Mexican President

Mexico’s President-Elect to Honor Supreme Court’s Cannabis Decision

Mexico’s president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador said last week he would not interfere with the Supreme Court’s decision to end cannabis prohibition, the Latin America News Dispatch reports.

Last Wednesday, Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that cannabis prohibition is unconstitutional; it was the court’s fifth such ruling and the last step for determining jurisprudence in favor of cannabis reforms.

Obrador, commonly known by his initials AMLO, said that lawmakers should honor the Supreme Court’s decision during a brief televised interview.

The decision sets Mexico up to become the next nation to fully legalize adult-use cannabis. However, the responsibility for moving forward now lies with lawmakers, who must take the court’s decision one step further and establish regulations to create a federal cannabis industry — hopefully sometime during the 2019 legislative session.

Following his landslide victory in July, members of AMLO’s transition team hinted that decriminalizing cannabis was on the president-elect’s agenda.

Mexico legalized medical cannabis in 2017.

If Mexico were to successfully legalize adult-use cannabis, the United States would be flanked on both sides by federally legal cannabis jurisdictions, as Canada’s landmark legalization bill took effect last month.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., eight states have established rules for an adult-use marketplace; Vermont and Washington D.C. have legalized cannabis cultivation and possession, but not sales; and two more states are voting today on the issue of adult-use cannabis legalization.





Can Cannabis Improve Night Vision? Study Says Yes

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal have shown that cannabinoids can increase the responsiveness of retinal cells to light, according to The Guardian.

At least two other studies looking at cultures where cannabis is prevalent have revealed a potential correlation between good night vision and cannabis use.

Fishermen in Jamaica had long attributed their excellent night vision to smoking cannabis or using a rum-based cannabis tincture. That effect was confirmed by pharmacologist M.E. West 25 years ago.

In 2002, researchers in Morocco were also able to confirm cannabis’ effects on night vision in fishermen and mountain-dwellers in that country, using a new device that measured the sensitivity of retinal cells in the eye.

The new study focuses on retinal cells using animal models. Researchers applied a synthetic cannabinoid directly to the eyes of tadpoles and used electrodes to measure changes in retinal nerves, measuring directly how much light the tadpoles could perceive. The cells were shown to be more sensitive to light following the cannabinoid’s administration.

The tadpoles are also known to instinctively swim away from dark moving dots. In a second experiment, researchers applied the synthetic cannabinoid to some and then tracked the behavior of the tadpoles using video-tracking software. Under normal, bright light conditions they observed no difference in behavior. Under low-light conditions, however, tadpoles treated with the synthetic cannabinoid were able to avoid more moving dark dots than those who were not, apparently confirming the suspicion that cannabinoids can increase low-light vision.

Researchers now have a basis of understanding for the specific effect that cannabinoids have that increases night vision. The research could lead to the investigation and development of treatments for many eye conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma — both of which can cause blindness.


IV Drip

Study: Cannabis Users at Increased Risk for Diabetic Complications

A new study has shown that people with Type I Diabetes are about twice as likely to experience a complication known as diabetic ketoacidosis when using cannabis, the CBC reports.

While other research has shown that cannabis can be helpful in treating symptoms of Type II diabetes — the variety of diabetes that is linked to obesity and often develops later in life — the plant’s effects on Type I diabetes are not as well investigated.

Researchers surveyed 450 patients with Type I diabetes who were being treated at Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes in Colorado. 30 percent of those surveyed used cannabis — that population showed elevated blood sugar as a whole.

While risk factors varied, the cannabis-using patients were generally younger, less educated, and also in lower income brackets. Researchers admit that many other factors may be at play, including access to healthcare, but urge caution when using cannabis with Type I diabetes until more is known.

“Why cannabis would increase the likelihood of diabetic ketoacidosis is unknown. But we have also shown that in the presence of cannabis, the diabetic ketoacidosis is harder to diagnose, and therefore it may be missed, with deadly consequences.” — Dr. Annemarie Hennessy, dean of medicine at Western Sydney University

Researchers theorized that vomiting may accompany extended cannabis use and that changes in gut conditions due to cannabis may be responsible for the increased risk. Treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis involves intravenous re-hydration and insulin.

As always with the federally restricted cannabis plant, more medical research is desperately needed.


RayWear Releases Clothing Line Dedicated to Protecting Cannabis Cultivators

Hardworking growers now have protection for today’s grow environment.

San Diego, October 15, 2018 — RayWear’s revolutionary gear protects growers from light radiation in modern cultivation environments. The industry has turned a blind eye to worker health and safety despite promoting the plant’s health benefits. A safe work environment for cultivators and growers are not a priority for lawmakers. RayWear Clothing Company’s mission is to protect growers, with a line of durable, incredibly soft apparel, from intense radiation produced by modern grow rooms and prolonged outdoor cultivation.

RayWear’s founder, Daniel Jordan, has been concerned about the health risks of light radiation. He believes cultivators making a living in grow rooms deserve a safe, non threatening working environment; that’s why he researched light radiation and ways to protect people from it.

Although there is UV-protective clothing, grow lights emit an entire spectrum of light — ultraviolet (UVA, UVB), visible (VR) and infrared (IR) — that harms humans when under prolonged exposure. Health-conscious workers wearing UV-protective clothing are shielding themselves from only a fraction of light spectrum radiation present.

More people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer than all other cancers. Melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer among adults under 30, accounts for 75 percent of skin cancer deaths. Both the American Cancer Society and the National Institute of Health agree light radiation causes skin cancer and other health issues. Currently, unprotected growers are exposed to extreme levels of indoor and outdoor light radiation.

Daniel worked with dermatologists and designers to develop a line of full-spectrum protective gear using the best fabric with the highest protective properties for cannabis cultivators. Initially branded as UVPPE — short for ‘UV Personal Protective Equipment’ — for commercial cultivation and large-scale operations, Daniel wanted his products available for cultivators and growers who need protection now.

Daniel selected 4Blooms.Guru, a professional cannabis marketing agency for a full rebrand. With new strategy, branding, messaging, and a digital marketing plan, RayWear Clothing Company will launch October 2018. A protective clothing bundle is available at special introductory price with delivery in time for the holidays.

RayWear’s shirts and pullovers are made from a durable, patent-pending fabric that provides protection against full-spectrum light radiation. RayWear gear is breathable, lightweight, and extremely soft, allowing it to be worn on its own or underneath work coveralls and uniforms.

RayWear advocates for employees to have a safe work environment today. It took decades before tobacco risks were sanctioned. In fostering and promoting a safe and healthy cannabis community, RayWear is protecting lives and the future of the cannabis industry.

About RayWear
RayWear believes worker safety and the cannabis industry should grow hand in hand. Our mission is to shield workers from light radiation. Together, we can make a difference in protecting the health and well-being of the grower community.


Cannabis Use During Pregnancy On The Rise

Results from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health have revealed that while pregnant women are drinking less and smoking less tobacco, they’re using more cannabis, Time reports.

Between 2002 and 2016, about 12,000 pregnant women responded to the survey. The women were between 18 and 44 years old. 3,500 of the women were in their first trimester, which is considered a crucial time for fetal development.

Tobacco smoking fell considerably compared to previous results, down from 17.5% of expectant mothers to just 10% — this is slightly more than the national decline in overall tobacco use. Alcohol use among pregnant women also dropped slightly, from 10% to 8.5%.

Cannabis use, however, rose from 3% to 5%. Some theorize the rising instances of cannabis use by expectant mothers are due to cannabis reforms across the country, particularly for medical cannabis.

While researchers have not studied cannabis use nearly to the extent of other substances, the Centers for Disease Control and other public health organizations have advised against consuming the plant during pregnancy due to concerns about fetal development.

Researchers behind the survey said, “Greater public awareness regarding the consequences of prenatal cannabis exposure in offspring health is necessary.”


Outdoor CBD-rich cannabis plants on a farm in Oregon.

Oregon MMJ Registrations Plummet 41%

Medical cannabis patients are abandoning the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) at a rapid pace, the Associated Press reports.

The number of state-registered medical cannabis patients has plummeted 41 percent in the last year, from 59,137 in to 34,892. Likewise, the number of sanctioned medical cannabis growers has also dropped at least 40 percent in the last year, from 23,175 to 13,959.

Both declines can be tied to the state’s prolific recreational marketplace, which voters established via a 2014 ballot initiative.

Many patients, for example, have decided to forgo the annual $200 renewal attached to OMMP ID cards in favor of the convenience and relatively low (albeit taxed) prices of adult-use retailers. Furthermore, Oregonians are now allowed to grow up to four plants for their own use, which is particularly attractive for rural patients.

Growers, meanwhile, are also turning away from the OMMP as regulators — who have become increasingly worried about the issue of Oregon cannabis product diversion into out-of-state markets — wrap more and more red tape around the program.

“The regulations around providing for other patients are quite onerous. I actually think that’s the biggest factor. Many patients are just unable to find a grower to supply them. …With the (regulatory) changes they’ve made, it’s much more difficult to care for other patients. Therefore, the number of growers willing to do that has dropped significantly.” — Cedar Grey, licensed grower and member of the Oregon Cannabis Commission, via the AP

The industry changes have created some unfortunate circumstances, including patients being pushed back underground to find unlicensed or illegal sources and growers who are abandoning Oregon and the OMMP as newer, friendlier programs pop up in other states.

Oregon first legalized medical cannabis in 1998.


Washington Home Grow Advocates Preparing for 2019 Session

Home grow advocates in Washington State are getting ready for the upcoming 2019 legislative session and they have high hopes the state will finally pass an adult-use home grow bill.

Washington is the only fully legalized state that does not allow adults over 21 to grow cannabis at home without a medical cannabis qualification.

Last year, a home grow bill passed the House Commerce and Gaming Committee only to stall before key deadlines were met. Despite the defeat, advocates are back this year with a new bill and new strategies.

“The energy for passing home grows definitely feels up this year, which has been a pleasant surprise. I think our opposition in the legislature have been just waiting for us to go away, but we’re not. We’ve changed our tactics and aren’t just showing up during the legislative session. We’ve been holding meetings around the state and people are really engaged.” — John Kingsberry, a home grow activist

“The Cole Memo was the legislature’s main argument against home grows but, since Jeff Sessions revoked the Cole Memo, that argument is out the window,” Kingsberry said.

“There is still a lot to do but, with a little luck and hard work, 2019 is the year Washington will get adult use home grows.”



Fetal Cannabis Exposure Stunts Mental Development in Rats

Rats exposed to cannabis vapor in the womb appear to struggle to learn switch problem-solving strategies, The Scientist reports.

The study was presented on November 4 at the annual Society for Neuroscience conference. Results were “indicative of an inability to acquire and maintain a new strategy” after exposure to cannabis in utero. Researchers indicated the study was part of a move to better understand the effects of cannabis on pregnant mothers.

Ryan McLaughlin, the study’s lead researcher, said, “As states allow more access, there has been an increase in self-reported cannabis use during pregnancy.

Most prior studies have simply injected rodents with pure THC, but that methodology has been criticized as the cannabis plant contains more than 100 other cannabinoids and compounds that can affect the mammalian body. The new study used vaporized extract which included the additional compounds.

At two months old, the rats were trained to press a lever beneath a light for a sugar reward. Once the rats learned to press the lever beneath the light, researchers changed the task, and rewards were always given when the rats pressed a specific lever, regardless of light position.

The rats who were not exposed to cannabis vapor while in the fetal stage had little trouble figuring out the change, but the rats whose mothers had consumed cannabis while pregnant showed difficulty switching to the new task. The rat pups would frequently revert to the old strategy or simply choose the wrong lever if the light wasn’t lit on either.

McLaughlin said the results do not indicate a general learning disability, but rather a specific issue with switching to new strategies.

Researchers theorize that the cannabinoid system is extremely important for early brain development. Disrupting the normal biological role of cannabinoids during development may result in different pathways in the brain. McLaughlin plans to look for differences in gene expression and protein levels in the brain to account for the difference.

Researchers were clear: further research is needed and the effects of prenatal cannabis exposure are still poorly defined.


Voters Deciding Fates of Multiple Cannabis Initiatives on Tuesday

Next Tuesday, Election Day 2018, voters in four states will decide whether or not to adopt huge reforms to their state’s cannabis laws.

Michigan and North Dakota will be voting on full legalization while Utah and Missouri voters will decide whether or not to allow medical cannabis access.

But also, in a nation of just two major political parties which have grown more and more polarized, the 2018 midterms represent an opportunity to push cannabis reforms — currently one of the most bipartisan political issues among voters — back into the mainstream spotlight.


Michigan’s legalization initiative, a.k.a The Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, is appearing on ballots as Measure 1.

Measure 1 legalizes the recreational use and possession of cannabis for adults 21 and older. Individuals would be allowed to possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and grow up to 12 plants at home with a 10-ounce possession limit on cannabis kept in a citizen’s residence (amounts over 2.5 ounces would need to be kept in a locked, secure container).

The initiative would also establish a taxed-and-regulated system for commercial cannabis cultivators and distributors, with tax revenue earmarked for local governments, K-12 education, and road and bridge maintenance. Local governments would be able to establish local bans and/or restrictions on the industry.

Poll results show that voters strongly favor Measure 1, with 56 percent in support according to a Glengariff Group, Inc. poll in September.

MI Legalize, the group behind Measure 1, first started collecting signatures in 2015 for a planned 2016 ballot appearance. In a ruling of questionable legality, however, Michigan’s Bureau of Elections declared half of the group’s 350,000 signatures were invalid and advocates had to delay their push until this year.

If successful, Michigan would become the first state in the Midwest to fully legalize.

North Dakota

North Dakota’s Measure 3 is arguably the least restrictive legalization plan ever seriously considered in the U.S.

Measure 3, proposed by advocacy group Legalize ND, would legalize adult-use cannabis with nearly zero restrictions and establish a system for automatically expunging the criminal cannabis records of North Dakota citizens. Measure 3 would not establish a taxed-and-regulated system for commercial cannabis cultivation/distribution — instead, it opens the door for private citizens to grow and sell their own cannabis with no limitations, tax-free.

Polls suggest Measure 3 will be a tight race, with one Legalize ND poll showing 51 percent of voters in support of legalization. Opponents to the measure, however, suggested those poll results could be skewed.

If successful, Measure 3 would take effect in just 30 days and would require lawmakers to almost immediately begin working on the state’s expungement plan.

Commercially grown cannabis plants inside of a licensed production facility in Washington. Photo credit: Sarah Climaco


Utah’s medical cannabis legalization initiative, the Utah Medical Cannabis Act, is filed as Proposition 2. Proposed by The Utah Patients Coalition, Proposition 2 would establish a comprehensive medical cannabis program in the state, giving patients with a doctor’s recommendation the right to grow their own medicine. The initiative would also create a system for state-licensed growers and dispensaries. Notably, the proposal would not allow for patients to smoke any cannabis products.

Utah’s push for medical cannabis this year has been wrought with opposition from both lawmakers and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but advocates have persevered.

The measure enjoyed strong support among voters until the LDS church announced its opposition and pushed out several anti-Proposition 2 campaign ads. Polls suggest the vote could still be close, however.

Recently, however, reports surfaced that cannabis advocates had reached a compromise with lawmakers and church leaders that would see a medical cannabis measure adopted by the legislature next session, regardless of whether or not Proposition 2 is successful.

Voters could — and should, according to state Sen. Jim Dabakis — still approve Proposition 2. Utah law, however, allows lawmakers to alter voter-approved measures, which is how the legislature would still be able to follow through on the compromise it made with The Utah Patients Coalition.

Despite the compromise’s announcement in early October, opposition ads against Proposition 2 have continued on full-blast in recent weeks.


Missouri voters will face not one but three different medical cannabis initiatives this Election Day. All three initiatives — Amendment 2, Amendment 3, and Proposition C — would legalize the growing, manufacturing, consumption, and distribution of medical cannabis. According to state law, the initiative that receives the most votes would override the others, although the constitutional amendments, if successful, would automatically take precedence over the proposition.

Between the three options, cannabis advocacy group NORML recommends Amendment 2. Proposed by New Approach Missouri, Amendment 2 is also the only MMJ option on Missouri’s ballot that would allow patients to grow their own medicine.

Amendment 2 is popular because it lets doctors, not lawmakers, dictate who should be allowed to use medical cannabis. The measure would also establish just a four percent medical cannabis tax with proceeds going directly to funding health care programs for veterans, one of the lowest in the country.

In contrast, Amendment 3 would establish the nation’s highest tax on retail purchases of medical cannabis products (15 percent) and, according to NORML, “Amendment 3 was funded entirely by one person, who drafted his amendment for his own personal benefit.”

Proposition C is not recommended because it would leave the door open for elected officials to tamper with the program, potentially diluting the industry and its effectiveness for patients.


New Hampshire Releases Cannabis Legalization Blueprint

The New Hampshire commission studying cannabis legalization has released its final report on a potential structure for future legislation, according to a New Hampshire Public Radio report.

The report totals 264 pages and takes no position on whether or not the state should legalize adult-use cannabis. Instead, the commission was tasked with making recommendations about the possible structure of such a program. Some discussion about the report was made public earlier this year. Ultimately, the decision will be left to lawmakers and possibly voters.

The commission studied the eight states that currently have legalized cannabis. Based on that research, they recommended limiting possession to one ounce for adults 21 and over and up to 5 grams of concentrate. The commission recommended banning public consumption of any kind, including cannabis lounges. The commission also recommended an opt-in structure for towns and cities, allowing unenthusiastic municipalities to avoid the industry.

The upper end of potential tax revenue for the state was estimated at an annual $58 million; the lower end was pegged at $15.2 million.

The report also recommends allowing a path for the state’s existing non-profit therapeutic cannabis centers to become for-profit adult-use dispensaries, as well as upgrading the number of plants allowed for home-grow from six to 12.

The commission recommended allowing internet sales, though said it would be necessary to ensure all customers were 21 and over.

Some issues with legalization were pointed out by the commission, specifically: a lack of accuracy for roadside intoxication tests and conflicts with OSGHA in regards to workplace safety.

The state recommended spending up to $5 million on education for safe use and the dangers of addiction.

Two different taxation structures were explored — a per-ounce excise tax at the cultivation level or a retail sales tax of 7 to 15 percent. The New Hampshire market was estimated, based on New York’s recent methodology, at somewhere between $218 million and $385 million.

Legislators will have to decide whether to act on the recommendations in the coming session.


Francis Ford Coppola Launches Cannabis Brand

Famed film director Francis Ford Coppola — director of the Godfather movies — has partnered with a Humboldt grower to add a cannabis brand to the director’s extensive wine and hospitality holdings, The Press Democrat reports.

Coppola’s holding company Sana Co. has inked a deal with licensed producer Humboldt Brothers to establish a limited edition cannabis brand offering three different strains. The brand will be called “The Grower’s Series.”

Coppola’s primary business entity, the “Family Coppola,” already holds a number of wine brands.

“Wine and cannabis are two ancient and bounteous gifts of Mother Nature, linked by great care, terroir and temperateness. Expertise making one applies to the other. As with growing grapes, location matters, and the Grower’s Series reflects California agricultural expertise creating a true blend of art and science.” — Francis Ford Coppola, in a prepared statement

The Grower’s Series aims to be a top-shelf brand offering “the highest-quality, sun-grown cannabis products,” created through sustainable farming.

Humboldt Brothers founder and CEO Johnny Deim said the deal with Coppola was a “landmark on how the times are changing.” Humboldt Brothers is in talks with other non-cannabis brands but said he was glad to make The Grower’s Series his first partnership.

The three strains being offered in the Grower’s Series were grown in carefully selected microclimates in Humboldt County. 15-20 strains were tested by a panel of aficionados who settled on the final three.

Each package of three one-gram samples of the strains will retail for $99 alongside rolling papers and a pipe. They’ll be available at select licensed dispensaries across California as well as via the bay-area delivery service Chill.


Mexico Supreme Court Ends Cannabis Prohibition

Mexico’s Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that the national ban on cannabis use is unconstitutional, signaling the end of prohibition, according to Reuters.

Ruling in favor of two legal challenges filed against the country’s drug laws — which were just the most recent filings in what has been an ongoing, honest look at the effects of cannabis prohibition — Mexico’s highest court has created a precedent for all courts beneath it to follow.

Mexico’s Supreme Court took its first step towards ending cannabis prohibition in 2015, ruling then that citizens should be allowed to cultivate and consume the plant freely. Federal law, however, requires at least five similar rulings in a row on the same issue to prove its unconstitutionality.

The court’s ruling does not immediately legalize cannabis but signals that its prohibition is a violation of Mexicans’ constitutional rights and that “…the effects caused by marijuana do not justify an absolute prohibition on its consumption.”

The court ordered Mexico’s federal health agency COFEPRIS to authorize citizens to use the plant for personal purposes, if they so wish, “albeit without allowing them to market it, or use other narcotics or psychotropic drugs.”

Now, it is up to the legislature to create regulations for the plant’s use, cultivation, and distribution.

Assuming nobody else beats them to the punch, Mexico will become the third nation in the world to unilaterally end its prohibition on cannabis.

“When Congress declares marijuana prohibition unconstitutional in Mexico, the federal government of the United States will be the only prohibitionist jurisdiction left in North America. Canada now has legal marijuana. More than 30 states in the U.S. have some form of marijuana legalization. And now with Mexico legalizing consumption and production, the only drug warriors remaining in North America are President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.” — Froylán Enciso, a drug policy researcher at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas

Mexico legalized medical cannabis in 2017.

Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador — who was elected in July but doesn’t take office until December 1 — was voted into office with the expectation he would take action on drug reforms, potentially decriminalizing cannabis and perhaps even regulating the country’s illegal opium trade.


Blood-Sucking Sand Flies Love Eating Cannabis

Apparently, the blood-sucking sand fly Diptera Psychodidae is strongly attracted to the cannabis plant, the Independent reports.

The flies are known to carry infectious diseases, such as ulcer-causing leishmaniasis and many other viruses. Scientists studying the flies across the world, in regions from Brazil to the Middle East, have noticed that the flies’ stomach contents contain cannabis plant sap far more often than expected.

While the sand flies will suck blood during certain stages of development, they also feed on sugary sap from plants. In regions where the flies are common, however, cannabis sativa rarely grows naturally and comprises only a small fraction of the available food sources. The fact that it’s such a common food found in the flies’ stomachs must mean they are strongly attracted to it.

That’s was surprising, as there doesn’t seem to be any receptors for cannabinoids in the flies’ bodies.

The exact nature of the attraction is still not understood and will require further research. The flies are usually trapped using sugary bait to help control their populations in problematic areas. The addition of cannabis plant material or even extracts to the baits may help the traps catch more flies and further reduce the transmission of disease.


First FDA-Approved CBD Medication Now Available In U.S.

The first FDA-approved medication containing cannabidiol (CBD) sourced from cannabis plants is now available by prescription in all 50 U.S. states, CNN reports.

The epilepsy medication Epidiolex, created by the United Kingdom-based drug manufacturer GW Pharmaceuticals, is approved in the U.S. as a treatment for two different types of severe epilepsy: Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, both most commonly found in children. The drug is a twice-daily oral solution

Epidiolex became the first CBD-based medication to receive FDA approval in June.

According to GW Pharmaceuticals, the medication is expected to cost about $32,500 per year; the company says that is line with other epilepsy medications, and that Epidiolex should be covered under most health insurance plans.

“Because these patients have historically not responded well to available seizure medications, there has been a dire need for new therapies that aim to reduce the frequency and impact of seizures. We are committed to ensuring that these patients can access this novel cannabinoid medicine that has been thoroughly studied in clinical trials, manufactured to assure quality and consistency, and is eligible to be covered by insurance for appropriate patients.” — Justin Gover, CEO of GW Pharmaceuticals, in a written statement

Although Epidiolex is only approved for the treatment of two very specific and rare types of epilepsy, U.S. law allows doctors to prescribe the medication “off-label” for other conditions. In fact, according to the report, this is a common tactic in the U.S. medical industry, where one out of every five medical prescriptions is meant for off-label use.



Walmart Offering Cannabis Vaporizers Online in Canada

Walmart is now offering cannabis vaporizers online in Canada, according to a Leafly news report. is carrying both the classic Volcano Medic Vaporizer for $699 CAD and the portable Mighty vaporizer for $499 CAD. Leafly contributor Kate Robertson reportedly searched a brick-and-mortar store in west Toronto, Canada for the vaporizers, however, and was unable to find them.

It’s unclear exactly when the chain will begin offering strictly cannabis accessories at its retail outlets.

On the U.S. side, only a few random Storz & Bickel Volcano accessories can be found.

Walmart has been eyeing the cannabis space of late. Earlier this month, one Walmart spokesperson told reporters that the company had started considering allowing CBD products on store shelves. The company has not yet committed to that, however, and is still in the exploratory stages.

On October 17, Canada became only the second country in the world — and the first in North America — to federally legalize adult-use cannabis.


Studies Suggest Women More Likely to Become Habitual Cannabis Users

A meta-study of cannabis research reveals that female mammals — including humans — are more likely to habitually consume cannabis, Science Daily reports.

The review of research published in the journal Frontiers looked at a wide range of animal and human studies regarding cannabis use and the mammalian endocannabinoid system and compared that to changes in hormones and hormone-driven body systems and associated behaviors.

It’s clear that risks and outcomes of cannabis use differ between biological sexes. Males appear more likely to try cannabis and use higher doses. Females appear more likely to go from trying cannabis to developing a regular habit of use.

Researchers theorize that this is due to a complicated web of hormone-system effects that differ between the sexes and are modulated by cannabinoids. While testosterone increases risk-taking behavior, estrogen seems to control social behavior and the filtering of sensory input. Cannabinoids change the levels of different hormones in the body, which may influence behavior. Those changed behaviors will, depending on the individual, create feedback loops that further change the level of hormones in the body beyond what cannabis may be directly responsible for.

Dr. Liana Fattore, one of the study’s authors, said, “Females seem to be more vulnerable, at a neurochemical level, in developing addiction to cannabis.”

“Gender-tailored detoxification treatments and relapse prevention strategies for patients with cannabis addiction are increasingly requested. Optimizing personalized evidence-based prevention and treatment protocols demands further research on the source of sex disparities in cannabis response.” — Dr. Liana Fattore

Dr. Fattore was clear that more high-quality research is needed on humans before stronger conclusions can be drawn. The relationship between cannabinoids and behavior, however, appears to be connected to differing sex hormone profiles.


Paul Ryan On Board With CBD, Industrial Hemp

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) gave a surprise endorsement on Tuesday to industrial hemp and cannabidiol (CBD), the widely-touted cannabis ingredient that is growing increasingly mainstream as an alternative medicine.

First reported by Marijuana Moment, Ryan addressed the issue while campaigning in Kentucky for his colleague Rep. Andy Barr (R-Kentucky).

It may be cathartic to see top GOP lawmakers in both bodies of Congress endorsing industrial hemp and now CBD, but Ryan stopped short of embracing any true medical cannabis reforms. In fact, he couldn’t even remember the name for CBD (an audience member eventually shouted it out for him) but he remembered the issue.

“It has proven to work. We do this in Wisconsin. That, that oil, I think works well. And that is not medical marijuana. There’s no THC in that oil, which helps reduce seizures. ” — Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), during a Kentucky campaign rally

Note: most CBD concoctions do contain trace amounts of THC, but usually not enough to get high.

Ryan also used the opportunity to briefly speak about his party’s legislative gains this year — specifically the Right to Try Act, which was passed and signed into federal law earlier this year and which appears to open the door for terminally ill patients to experimental medications, including cannabis and perhaps MDMA or psilocybin.

Shortly thereafter, Ryan moved on to discuss industrial hemp — which has been championed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) as the cash crop to revitalize the South’s agricultural economy.

“By the way, there’s a lot of industrial uses for hemp that I understand from talking to Mitch McConnell is a big deal to Kentucky agriculture,” Ryan said. “And we’re all in favor of that as well.”

Hemp farmers and industry enthusiasts have been waiting with baited breath to see the final reconciliation of the 2018 Farm Bill, into which Sen. McConnell slipped language that would federally legalize industrial hemp.

Now, with both of the top GOP lawmakers having endorsed the issue, it appears even more likely that hemp legalization will succeed.


MedMen Seeks Trademark for Word ‘Cannabis’ Appearing On T-Shirts

California-based medical cannabis retailer firm MedMen Enterprises has filed for a federal copyright on the word “cannabis” appearing on T-shirts, Marijuana Business Daily reports.

Spokesperson Daniel Yi said that the attempt, which was filed in early October with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, is a follow-up on the successful trademarking of t-shirt designs using MedMen’s cannabis leaf logo.

“The geometric leaf you see on our Website and other collaterals is trademarked so we are looking to extend the idea for the word ‘cannabis.'” — MedMen spokesperson Daniel Yi, in an email to Marijuana Business Daily

Florida attorney Frank Herrera, however, doubts the firm will find success.

“There are several (trademarks) that include cannabis for clothing, but they all are used in connection with other terms and/or are stylized,” Herrera said in the report. “Simply attempting to register the word cannabis alone and not stylized … will not work, in my opinion.”

Other trademark specialists largely agree that attempting to trademark the word “cannabis” like this is a long shot.

Michael Brubaker, a Seattle patent attorney, put it bluntly, telling Leafly that, “Trying to trademark ‘cannabis’ is a fool’s errand. I give it a zero percent chance of success.”

Meanwhile, law professor Brian Frye from the University of Kentucky, said in that report that he doubted the trademark — if approved — would even be enforceable. “I would categorize this as more of publicity stunt rather than an actual exercise in branding,” he said.

MedMen is a multi-state cannabis retailer firm that currently operates 15 different dispensaries: eight in California, two in Nevada, and five in New York.


Doctor Recommendation

Ohio Doctors Writing Cannabis Recommendations That Can’t Be Used

Due to delays in the roll-out of Ohio’s medical cannabis program, doctors there have been writing recommendations for medical cannabis IDs that don’t actually grant access to the plant, The Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

The recommendations can cost as much as $500 and, because of the limited number of doctors allowed to register patients for the program, these doctor visits are often not covered by health insurance.

Several groups claiming to help Ohio residents get their medical cannabis cards, such as the Ohio Cannabis Connection and Ohio Marijuana Card, have websites that do not clearly explain that medical cards are still unobtainable, for anyone.

Many patients believe that, once they have a recommendation from a doctor, it is legal for them to possess cannabis — but that’s not true. Once a patient has a recommendation, they still need to register with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy’s medical cannabis registry, which is not yet open.

While the recommendation may function as an affirmative defense in court, it’s far from a guaranteed safety net. Many doctors are refusing to write recommendations for just that reason, like Dr. William Sawyer from Sharonville, Ohio.

“I’ve had many people come into my office who’ve said they’ve got friends who already have their cards. We try to explain to them that’s not possible. But there’s a lot of misinformation and misleading marketing going on in the state of Ohio, and people are very convinced of what they’ve been told by these organizations. … At some level, they’re fooling people into believing they have something that they don’t.” — Dr. William Sawyer, in the report

The patient registry was supposed to be open and issuing cards by July, but the program was delayed alongside the rest of Ohio‘s medical cannabis infrastructure.

Growers won’t be ready to deliver products until early next year, at the earliest. It’s unclear when the patient registry will open.


Illegal Pesticide Use Rampant in Washington

More than 40 percent of cannabis tested by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) in the last year has contained high levels of both allowed and banned pesticides, The Stranger reports.

The medical cannabis group Patients United released data that showed 43 percent of samples tested by the WSDA between March 2017 and July 2018 contained banned pesticides or illegally high amounts of allowed pesticides. In that time period, 387 tests were conducted and, in some cases, pesticide levels were over 90 times the limit.

John Kingsbury, a cannabis advocate with Patients United called the results a “public health emergency.”

“Likely tens of thousands of Washington consumers are consuming regulated recreational cannabis during any one day. With pesticide testing failure rates of 30-43%, it is statistically guaranteed that those consumers will consume product with illegal amounts of pesticides in it every third use.” — John Kingsbury, in a letter to the Washington Liquor Control Board

Washington is one of the only states with legalization that does not require testing for illegal pesticides. In Washington, pesticide testing is based on random samples and complaints that are filed for specific products, but Patients United wants pesticide testing for all products.

Brian Smith, spokesperson for the Washington Liquor Control Board, said that the WSDA data may be skewed because testing is usually driven by complaints.

Kingsbury with Patients United, however, said that a separate report from private lab Confidence Analytics confirmed the emergency, finding that 30 percent of Washington’s cannabis contained illegal levels of pesticides.

Washington is currently considering a mandate that all products must be tested. The Liquor Control Board is expected to decide new lab testing standards sometime after October 31.


A legal, commercial cannabis grow in Washington state,

New Jersey Legalization Hearings Expected in November

Democratic leaders in the New Jersey legislature say they are “real close” to holding hearings on the legalization of adult-use cannabis, reports.

Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-District 3) said on Monday he has been coordinating the issue with Sen. Nicholas Scutari (D-District 22), the leading cannabis advocate in New Jersey’s legislature.

Despite a complicated November schedule which includes the midterm elections, Sen. Scutari told reporters that he was eyeing November 26 for a cannabis legalization legislative hearing.

Lawmakers had initially sought to vote on the issue on Monday but hangups over taxation rates, what to do about prior cannabis convictions, and which regulatory agency would oversee the industry ultimately delayed the vote.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) — who suggested during his campaign that he wanted to see a legalization bill on his desk within 100 days of taking office — said Monday he would rather see a legalization measure “sooner than later.”

“The pen is in my hand. But it’s important to do it right.” — New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, via

Meanwhile, according to a recent Rutgers-Eagleton poll, “more (New Jersey) residents favor than oppose – by a hefty margin of 58 percent to 37 percent – completely legalizing the possession and personal use of recreational marijuana.”

If successful, New Jersey would become only the second state to end cannabis prohibition via its elected officials (Vermont was first) and the first state to do so while also establishing a taxed-and-regulated cannabis marketplace. All other successful legalization efforts in the U.S. have been the results of citizen ballot initiatives.


Vancouver, BC

Amid Cannabis Shortage, Vancouver Black Market Thrives

In Vancouver, British Columbia — and elsewhere across Canada — the illicit cannabis market still dominates despite federal legalization and pressure from the Canadian government to curb illegal sales, according to the New York Times.

Canada’s unregulated cannabis market was estimated at $5.3 billion at the time of legalization — it’s hard to make that disappear overnight. Compounding the issue are rampant cannabis shortages across the country and a distinct lack of retail outlets. In B.C., for instance, there was only a single retail cannabis shop open at legalization’s launch, and it was a four-hour drive from Vancouver.

One of the largest illicit producers of cannabis in British Columbia, Don Briere, has been a cannabis advocate for decades. Briere owns “Weed, Glass and Gifts” in Vancouver — one of many illicit retail outlets that still operate in the city. At his store, patrons can buy a variety of products like edibles that are not currently allowed under Canadian law.

Briere is so passionate about cannabis that he continues to operate illegally despite having been sentenced to four years in prison in 2001 for producing cannabis.

“We’ll keep selling what we are selling. … The government taking over the cannabis trade is like asking a farmer to build airplanes.” — Don Briere, via the New York Times

There are so many unlicensed cannabis stores across the country that officials can’t keep track of them. The government, however, is not looking for a hard crackdown but rather a slow transition to a legal market. British Columbia’s Minister of Public Safety Mike Farnworth said, “It won’t happen overnight,” adding that there would be no mass raids or “guns and head-bashing.”

The government is moving to shut down some illegal producers and retailers, however. In Vancouver, it started as a tightening of zoning restrictions for cannabis retailers as well as fines, followed by injunctions against those who were not in compliance. Dispensaries banded together and fought back with a constitutional challenge — that case is currently before the Supreme Court of British Columbia — and, of the $3 million in fines levied so far, less than $200,000 has been paid.

There is movement in the market. Don Briere has closed some of his many retail outlets, channeling that business to his website. He has also applied for a government license.

The real threat to the unregulated market, of course, is the huge price drop expected as a result of the legal market. While a pound of cannabis used to bring in US$3000 in Vancouver, it now only fetches about US$1000. Guaranteed testing for pesticides and other contaminants also gives the legal market an edge.

However, many underground operators, including Briere, say they will continue to sell — not to make money, but because of the elderly and ill patients who have come to rely on them.


China and Japan Warn Citizens Visiting Canada Against Cannabis Use

China and Japan have joined South Korea in the ranks of Asian countries who have warned citizens against using cannabis while traveling or living in Canada.

South Korea first reaffirmed its no-tolerance policy last week in a tweet by its embassy in Vancouver, British Columbia. In that message, South Korean officials warned citizens that — if they partake while traveling, studying, or otherwise living in Canada — they could be prosecuted under South Korean law upon returning home.

Japan issued a similar warning, with the country’s consulate in Vancouver posting an update to its website warning that Japanese drug laws could be applied retroactively to citizens returning home from abroad, and that “Japanese residents and travelers should take ample care to stay away from marijuana, including food and beverages that include marijuana.”

China followed a similar route but stopped short of threatening prosecution for drug crimes against citizens for actions they take while abroad. The Chinese consulate in Toronto issued a statement warning its citizens — particularly students — that they should “avoid contact with and use of marijuana for the sake of ensuring your own physical and mental health.”

The Chinese statement also included a summary of Canada‘s new cannabis laws, including a province-by-province breakdown of the regulations.

All three countries still enforce strict anti-cannabis drug laws. In South Korea, for example, cannabis possession and/or consumption is a crime punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine of up to 50 million won (about $44,000).


Vapium Lite

Vapium Lite Vaporizer Review

Vapium, makers of the Summit vaporizer that we reviewed earlier this year, have released a brand-new vaporizer targeted at the entry-level vaporizer market. Called the “Lite” it retails for a very affordable $79. For such a low price, the Lite seems to deliver a lot of value.

The Vapium specs are as follows:

  • Vaporizer Type: Ground Leaf
  • Heating System: Ceramic Conduction
  • Chamber Capacity: 0.33 Grams
  • Battery Type: Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery 18500 1100 mAh
  • Battery Capacity: 12 Sessions
  • Charging time: Approximately 60 min
  • Case Material: Anodized Aluminum
  • Vapor Path: Medical Grade Silicone and Polycarbonate
  • Product Dimensions: 3.9” x 0.62” x 1.42” (10 cm x 2.2 cm x 3.6 cm)
  • Vapor Delivery Method: Direct Draw
  • Product Weight: 0.19 lbs (88 grams)

The first thing that impressed me about the Vapium Lite was how well-labeled the buttons were. A lot of vaporizers opt for slick designs that can be hard to understand at first glance unless you’re already very familiar with a wide variety of vaporizers — not the Lite, however. Each button is easy to identify and each LED associated with a temperature range is clearly identified so you know exactly how hot you’re vaping.

Vapium Lite detail

Feedback during operation is well-designed, with a simple and easy to feel vibration that lets you know when the vape is ready to go. The loading process is similarly easy to work with, simply pop the mouthpiece off and place ground herb in the ceramic chamber, then click the mouthpiece back on and heat it up. Within 45 seconds you’re ready to start enjoying those clouds.

A small criticism I have regards the shape of the mouthpiece. It’s a bit stunted and hard for me to enjoy comfortably, as well as having a plastic feel that I didn’t particularly enjoy. It’s a minor concern, though, considering this vaporizer’s target market and price point.

Vapium throws in a few useful extras with the package. Included in the box is a wire brush for cleaning, a replacement air path filter, a USB-C charging cable and an adapter that replaces the mouthpiece for use with water pipes. Also built-in to the vaporizer itself is a nice little stir stick.

The Vapium Lite is a perfect buy for someone who’s looking to try out a portable vaporizer without breaking the bank. It’s well-worth the $79 price for such a user — and to be honest, perhaps others. The vape has few notable problems, even if it lacks advanced features. Grab one from the Vapium site today!
