

Whether Sessions’ connection to MAMMA is a genuine desire to do good or if re-election fears are softening his hand on cannabis policy is up for debate — any movement towards support for medical cannabis from Sessions, however, is a ray of hope for children who suffer from a variety of chronic illnesses.


Mormon Church

Majority of Utah Voters Continue to Support MMJ Despite Mormon Opposition

64 percent of Utah voters support Proposition 2, the state’s upcoming medical cannabis ballot initiative, according to the first poll on the subject since the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints formally announced its opposition, The Salt Lake Tribune reports.

The poll of over 800 Utah voters was conducted by The results showed that 64 percent of those voters were “somewhat” or “strongly” in support of Proposition 2. A Salt Lake Tribune-Hinckley Institute of Politics poll conducted in June — prior to the Church of LDS’s public announcement of its opposition — showed similar levels of support at 66 percent.

Support levels are holding steady despite an ongoing smear campaign by LDS-affiliated Drug Safe Utah that makes several questionable claims, including labeling the medical cannabis measure Proposition 2 as a “recreational” weed loophole and arguing that cannabis will be sold on every corner. In fact, Proposition 2’s language requires dispensaries to be 600 feet from any “school, church or public location” — a limitation that will result in maybe 10 viable dispensary locations in the entire state, argue supporters.

The battle for medical cannabis in Utah is just beginning to heat up. The Church of Latter-Day Saints is not short on funding for Drug Safe Utah and other opposition campaigns. Supporters of Proposition 2, however, remain confident.

“We feel we’re in a very good position to have this pass in November.” — DJ Schanz, Director of the Utah Patient’s Coalition, via The Salt Lake Tribune


Nopioid Campaign

Opioid Vending Machines Dispense Cannabis Knowledge in Chicago

A Chicago advertising agency working with medical cannabis company Cresco Labs launched a dramatic medical cannabis campaign in downtown Chicago designed to draw attention to the opioid epidemicAdweek reports.

Chicago-based creative agency Tom, Dick & Harry Creative Co. emblazoned a large vending machine with “Got Pain? Get Relief!” designs and placed it in downtown Chicago, not far from state government buildings. The machine contains notes written in cannabis prescription bottles that advocate for replacing opioid prescriptions with medical cannabis, designed to support Cresco Lab’s Opioid Prescription Exchange program.

Behind the machine, the company placed a 20-foot long billboard with “NObituaries” — stories from opioid epidemic survivors who switched to cannabis before their addiction to opioids could kill them.

The note inside each bottle reads:


When you’re in pain, opioid prescriptions are the norm. Addiction is the norm.  Overdose is the norm. That’s just the way it’s been, but we don’t need to accept it. Opioid patients deserve an alternative: medical cannabis.

Ask your doctor about replacing opioids with medical cannabis products and get relief that doesn’t cost you peace of mind.  Pain isn’t a choice.  How you treat it could be.

The vending machine and NObituary board are backed by a social media campaign encouraging people to share stories of defeating opioid addiction with cannabis using the #NOpioids hashtag.

“The creativity and attention-getting tactics behind our COPE campaign will help build awareness about using medical cannabis as an alternative to prescription opioids in a very untraditional way,” Cresco Labs CEO Charlie Bachtell told Adweek. “The awareness this campaign will create will ultimately improve the quality of life for someone who has been suffering with pain.”

The vending machine was placed in downtown Chicago the day after Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a bill allowing and encouraging medical cannabis use as an off-ramp from opioid addiction.


Securities and Exchange Commission

SEC Charges Investment Fund With Fraud Over Cannabis Claims

On Wednesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced in a press release it had charged Texas-based Greenview Investment Partners and its founder with defrauding investors using false claims of massive cannabis investment returns.

The SEC alleges that Greenview Investment Partners and founder Michael Cone defrauded investors out of $3.3 million — money that the SEC claims Cone spent on designer clothes, luxury cars and pyramid-scheme-style payments to earlier investors in the fund. The SEC also issued an alert following the charges against Cone warning retail investors that Michael Cone isn’t the only charlatan in the cannabis investment space.

“Greenview allegedly exploited investor interest in the marijuana industry and lied about high returns and the backgrounds of its key executives. Investors must remain vigilant and not let the fear of missing out dupe them into making bad investment decisions.” — Shamoil T. Shipchandler, Director of the SEC’s Fort Worth Regional Office, in the SEC press release

Cone employed a sales staff who made cold calls to potential investors, promising up to 24 percent returns on their investment annually. Cone allegedly concealed his identity with an alias, hiding his previous criminal convictions while telling investors he maintained a former agent of the DEA on staff and lying about having an excellent record of cannabis investments with strong returns. In reality, Greenview had no previous track record and the fund’s only investment was $400,000 into a cannabis company that has yet to harvest a crop.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Central California raided Cone’s offices and seized $1.4 million in cash and assets. Cone has been charged with securities fraud and violations of the registration provisions of the federal securities laws and has been permanently barred from serving as an officer in any SEC-reporting company. Repayment and other financial penalties will be decided in the U.S. District Court for Texas‘ Northern District.


Study: Baby Boomers Are Using More Cannabis

Cannabis use is continuing to grow in popularity among the Baby Boomer generation, as 9 percent of adults 50-64 years old and nearly 3 percent of adults who are 65+ reported having used cannabis in the past year, according to a study in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal.

While these numbers might not seem extraordinary, the number of adults aged 50-64 who have used cannabis in the last year actually doubled over the course of ten years (from 4.5 percent in 2006-2007 to 9 percent in 2015-2016) and for adults aged 65+, that number increased more than sevenfold (from 0.4 percent to 2.9 percent).

“The baby boomer generation grew up during a period of significant cultural change, including a surge in popularity of marijuana in the 1960s and 1970s. We’re now in a new era of changing attitudes around marijuana, and as stigma declines and access improves, it appears that baby boomers — many of whom have prior experience smoking marijuana — are increasingly using it.” — Benjamin Han, MD, MPH, lead author of the study, an a NYU Langone Health news release

Cannabis use tendencies are certainly on the rise among middle-aged and older Americans, but researchers found that individuals who had used cannabis previously in their lives are more likely to be using it now.

“Most baby boomers who recently used marijuana first used as teens during the 1960s and 1970s,” said study senior author Joseph Palamar, PhD, MPH, an associate professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone Health. “This doesn’t mean these individuals have been smoking marijuana for all these years, but most current users are by no means new initiates.”


The Cannabis Alliance Looks for Sustainable Packaging Options

Washington state has come under fire recently for allowing garbage from its legal cannabis system to find its way into local sewers and waterways; some in the industry, however, are working to find solutions to cannabis packaging pollution.

The Cannabis Alliance, a Washington nonprofit cannabis trade organization, has convened a committee to investigate options for green cannabis packaging. The committee has recommended implementing a packaging recycling program but says cost and regulatory issues still exist at this time. For the long-term, they are suggesting single-use plastic containers be eliminated completely from the I-502 system.

“We are looking at alternative compostable packaging and also thinking of ways to incentivize producer/processors once they are ready to make the switch to sustainable containers.” — Julia Lee, Executive Assistant for The Cannabis Alliance, in an interview with Ganjapreneur

“The problem is not that the material is unavailable. The problem is that vendors who choose to introduce green packaging to the market get pushed out because of their margins,” Lee said. “Consumers won’t pay an extra $2-3 for a preroll that’s in a compostable or recyclable doob tube. So, consumer education is a big part of what we are doing.”

Washington state adult-use cannabis rules require cultivators and manufacturers to prepackage every product shipped to a retailer, meaning that there is a glut of individually packaged single grams and pre-rolls which, in many cases, leads to an unnecessary amount of plastic.


California Police Rally Against Statewide Cannabis Deliveries Proposal

Police chiefs across California last week rallied against a proposed state rule that would allow licensed cannabis companies to perform deliveries statewide — even in cities/counties where cannabis sales have been banned, the Associated Press reports.

Opposition to the program now includes the California Police Chiefs Association, the League of California Cities, and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Western States Council — ironically, the UFCW union was fully onboard with Proposition 64, California‘s successful cannabis legalization initiative.

“Regulated marijuana dispensaries have tough security, checks for identity and legal age and strictly licensed workers. If marijuana can be delivered anywhere with virtually no regulation, California will lose these safeguards.” — James Araby, Executive Director of the UFCW Western States Council, in a statement

Advocates for the proposal argue that sickly patients and individuals who live among largely conservative populations should, as Californians, have the right to access the state’s newest and most rapidly-growing industry.

Opponents argue that a blanket allowance of cannabis delivery would undermine local regulations and create a difficult-to-track gray market with significantly higher potential for criminal activity.

As it was written, Prop. 64 allows for local jurisdictions to ban the operation of adult-use cannabis cultivators and retailers. However, according to the California Bureau of Cannabis Control, a business and professions code included in the initiative says that local governments “shall not prevent delivery of cannabis or cannabis products on public roads” by a licensed operator.

The dispute will likely be settled with a lawsuit.


Hotel Hallway

Across America, CBD Begins Appearing in Hotel Rooms

Non-psychoactive CBD-infused products are making their way into restaurants and hotel mini-bars in cities across America, reports Moneyish.

Several high-end hotels in New York have begun offering room service from a menu of CBD-infused comfort foods and others are stocking CBD gummies in the minibar. Restaurants and hotels both in Los Angeles and New York have also begun offering CBD-spiked cocktails, ice cream sundaes, and multiple-course CBD dinners.

“We’re always researching new ways to help our guests relax. CBD extract is proven to have calming effects, easing anxiety and stress. With it being legal in all 50 states, we knew we wanted to get involved.” — James La Russo, a manager at The James Nomad hotel in NYC, via Moneyish

CBD-only infusions — legal across the country — are a huge boon for businesses looking to sidestep the federal prohibition of cannabis but still participate in the growing cannabis economy. Coffee shops offering CBD lattes have also opened up in many states across the U.S., as well as endless companies offering CBD hemp extracts online.

As more tourists come into beneficial contact with cannabinoids other than THC in the privacy of their hotel room, or at restaurants or ice cream shops, acceptance of the entire cannabis plant will likely follow.


Bipartisan Lawmakers Ask VA Secretary to Research MMJ as Opioid Alternative

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers sent a letter last week asking the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate medical cannabis as an alternative medication for opioids, according to a Stars and Stripes report.

Reps. Phil Roe (R-Tennessee) and Tim Walz (D-Minnesota) and Sens. Dan Sullivan, (R-Alaska) and Jon Tester (D-Montana) co-signed the letter, addressed to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, and called for the launch of a “rigorous clinical trial” of the plant’s medicinal effectiveness and safety.

“We believe VA has the authority, ability and capacity to carry out such a study. Many of our nation’s veterans already use medicinal cannabis, and they deserve to have full knowledge of the potential benefits and side effects of this alternative therapy.” — Bipartisan lawmakers, in letter to VA Sec. Robert Wilkie

Wilkie, sworn into the office in July, is relatively new as VA Secretary and it’s still not known where he stands on the issue. Many consider the letter to be a gauge of Wilkie’s medical cannabis position.

“I think this is an opportunity to get him on the record and get a more clear understanding of what his perception is about how the VA can conduct cannabis research,” Eric Goepel, founder of the Veterans Cannabis Coalition, told Stars and Stripes.

Reps. Roe and Walz introduced legislation earlier this year that clarifies the VA’s authority to conduct such a study. The House committee unanimously approved the bill in May but it is unclear when (or if) it will make it to the House floor.


Virginia to Select Medical Cannabis Licenses In Secret

On Tuesday, Virginia state regulators met to decide the recipients of the state’s first five medical cannabis licenses. Their first decision was to close the meeting to the public, reports The Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The first meeting closure lasted 30 minutes. Regulators discussed Virginia’s public meeting laws and to what degree they might apply. Regulators re-opened the meeting following that discussion, only to immediately announce that the committee had decided “to consider the applications in closed session.”

While it’s standard procedure across the country for some level of transparency when business interacts with government, Virginia law is treating the cannabis license application process the same as a medical license application, which is exempt from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Only original applicants can request a disclosure by the committee — not the general public.

Jenn Michelle Pedini, Executive Director of Virginia NORML, said that other states have considered license applications in closed session, but she favored transparency.

“We see time and time again that lack of transparency during the licensing often leads to lawsuits that delay patients’ access to medicine.” — Jenn Michelle Pedini, in an email to Ganjapreneur

While Virginia’s medical cannabis law is extremely limited in scope, the first license holders to market will have a first-mover advantage against all subsequent license holders, especially as federal legalization becomes more and more likely.

Editor’s note: This article was updated on 9/10 after receiving a correction via email from Jenn Michelle Pedini, Director of Virginia NORML.


Cronos Plans to Mass-Produce Cannabinoids with Yeast

Canadian cannabis producer Cronos is partnering with Boston biotech firm Ginkgo Bioworks to pioneer methods of producing single cannabinoids in a bioreactor, reports Bloomberg. Ginkgo Bioworks started in biotech by producing scents for the fragrance industry using engineered yeast to produce the scent chemicals in bulk.

Ginkgo’s process is likened to brewing beer. They change the DNA of yeast so that the microorganism will produce the desired chemical in a brewing vessel. For the fragrance industry, they insert the genes for the chemical that makes a rose smell like a rose into the yeast.

“Now when you brew it up in that same brewery, instead of beer coming out, rose oil will come out. It’s cheaper, it’s not subject to weather conditions, the price isn’t all over the place, it’s not different if you grow it in Morocco or somewhere else, it’s just a much better product.” — Jason Kelly, CEO of Ginkgo Bioworks, via Bloomberg

Gingko says they can do the same with individual cannabinoids like THC, CBD or even cannabinoids that exist only in tiny amounts like tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), which can suppress appetites and could help to prevent “the munchies.”

Cronos is paying Ginkgo Bioworks $22 million to fund research and development with a further $100 million in stock to be paid out in batches after certain milestones are met.

“Being able to consistently and efficiently produce high-purity cannabinoids, that’s the holy grail.” — Mike Gorenstein, CEO of Cronos, via Bloomberg


Delaware Cannabis Expungement Bill Becomes Law

Delaware Gov. John Carney (D) signed a bill last week that will expunge or clear the records of citizens convicted of simple cannabis possession prior to 2015, which is when cannabis was decriminalized statewide, according to a Delaware Public Media report.

The bill was sponsored by state Sen. Greg Lavelle and state Rep. Valerie Longhurst. Lavelle said the legislation will be a boon for people who were targeted by cannabis prohibition — previously, cannabis convicts could only apply for a pardon but, under the new law, expungement will be quicker and guaranteed.

“On that question, ‘have you been arrested and convicted,’ that’s on a form for an employment opportunity, you get to say no. It’s gone, it’s not part of your record anymore, and it really is that simple.” — State Sen. Greg Lavelle, in the report

According to state Sen. Lavelle, there are about 500 to 700 Delaware citizens who are eligible for expungement under the new law. The law only applies to people with just cannabis possession charges.

“If you’re a violent criminal, and often people may have multiple charges including possession of marijuana, that wasn’t our intent. It was to bring parity with the decriminalization law.” — State Sen. Greg Lavelle, via Delaware Public Media

The expungement process will require some paperwork and administrative fees.


Clinical Hospital

UCLA Team Plans to Study MMJ’s Painkilling Properties to Fight Opioid Epidemic

Dr. Jeffrey Chen, Director of UCLA’s Cannabis Research Initiative, hopes to launch a large, in-depth study into the painkilling properties of cannabis, NBC reports.

There is a limited number of high quality, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled studies specific to the pain-reducing effects of cannabis and cannabinoids — UCLA’s Cannabis Research Initiative hopes to change that.

“The public consumption of cannabis has already far outpaced our scientific understanding. We really desperately need to catch up.” — Dr. Jeffrey Chen, in the report

The study was designed by Edythe London, professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at the UCLA School of Medicine, to test various combinations of THC and CBD. London said the study will identify the protocol that does the “most good” for patients’ pain and opioid use. Prior studies have identified a connection between states that legalize medical cannabis and reductions in opioid overdoses, though much beyond that is still unknown.

The Cannabis Research Initiative still needs funding and permission from the FDA and DEA. The team has collected some funds from a variety of donors, but cannabis’ Schedule I classification — officially marking it as a substance with no medicinal use — stands thoroughly in their way.


Andrew Cuomo

New York Gov. Announces Cannabis Legalization Listening Sessions

On Thursday, the office of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced a series of 15 listening sessions on regulated cannabis to be held across the state.

The meetings’ purpose: to hear input from community members and stakeholders on the details of cannabis legalization in New York state. Input received will be used by the state-commissioned Regulated Marijuana Workgroup as it drafts legislation for adult-use cannabis legalization to be considered by the state legislature.

“Community input is critical as we work to draft balanced and comprehensive legislation on a regulated marijuana program in New York. The multi-agency report identified the benefits of a regulated marijuana market, and with these listening sessions we are taking another important step to develop a model program for New York. We look forward to hearing what New Yorkers in every corner of the state have to say.” – Gov. Andrew Cuomo, in a press release

The public listening sessions, to be held in the evenings, will begin in early September and carry through mid-October. Pre-registration is encouraged. Dates and locations as published on the website of the governor’s office are:

  • Wednesday, September 5 – Albany
  • Thursday, September 6 – Glens Falls
  • Monday, September 17 – Bronx
  • Thursday, September 20 – Manhattan
  • Monday, September 24 – Queens
  • Tuesday, September 25 – Brooklyn
  • Wednesday, September 26 – Staten Island
  • Thursday, September 27 – Long Island
  • Monday, October 1 – Newburgh
  • Tuesday, October 2 – Binghamton
  • Wednesday, October 3 – Buffalo
  • Thursday, October 4 – Rochester
  • Tuesday, October 9 – Syracuse
  • Wednesday, October 10 – Utica
  • Thursday, October 11 – Watertown

Gov. Cuomo commissioned a study from the state Department of Health in January. In July, the Department of Health delivered the finalized study to the office of the Governor, concluding that a regulated adult-use market would be beneficial for New York.

Gov. Cuomo then created the Regulated Marijuana Workgroup to assist New York lawmakers in developing a bill with well-organized and effective terms for legalization.



New Jersey Rolls Back Decriminalization

On Wednesday, New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced that last month’s pause on the prosecution of cannabis cases has been rescinded. However, in the memo for the announcement, AG Grewal urged prosecutors to use discretion when charging low-level offenders, citing the effect that a drug conviction can have on someone’s life, reports the Philadelphia Enquirer.

In July, Grewal wrote a letter to municipal prosecutors in New Jersey instructing them to seek adjournment of all cannabis-related charges until his office was able to determine a proper course of action for cannabis offenses. This was made necessary by a dispute earlier in July with Jersey City prosecutor Jake Hudnut over his authority to downgrade or adjourn cannabis offenses in his district.

Grewal determined that prosecutors do not have the legal authority to decriminalize cannabis without legislative action, citing existing laws that prevent plea agreements for drunk driving and other drug offenses.

“A local government unit may not ‘decriminalize’ or otherwise license conduct which violates the state’s criminal code.” – Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, in the report

Advocates for cannabis law reform also said that the only way to truly decriminalize cannabis is through the legislature, commenting on the guidance from Grewal:

“They’re well-intended, but unfortunately they don’t really change anything. What the AG did was reiterate the current rules around prosecutorial discretion, but all that existed before. So this highlights the need for the state legislature to change the law so that people aren’t arrested to begin with.” – Roseanne Scotti, Director of NJ’s Drug Policy Alliance, via the Philadelphia Enquirer

New Jersey’s Gov. Phil Murphy (D) and New Jersey State Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D, District 3) are both supporters of a push to legalize adult-use cannabis in NJ, however a bill has yet to be voted on in the legislature.


A shelf stacked with medical models of the human brain.

Study: CBD May “Normalize Dysfunction” In Brain, Countering Pychosis

A study investigating the effectiveness of cannabidiol (CBD) in treating psychosis has found preliminary evidence that CBD helps to “reset” certain sections of the brain adversely affected by psychosis.

The double-blind, randomized clinical study compared 33 individuals at high risk of psychosis with 19 healthy control individuals. The control group was given nothing, but the other 33 participants were separated into a placebo and test group – the test group was given a single oral dose of 600 mg of CBD.

All three groups were then put through a regiment of memory tests while undergoing a functional MRI. Researchers tracked the CBD’s effects on three sections of the brain: the striatum, medial temporal cortex, and midbrain.

“In each of these regions, the level of activation following administration of cannabidiol to patients at clinical high risk of psychosis was intermediate between the response in healthy control individuals who did not receive any drug and in patients at clinical high risk receiving placebo.

“… These results suggest that cannabidiol may normalize dysfunction in these brain regions, which are critically implicated in psychosis, and this may underlie its therapeutic effects in psychosis.” – Dr. Sagnik Bhattacharyya, the study’s lead author

Researchers noted some limitations to their own study, including the small sample size and uncertainty about whether CBD would remain effective over longer periods, as opposed to the single dose used in this study.

Next steps include a much larger human trial.


Oregon Cannabis Growers Must Now Notify Regulators of Each Harvest

Oregon cannabis regulators have established a new rule requiring licensed cultivators to notify the state each time they harvest a cannabis crop, The Associated Press reports.

Oregon – whose marketplace has been plagued with overproduction due to the state’s prime growing environment and a lack of licensing cap on growers – is the first state to take this step in cannabis enforcement.

Mark Pettinger, spokesperson for the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, likened the new rule to an “audit,” saying that officials will come on the day of harvest to make sure that the plant totals being entered into the cannabis tracking database match the actual, on-site plant totals.

The new rule was originally going to require three day’s notice before a harvest, but cultivators pushed back on this and it was changed to 9:00 a.m. on the day of harvest.

Pettinger said the state had 23 inspectors on staff, which would not be enough to physically inspect each harvest but that the possibility of inspection should encourage good behavior.

“A lot of growers are far-flung, but we have a concentration of inspectors in southern Oregon, and it’s the southern Oregon outdoor growing activity that has anecdotally and historically been sort of a crucible of where a lot of diversion and illegal activity takes place.” – Mark Pettinger, spokesperson for the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, via the AP

Licensed growers, however, say the rule unfairly targets their segment of the marketplace – specifically outdoor growers, as the rule does not affect indoor growers; outdoor growers get just one harvest each year, while indoor growers are slotted three.

“Which target are you going to go after if you’re shooting? You’re going to go after your easy target. I don’t think there’s a single instance where it’s been demonstrated that somebody is attempting to divert product.” – Pete Gendron, President of the Oregon SunGrowers Guild


Headset Launches California

Headset Launches Industry Data Analytics Platform for CA

Headset is proud to announce the latest launch of its market intelligence product Headset Insights, for California’s legal cannabis industry, expanding its cannabis intelligence coverage to the largest cannabis economy in the US.

Headset Insights is a tool for businesses that delivers market trends based on aggregated sales data collected from retailers and dispensaries in real-time, so operators can better understand the competitive landscape, know their brands’ position in the market, and even identify opportunities for future product development.

As the birthplace of cannabis legalization initiatives in 1996, the forecasted size of the California market is expected to swell to $5.6 billion by 2020, marking it the largest in the United States, with all four of its major metropolitan markets currently online with legal cannabis production, testing and retail outlets.

The number of retail licenses grew by 113% during the first six months of 2018, proving that there will be no shortage of outlets available to the adult use consumer. As of July 1, stringent new regulations on testing, packaging, and labeling have gone into effect in California, securing the positions of the industry’s most serious players. There has never been more need for big data products and services.

“Since we launched our Insights platform last year in Washington, Colorado and Nevada, retailers, manufacturers and brands throughout the state of California have been asking us when we would be expanding to their state to provide them with this valuable tool,” says Cy Scott, founder and CEO of Headset. “We are delighted to be able to now offer California market data to our customers helping companies get a better sense of category, segment, brand and product trends as the California cannabis industry continues to mature and cement itself as the largest market in the world. Although the market is quite new, our data already shows that California is behaving in a significantly different way than other recreational markets.”

The cannabis industry is moving rapidly, and operators are looking to use data analytics to identify the fastest-moving product segments and consumer demographics before their competitors do.

Unlike other software tools, Headset collects this data in real time, directly from the industry’s top POS systems, and reports back to operators to guide their most crucial business decisions.

Cannabis operators and other industry players can run analytics on cannabis products at the SKU, brand and category level, gaining key insights into where they rank within the overall market. Headset’s market data illustrates how manufacturers stack up next to the competition and is invaluable for brand positioning when approaching new or existing clients.

Real-time analytics are important, as the state regulations continue to change, and new licenses continue to roll out, creating even more competition. With Headset Insights real-time data, operators can find out what is happening in the market right away and make timely business decisions.

For information about the California cannabis market, read Headset’s Early Market Trends: California 2018 industry report.

To track the best selling brands, visit Headset Best Seller List, updated daily.

For more information on Headset and its services in California, visit


Secret Trump Committee Plans to Undermine Legal Cannabis

The Trump Administration has secretly established a committee of federal agencies to investigate the most effective anti-cannabis messaging and to undermine recent trends towards cannabis legalization, according to a BuzzFeed News report.

The committee is called the Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee and is comprised of 14 federal agencies plus the Drug Enforcement Administration; the group will reportedly be used to brief President Trump on “marijuana threats.”

During a July 27 meeting between White House officials and the departments of State, Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services, the committee ironically proclaimed that “the prevailing marijuana narrative in the U.S. is partial, one-sided, and inaccurate.” (The irony stems from the history of disinformation & negative propaganda that has been spread about cannabis.) White House officials tasked each agency with submitting “data demonstrating the most significant negative trends” related to legalization. Notably, there was zero mention of discussing or even considering any of the positive arguments for cannabis reform.

“Staff believe that if the administration is to turn the tide on increasing marijuana use there is an urgent need to message the facts about the negative impacts of marijuana use, production, and trafficking on national health, safety, and security.” — Excerpt of summary from July 27 White House meeting obtained by BuzzFeed News

The White House wouldn’t comment on the committee’s policy-making process, but spokespeople from multiple agencies wouldn’t deny the committee’s existence.

“The Trump Administration’s policy coordination process is an internal, deliberative process to craft the President’s policies on a number of important issues facing the American people, and ensure consistency with the President’s agenda.” — Deputy White House Press Secretary Lindsay Walters, via BuzzFeed News

Unsurprisingly, cannabis advocates have condemned the committee.

“To see this White House — that cannot even coordinate an adequate response to the overdose crisis – waste so much time on discussions on how to push anti-marijuana legalization propaganda is mind-boggling, and underscores this Administration’s ineptitude on drug policy.” — Michael Collins, Deputy Director for the Drug Policy Alliance’s Office of National Affairs, via The Hill

On the 2016 presidential campaign trail, then-candidate Trump said that, while he was not in favor of cannabis legalization, he would, if elected, honor states’ rights to determine their own path on the issue. Earlier this year, President Trump appeared to double down on that stance when he reached an agreement with Colorado Sen. Cory Gardener (R) to support legislation protecting legalized states from federal enforcement.

In February 2017, however, there was talk by then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer about “greater enforcement” of cannabis prohibition in legalized states. Furthermore, Attorney General Jeff Sessions — who was one of the President Trump’s earliest appointments — rescinded what few federal protections there were for the cannabis industry in January and has requested that Congress remove restrictions on the Justice Department that block it from actively pursuing state-legal cannabis businesses.

Given that public support for cannabis legalization is at an all-time high, it seems doubtful that a committee will be able to do much to prevent the rapid growth of industries in legalized states. The fact that the committee exists, however, suggests that the Trump Administration is unlikely to engage in discussions of federal cannabis reform any time in the near future.


Michigan Regulators Consider MMJ Delivery

Medical cannabis patients in Michigan could soon have access to home delivery services, according to an Associated Press report. The change was proposed this week by medical cannabis regulators in the state; the proposal would allow both online ordering and home delivery for medical cannabis products.

There will be a public hearing in September where citizens can weigh in on the potential rule change.

Andrew Brisbo, director of the Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation, said that regulators hope the change will improve access for people who live far away from any licensed retailers. Additionally, elderly patients or patients who are too ill to travel would certainly benefit from home delivery services.

Rick Thompson, editor and publisher of the Michigan Cannabis Industries Report, said that the change would be “crucial” for some patients.

Michigan voted to legalize medical cannabis for specific, chronic conditions in 2008. Earlier this year, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs added 11 new ailments to the list of qualifying conditions — in a boon for the industry, chronic pain, the most frequently cited condition for medical cannabis access in the world, was included on that list.

Later this year, voters will decide whether or not to legalize adult-use cannabis throughout the state.
