
Florida Cities Make Temporary MMJ Dispensary Bans Permanent

Some cities in Florida have made their temporary dispensary bans permanent as the state continues to struggle with rolling out its medical cannabis program, according to the Sun Sentinel.

It’s been two years since more than 70 percent of Florida voters approved medical cannabis in the state. Now, permanent bans are in place in Boca Raton, Coral Springs, Margate, Tamarac and Pembroke Pines. Previously, these cities only had temporary bans while the medical cannabis program developed.

Language from rules passed in 2017 allows Florida municipalities to choose two strategies for regulating dispensaries: either ban them outright or treat them just like pharmacies. The issue with treating them like pharmacies, for some cities, is that it opens the door to too many dispensaries, too quickly — as the only restriction on dispensary location would be that they couldn’t exist within 500 feet of schools.

Other Florida cities with dispensary bans include Delray Beach, Highland Beach, Hillsboro Beach, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Royal Palm Beach, Sea Ranch Lakes and Southwest Ranches.

Lake Worth, Florida — the first city to open a dispensary in the state — stopped allowing additional dispensaries after licensing two.

“The state didn’t put the right regulations in place. It put us in a very tricky predicament.” — Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo

Proponents of the bans argue that the law allows for delivery and that, because of that, dispensaries don’t need to open in every town. Some also fear the cash-only operations of cannabis dispensaries and suspect that it will lead to additional crime in their areas. Authorities noted, however, that such crime has not yet appeared even in cities with operating dispensaries.

Everyone involved hopes for a change in the laws guiding medical cannabis in Florida. Many city leaders are asking for the ability to control some dispensary regulations, such as where they can operate or how many can be opened, on a city-by-city basis.

Editor’s note: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that there are only 11 dispensaries open in Florida. In actuality, there 64 dispensaries open in the state, 11 of which are in South Florida.


Cannabis Odor Lawsuit Goes to Trial in Colorado

A lawsuit filed by horse ranchers against a Colorado cannabis grow is going to trial today and could yield important repercussions for cannabis businesses throughout the U.S., Westword reports.

The lawsuit, which aims to use the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act against state-legal cannabis businesses, was filed on behalf of horse ranchers Phillis Windy Hope Reilly and Michael P. Reilly against cannabis cultivator Rocky Mountain Organics by Safe Streets Alliance, a national anti-cannabis organization.

If successful, the suit could send a chillingly blunt message to the cannabis community while galvanizing its opponents into further action.

The suit lays out the following arguments:

  • “Growing recreational marijuana is ‘noxious, annoying or offensive activity’ [sic] by virtually any definition because marijuana plants are highly odorous, and their offense smell [sic] travels long distances.”
  • The Rocky Mountain Organics grow site is also a high-risk target for theft and could lead to a local hike in crime.
  • The sight of an under-construction building was an eye-sore that “exacerbates the injury, for when the Reillys and their children visit the property, they are reminded of the racketeering enterprise next door every time they look to the west.”

Note: the plaintiffs do not live on the property in question, they just like to hike and ride horses there.

The lawsuit was first filed in 2015 but was dismissed by a federal district court and the Rocky Mountain Organics grow site officially launched in 2016. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, however, reopened the case in June 2017.


Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson Aims to Produce Sitcom About His Cannabis Brand

Mike Tyson is shopping around an early production of a sitcom based on his life as a cannabis grower, according to a Vulture report.

The scripted comedy series would be titled “Rolling With The Punches.” Some filming has already occurred at Tyson Ranch, Mike Tyson’s 40-acre cannabis grow located 60 miles southwest of Death Valley National Park.

The show’s format was compared to Larry David’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” in that it will be partially based on Tyson’s real life. Comedian Russell Peters would play Tyson’s sidekick and “useless best friend.”

“It’s simple. I’m playing a retired boxer who is growing marijuana. It’s basically me acting like me, so people can get a look at what my life could be like in different scenarios.” — Mike Tyson

Construction on the ranch began late last year. Tyson has been working with his business partners Robert Hickman and Jay Strommen on developing the ranch. Hickman told reporters that he expects the show to launch in about five months.

This is not the first, nor will it likely be the last, push by a celebrity to capitalize on the burgeoning cannabis industry, but it’s yet another sign of the normalization and integration of cannabis into mainstream culture.

Editor’s note: A previous version of this story was unfortunately vague in describing a potential business partnership between Mr. Tyson and California City Mayor Jennifer Wood, who was present at Mr. Tyson’s ground-breaking ceremony last year but is not at all involved — financially or otherwise — with Tyson Holistic Holdings, Inc.


Car Chase, Gunfire Follow Industrial Hemp Theft

A Tennessee hemp farmer chased thieves carrying off his hemp in a scene that could be straight out of a movie, Fox 17 Nashville reports.

Before the confrontation, farmer Tracy Lehman had noticed some few plants missing but didn’t think much of it. Last Friday, however, Lehman realized he was missing twenty plants and grew concerned.

“Obviously on high alert, I’m thinking, ‘I got to see what’s going on here,'” said Lehman. Lehman installed surveillance cameras to determine just what was happening to his hemp.

Monday morning, Lehman noticed a gray car circling his house. Shortly after, a truck pulled into his field. Lehman realized what was happening and jumped into his own truck. The thieves took off and Lehman gave chase.

“We got a little ways down the road and we were sideways, going 80 mph going down this country road,” said Lehman. The passenger in the thieves’ car pulled a pistol and fired eight or ten shots off at Lehman.

Lehman was forced to back off and lost the thieves. Once police arrived at the farm, Lehman looked through his surveillance footage of the thieves in an effort to identify them. Both police and the farmer were shocked to see the men had been carrying assault rifles. “I didn’t expect to see that,” Lehman said. “We all did a double-take.”

It’s unclear if the thieves were aware that industrial hemp contains little to no THC. “We get tested by the state. So if it’s over 0.3, the crop gets destroyed on the spot.”

Lehman hasn’t backed down. The farmer has tracked people prowling around his farm two other times this week. He now employs an armed guard 24 hours per day.




Cannabis Disposal Bins Are Not ‘Free Weed Bins,’ Toronto Airport Clarifies

Pearson International Airport has clarified following a viral social media post that cannabis disposal bins in the airport are not “free weed bins,” Gizmodo reports.

A photo of one of Pearson Airport’s cannabis disposal bins for travelers leaving Canada went viral on Reddit with the caption, “Pearson International installed a ‘free weed’ bin :)”

Greater Toronto Airport Authority spokesperson Robin Smith quickly set the record straight.

“‘Free weed’ is resoundingly incorrect, and I think that’s putting it mildly. Once something goes into the container, it doesn’t come out. … The new cannabis disposal containers will be securely closed to allow deposits into them, with nothing taken out. These containers will continue to be monitored.” — Robin Smith, via Gizmodo

Canadians flying on domestic flights are allowed to bring cannabis with them. The bins at the Toronto airport are for passengers who are leaving Canada, which has federally legalized cannabis, separating it from every other country in the world except Uruguay.

Passengers can ditch their forgotten-until-the-last-minute cannabis in the provided bins. The bins, however, are monitored by security and emptied by a disposal service — sorry, everyone.


Louisiana MMJ Delayed Two More Months

Louisiana medical cannabis sales will likely be delayed by at least two more months as the program shifts towards a state-sponsored testing lab, the Associated Press reports.

John Davis, President of GB Sciences — the state’s first sanctioned cannabis grower — told reporters that, at this point, patients probably won’t see products hit dispensary shelves until January.

The hangup: regulators tried and failed to find an independent lab willing to take on the job, so now cannabis testing procedures in Louisiana will have to be handled by the state Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF).

LDAF spokesperson Veronica Mosgrove said the state will test GB Sciences’ first crop for pesticides, contaminants, and heavy metals; the results will take about six weeks. Mosgrove also said regulators won’t stop their search for an independent lab, but that her department would handle Louisiana’s medical cannabis testing requirements, for now, in order to get patients access to the plant as quickly as possible.

“The department is the regulator and if we detect a problem, a third lab can verify our results. If a third lab is identified … LDAF’s lab can spot check that third party lab for quality assurance.” — Veronica Mosgrove, spokesperson for the Lousiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry

GB Sciences planted the state’s first cannabis crop in August.


Korey Rowe: Helping Combat Veterans Heal with Cannabis

Korey Rowe is the documentary filmmaker behind Mile Marker, a powerful investigative film that follows Korey on a journey across the continental U.S., stopping for interviews with veterans suffering from PTSD along the way.

Korey joined our host TG Branfalt before Mile Marker’s release to talk about making the film and the experience of military combat veterans in the United States. In this interview, Korey discusses how veterans would open up to him about their experiences returning home, how medical cannabis has helped him and countless other veterans maintain their mental health, and more.

Tune in via the player below, or scroll down to read a full transcript of this podcast interview!

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This episode of the Ganjapreneur podcast is sponsored by Cova, the leading compliant point of sales suite for cannabis retailers and delivery services. Cova was developed to address the needs of retail businesses in California, Colorado, Washington, and Canada. Cova integrates the state traceability systems, such as Metrc and Leaf, as well as a wide variety of other business tools, such as Baker, SpringBig, and I Heart Jane. Cova also has built-in compliance features, such as looping alerts when purchase limit is exceeded, automated sales tax, and instant age verification with ID scanning. Discover the next evolution of cannabis retail software today at covasoftware.com.

TG Branfalt: Hey, there. I’m your host, TG Branfalt, and you are listening to the Ganjapreneur.com podcast, where we try to bring you actionable information and normalize cannabis through the stories of ganjapreneurs, activists, and industry stakeholders. Today, I’m joined by Korey Rowe. He’s a documentary filmmaker. The film is called Mile Marker, which follows Rowe, a two-tour veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as he travels over 7,000 miles across the U.S. to interview other veterans who are currently struggling with PTSD. This is a super important topic. There’s actually been some federal movement on this issue, but before we sort of get into the details on the film and the federal legislation, Korey, how you doing, man?

Korey Rowe: I’m great, man. I really appreciate you having me on today to talk about this issue. It’s very important to me as a veteran that other people in America hear about it. So few people serve in the military that they don’t really have a lot of times a personal connection, perhaps, to somebody who directly served in combat, and so I hope to show the world that these people are out there, and they’re struggling, and they need our attention and our help, and so I really appreciate you having me on today.

TG Branfalt: No, absolutely. Before we sort of get into all these nuances and details, tell me about yourself, man. What’s your background, and how’d you end up making a documentary? Just tell me the story.

Korey Rowe: Sure. Actually, it’s interesting, my whole life kind of can be boiled down to a dime bag of schwag. When I was 16 in upstate New York, I got arrested the third time I ever tried to buy weed, and it was a dime bag of schwag. Because of that, I was kicked out of high school. I was labeled a stoner, and I eventually joined the military at age 18 with only a GED, because I had no other options in my life. That was two weeks before 9/11, and I actually said to my best friend, I was like, “Don’t worry about it. There’s not going to be a war,” and so I joined the United States Army and was shipped to the 101st. 10 days into my active duty deployment, my tour, I was shipped to Afghanistan, Kandahar, in the initial invasion after the 9/11 attacks.

I served there and then proceeded to do a second tour into the invasion of Iraq, so I was with the one unit that invaded both Afghanistan and Iraq. I had quite an experience. I saw a lot of things, a lot of things happened, and to me and my unit, and we were unique because we were the first ones in. I got back, and after my second tour, I got out, I went into doing things post-military life, and it took a few years before my PTSD really kicked in. When it did, it kicked in hard. I got in all kinds of trouble, legal problems, drug addiction. You name it, I went through it. Finally, after I went through all of that, I knew that I had to make a change. For me, it was a geographical change. I had to get out of the Northeast.

I had to move to a place where I had free and legal access to cannabis, and that was California, so I set a date and a time, and I said, “If I don’t have a job by January 2nd at 7:00 AM, I’m going to get my Jeep, I’m going to drive to California. I’m going to drag my motorcycle out there and I sell it for my first month’s rent.” That’s exactly what I did. I started from the ground up, and I just, I have these stories inside of me that are just burning to get out, and one of them is this story of my unit and our tours into the Middle East. I actually, during my PTSD episodes, tried to make this film originally 10 years ago.

I filmed an interview with one of my friends who got in a lot of trouble as well for weapons, and I wanted to show the world that we were struggling, and we didn’t know what to do. 10 years later, I was still trying to make that story, and after I finally got my life on track out here in California because I had that access to cannabis, I finally got on the path towards being able to create this project, and so I, again, set a time and a date. I had some money, and I was like, “I’m going to drive across the country, and I’m just going to check in on my battle buddies. I’m going to go from California to Vermont on the southern route, and I’m going to turn around and drive back across the country on the northern route. I’m going to stop and see as many guys as I can.” That’s exactly what I did, and I filmed the interviews, and I asked all the guys very personal, tough questions that they typically wouldn’t answer to a regular interviewer or newsperson.

This is their fellow battle buddy who was there with them in combat discussing things that we both remember very well, and it gives you a very dramatic insight into the lives of veterans, both in combat and post-military life. I did all that, and I went from the Southwest, and as you travel across the country, you definitely get a different taste as state laws change and as people’s options change, whether they were honorably discharged or dishonorably discharged. You get a really good picture on life in America for veterans today, and that’s the point of this project, Mile Marker, is to do exactly that, is just to show people that life after military goes on, and in the United States, as I said, less than 1% serve in active duty military and far less in combat, and so it’s a very unique story that not a lot of people are privy to.

TG Branfalt: Tell me, you said that you, obviously, were using a little bit of cannabis when you were a teenager, so how did you end up back to cannabis? When did you realize that that was something to help you deal with the PTSD later?

Korey Rowe: Well, I’ll speak about it in two parts, because I originally used cannabis, and the first time I ever took a proper inhale, I knew it was for me. I have bipolar disorder as well. It’s something I struggled with as a teenager, very … It was very difficult for me, and cannabis, I don’t know why, I didn’t know back then why I felt like I needed it, but it helped, and that was why I always kind of kept going back to it. After the military, when you’re definitely not allowed to use cannabis, after the military and not being under their radar anymore, I was able to use it, and it definitely helped me. I’ve always known that it was something that helps, but then I got into real drugs.

Then I got into heroin addiction. Then I got into alcoholism, and I went through that whole process because I wanted substances to make me feel better, but at the end of the day, when I was really at rock bottom, I realized that no matter how much dope you shoot, there’s nothing better than smoking a jay, and that’s just the thing that makes me feel right in the head. I managed to get clean and sober and move out to California, and I still remember, I took a picture. I still have the picture of the first time I bought cannabis in LA. I had all these great little bags and medical symbols, and it was legal, and they had all the THC count on it. It was just like, “This is where I’m supposed to be.”

That’s the first day of my life being back on track, and it’s, so going back, from the people that know me, they can see the transition from when I got free and legal access to cannabis and how much my life has turned in a positive trajectory because of that. I don’t need to go out to the bars. I don’t need to go out and find drugs to make myself feel better. I have legal access to medicine, which has been tried and tested, that works for people with both bipolar disorder and PTSD, and so since that day, I’ve been able to just continuously move forward and just work more and more towards being a better filmmaker and making bigger projects, and that’s what I’ve been trying to do, and California has given me that ability.

TG Branfalt: There’s obviously an opioid epidemic in the United States, and vets are often cited as one of the populations hit hardest by the overprescription of opioids. Is that what led you to heroin?

Korey Rowe: No. No. For me, I was just looking to get over the demons in my head. I didn’t … I used to ride a motorcycle, and when I would ride that motorcycle, on my left shoulder would be all the brothers I left behind, and on my right shoulder would be all the innocent people that died because of us, and that was an image that I carried with me at all times. If you can imagine, it’s pretty heavy, so I would use substances to try to eradicate those negative feelings, and when you learn about addiction, you realize that this just makes it so much worse. However, within my film, you definitely meet a bunch of guys that were overprescribed opiate medication that fell into heroin addiction because of that.

One of the main stories that goes through is with a Special Forces, Special Operations guy named Chris Taylor, who lives down in Arizona. He hurt his back overseas, and he was prescribed opiates, came back to the United States, and was hooked on the opiates, got discharged, wasn’t able to get the access to the pharmaceuticals that he wanted and ended up buying some on the street, got arrested for it, and was charged with five different felonies for that. Since then, he’s been able to rebound successfully, but it’s a very common story that you hear that veterans are prescribed opiates or barbiturates to deal with whether it be mental or physical pain, and those manifest into addiction, which onions into a much larger problem.

Then when you look at the microcosms of where these guys are trying to live, such as the Phoenix VA, where they’re being put on secret waiting lists and being made to wait up to nine months to get treatment of any kind, it’s not a big surprise that a lot of us are dying very quickly both by our own hand and by overdoses and addiction and just not winning the battle for PTSD.

TG Branfalt: When you took to the road to link up with your former battle buddies, as you put it, what was their reaction to you showing up and what you are now doing, and the message that you’re trying to sort of illuminate?

Korey Rowe: Sure. Vets are, we’re a prickly bunch, and when you tell guys what you want to do, and you want to talk to them, and you want to interview them about PTSD, you have a lot of guys that immediately throw up the fence, and they’re like, “You know what? I’m not interested in that. I don’t want to go back down that road.” You hear a lot of times, “I don’t want anything from the VA. I don’t want treatment,” and so a lot of guys are very distant. That’s actually a very good indicator that someone’s struggling with PTSD, and so that’s very much why I try to push these guys to let me come and talk to them.

A lot of the guys in the film were hesitant at first, and even through the editing process, they weren’t 100% sure of what they got themselves involved with, but as they’ve now seen the film, and they’ve seen the actions that we’re out taking, we were on Hollywood Boulevard on Saturday with a 15-foot sign just raising awareness for the fact that 22 veterans end their own lives every day, and they see the passion that I’ve put into this project, they 100% support it.

Furthermore, what’s been really great about this whole experience is that I’ve helped other veterans find their voice, because so many of us felt for so long, like it doesn’t matter what we say, and we’re just a number, and who cares about my problems, but the reality is, when we got this group of vets together on Saturday and stood on Hollywood Boulevard with this huge sign, all of us in uniform, thousands, and thousands, and thousands of onlookers pass by and take our pictures, we raised awareness, and we showed other veterans across the country how easy it is to stand up and make your message heard and do it in a respectful and non-violent way.

Immediately, I got calls from across the country from vets, and organizations, and rallies, and people who want to get involved and who want to do similar actions, and now the guys that are in the film and were questioning at first are out there, and they’re sharing this information on social media, and they’re talking to other people, and they’re working on, for the first time, pushing their life in a positive direction that may include treatment of several different varieties. That is a success story, in my mind, because the real reason that I set out to make this project in the last year, when I finally got my head around it, was that I just wanted to let other veterans with PTSD know that they weren’t alone, that they were struggling with similar issues that other people are struggling with, and that they should check out this movie because it offers a multitude of suggestions on how they could deal with it in whatever state they live in and which is, it’s fascinating to them.

I’m really excited to get it out there. It’s released tomorrow. We’re doing it exclusively with iTunes through the rest of the month, and then it’ll be available on all different digital outlets, Amazon, Google Play, and all of those and many others, as well as educational market, DVD. It’s going to be, and we’re going to keep pushing it out for years to come and keep pushing this message, because it’s a message collectively that vets support. It’s one of treatment. It’s one of free and legal access to cannabis. It’s one of a reduction of pharmaceuticals. It’s a one of reduction of opiates and barbiturates, and it’s something that a lot of people can stand behind. As you noted, the national opiate heroin epidemic is at a level of crisis it’s never been before, and veterans have some of the best insight on how to deal with that and how to correct it.

Cannabis is definitely helpful for that. I believe that cannabis can help people in their addictive substances, whether it be opiates or alcohol. I think that it can definitely help you reduce and remove those substances from your life if you’re using high-quality, clean, free and legal access to cannabis.

TG Branfalt: When you met up with some of these vets that were struggling with PTSD, and you pitched to them the idea of cannabis as a tool to help them, obviously, it’s not a cure, but it is a tool, what was their reaction? Was there a lot of hesitation? Was it sort of a, “I’ve been thinking about it,” but you sort of pushed them over the edge?

Korey Rowe: Well, you definitely, in this, in Mile Marker, you get a wide variety of opinions, and there’s definitely some guys whose immediate reaction to cannabis is negative, and they don’t want anything to do with it. You’ll hear one guy actually say specifically, “I’m taking all of these other psychoactive drugs, and you want to me to add cannabis on top of that,” an illegal substance in his state, and he said, “No, of course not. I can’t handle that mentally. I can’t handle that legally. That’s not something I can do,” but then guess what? He tried it, and a complete 180-degree reversal on that, and now he uses cannabis every day, and you get to hear this then from other guys who just knew from the start.

They’re like, “I knew that this was going to help me, and I tried it, and it worked, and I’m just, my life is better because of it.” Then you got the guys in the middle that are like, “I’ve heard about it. I’ve heard other guys using it, but I’m still going to take my pharmaceuticals right now, because a doctor prescribed them,” and because they want to follow that traditional medicine route, and so you definitely get a wide variety of opinions, but in the end, you definitely see a larger sway of people who are like, “Oh, okay,” and for me, who lived out here in California, it’s on the tip of every tongue. I’ve done several interviews, and there’s been several articles on this movie, and all of them have been focusing on the cannabis aspect. It’s such a huge, hot topic out here.

Then I did an interview for a paper in New York last week, and they don’t focus on it, because they … It was a byline in the article. It’s like, “Oh, they mentioned cannabis, and some people in Colorado have seen positive effects, but Rowe says it’s not the silver bullet.” It’s not, but it’s definitely something that’s more helpful than opiates. It’s more helpful than barbiturates, and yeah, so you definitely get a lot of different opinions. Also, you also get an opinion from the VA, because I interview the head of the National Center for PTSD, Executive Division, Dr. Paula Schnurr, who basically writes the book on how veterans are treated psychoactively in treatment through the VA system, and we discuss pretty significantly cannabis and its role in treatment. Everybody’s talking about it. Even the VA is starting to open up studies including it. Then you definitely, at the end of the film, we meet Dr. Sue Sisley back in Arizona, who has the first FDA-backed, DEA-backed study for treating veterans with PTSD with whole-plant cannabis.

You get both the veteran point of view, you get the specialist point of view, and then you get the opposite. You get the people who say that it’s, that all of these stories and everything that I’m saying is just anecdotal, and there’s no real science behind it, so you definitely, it’s a good contrast, a debate about cannabis and its positive and negative effects for treating soldiers who have been in combat and exhibit signs of PTSD.

TG Branfalt: You mention the VA. You mentioned some of the issues that they have in Arizona, I believe you said. There’s recent legislation that was pitched federally that would allow the VA to study medical cannabis specifically for PTSD. For the listeners who aren’t familiar with sort of the VA is …. the doctors are not even allowed to even recommend medical cannabis. They are sort of now just allowed to start talking to vets about it. Do you think that this, what’s your take on this small step in potentially, how would it potentially affect the VA and the care that veterans receive right now?

Korey Rowe: I think it’s a little late. I mean, they’re definitely joining the conversation, and that’s a great thing for them to finally be doing. It just takes this critical mass. It takes films being made. It takes articles being written. It takes veterans talking about it, for organizations, especially at the federal level, to kind of start to open their ear to these kind of conversations. You see it time and again with all evolutions in technology. There’s the early adopters and the innovators who understand these things quickly, and then there’s the laggards at the back end who are fighting it the whole way because they want to keep the systems that they have in place. The VA are those laggards. They’re at the back end in innovation, because they don’t have an operational system that they can intake this kind of information, analyze it, and do something with it quickly. It’s an antiquated system that is completely over-inundated with the needs of veterans. At this point, we’re struggling just to get ahead of the VA, who can handle the job properly, let alone start to take on new studies like this.

I’ve said, since I started pushing this movie, that one of the best things we can do for the VA is get as many vets in the upper echelons of the VA as possible, because we know what our organization needs. One of them, specifically, one of the guys in my film, Lawrence Keating, who is actually a Vietnam veteran, is a specialist, a transitions counselor in Long Island, New York, and he just wants to rip the whole VA system down and start new. He doesn’t even want to use the term “VA.” He wants to just start something completely new, because he thinks they’re so out of whack, but at the same time, I don’t think that’s feasible. I think what we really needed to do is take this system that we have and fix it in place. That includes being able to take in these kind of ideas and explore them, because it’s cannabis, but there’s other things out there on the forefront of research that people are finding have great effects for people with PTSD.

One of the organizations that I highlight in the film is an organization called MAPS, and they are on the forefront. They’re a non-profit, and they fund studies that push the boundaries of science and what we’re used to doing with scheduled narcotics and drugs like that so that we can find out if we’ve been hindering ourselves by keeping these things locked up.

What’s really weird about it is, for me to find out through this whole process, is that cannabis is a Schedule I narcotic. What that means is that the federal government has stated that cannabis has no medical value whatsoever. However, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine are Schedule II narcotics, which means that they do have some kind of medical benefit. That, right there, shows you how ass-backwards our federal government is and how much we need to drastically change it not just at the VA level, but also at the federal level, plus our agencies.

TG Branfalt: I mean, you mentioned sort of the, for lack of a better term, we’re going to call them shortcomings of the VA. Do you think that, and you mentioned MAPS, which, I mean, MAPS is doing some really great stuff with regards to psychedelics, microdosing of LSD, microdosing of MDMA, all really cool stuff, do you think that the VA should even be doing this research at this point, or would you rather see it more of a private, maybe a private-funded thing maybe given to universities or institutions such as MAPS?

Korey Rowe: Well, I have to, at this point, say that I would rather go with MAPS. I’d like to say that I would love the federal government to be able to handle it, but what we’ve seen time and again is that the federal government is completely unable to do that. You look at … I mean, just look at the space travel that’s going on right now with SpaceX. SpaceX is able to put up a rocket into space for $120 million, and it would take the federal government $2.6 billion to put up the same rocket. The VA system is rife with controversy and too much spending, and we have these private organizations that are doing amazing things.

People always say, “Well, we need government. We need government.” Don’t need government. What do we need government for? “Well, what about the roads?” I want you to take out the iPhone in your pocket and look at that. A private company made that phone. I guarantee you a private company can figure out how to make a flat spot on the ground, and then with that regard to cannabis in these studies, I don’t think that our federal government is capable, at this point, of operating at a level where they can deal with this kind of information. It takes the private sector. I’ve really kind of … I used to be more of a liberal, and I’m definitely swinging towards our government is way too big. We drastically need to reduce our government, and anything that the government does, private sector can do better. In fact, there is an argument that I heard over this past summer that the only thing that the United States government is better than private business at is killing people. That’s the only thing, and that’s only because they’re legally allowed to do that.

I very much push this to private organizations, non-profits, because we get the job done, and we are getting the job done. I don’t even subscribe to the mainstream media anymore. I can’t. I can’t focus on what the federal government’s doing. It has literally no impact on my life, and it never will. I will continue to live my life the way that I feel like it should, and I’m going to do the right thing. Then that is not dependent on what is written in legislation by Washington, D.C.

TG Branfalt: My roads, man, but what about my roads? What did you … It’s 7,000 miles, man. That’s a lot of car time. That’s a lot of windshield time. What was the most fascinating thing that you sort of discovered in those miles?

Korey Rowe: For me, it was a road to recovery. Those 7,000 miles was a lot of time for me to get into my head and analyze where I was as a person and compare that to the guys that I was interviewing. It was epic. I mean, I love driving across the country, and one of my favorite parts of driving across the country is the diversity of this nation. We live in such an amazing place that has everything from the Southwest and the deserts, to the green Northeast, to the West Coast, to the north, to the … I mean, it’s amazing. We have everything. I even flew up into Alaska to get a couple of shots for this movie, because I really wanted to encompass all that America has to offer and show that visually to the people that are watching the film, and it’s awesome.

My favorite place to be is hanging out at the back of my Jeep Wrangler with a cup of coffee as the sun’s breaking in the morning over a hill, and taking that shot with a camera. That’s my happy place. That’s my passion. That’s where I belong, and that was epic, for me to be able to do that and be able to capture it in a way and show people that story. One of my favorite parts of the film, it has nothing to do with veterans. It just has to do with the amazing diversity of our nation and the beautiful place that we live in, and I really encourage people, both in the film and now, to get out there, to drive across the country, to take the time doing it, and to really, really bring it in, because we live in an awesome place, and America’s just … America’s fucking awesome. I’m just going to say it.

TG Branfalt: What advice would you have to other veterans who might be listening who are on the fence about maybe taking the plunge into cannabis or doing something more non-traditional than the medication from their physician?

Korey Rowe: Sure. If you’re out there and you’re listening to this, and you’re not sure about the cannabis side of it, what I want you to look into first is CBD, because the main thing that I find is, people don’t want to take cannabis because they’re worried about the psychoactive ingredients and getting high, essentially. CBD is a non-intoxicating form of cannabis which has been proven time and again to have just amazing effects on both your body, cancer, your brain, the way you feel, pain, all these different things, and it gives you no intoxicating effects. I start every day with a drop, a dropper of CBD oil underneath my tongue, and swish it back with a cup of coffee, and it just, it helps me.

We know, and the VA know now, that the human body has the endocannabinoid system within it which has receptors for these things that are found in cannabis. Again, back to 16 years old, the first time I ever inhaled on a hit of cannabis, I knew it was something that my body needed, and it’s something that I still know my body needs today, and now, luckily, we just have a lot better quality, a lot better selection, and we have the private industry that’s really propelling that forward where consumers like me are getting the best that’s available to us.

TG Branfalt: The film comes out tomorrow, May 22nd. Where are people going to be able to find it? Just tell us where it is.

Korey Rowe: Yeah. Absolutely. The Mile Marker, a documentary about veterans, comes out tomorrow, May 22nd. It’s available exclusively on iTunes for the rest of this month. We did an exclusive deal with them, and so we’ll have prime placement on iTunes. Coming in June, it’ll be available on Amazon. It’ll be available on Google, Steam, Indiegogo, or … Sorry. I mispronounced that. … It’s going to be everywhere, on all the digital outlets. We’ll have it on 12 VOD outlets coming out in June, and then it’ll also be available to students in universities. We’ve done everything to get it out there, so we definitely appreciate your support. If you want to just check out information for the film, you can go to milemarkerfilm.com.

You can watch the trailer. You can see the people that are in the film. You can see production photos, read up on the mission of what we are trying to accomplish. You can follow us on social media, milemarkerfilm at Instagram and also on Facebook, and we really appreciate you. If you’re out there and you have any questions, or you just want to communicate and tell your story, I’d love to hear from you. I’m always on the computer talking to people, and this has really just become a platform for both veterans and cannabis, and we’re going to push it as far as we can.

TG Branfalt: Well, man, I want to thank you for taking the time, especially as the run-up to the release to come on the show, this has been a really, really thoughtful, honest conversation, which we can definitely use more of, and I can’t wait to see what other films you come up with and just sort of to watch your evolution as a filmmaker. I’ve had the opportunity to see the film. I didn’t really want to go too much into it, but I enjoyed it very much. It was a very sobering look, and I think that most people will come away with more understanding of the big issue that is PTSD and the veteran community, so thank you again for taking the time.

Korey Rowe: Sure, and I just wanted to add one more note to that. The interesting fact about PTSD is that soldiers and veterans make up the smallest percentage of any group that holds a percentage of the PTSD pie. We’re less than 1%, because less than 1% of our country serves in the military, so that means that this film is also available and can help thousands and maybe even millions of other people who have PTSD from other events in their life, and so we’re going to be doing a free screening in LA tonight, May 22nd at The Grove in LA at 7:30. It’s free for veterans. We’re going to be doing an action in D.C. on the 26th. We’re going to be marching on the White House in the Plants Over Pills rally, and then we’re taking our action to New York on the 26th. We’re going to be doing a demonstration in Times Square.

Then from there on the 28th, we’re going to be doing a free screening at the School for Visual Arts. We’re doing a free screening in New York at the School for Visual Arts on May 28th, doors open at 7:30 also, free for veterans and their family. All you have to do is come out, show up, check out the film, and we’re doing value for value. We hope that if you learn something and if it was valuable to you, you would share it with other people and create value, so thank you very much for having me on today. Thank you for helping me spread the message and the needs of veterans in America today, and best wishes to you, and definitely please check out the film Mile Marker, milemarkerfilm.com.

TG Branfalt: It’s been a pleasure. You can find more episodes of the Ganjapreneur.com podcast in the Podcasts section of Ganjapreneur.com and in the Apple iTunes Store. On the Ganjapreneur.com website, you will find the latest cannabis news and cannabis jobs updated daily, along with transcripts of this podcast. You can also download the Ganjapreneur.com app in iTunes and Google Play. This episode was engineered by Trim Media House and, for the last year and a half, I’ve been delighted, sort of thrilled, to be the host of this podcast.

But this will be my final episode, so I want to thank you all for listening over the course of last year. The download, the support, the lack of being able to find me on social media — I’m sure that was frustrating to a lot of you, but that’s just sort of the way it goes. I have been your host for the last year. Signing off, TG Branfalt.


Radula, Liverwort

Researchers Find Another Cannabinoid-Producing Plant

A moss-like plant known as Radula perrottetii, or Liverwort, has been shown to contain a chemical that behaves in the mammalian brain much like THC, according to a Scientific American report.

The chemical, known as perrottetinene (PET), was first discovered by Japanese researcher Yoshinori Asakawa in 1994. The chemical was noted for its structural similarity to THC; however, until recently, no research into its effects on mammals had been done.

Concentrations and potency of PET in the Radula plant are low. Researchers from Switzerland have now isolated and synthesized the chemical, however, which allowed them to study its effects in higher concentrations. They checked the chemical effects on cells in vitro as well as in behavioral tests on mice. They found that PET seems to behave almost exactly like THC, with one effect that is perhaps even more medicinally powerful.

PET seems to be less psychoactive as a whole when compared to THC but, in inflammation pathways in mouse brains, researchers discovered that PET has much stronger effects than THC. Specifically, PET seems to reduce the number of molecules called prostaglandins.

“These prostaglandins are involved in many processes (such as) memory loss, neuroinflammation, hair loss and vasoconstriction. PET is highly interesting for medicinal applications, as we can expect fewer adverse effects while still having pharmacologically important effects.” — Michael Schafroth, one of the study authors

Some have attempted to use Liverwort recreationally but its effectiveness appears limited due to low potency. There is some evidence of historical medicinal use by the Maori people of New Zealand but no in-depth research has been done on traditional uses of the plant.

The low potency may indicate PET is an ideal chemical for synthesizing into a pharmacological drug, instead of consuming it as a whole plant, though more research is needed. Researchers on the team that published the recent study indicate the next step is testing it directly on inflammatory neural conditions such as multiple sclerosis.


Petri Dish

Cannabis Oil Shows Strong Effects Against Crohn’s Disease

Israeli researchers presented a study at the European Gastroenterology Conference this week that showed a regimen of cannabis oil made a significant improvement on the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease, Heathline reports.

Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowel condition that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, though most commonly it affects the small intestine. It leads to fever, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and bloody diarrhea. Sufferers of Crohn’s Disease are also at increased risk for bowel cancer.

In the study, 65 percent of patients given cannabis oil containing 15 percent CBD and 4 percent THC for two months were able to maintain remission of the condition, while only 35 percent of those given a placebo stayed in remission. Study participants given cannabis oil also reported a significant improvement in their quality of life over those with the placebo.

In an unexpected turn, checks for bowel inflammation via endoscope and chemical tests for markers of inflammation showed no difference in actual inflammation in the bowel compared to placebo. This means the mechanism that leads to cannabis oil’s effectiveness at treating Crohn’s is not fully understood and is probably not as simple as the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis. Crohn’s Disease itself is still not very well understood, which further compounds the confusion.

Researchers said that, ultimately, no matter what the specifics of the chemical effect are, cannabis is favored as a treatment for Crohn’s simply because of the relief it provides. Cannabis is also safer than other traditional treatments for Crohn’s, such as corticosteroids or antibiotics.

More research is needed, though cannabis’ excellent safety profile and pain-relieving powers make it an easy choice for the treatment of Crohn’s.


Candidates for Illinois Governor Split On Cannabis Legalization

The top two candidates for Illinois’ upcoming gubernatorial election — but not voters — are split on the issue of cannabis legalization, the Chicago Tribune reports.

During his governorship, incumbent candidate Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) has been timid at best on even minimal cannabis reforms. He has stated multiple times in the past that he is “very much opposed” to legalization and his campaign recently issued a statement calling legalization a “much newer and more complex issue that should not be considered by the state of Illinois until all possible positive and negative effects are understood.”

Meanwhile, challenging candidate J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, says he is in favor of legalizing the plant because it would generate between $350 to $700 million in taxes while improving safety and racial justice throughout Illinois. Pritzker has also promised to make sure minority communities who were most adversely affected by cannabis prohibition will be involved in running the new industry.

“J.B. knows we can legalize marijuana in a safe way that will benefit communities across Illinois and he is ready to do that as governor.” — JB Pritzker for Governor Campaign, via the Chicago Tribune

The majority of Illinois voters — like the rest of the U.S. — approve of cannabis legalization. The state, however, does not allow for citizen-driven ballot initiatives, so any substantial cannabis reforms will need to come out of the state legislature and receive the governor’s signature.



Republic of Vanuatu Legalizes Medical Cannabis

The Republic of Vanuatu has become the latest nation to legalize medical cannabis, Benzinga reports.

The nation of about 80 small Pacific islands will allow for the cultivation, production, and consumption of medical cannabis products but, for Vanuatu’s 277,000 inhabitants, personal cannabis cultivation and the smoking of cannabis products will, for now, remain illegal.

“I am delighted to see the legalization of medical cannabis in Vanuatu and believe we are one step closer to treating the epidemic of diabetes within our nation and many of our neighboring Pacific countries.” — Dr. Santus Wari, Acting Director of the Department of Curative & Hospital Services at Vanuatu’s Ministry of Health, via Benzinga

The legislation will be officially presented to the country’s parliament later this year and experts predict the licensing process will be underway by December.

Already, Vanuatu officials have secured a partnership with U.S. company Phoenix Life Sciences International to produce a cannabis-based diabetes medication, which will help treat the 13 percent of Vanuatuans who suffer from the condition.

In a statement, Phoenix Life said it would “bring its line of all-natural, effective medication to the nation through its national health care system,” and that it is “working with internationally recognized doctors and researchers to develop several innovative pipelines of medicinal cannabis products.”


New York City

New York May Subsidize MMJ with Health Insurance

A bill being considered by the New York state legislature could add medical cannabis to the list of medicines covered by public health insurance plans like Medicaid, Marijuana Moment reports.

The bill, introduced to the New York Assembly on Monday by Assemblyman Richard Gottfried with 17 co-sponsors, would not require commercial health plans to cover medical cannabis — though they could, of course, choose independently to do so.

Four public health plans, however, would be required to cover cannabis medications: Medicaid, Child Health Plus, workers compensation, and the Essential Plan.

“Cost is the primary barrier to patient access in New York’s medical marijuana program. Medicaid, other public health plans, and commercial health insurance plans do not cover medical marijuana, forcing patients to pay out of pocket. Some patients begin treatment only to stop due to inability to pay, while others turn to the black market.” — Excerpt from the bill

According to language in the bill, any federal funds for insurance coverage of cannabis medicine would have to be delayed until the federal government reforms its anti-cannabis stance. Traditionally, however, New York has covered conditions and medications that lack matching funds from the federal government.


John Boehner Now Selling Advice for Cannabis Stock Investments

Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has started selling tips for buying cannabis stocks.

First reported by FOX News, Boehner’s new pitch was made on Tuesday during the webcast launch of the National Institute for Cannabis Investors (NICI).

According to its hour-long webcast launch, which came across like an extended infomercial, the NICI aims to distribute “special reports” containing analysis on the industry and projections for certain types of cannabis investment opportunities — getting access to said reports, however, appears to require annual membership fees.

Earlier this year, Boehner joined the board of New York City-based cannabis company Acreage Holdings, which holds a portfolio of cannabis cultivation, processing, and dispensing operations across 11 U.S. states. Though he vocally disapproved of any cannabis reforms up until leaving office in 2015, the former House Speaker said in April that his “thinking on cannabis has evolved.”

According to Boehner, it’s time to go “all-in” on the burgeoning cannabis industry and you should pay for his advice — and the advice of his buddies — to gain an advantage over other investors.

“As you know, the prohibition on cannabis is almost over. Institutional investors are building their war chests and, with our help, you’re going to be able to beat them to the punch.” — Former House Speaker John Boehner, in an online pitch to sell cannabis stock tips

Cannabis stocks have ridden an exciting wave so far this year, with many companies surging in the hype before Canada’s federal legalization took place earlier this month. In recent days, however, cannabis stocks have plummetted, with some Canadian companies posting double-digit losses.


This Week is National Expungement Week

October 20-27 is National Expungement Week, a national series of free legal clinics aimed to help victims of the war on drugs clear their records, Forbes reports.

National Expungement Week aims to help the 77 million Americans with previous convictions for drug offenses clear their records. The convictions can prevent access to housing, education, employment, and other basic services. It can also prevent employment in the rapidly expanding cannabis industry, which increasingly needs labor.

Expungement Fairs are scheduled in Boston, Chicago, Denver, Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, LA, New Haven, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and elsewhere. Participants are using National Expungement Week to raise the profile of their legal services, which are often available year-long.

“Considering America’s history of the war on drugs, the cannabis industry must bring justice and shared profits. As these expungement events become more common, we wanted to coordinate them to highlight the need for widespread and automated legal relief.” — Sonia Erika, spokesperson for Equity First Alliance

A number of states are allowing for the expungement of cannabis convictions following either the decriminalization or legalization of cannabis — few, however, have made it easy. California is the only state so far to offer automatic and retroactive cannabis conviction expungement.

National Expungement Week hopes to guide people through the process of expungement, which can differ state-to-state. A list of events can be found here.


Utah Lawmaker Releases Video of His First Cannabis Experience

Utah State Senator Jim Dabakis (D-District 2) released a Facebook live video over the weekend of himself in Las Vegas eating half of a cannabis-infused gummy bear in his first-ever cannabis consumption experience.

Sen. Dabakis’ reasoning for the trip, which he expressed during the video, was that “at least one Utah legislator” should have experimented with cannabis before lawmakers begin imposing rules and regulations for the state’s expected medical cannabis program.

He reassured his followers that he had brought a driver for the occasion, that he would spend his time supervised and just lounging in the sun, and that he would not be bringing any leftover gummies with him back to Utah.

In the video, Sen. Dabakis tells the camera that his experiment is a “sacrifice for you, the taxpayers.”

He followed up his first video with updates throughout his experience. After one and a half hours, Sen. Dabakis said he ate the second half of the gummy bear and felt only a “little buzz.”

In a follow-up video posted upon returning home to Utah, Sen. Dabakis said that politicians who are anti-cannabis should try using the substance for themselves.

He also argued that Utah voters should still make sure they vote for Proposition 2 this November, which aims to legalize medical cannabis throughout the state.

“I think … the ‘Reefer Madness’ crowd, you guys — you need to try it. It’s not that big a deal. … I survived, it all went well. So vote for Prop. 2 because if you don’t, trust me, (Utah lawmakers) will either not pass medical marijuana or they will put such poison pills in there that no-one will be able to get medical marijuana — and they’ll say ‘well, you know, the people voted against it.’ So vote for it.” — Utah State Sen. Jim Dabakis, in a Facebook live video

Medical cannabis has become a contentious issue in Utah, where both the Mormon Church and lawmakers in the state capitol have come out against Proposition 2.

Recently, however, it was announced that cannabis advocates, church representatives, and lawmakers had reached a compromise on the medical cannabis issue that would be realized whether Proposition 2 wins or fails this November.

According to polling data from last month, 64 percent of Utah voters support legalizing medical cannabis.


Canna Cribs Ep. 4 Features World’s Largest Outdoor Cannabis Farm

Canna Cribs Episode 4 — featuring Los Sueños Farms in Pueblo, Colorado — released today and is now available online via the series’ YouTube channel.

Canna Cribs is a viral mini-documentary series highlighting the immense amount of work and dedication that professional cannabis cultivators put into their craft. Presented by Growers Network and hosted by entrepreneur Nate Lipton, the Canna Cribs series has already given viewers first-hand glances into cannabis mega-farms in California (Episode 1), Washington (Episode 2), and Arizona (Episode 3).

Episode 4 is no different as Lipton and the Canna Cribs team jump straight into exploring the massive, 36-acre field of cannabis plants at Los Sueños Farms.

Los Sueños Farms is unique to most other cannabis farms because it is comprised of four licensed cannabis producers operating individually on the same property.

The four on-site producers are Farmboy LLC, Baseball 18 LLC, Los Sueños LLC, and Emerald Fields Grow LLC. Together, with 1.4 million square feet of canopy space to work with, they represent “the largest legal recreational [cannabis] farm in North America,” in terms of overall “footprint,” said Jarrod Mason, Director of Business Development for Los Sueños Farms, in a Canna Cribs interview.

Canna Cribs Episode 4 covers all aspects of cannabis production at Los Sueños Farms, including the use of drones to aerially monitor plant health and how growers rely on free-range chickens to hunt grasshoppers — which, we learn, pose one of the greatest threats to cannabis crops in the region.

Join Nate Lipton and the rest of the Canna Cribs crew via the player below to learn exactly how the growers of Los Sueños Farms operate to produce top-tier products for the Colorado cannabis industry.

Canna Cribs is an ongoing mini-documentary series produced by Growers Network that covers entrepreneurs and pioneers in the burgeoning cannabis industry. You can catch up on earlier episodes via the Canna Cribs YouTube channel.

Growers Network is a private online community for cannabis cultivators and entrepreneurs to share their experiences, discuss the industry, and work together to overcome the many obstacles facing modern cannabis professionals.

To learn more about Canna Cribs or the Growers Network platform, visit GrowersNetwork.org.


Statue of Liberty

Gallup Poll: Two Thirds of Americans Favor Legalization

A national poll released by Gallup shows that 66 percent of Americans — a new all-time high — support the legalization of cannabis.

The new poll shows an overwhelming majority of Democrats (75%) and Independents (71%) support legalization. Even Republicans show majority support, though just barely at 53 percent. Unsurprisingly, people aged 18-54 signaled strong support for legalization — but what is surprising in the poll results is a notable increase in support from those 55 and older, up from 50 to 59 percent.

Ten years ago, only the western U.S. showed majority support for legalization and, at 56 percent, it was just a slim majority. The latest poll, however, shows nearly equal support for legalization across the U.S., with every major region polling well above the majority in favor. 67 percent in the East, 65 percent in the Midwest, South and West.

Gallup has been tracking public opinion of cannabis legalization since 1969. In that year, only 12 percent of those polled showed support for legalization. The figure climbed slowly for the first 30 years that Gallup has been tracking, hanging just above 20 percent for much of the time. After the millenium, however, support began to climb more rapidly. Between 2000 and 2018 support has more than doubled.

It remains to be seen how or if the latest poll results will affect federal policy. There exists some Congressional support for legalization already, but officials in the Trump Administration have continued working to maintain prohibition.

Most recently, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made headlines for continued delays in the licensing process for cultivators of research-grade cannabis.


Aurora Cannabis Now Trading On NYSE

Aurora Cannabis, which applied to list with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) earlier this month, had its application approved and is now officially open for trading, according to Business Insider.

Aurora will trade under the ticker symbol ACB but, despite being one of the largest Canadian cannabis producers, it is not the first to list on the NYSE. That honor went to Canopy Growth, who listed at the end of May. The first cannabis company listed on any exchange in the U.S. was Cronos Group, which listed on the Nasdaq in February.

However, it’s still a short list of cannabis companies trading stocks in the U.S., thanks largely to complicated federal money-laundering rules and the ongoing federal prohibition of cannabis. Many hope the status quo will change following Canada’s legalization on October 17.

“Our NYSE listing represents another important milestone that reflects our commitment to all stakeholders as we continue advancing domestic and international growth initiatives, which includes expanding our base of global institutional and retail investors. Aurora has rapidly developed into a globally mature organization with industry leading and technologically advanced production facilities available to produce at unprecedented scale to meet the growing demand for high-quality cannabis both in Canada and abroad.” — Terry Booth, CEO of Aurora, via a press release

Though current stockholders need not worry, Aurora intends to delist its over-the-counter offering, currently traded as ACBFF.


North Dakota Poll Finds 51% Support for Legalization

A poll released on Sunday by cannabis advocacy group Legalize ND shows 51 percent of North Dakota voters are likely to support the legalization of adult-use cannabis, the Grand Forks Herald reports.

According to the poll, 36 percent of respondents were opposed and 13 percent undecided.

Legalize ND is the official ballot measure campaign behind Measure 3, which aims to legalize recreational cannabis in North Dakota. Measure 3 would legalize the use, sale, possession, and distribution of cannabis for anyone 21 years or older; anyone under 21 would be subject to a new, specific subset of non-felony penalties; the measure would also legalize cannabis “paraphernalia” and allow for the expungement of criminal records for anyone whose cannabis-related crimes would have been legal under the new law.

The group’s latest polling suggests a 5-point increase from the last time they polled the state in May, but opponents to Measure 3 say Legalize ND’s poll results are skewed and support is not nearly so high.

Legalize ND adviser Cole Haymond said he’s nonetheless encouraged by the poll results.

“The message of ending marijuana arrests is resounding in North Dakota, and these results demonstrate that voters are hearing our call for action. For months I’ve been saying this is not in the bag. It’s not a blowout that the last two polls have suggested. We just don’t think those polls have been in line with demographics of the state. Our support has grown as we got the word out. And this poll shows that we have gained.” — Cole Haymond, adviser for Legalize ND, via the Grand Forks Herald

A different poll posted by The Kitchens Group in Orlando, Florida found slim margins for Measure 3. The legalization initiative has, “strong support from voters under the age of 50,” pollsters said. But, “Passage of Measure 3 is greatly dependent upon the voters under the age of 50 voting…” and, “If the electorate is skewed toward the older, more conservative voters, passage could be problematic.”


South Korea Warns Citizens Against Cannabis Use In Canada

Though adult cannabis use is now legal in Canada, South Koreans traveling or living abroad in the North American country are still barred from partaking, the South Korean embassy in Canada tweeted last week.

According to the New York Times, the embassy tweeted:

“Even if South Koreans are in a region where marijuana is legal, it will be illegal for them to consume it. Please take care not to commit an illegal act and be punished.” — Tweet excerpt from the South Korean embassy in Canada

For decades, South Koreans have faced prosecution for using illegal drugs (or performing any other illegal activities) while abroad, even if said activity is not illegal in the country they are visiting. Normally, authorities would not perform random drug tests on citizens returning home, but they have been known to closely monitor people who have been caught using cannabis in the past.

Under South Korean law, the cultivation, possession, transporting, or consumption of cannabis is a crime punishable by up to five years imprisonment or a 50 million won fine (about $44,000).

There are currently about 23,000 South Korean students on exchange in Canada and — as of May 2018 — 293,000 South Korean citizens were abroad in the newly legalized country.

Canada legalized cannabis nationwide last week, making it the second nation in the world and the first G7 nation to end cannabis prohibition.


Van Solkov: Sharing Cannabis Culture with Tourists

Van Solkov is the owner and founder of Happy Travelers Tours, a cannabis industry tourism agency based out of Sonoma, California.

Van took some time recently to answer our questions and talk about cannabis culture in California and how he works to share that culture — and the unique experiences of cannabis industry entrepreneurs, workers, and professionals — with tourists. Check out our full interview below!

Ganjapreneur: When did you first have the vision for Happy Travelers Tours?

Van Solkov: In June of 2018 I was able to shift my focus from working in the tech sector where I managed B2B DemandGeneration, online marketing and digital marketing programs to starting Happy Travelers Tours (HTT). The inspiration for HTT came from my observation of the many wine tour buses that patrol the downtown square where I live in the City of Sonoma in Sonoma County, California.

As you might know, the City of Sonoma and the historic Sonoma Square is the location of the beginning of the State of California and is the “heart” of Northern California’s Wine Country. And, as we know, Wine Country is also Weed Country and that connection in my head is what sparked, no pun intended, the idea for HTT (when you sound it out, it sounds like “hit” and that IS intended!).

It is my opinion that a business based on the Sonoma Square has a strong opportunity for success for several reasons:

  • Tourists come to the Sonoma and the city square 365 days a year.
  • Sonoma, Wine Country and the corner of the square which is closest to where we live are all “destination spots” for domestic and international tourists.
  • We are able to promote our tours on the square by deploying Brand Ambassadors to share information about HTT when they’re approached. You can’t solicit but you can provide information if asked.
  • Over the many years we’ve lived near the square, there has only been one business to change ownership — even during the hard times, people come to Sonoma.

We’ve been operational since August 1, 2018 and we’re leveraging multiple channels to attract the attention of our guests, as well as raise our visibility online.

We’ve run:

  • Field Promotions like the Brand Ambassadors and an upcoming Women’s Expo
  • Online Promotions (use Promo Code 420 for 20% off!)
  • Email Marketing
  • Personal Selling via Referral Partners (hotels, restaurants and so on)
  • Networking

We understand that you followed a pretty unique path to the cannabis space — when/how did you first experiment with medical cannabis?

I am a patient of one of the first “215 Doctors” to open a medical marijuana practice in California. He’s been working with marijuana as a healing herb for many years and has a very strict practice for his patients. I started seeing Dr. Hergenrather in May of 2004.

The reason I went to Dr. Hergenrather for help was due to a bicycle accident I was in on Labor Day Weekend in 1993. I “celebrated” the 25th anniversary of the accident on Labor Day, 2018.

What happened on that sunny day only took a couple of seconds but the results changed my life and put me on a different path … one full of limited mobility, psychological challenges and constant, continuous, pain management.

Picture a perfect summer day — in fact, a perfect Labor Day. A large group of bicyclists was participating in an annual event organized by a family member of mine and on this particular day there was a total of about 150 riders all told. I was in a group of riders with about a dozen folks, all of mixed biking abilities and all on different types of bikes. As we were approaching a “Y” intersection, several people in my group were taking the right-hand road when they needed to turn left. I was the last rider in my group and I was coming down a hill towards the intersection. From my vantage point, I could see folks were going the wrong way so I shouted out: “You have to go LEFT” … to which folks started correcting their course.

Traveling down the hill, I was going about 25 MPH. When I called out to go left, one of the riders was on the right hand shoulder and, when she heard me, began to turn left … right in front of me. I had about a bike-and-a-half distance between her and me and I was moving fast. I knew that if I hit her, at minimum, I would hurt her very badly and, given the vector I was on, it seemed like I would have snapped her in half if I collided with her, so I hiked out my bike to the right side and managed to just get by her … however, as I went by her, I clipped her rear wheel and my bike tires hit some gravel, which caused my traction to give way and my entire bike to flip horizontally so I was parallel to the ground.

I hit the ground once, bounced, was able to kick my bike away from me, then I hit again, rolled to the shoulder of the road, and everything faded to black. I faded back in, surrounded by other riders telling me not to move. One of the support trucks showed up within a few minutes, driven by an ER nurse who triaged me by the roadside, had me loaded into the truck, and me raced to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital where I was x-rayed and treated.

My primary impact point was my left side rib cage (I put my arm up to protect my head). The damage to my spine was significant, with my sacrum, lumbar 3, 4 and 5, thoracic 5 and 6 and cervical 6, 7 and 8 vertebra all damaged by the impact.

Labor Day weekend 2018 marked 25 years since my accident. There’s no doubt in my mind if I had continued using the narcotic drugs which the doctors prescribed to me when I left the hospital I would either be an opioid addict or dead at this point. The amount of pain which I manage is significant, with 12 pain epicenters actively “talking” every day. Currently, I smoke between 2.5 and 3 grams of cannabis per day, typically Indica strains, and, for the most part, you’d never know it.

What should outsiders to California know about the state’s pioneering cannabis industry?

In my opinion, tourists coming to California need to be aware that it’s okay to ask questions and talk about cannabis. For example, ask your restaurant or bar server if they know about a local dispensary or, in our case, a tour company. Any adult over the age of 21 with valid ID can go into a retail dispensary and purchase the legal amount of cannabis products and then they can consume those products as long as they are either in their primary residence or on private property.

Conversely, at this time, you can not just spark up a joint and walk down the street, but — since you can’t open a bottle of booze and walk down the street drinking it — I don’t think that’s a hardship.

What has been your most rewarding experience thus far working in the cannabis space? 

Educating guests about cannabis, the plant. It turns out, there’s been at least one person per tour who has a plant or two they are cultivating and they always have very detailed questions about the plants we show them.

Personally, I’ve grown both indoor and outdoor and so I can answer a lot of questions, however, I surround myself with folks who are much more knowledgeable than I am and I really enjoy watching them interact with our guests as they delve deeply into their conversations

How about the most difficult experience?

In order for HTT to remain compliant, we have to have a Mobile Retail Partner who can continue to get compliant products from licensed distributors. This has proven to be the most challenging aspect: finding a retailer who has inventory which complies with California new packaging rules, which went into effect on July 1st.

As a cannabis tourism company, what is the most important information/experience you want to share with your customers?

Our mission is to provide education and to destigmatize the use of cannabis and change the image of the cannabis consumer, so, we really work hard to bring this message home on all of our Tours.

Experientially we want our guests to have fun while learning about something which they may not have known much about, or, have had preconceived ideas about. By sharing a positive experience with them we can change mindsets.

What tips/advice would you offer to entrepreneurs who are seeking to take part in the cannabis space?

I learned something at a recent industry event in Santa Rosa (the Second Annual Wine and Weed Symposium, which talked about the convergence of the two industries). Specifically: the rules and regulations in California for getting into the Production Supply Chain (California’s Track-and-Trace System) for legal cannabis is arduous, expensive and complicated.

On the other hand, providing ancillary services (like what Levis Strauss did for the Gold Panning 49ers) is much less difficult.

Thanks again Van for sharing your thoughts and experiences! To learn more about Van Solkov and Happy Travelers Tours, visit HappyTravelersWeedTours.com.


Report: UN’s International Drug War Has Failed

A report investigating the United Nation’s “war on drugs” released Sunday has found that international drug policy in the last 10 years has been a complete failure, CNN reports.

According to the report, the UN’s drug war has done nothing to reduce international rates of drug use while at the same time has negatively affected human rights, health, security, and development around the globe.

The report was published by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), which is composed of 177 national and international NGOs who focus on issues related to drug policy and drug abuse.

“This report is another nail in the coffin for the war on drugs. The fact that governments and the UN do not see fit to properly evaluate the disastrous impact of the last ten years of drug policy is depressingly unsurprising. Governments will meet next March at the UN and will likely rubber-stamp more of the same for the next decade in drug policy. This would be a gross dereliction of duty and a recipe for more blood spilled in the name of drug control.” — Ann Fordham, Executive Director of IDPC, in a statement

The report found that drug enforcement efforts in the last 10 years have led to heightened violence against civilians and police and the mass incarceration of otherwise innocent people.

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark — who is a current member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy — wrote in the report’s forward that, “Since governments started collecting data on drugs in the 1990s, the cultivation, consumption and illegal trafficking of drugs have reached record levels,” and that “…the ‘war on drugs’ has resulted in millions of people murdered, disappeared, or internally displaced.

Last week, Canada became the first G7 nation to end the prohibition of cannabis, which is the most popular illegal substance in the world.




Colorado Pushes Back vs. Denver Cannabis Lounges

A letter from five state agencies in Colorado to the Denver City Council has shot down indoor cannabis smoking or the use of cannabis at a liquor establishment, the Denver Post reports.

The letter has also called into question something that was at first thought acceptable — vaping indoors. The state indicated in the letter it wants to make sure that “all Coloradans can breathe clean air in public spaces and in workplaces, and that means protecting Coloradans from secondhand smoke as a result of tobacco, vape and marijuana.”

Denver officials are confused as to why the letter mentions vaping, which was believed to be allowed under the state’s Clean Air Act. Councilwoman Kendra Black said, “I don’t know if they’re sending a message. …But currently it is allowed.”

The letter came out strong against establishments offering both liquor and cannabis.

“This administration is concerned that allowing marijuana and alcohol in licensed premises will result in an increase in impaired roadway users. The Retail Marijuana Public Health Advisory Committee found substantial evidence that the combined use of marijuana and alcohol increases impairment and motor vehicle crash risk more than use of either substance alone.” — Excerpt from the letter

However, outside of shooting down the major issues, the state did not address many of the concerns over which the Denver City Council had sought guidance. Most of the confusion boiled down to language in Denver‘s cannabis laws that says cannabis use cannot be “open and public.” The law, however, does not define exactly what “open and public” means — in fact, weed tour buses have previously clashed with law enforcement over the term’s vague definition.

Since state regulatory agencies have declined to issue guidance on the issue, the Colorado legislature will need to offer guidance instead, hopefully in the next legislative session.



MMJ Supporters Rally at Texas Capitol

Medical cannabis supporters met at the Texas state capitol on Saturday to rally for the reform of MMJ laws in the state, Spectrum News reports.

The rally, organized by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), was intended to show Texas legislators it’s time to change their medical cannabis laws, especially for veterans in the state who have limited treatments options for PTSD. More than 20 percent of veterans with PTSD also have a substance abuse disorder, which medical cannabis has also been shown to treat.

Political pressure to allow medical cannabis has been building in Texas. The Texas Republican party endorsed rescheduling cannabis earlier this year.

Texas Rep. Pete Sessions, a well-known enemy of medical cannabis who has blocked all cannabis legislation from reaching the House floor, is seeing increased competition in the coming midterms due to his prohibitive stance, including a new PAC dedicated to unseating him.

Meanwhile, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has said he supports decriminalization, but organizations like NORML, veterans, and patients want more comprehensive action.
