Vermont Thieves Rob Hemp Farm Mistaking Crops for Cannabis

Police in Colchester, Vermont report that thieves have been stealing hemp from a local farm, mistakenly believing the plants to be cannabis, according to a WCAX report.

Police say there have been six different intrusions at the farm and that 12 arrests have been made, so far.

The farm in question is Humble Roots Horticulture, operated by farmer Evan Fuller. Fuller said that the farm has heightened security to include 24-hour surveillance, seven days per week, via security cameras. The farm has also acquired pepper ball guns (which fire nonlethal, pepper spray projectiles), bulletproof vests, and an electric fence.

Police spokespeople said that the thieves were looking to steal cannabis plants, not hemp plants, but their ignorance is starting to cost farmers thousands of dollars, as any crop that is stolen — even if it’s found and later returned — must be destroyed.

“It’s really frustrating,” said Fuller, who grows the hemp for oil to be used in balms or salves.

“It’s actually running into the hundreds and thousands of dollars in losses for this Farm, and each plant is worth a lot of money. And people are not only taking, but damaging the crop as they go in as well.” — Colchester Police Chief Doug Allen, via WCAX

Colchester police warned the community via Facebook that anyone considering robbing a hemp farm should know that just two plant’s worth of hemp is valuable enough (about $900) to constitute grand larceny, which is a felony charge.


Hemp Farm

Colorado to Consider Removing Hemp Constitutional Amendments

In November, Colorado voters will be asked if they want to remove industrial hemp laws from Colorado’s state Constitution, placing them instead under the state statute, reports KUNC.

The major change would be that laws in the statute can be modified by lawmakers — the Colorado Constitution, however, can only be changed by voters during a statewide election.

The initiative is sponsored by state Sen. Stephen Fenberg, who said he has his eye on upcoming federal hemp legalization and wants Colorado to be prepared. Colorado’s hemp laws require the plant contain 0.03 percent THC or less — a stringent requirement. If the 2018 Farm Bill, which is expected to be signed into law this week, sets a different acceptable THC percentage, Colorado could fall behind in the industrial hemp market if the state isn’t able to modify its hemp laws to match the national standard.

Some Colorado hemp farmers, like Garrett Hause of Lafayette, Colorado, are worried about upcoming changes. Growers in Colorado have spent years carefully cultivating hemp plants that meet the 0.03 percent THC requirement. It’s often a difficult task. Any plant that goes over the THC limit must be destroyed under state law.

Fenberg, however, thinks that the change is inevitable. “There’s a chance that if we don’t do this, the law could conflict in a way that it would actually make it so that our hemp industry suffers,” he said.


Hemp Seeds

U.S. Attorney Sues Hemp Farmer Over Seed Sourcing

U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia Mike Stuart has filed a civil suit against a hemp farmer in Mason County, West Virginia over alleged violations of the Controlled Substances Act, the Charleston Gazette-Mail reports.

The suit, filed by Stuart to represent the federal government, claims the defendants purchased hemp seeds in Kentucky and brought them over state lines into West Virginia. Stuart said the hemp pilot program in West Virginia requires that all seeds be bought from the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. The suit also claims that required signage and security systems were not installed on the farm.

Various officials in the West Virginia state government, however, contradict Stuart’s claim that seeds must be acquired from the state government, including the Chief of Staff for the state’s Agriculture Commissioner.

The defendants, Matthew Mallory of CAMO Hemp WV and Gary Kale of Grassy Run Farms, are being charged with drug trafficking — not for hemp, but rather marijuana. This is due to overlapping and confusing laws. The federal 2014 Farm Bill provides a structure and laws to help support the development of state-legal pilot hemp industries; each state, however, has separate rules and precedents that often contradict.

One thing is clear in the 2014 Farm Bill, however: Stuart is forbidden from spending federal money “to interfere with or otherwise frustrate the intrastate or interstate transportation of industrial hemp grown or cultivated as part of a Farm Bill-authorized agriculture pilot program.”

Stuart claims the suit isn’t about a stance on industrial hemp, but rather lax regulators. Stuart said, “Based on the action we filed, I think it’s plain that this dispute doesn’t center on a public policy debate about industrial hemp, but on the dangers of lax regulation [and] oversight by a state agency which is trusted by the people of West Virginia to enforce its regulatory scheme.”

West Virginia’s Agriculture Commissioner Kent Leonhardt issued a written statement siding with the farmers:

“The WVDA believes this case could have drastic, adverse effects on West Virginia’s and other states’ industrial hemp programs. This could lead to a loss of a potential cash crop for the Mountain State. As we look to agriculture’s future, we know West Virginia will have to focus on a variety of specialty crops to grow our agricultural economy. Industrial hemp has the potential to be one of those crops with the necessary infrastructure. … We are confused on why the U.S. Attorney’s Office is working so diligently to thwart a growing agricultural industry in the state. Especially, one that Congress has clearly shown its support for, and when there are so many other serious issues affecting West Virginia.” — Kent Leonhardt, via the Charles Gazette-Mail

The 2018 Farm Bill has passed both houses of Congress and is being reconciled from two separate bills into a single version. The Senate version, backed by Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) includes clear language that would fully legalize industrial hemp, which is expected to be included in the final version. The previous Farm Bill expires September 30th and lawmakers aim to pass the new bill by then, which may make this lawsuit ultimately pointless.


FBI Data Shows Cannabis Arrests Are Increasing

New FBI data shows that cannabis arrests in the U.S. are on the rise despite increasing trends of legalization and/or decriminalization, Tom Angell reports for Forbes.

The FBI logged 653,249 cannabis possession arrests in 2016. In 2017, that number rose to 659,700 — that’s about one cannabis possession arrest every 48 seconds. However, while arrest rates for cannabis possession have increased, they actually decreased for the illegal cultivation or distribution of the plant.

“At a time when more than 100 deaths per day are caused by opioid overdoses, it is foolish to focus our limited law enforcement resources on a drug that has caused literally zero.” — Don Murphy, federal policies director for the Marijuana Policy Project, via Forbes

In 2016, four states (including California, the country’s most populous state) voted to legalize adult-use cannabis — which makes the heightened arrest rates for possession extra concerning.

Meanwhile, more and more Americans lean in favor of federally legalizing cannabis, with the latest poll data suggesting that 60 percent of voters support cannabis law reforms. In fact, cannabis legalization as an issue was more popular with voters than either presidential candidate during the 2016 elections.

Recently, Reps. David Joyce (R-Ohio) and Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) said they expect the bill that will ultimately legalize cannabis nationwide will be introduced in Congress next year.



Seattle Is Removing Prior Cannabis Misdemeanors

The judges overseeing the Seattle Municipal Court have signed an order setting out a process to vacate and remove cannabis misdemeanors from 1996 to the end of cannabis prosecutions, which happened in 2010, Seattle PI reports.

The Seattle Municipal Court is overseen by seven judges. All seven judges on the court signed the order that starts the process for the removal of convictions. City Attorney Pete Holmes filed a motion in April seeking to vacate the convictions, arguing that it was the first step in righting the wrongs created during the war on drugs.

The order will vacate the convictions of 542 people in Seattle who were convicted after the duty of prosecuting cannabis misdemeanors was moved from county district courts to municipal courts.

Holmes became City Attorney for Seattle in 2010 and at that point ceased the prosecution of low-level cannabis crimes.

Seattle officials first announced their efforts to toss the misdemeanor cannabis convictions in February, when Mayor Jenny Durkan penned an op-ed in The Stranger that called for the dismissal of these cases.

“Addressing the wrongs that were caused by the failures of the war on drugs for many years in this country – and particularly the damage wrought on communities of color – won’t happen overnight. We must provide more effective alternatives to prosecution and incarceration through drug and mental health courts, restoring rights and supporting re-entry.” — Mayor Jenny Durkan’s op-ed, via The Stranger



Studies Suggest Cannabis Doesn’t Kill Pain, But Improves Tolerance

Researchers from Syracuse University have shown in a systematic review of research that cannabis has a positive effect on pain threshold and perceived unpleasantness, though the review showed no perceptible direct pain relief, according to a report appearing in Inverse.

The review used 18 existing studies on cannabis and pain relief that studied a total of 442 adults. A major caveat of the analysis is due to the sample data — like most formal research to date, the 18 studies analyzed focused on THC as the treatment and not other cannabinoids, like CBD.

Also, cannabis used by official research outlets must come from the University of Mississippi — the only entity licensed to produce research-grade cannabis — and the crops grown there are extremely low quality compared to crops grown professionally in state-legal markets, which have much more profound effects and a wider spectrum of cannabinoids.

Researchers said the nature of pain is complex, its expression dependent on many factors beyond the direct perception of pain like anxiety, fatigue and sleep problems. The study’s lead author, Martin De Vita, said that cannabis seems ideal for treating pain in the mind more than the body.

“So while conventional wisdom was ‘cannabinoids relieve pain,’ it is now ‘cannabinoids may relieve specific aspects of pain,'” de Vita said.

Academics call for additional research, pointing out that the sample data limitations in this review are common to the field.

“This systematic review highlights the necessity of loosening restrictions on cannabis research — such as rescheduling cannabis and cannabinoids to Schedule II — so that science catch up with policy. We’re in such a bizarre place right now societally. You can go buy hemp oil that contains CBD from Amazon or a local supermarket, but to try to use those compounds in clinical studies requires an immense regulatory burden.” — Dr. Kevin Boehnke, via Inverse


Online Registration Coming to Michigan’s MMJ Program

Medical cannabis patients in Michigan will be able to register and renew their medical cannabis ID cards online starting October 8, according to a report by The Detroit News.

The change also affects doctors, who will be able to register online with the Michigan Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation to make medical cannabis recommendations.

Online registration will only be available for patients who do not have a medical cannabis caregiver, or about 69 percent of patients. Patients who register online will be able to:

  • register or renew their medical cannabis ID cards,
  • request a replacement card,
  • pay their registration and/or renewal fees,
  • check the status of an application,
  • update their name and/or address,
  • or withdraw from the registry.

The old method of registration — filing paperwork — will remain in place for any doctors or patients who prefer it to online registration.

“The ultimate win here is reducing the processing time. … Currently, we process all applications within 15 business days of receipt and this could potentially shorten that time frame within a couple of days.” — Andrew Brisbo, director of Michigan’s Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation, via Detroit News

The change comes as Michigan voters are set to consider an adult-use cannabis legalization initiative this November and recent polling data suggests that a cannabis victory is likely.


Juju Royal

Julian Marley’s Juju Royal Infused Olive Oil Review

We recently received samples of Julian Marley’s Juju Royal Infused Olive Oil. Juju Royal infused olive oils are not infused with THC, but rather basil or rosemary and CBD. The quality of this product is evident top to bottom: Made with US-grown olives hand-picked in Arizona and CBD from hemp grown in Colorado, there is nothing but purity in the bottle.

The oil’s flavor is heavily weighted towards the rosemary and basil, both herbs that pair well with the flavor of the olive. There is a significant amount of CBD in each, over 250mg in the entire bottle. Each two-tablespoon serving contains 30mg, which is a perfect amount to provide the calming and relaxed yet clear-headed feeling that CBD brings.

Juju Royal advocates drizzling the olive oil directly onto fresh tomatoes or vegetables, but they also provide several recipes on their website for more complex preparations. We opted to prepare a simple vinaigrette to use on a salad of fresh greens and vegetables from a local organic garden.

Here’s our recipe for Lemon-rosemary vinaigrette:

  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 2 tsp. sea salt
  • 3 lemons, juiced
  • ¾ cup Juju Royal Rosemary Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Add peeled garlic, salt and juice of lemon to food processor or blender. Blend until pureéd. With blender or food processor running on high speed, slowly pour olive oil through lid or cover (to contain spray) to emulsify. Place in new container and consume or refrigerate — reblending may be needed if stored for long.

The Juju Royal Olive Oil vinaigrette made for a fantastic salad. The calm, soothed feeling after our fresh lemon-rosemary salad made it clear that only the highest quality, pure CBD oil was used in the bottle. Our next test will be of the Basil-infused CBD Extra Virgin Olive Oil!

Julian Marley's Juju Royal



Bluebird Botanicals CBD and Hemp Extract Review

Bluebird Botanicals are makers of several Hemp extracts created to allow people anywhere in the world the benefits of pure, healthy cannabinoids.

We recently received several samples of their various products for consideration, including pure CBD distillate and CBD vape juice on top of their whole-plant Hemp extracts. None of the Bluebird Botanicals extracts contain THC, so they won’t get you “high” the way THC-containing cannabis will. It’s just pure medicine.

Bluebird Botanicals pride themselves on the purity of their extracts. All product batches have third party analysis data available for customer review, providing the complete transparency to back up their claims — extremely unusual in the CBD and hemp extract market. Many CBD brands make claims that have no laboratory information backing them up and may even contain contaminants.

We enjoyed our experience with the products. All five provided us with the calming feeling that comes with clean and pure non-THC cannabinoid supplements. The CBD vape juice worked great in our vaporizers and the soft gels were a great way to avoid the somewhat bitter aftertaste that came from both the complete and classic whole-plant extracts. We also experimented with using the extracts as a great way to help come down a bit when we overdid it on THC-containing cannabis — it definitely helped!

The whole plant extracts, however, contain terpenes and other cannabinoids that are proven to have distinct medical effects for different conditions–the taste is a mild concern if they improve your quality of life. The “Complete” extract even contains the forms of cannabinoids only available from decarboxylated–cured or heated–hemp, which truly makes the extract full-spectrum.

If you use CBD for medicinal purposes or want to experiment with the anti-inflammatory properties of the full-spectrum hemp plant, there’s no safer and cleaner way than Bluebird Botanicals. The trust inspired by their transparency of testing and the wide array of products makes their extracts our first choice.



1 in 20 Deaths Caused by Alcohol Worldwide; Still Zero for Cannabis

A new report by the World Health Organization pegs global deaths due to alcohol at 3 million in 2016, making alcohol responsible for 1 out of every 20 deaths, according to a CNN report.

While cannabis has not been studied as deeply, no direct deaths can be attributed to the plant. Some statistics indicate the only significant risks associated with cannabis is for those who start consuming cannabis while younger than 17, with that demographic being more likely to commit suicide. The difficulty with that statistic is that it’s hard to determine if cannabis is the cause of that risk increase, or merely an attempt to medicate conditions that led to the suicide.

Alcohol, however, is responsible for millions of deaths — directly. 28% of those 3 million alcohol deaths were due to injuries, 21% were from alcohol-related digestive disorders and 19% were cardiovascular. The remaining percentage points are from infectious diseases, cancers, mental disorders, and other alcohol-related maladies. Many conditions that, instead of causing, cannabis medicates.

“Far too many people, their families and communities suffer the consequences of the harmful use of alcohol. It’s time to step up action to prevent this serious threat to the development of healthy societies.” — Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, via CNN

While it’s clear that alcohol is bad for you, it can be tough for some to let go of beer or wine as a part of their life. Normalization and legalization of adult-use cannabis, with cannabis’ known beneficial effects for fighting addiction, is perhaps just the tool to allow people to kick the indisputably toxic habit of alcohol consumption.


Florida Rep. Lambasts DEA’s Cannabis Imports Decision

U.S. Rep Matt Gaetz (R-Florida), who has worked to spearhead legislation in his home state, has lambasted the DEA decision to import CBD and THC capsules from Canada instead of sourcing them from a U.S.-based company, according to MarketWatch.

Earlier this week, Canadian cannabis producer Tilray announced it had received the go-ahead from U.S. officials to import medical cannabis products for an upcoming cannabis study at UC San Diego. Rep. Gaetz, upset by the decision, fumed publicly on Twitter.

Currently, the University of Mississippi is the only federally licensed entity that can grow research-grade cannabis. However, there are dozens of research cannabis cultivation license applications on hold at the DEA right now and Rep. Gaetz — who has repeatedly called for further cannabis research — said the agency’s trepidation is blocking progress for the nation’s most rapidly growing industry.

“We just have to be not so stupid as to impair our own progress,” he told MarketWatch. “There is no reason for us to be creating wealth in Canada for cannabis companies by importing Canadian weed.”

Tilray — which is owned by U.S.-based Privateer Holdings, the parent company behind Leafly, Marley Natural, and several other major cannabis brands — did not push back on Rep. Gaetz’s concerns.

“If Congress changes the law to allow for commercially feasible production of pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis, we’d be thrilled to create jobs and invest in the U.S. just like we have in Canada. We agree with Representative Gaetz that the U.S. federal government should enable instead of impede this rapidly growing, global and innovative industry.” — Zack Hutson, Tilray spokesperson, via MarketWatch


Mariana Islands

U.S. Territory First to Legalize Cannabis By Legislature

On Friday, Gov. Ralph Torres of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a U.S. territory, signed a cannabis legalization bill into law, according to a Forbes by Tom Angell.

The cannabis legislation is the first of its kind, as no other state or U.S. territory has yet to establish a taxed-and-regulated cannabis system via the legislature — all states with adult-use cannabis marketplaces reached that point via direct-to-voter ballot measures. Vermont’s legislature passed a legalization law earlier this year; the law there, however, does not allow for commercial distribution.

CNMI is also the first U.S. jurisdiction to fully legalize adult-use cannabis without first having a medical cannabis program.

“I am proud of our CNMI leadership, citizens and national organizations for working together to thoughtfully develop and approve a progressive piece of legislation that that will improve the quality of life for so many. Together, we are telling the world that we do not feel that our citizens should be stigmatized and criminalized for the responsible adult use of cannabis and that they should no longer be denied access to this life-saving medicine.” — Lawerence J. Duponcheel, co-founder of Sensible CNMI, via Forbes

CNMI’s cannabis law allows for possession of up to one ounce of cannabis flower and plant material; it also legalizes extracts, infused edibles, and similar products. The law creates a structure of licenses for regulators to award to producers, processors, labs, retailers, wholesalers, and cannabis lounges.

Gov. Torres used his line-item veto power to remove some language in the bill before signing it into law, including a previously required $5 permit for cannabis users and a license that would allow a government entity to grow cannabis.

Cannabis advocates are confident that the adult-use legalization in CNMI will add to the already growing pressure on the U.S. federal government to end prohibition.


Luke Wilson: Tips for Constructing a Cannabis Grow Site

Luke Wilson is the Director of Field Operations for Canna Advisors, a consultancy firm that helps cannabis entrepreneurs get licensed, optimize facility design, standardize operations, and maximize on their business development opportunities.

In this interview, Luke shares his experience transitioning into the cannabis space, talks about his early work in the industry planning and building cultivation facilities in Canada, gives tips for entrepreneurs who are in the process of building out their own commercial cannabis grow site, and a lot more!

Scroll down to check it out!

Ganjapreneur: What was your background before coming to the cannabis space, and what first prompted your transition?

Luke Wilson: I’m just a country boy from Alabama who got lucky.

Growing up, I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life (as they say), but I always believed I was going to do something big, you know, make a real impact on the world somehow. I’ve never known how or what, I’ve just believed that if I completed college (which I did), kept my head down, worked hard, and put myself in alignment for good things, good things would happen. Eventually they did, but not without a lot of challenges along the way.

First, my family owned and operated a private industrial engineering and construction company for 17 years where I developed the skills to manage multiple projects, budgets, employees, and customers in high pressure and demanding environments. My father did not make it easy on me, always insisting that my brother and I take on the most difficult projects and clients, learning every trade (in the field) from electrical and instrumentation, to piping, concrete, and steel.

My unique background provides perspective and a practical knowledge of construction means and methods that few of my peers can match, if any. My background provides over a decade of progressive and practical experience pertaining to the engineering, construction, and overall management of capital development/improvement projects spanning a variety of markets from heavy industrial manufacturing (such as pulp and paper) to bio-pharmaceuticals (cGMP cleanrooms), cannabis, and recently, commercial distribution.

The Transition: little did I know, “the transition” began in 2012 — two years before I entered the cannabis industry.

I was working one of the worst projects of my life down in Victoria, Texas. It was 100 degrees and 100% humidity as we worked to rebuild a boiler two hours north of the Mexico border. I was living in a hotel for about 4.5 months and doing what I could to keep my marriage together from afar. During my time there I met the man who would go onto change my life 2 years later when he offered me a job with Privateer Holdings.

The “transition” was a legit God-given miracle at a time in my life that I desperately needed it. At the time, I was working at a papermill in Evadale, Texas (equally as challenging as Victoria but more swampy). It was about 5am as I drove down the farm road that led to the mill. The humidity so thick the inside of the windshield was literally dripping onto the dash. It was the same lonely drive I’d made a number of times before, and I certainly didn’t feel like I was on my way to “making a real impact on the world.” I was working hard. I was doing my best to make wise decisions in life, career, and in faith, but I was miserable. I began to pray, and quite honestly it was more of a yell. I yelled at God and angrily shed a tear as I drove to yet another nasty paper mill for another week of “rewarding” work.

At 1pm that day, via Linked-In (initially), God showed up in the form of a man I’d met two years prior in Victoria, Texas. The man who showed up had sold his business in TX and moved to Seattle in search of alternative treatment for his young son who was battling leukemia at the time. He opened a newspaper and saw an article about Privateer Holdings receiving a license to operate in Canada, and noticed their office was just up the street. After a brief visit, my friend from the past made an investment, signed on as Managing Director, and shortly thereafter called me in Birmingham, AL, and asked if I was interested in moving to Nanaimo, BC to build/develop the world’s 2nd cGMP certified facility for the manufacture and research of medical cannabis.

My response, “I wish I could tell you that I can’t be there before Monday, but we’ve got quite a bit to sort out before I start thinking about an international position on Vancouver Island.” $30M dollars, 14 months and many 100 hr weeks later, I left Nanaimo BC with Tilray, the world’s 2nd state of the art facility built for this purpose and employing ~120 local residents. Tilray is now one of the top LP’s in Canada, the 1st cannabis company on the NYSE, and exists in nine countries on five continents.

After my experience building Tilray I was certain of two things:

  1. I’d found my calling, and I was going to be the best capital development consultant in the space.
  2. I had a lifelong dream of raising my family in the mountains of Colorado, and now I had a proven skill set that could support my family there.

As Director of Field Operations for Elevated Standard, LLC, a business unit of Canna Advisors, I direct the team who serves as an extension of the owner, representing their best interests through engineering, construction, staffing, and operational startup/improvement. Working for the leading consulting firm in the space, and living in Colorado, is exactly where I want to be.

When planning or constructing a cannabis grow facility, what are the typical steps in that process?

What are the typical steps people take, or what are the RIGHT steps to take?

Let’s go with the latter… Whether manufacturing indoors, or in a greenhouse, cannabis cultivation must be addressed for what it is — an industrial-agricultural manufacturing process.

The big mistake I’m seeing cultivators make (over and over again) is hiring commercial design build contractors to execute an industrial-ag project. The right approach entails spending smart money for detailed design engineering on the front end, which ensures a smoothly executed construction project on the backend.

How might regulations — and the way they can differ so wildly based on what city, state, province, or country you’re operating in — affect your design process?

The lack of consistency between jurisdictions creates major challenges for the design process because each presents their own unique facility requirements.

State applicants are often scurrying to secure property that meets the regulatory requirements and are typically left with little time to develop well thought-out facility layouts, or realistic engineering and construction budgets.

As a result, a litany of project change orders will typically leave the average Owner/Winner scrambling to find more money to pay for things that weren’t considered, or perhaps weren’t valued during the planning and design phase.

Could you describe your role at Canna Advisors?

I was hired to work with Sue Corser-Jensen to build a new service division for Canna Advisors (CA). Traditionally, CA has been in the business of developing winning applications for cultivation, processing, and dispensary licenses. This new division will go the next step and help clients beyond the time they win a license. We now offer clients owners’ rep services, overseeing everything from engineering and construction, to operational startup, including branding and marketing, staffing, SOP development and implementation, as well as training and operational startup inspection preparation.

What are some other important things that are often overlooked in the construction of a cannabis cultivation site?

Honestly, I’ve seen it all, but it’s not always “overlooking,” often times it’s owners making choices without fully understanding the long-term effects of those decisions or choosing to ignore the potential negative impact of a decision in order to reduce their initial capital investment.  

For example: I’ve seen multi-million-dollar facilities with top notch environmental control, but the locker rooms were in an adjacent building; employees would literally change into their work gear and then go back outside before entering the manufacturing and cultivation space. That is just absurd.

In another instance, I’ve seen breakrooms with direct access to the manufacturing and cultivation floor; breakrooms are a microbiological nightmare, and this shows the architect’s lack of experience in designing clean manufacturing environments.

While a lot of teams struggle to get the floor plan to efficiently allow flow of material and personnel, I see the most mistakes and shortcuts taken around equipment selection, and environmental and process controls, which is the most critical engineering to take place in the construction of a cultivation manufacturing facility. When done correctly, every piece of equipment, and every instrument in the building is tied back to a Building Automation System (BAS) or a Direct Digital Controller (DDC), allowing the Director of Facilities/Maintenance to see what is going on around the facility at any given time. The BAS provides alarms when a room or a piece of equipment is not operating within the programmed specifications or range of tolerance.  It also allows for remote access into your facility and in some cases, remote control of equipment as well.

What are some of the specific differences in regulations that make your job more difficult?

In most cases the design/construction requirements don’t vary a whole lot. Most states require separate entrances for processing/extraction, and cultivation. We typically use facility design and access controls to accomplish this. The real challenge we have is when states implement a rule that pre-determines the number of plants a cultivator can have under one license, and when they limit the products an entity can manufacture and distribute.  

While I oversee the development of our clients’ businesses, that’s not all we do at Canna Advisors. First, we write the business plan, building the financial model, then develop the application. Our technical writing staff has quite the challenge of writing to the specific regulations in each state. There’s no specific portion of the application that is more difficult; however for our writers, the challenge is often conveying the right message within a certain amount of words allowed, or without the opportunity to provide the necessary attachments.

What is the most difficult aspect of your job?

“Know it All” people. People will always be the most challenging aspect of any job, but their stories and development can be the most rewarding.

What has been the most rewarding experience you’ve had so far in the cannabis industry?

Watching Tilray go public on the NYSE was the most rewarding experience I’ve had to date, though I must’ve missed my thank you call from the team (LOL!). I was the 3rd employee at Tilray, and the 16th at Privateer Holdings. I spent many sleepless nights taking Tilray from a poorly planned commercial construction project to a well-oiled machine that could meet the requirements required for cGMP certification.

What advice would you offer somebody who is considering jumping into the industry?

Depending on what role said person is interested in, my opinion will vary. Overall, though, the cannabis industry is by far the most exciting industry I’ve ever worked in. It may be chock full of snake oil, but I’ve never seen so many people actually passionate about what they’re doing. That alone is enough reason to enter any industry on some level. That said, I’m typically dealing with investors, C suite execs, as well as the various leadership positions within an organization. The industry isn’t just for “cannabis” folks, it’s for mainstream adults seeking mainstream employment within a highly competitive and highly regulated market.

Thanks, Luke, for taking the time to answer all our questions! To learn more about Luke Wilson and Canna Advisors, you can visit the company website at


Davinci MIQRO

The Davinci MIQRO Portable Vaporizer Review

Vaporizer manufacturer Davinci originally launched itself onto the dry-herb vaporizer market with the Davinci IQ, a well-designed and easy to use portable vaporizer that has come to be considered one of the best portable options on the market. However, Davinci has kept innovating and as of this summer has released a redesigned and even simpler portable vaporizer: The Davinci MIQRO.

The MIQRO and IQ both utilize a heated chamber to vaporize plant matter, which is fairly standard with portable loose-leaf vapes. However, where Davinci defines itself is simplicity. The MIQRO, just like the IQ, uses “Smart Path” heating technology, which simplifies temperature control into several tiers that slowly increase the temperature as you inhale from several different starting and ending points. It results in maximum extraction of cannabinoids and terpenes with minimum effort. Smart Path vaping is truly where Davinci defines itself, allowing users the best experience without requiring encyclopedic knowledge of vaporizer temperatures.

We received an “Explorer’s Collection” edition of the Davinci MIQRO that comes with a wide variety of accessories and enhancements. Several stickers and fan gear including a Davinci-branded thumb drive, a micro grinder card, dry herb capsule, carrying case and cleaning supplies all shipped in an awesome wooden box that would be great to hold your cannabis supplies. Certainly, the swag that comes with the Explorer’s Collection makes the additional cost worth it.

The MIQRO’s improvements over the IQ start with the size but don’t end there. The MIQRO has had its attached herb chamber tamper, which Davinci calls a “pearl,” redesigned. The pearl allows the user to adjust the volume of the vape chamber so that different amounts of cannabis can be consumed while still being correctly heated. On the IQ the pearl is nearly spherical and is not as firmly attached as it could be. The redesign for the MIQRO has changed the shape to fit more carefully into the chamber and feels more firmly attached. We enjoyed extending the pearl to allow us to take smaller doses of cannabis.

Also redesigned in the MIQRO is the removable and replaceable air path. Now made from Zirconium, it is noticeably easier to clean than the IQ. We had some difficulty removing gunk from some parts of the IQ, which has yet to occur with the MIQRO. The air path itself is also much smaller and built as a straight-edged line, also making it easier to clean.

The only downside for us was the battery life. The package we received, which will be priced at $199, included a second battery that helps limit this issue but we still noticed a lack of power on big draws. We estimate perhaps 5-10 five minute vape sessions per battery. That said, considering the size vs. the IQ, it is a minor issue.

Overall, the MIQRO is a solid buy: the unit-only is expected to retail for $149 and the “Explorer’s” package, which is pictured in this article and was reviewed by us, will retail for $199. As far as sub-$200 portable vaporizers go, it’s difficult to beat the MIQRO. The reduced size and weight, improved “Pearl” tamper, Zirconium air path, as well as low cost make it worth trying out even if you own the Davinci IQ.


Terpenes and cannabis

Terpenes and Cannabis: The Entourage Effect

What are terpenes?

Terpenes are some of the most pervasive organic compounds in nature. Insects and plants both use them for signaling a variety of things, including to fight predators and encourage pollination. Trees even emit terpenes that encourage water vapor to form clouds. All organisms use some types of terpenoids as part of the process of synthesizing new cells and other biological compounds.

terpenes and cannabisThe prevalent terpenes found in cannabis are often found in other plants. Linalool, for instance, is the primary terpene responsible for lavender’s smell. Limonene is at the core of the smell of citrus. Pinene is the terpene that makes up a large part of the smell of pine trees. When you smell a terpene, no matter what the source, that chemical is entering your lungs and begins to interact with your body.

Those who study cannabis are only just beginning to understand the complex interplay of compounds present in the plant. Terpenes are valuable because they modify the effect of the primary cannabinoids like THC and CBD, as well as being therapeutic on their own. The synergistic effect of combined terpenes and cannabinoids is known as the “entourage effect.”

How do terpenes affect the cannabis high?

Some theorize that terpenes and the entourage effect cause the difference in feeling between indica or sativa strains of cannabis. Many classic indica strains contain a large amount of the terpene myrcene which is known to be sedating. Sativas often contain more limonene, which is energizing and antidepressant. The amount and type of terpenoid and minor cannabinoids like CBN or CBG seem to be responsible for the different quality of high experienced when imbibing  different strains.

As cannabis connoisseurs are able to experiment with different varieties of and breeding conditions for cannabis, one thing is sure: Smoking, vaping or extracting whole-plant cannabis is more powerful than isolated extracts of pure THC or CBD. One of the primary differences between the two is the presence of terpenoids and additional cannabinoids.

List of Common Cannabis Terpenes

Cannabis can contain up to 120 different terpenoids. The fifteen most common terpenes are listed below:

  • Myrcene
  • Limonene
  • Linalool
  • Caryophyllene
  • Pinene
  • Alpha-bisabolol
  • Eucalyptol
  • Trans-nerolido
  • Humulene
  • Delta 3 Carene
  • Camphene
  • Borneol
  • Terpineol
  • Valencene
  • Geraniol

Many of these common terpenes in cannabis have been studied as stand-alone chemicals, often with surprisingly powerful therapeutic effects. Researchers have yet to study the cannabinoid entourage effect in detail, however, as cannabis remains a federally scheduled substance.

What is the best method for consuming cannabis that maximizes terpenes?

Smoking, vaping or eating whole-plant cannabis or cannabis extracts will all get at least some terpenes into your body, alongside cannabinoids like THC, CBD or CBN.

Terpenes, however, are much more volatile than cannabinoids and will often be the first chemical to evaporate or break down when high temperatures are applied to the plant material. For best results, vaporize your cannabis flower or live resin. You can consult our terpene vaporizer settings guide for the best temperatures for each of the common cannabis terpenes.

Eating an edible made with whole plant extract is another excellent way to get the full-spectrum cannabis experience. Many edibles are made with isolated THC and do not contain the full diversity of terpenes and cannabinoids that are present in flower, so choose your edible carefully.

Alternately, some have experimented with adding isolated, refined terpenes to extracts that have lost their terpenes due to high temperature extraction, or even just pure THC and CBD distillates. Terpenes can be purchased from many suppliers as they do not need to be refined from cannabis and are federally legal. Some vendors even sell pre-made “strain-specific” terpene blends that can be added to shatter or wax to get the exact high or medicinal effect desired without any uncertainty.


New York

New York Listening Sessions Show Support for Cannabis Legalization

Public listening sessions scheduled by the office of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to take input on upcoming legalization legislation are underway, according to a Gothamist report.

The listening sessions — three so far, and a fourth in Manhattan later this evening — have been well attended, mostly by legalization supporters. Many had specific concerns they wanted to see addressed in the legislation, such as support for communities and minorities most impacted by the drug war and expungement of previous cannabis convictions.

“I grew up in the South Bronx, so I know how the police treated the inner city. I have friends whose lives were ruined. They couldn’t get a job because they smoked a little weed. So when prohibition ends I’m looking to create jobs for the same people who were persecuted.” — Ariel Bizardi, via Gothamist

There were also calls to add language to upcoming legislation that put an end to police using the smell of cannabis as a reason to stop and search citizens. Others were most concerned about creating a new “Big Tobacco” and wanted to ensure that the cannabis law prevented venture capitalists and large corporations from dominating the market.

Comments taken during the listening sessions will be used by the state-commissioned Regulated Marijuana Workgroup to shape the first draft of legislation. After tonight’s listening session in Manhattan, there will be eleven more, all listed on the state’s website.


Louisiana Removes Patient Cap for MMJ Doctors

Louisiana regulators agreed this week to lift a cap limiting doctors to just 100 active medical cannabis recommendations, the Associated Press reports.

Fearing a bottleneck of patients as the state moves towards the launch of its medical cannabis industry, Louisiana’s State Board of Medical Examiners voted 8-1 in favor of lifting the cap, which was first established in 2016. The move was supported by patients and industry advocates, who worried that many patients who need medical cannabis might not be able to immediately access the program.

“Many [patients] feel locked out because they either cannot find physicians or the physicians they find already have hit the 100-patient limit,” said Dr. Victor Chou, who runs a medical marijuana clinic in Baton Rouge and reached his patient cap months ago — long before the program’s launch.

Regulators also voted 5-4 to remove a rule that required medical cannabis patients to return to their doctors every 90 days in order to keep their medical marijuana prescription.

Dr. Roderick Clark, the board’s vice president, argued in favor of removing both the patient cap and 90-day follow-up requirement.

“If we’re going to treat this as a drug or medication, then the physician should be responsible in the physician/patient relationship to treat that patient appropriately through his scope of process. We already have rules about that. We have laws about that.” — Dr. Roderick Clark, vice president of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners

So far, just 48 doctors have applied to recommend medical cannabis and just 31 of those doctors have been fully approved. Many still worry that — even with the 100-patient cap removed — the low count of doctors willing and able to recommend medical cannabis in Louisiana will still result in bottlenecking issues related to patient access.



Canadian Cannabis Brand Seeking Paid Smokers For Cannabis Curation Committee

Canadian cannabis company AHLOT is seeking five “cannabis connoisseurs” to staff the company’s “Cannabis Curation Committee,” according to a report by the Vancouver Star.

The committee members will be in charge of tasting and experiencing AHLOT’s cannabis strains to report on quality and other sensations. The connoisseurs will determine which of those strains make it into AHLOT’s signature sample packs. The committee will also produce social media content for the company, appear in videos and staff company events.

Members of the Cannabis Curation Committee will be paid $50 an hour for up to 16 hours per month, alongside a $200 expense account.

AHLOT, which stands for A Higher Level of Thought, is a Toronto-based cannabis brand that focuses on curating cannabis experiences for the masses. They produce a variety of products on top of their multi-strain, multi-producer sample packs, including storage boxes, other cannabis accessories, and media.

Cannabis will become nationally legal for adult use in Canada starting October 17. Licensed cannabis producers and other related brands throughout the country have seen surging stocks in recent weeks as the world prepares for the cannabis marketplace in a G7 nation to come online.


MediPets CBD Pet Treats Offer Cats and Dogs Stress and Anxiety Relief

Available in 16 flavors for dogs and two for cats, these CBD pet treats are bound to relax even the most nervous, stressed-out pets

MIAMI, FL September 14, 2018 — MediPets CBD Pet Treats for dogs and cats offers pets a delicious snack made from all-natural industrial hemp CBD. It provides them a chance to stay healthy and well while helping them to remain stress and anxiety-free. Dogs and cats love these CBD pet treats which give them a measured dose of high-quality CBD in a delicious flavored treat that they will enjoy.

Available in 18 different flavors specially made for each type of pet, dog-lovers can choose from favorites such as Meaty Beef Treats, Meaty Steak Treats, and Chicken Meatballs. MediPets CBD pet treats also come in more enticing flavors including Chicken, Chickpea & Blueberry Biscuit flavor, and Turkey, Peas, & Blueberry Jerky.

Cats have two unique flavors of their own as well. MediPets offers felines Purrs & Puffs which are flavored to taste just like tuna fish. They also provide Cat Cafe´ Tartar Control, designed for healthy and strong teeth. Each CBD pet treat is filled with all-natural industrial hemp CBD oil.

MediPets understands that cats and dogs need CBD to help with a variety of ailments, just like their human counterparts. Illnesses ranging from poor joints to anxiety can possibly be made whole again with CBD pet treats. The key is the endocannabinoid system, which may respond well to the use of CBD pet treats. These delicious treats were specially designed for cats and dogs that suffer from stress and anxiety, made to help pets on long car rides, trips to the vet, or even on those days where they will be away from their owners for long periods of time.

Also available from Medipets, a company known for their innovative CBD oil products is a specialty line of CBD oils made especially for cats and dogs. Available in one size for cats and three dimensions for dogs, these specialty CBD oils contain 100 percent all-natural industrial hemp CBD and are non-toxic for pets. MediPets develops their CBD oil in a lab with a team of researchers to ensure that only the best goes into every bottle. The company also ensures that their products are all THC-free and contain absolutely no synthetics; a guarantee they back up with lab tests for every product.

Each bottle contains varying amounts of CBD oil, depending on the size of the animal. For dogs, MediPets CBD oil is available in small, medium, and large. Pet owners need only place a few drops in their cat or dog’s food or water every day to help them feel the awesome benefits of CBD oil.

MediPets understands that pet owners are wary of any company that makes wild claims about their CBD oil. CBD oil has the power to do amazing things, but MediPets knows that quality is the number one concern of their customers. That is why all of MediPets products are clearly labeled, and the company always tells their customers to consult with a vet before giving their cat or dog anything.

About MediPets CBD
MediPets CBD makes all-natural industrial hemp CBD products for cats and dogs, including CBD pet treats, pet CBD oil, and CBD pet spray. MediPets guarantees that all of their CBD oil products are THC-free and synthetic free. For more information visit




Ohio Prohibits CBD Sales Outside Dispensaries

Ohio’s Pharmacy Board has clarified that non-psychoactive CBD is a controlled cannabis product under state law and as such may only be sold in dispensaries, reports WCPO Cincinnati.

This means that groceries, supplement stores, co-ops, and other retail outlets that have been selling CBD products like coffee or hemp extract capsules will have to remove the products to remain compliant. This will frustrate some who use CBD to medicate things like anxiety, epilepsy or chronic pain — they will now have to go through the process of becoming a medical cannabis patient and locate a dispensary.

Ohio regulators say they are not enforcing the law just yet, but are providing clarification. However, the announcement was more than enough to cause some stores to pull the products.

“It’s frustrating. Other places are listening to them and are pulling the products from their shelves and the only person who’s being hurt there is the customer.” — E.R. Beach, owner of Hemptations, via WCPO

Ohio has been plagued with delays and other issues affecting the roll-out of its state medical cannabis program. The state still has yet to fully launch sales of cannabis, despite having already passed the program’s September 8 deadline.


New Jersey Legalization Bill Includes Delivery, Smoking Lounges

The nearly-finished New Jersey cannabis legalization bill reportedly contains measures allowing for delivery services and public smoking lounges, according to an report.

If the bill is approved, New Jersey would become the first U.S. state to allow for cannabis consumption outside of a private residence. The proposal would establish a taxed-and-regulated cannabis marketplace with business licenses and regulations handled by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission.

The bill — which lawmakers say has a good chance of passing — also includes a cannabis tax rate of just 10 percent, which is the lowest in the country, so far.

Unfortunately, the bill does not allow for cannabis home grows, which are a “nonstarter” for lawmakers, according to the report. The bill is also currently lacking language for the expungement of previous cannabis convictions, but previous legalization proposals in New Jersey have contained some effort to undo the harms of prohibition and lawmakers say they intend to either add expungement language to this bill or introduce an accompanying bill that will address the issue.

If the bill is passed and signed into law, the Cannabis Regulatory Commission will have 180 days to adopt rules and regulations, after which regulators will have just 30 days to issue the industry’s first licenses.

Lawmakers suspect the bill will undergo several hearings before it is put to a vote. New Jersey State Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-Gloucester) said the bill probably has enough votes to succeed but, at this point, he doesn’t expect the bill to pass before October.




Canada Military Parachute

Canadian Armed Forces to Allow Some Cannabis Consumption

Canada has spelled out the cannabis consumption rules for soldiers and civilians working for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), according to the recently published Use of Cannabis By CAF Members directive.

According to the order, DAOD 9004-1, all soldiers will be banned from smoking or consuming cannabis starting eight hours before reporting for duty. Those serving on submarines or aircraft, piloting drones, conducting air traffic control or high-altitude parachute drops or deploying must abstain from cannabis use starting 28 days before. Soldiers handling weapons or explosives will be required to cease consumption of cannabis 24 hours prior.

These rules will also apply to civilian contractors for the CAF.

Canada‘s military suffered a tragic embarrassment centered around alcohol consumption in the Armed Forces during the 1993 “Somalia Affair.” During that incidence, Canadian soldiers who were likely heavily intoxicated were discovered to have beaten and killed a Somali teenager. Since then, Canada has maintained a stern stance against substance abuse in the military. DAOD 9004-1’s lengthy consideration of proper cannabis use was most likely informed by that stance.

Allowing some cannabis consumption is a notable precedent as other countries with significant military forces consider legalization.


Diamond CBD Welcomes Fall With Their Five Favorite CBD Oils

From full-spectrum CBD oil to terpenes to more, Diamond CBD introduces the flavors of fall

MIAMI, FL, September 14, 2018 — A recent industry report shows Diamond CBD in the top 10 CBD companies in the entire country; the company credits that to some of their best sellers such as Meds Biotech Gummies and CBD Honey Sticks. But now that the cooler weather is coming, Diamond CBD is celebrating their favorite tastes of the season — it’s the power of CBD oil mixed with the cool, crisp flavors of fall.

One of Diamond CBD’s favorite fall flavors is Full Spectrum MCT Oil, which features all-hemp cannabinoids and no THC. Highly bioavailable and nutritious MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, provide fast and lasting energy and are easily absorbed by the body. And, unlike CBD isolate, full-spectrum, whole plant CBD contains all other beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes found in the hemp plant. The trace amounts of THC, at less than 0.3 percent, are not enough to cause any kind of high, however, over time that little bit can enhance the experience. Diamond hopes customers will experience the full spectrum of relaxation with Diamond CBD Full Spectrum MCT Oil.

Also available this fall from Diamond CBD is Blue Dream Terpenes Diamond CBD oil. It is a premium infused CBD liquid blend of pure CBD oil and full-spectrum terpenes. Diamond’s Blue Dream CBD Oil Terpenes product is free of THC, yet it possesses the bold flavor of the Blue Dream marijuana strain. Terpenes are considered one of the most important compounds in full-spectrum CBD oil and have been known for centuries to provide a variety of health benefits. This product is completely non-GMO and made in the USA. Customers can use it as oral drops, or as a CBD tincture, or add it to their vape liquid.

Diamond CBD Full Spectrum Hemp Seed Oil combines the benefits of full-spectrum CBD oil with the intense nutritional value of hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is considered a superfood by nutritionists. It boasts a perfect 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids which matches the balance required by the human body. As mentioned above, full-spectrum, or whole-plant CBD, unlike CBD isolate, contains additional beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes found in the hemp plant including trace amounts of THC (again, not enough to get someone high). Full-spectrum CBD oil can be added to e-liquid and vaped. It is also safe to add to foods, drinks or to use as a topical treatment.

Another great choice this fall is Chong’s Choice CBD Oil, one of the most popular and best-selling products. The brand is brought to you by the legendary Tommy Chong and the products are produced using the highest quality ingredients and 100 percent natural premium hemp. As with Diamond CBD’s other CBD oils, Tommy’s can be used as oral drops, tincture or topical, and can be added to e-liquid and vaped. Tommy’s also has other products such as Chong’s Choice Gummies, and Chong’s Choice CBD Vape Pens.

Finally this fall there’s LT Pain Master CBD Oil CBD oral drops, which are designed with hard-working athletes in mind. If customers want to master their pain, they can look to the pain master. LT is not messing around with this formulation; it features a whopping 1000 mg of high-quality CBD. As with all Diamond CBD products, LT Pain Master CBD Oil is made with cannabidiol extract from 100 percent legal, organic industrial hemp grown in the USA. If someone is an athlete or an active individual who puts their body through a lot of wear and tear, this highly concentrated CBD hemp oil is designed for them.

About Diamond CBD
Diamond CBD also offers many popular CBD brands such as Diamond CBD oils and Chill Gummies. There is a wide variety of options from oils to vapes to edibles. Diamond CBD even offers unique options like Dabs and Isolates giving customers numerous options to enhance their wellbeing with CBD oil. To learn more go to



Medical Study

DEA Approves Canada’s Tilray for Cannabis Drug Imports

Canadian cannabis producer Tilray Inc. announced today that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has approved the company’s request to import capsules of CBD and THC into the U.S. to be used for research at UC San Diego, in a press release.

The encapsulated cannabinoids are being imported to study Essential Tremor, a neurological condition that causes uncontrollable shaking. 0.4% of the general population suffers from Essential Tremor, and 4.6% to 6.3% of those 65 and older suffer from the condition. Current treatments for the condition are often derived from paralytics. The condition is even occasionally treated with Botox. Serious side effects and intolerance of the existing treatments are common.

Medical cannabis, which has been shown to help with many seizure disorders and other degenerative neurological disorders, will most likely be a much safer treatment.

The study is led by Dr. Fatta Nahab, neurologist and Director of the Functional Imaging of Neurodegenerative Disorders Lab at UC San Diego.

“It’s exciting to advance our work in this area by conducting a first-of-its kind trial of purified medicinal cannabis for a common neurological disorder like essential tremor. Until now patients have been on their own to figure out the efficacy, safety, and dosing of cannabinoids. This trial should help answer many of these critical questions.” — Dr. Fatta Nahab, in the release

Tilray’s stock climbed 11% in early trading this morning following the press release.
