Pamela Althoff: The Evolution of Adult-Use Cannabis In Illinois

Pamela joined our host TG Branfalt for a discussion in January about the launch of Illinois’ adult-use cannabis program, the legislative efforts that preceded it, the work being done by the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois to make the transition smooth for both cannabis patients and companies working in the space, how Illinois could influence even more states to legalize, and more!

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TG Branfalt: Hey there, I’m your host TG Branfalt, and thank you for listening to the podcast where we try to bring you actionable information and normalize cannabis through the stories of ganjapreneurs, activists and industry stakeholders. Today I’m joined by Pamela Althoff. She’s the Executive Director of the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois, a statewide cannabis industry organization advocating for patient wellbeing, consumer safety, social equity and inclusion, job creation, community investment, and responsible cannabis use. She’s also a former state senator, an Illinois Senate Republican Caucus Chair. How are you doing this morning, Pamela?

Pamela Althoff: I am great. How are you, sir?

TG Branfalt: I’m doing just fine. I’m really excited to sink my teeth into this interview today. We’re going to talk about Illinois, we’re going to talk about politics. But before we do any of that, I want to get to know about you a little bit. What’s your background and how’d you end up in the cannabis space?

Pamela Althoff: My background is actually as a long ago graduate of Illinois State University in education, taught school for a long time, met a boy, moved, could not find a job in education, so went through a series of sales positions, ultimately got engaged in local politics, and when my state senator stepped down due to illness, I was at that time a local mayor and my mayors advocated for me to be his replacement. I was appointed to the State Senate in 2003 and served until 2018. That’s my professional background. How I got in the cannabis space is another crazy story which just goes to prove you got to take those opportunities when they’re given to you.

The executive director of the Medical Cannabis Alliance, which is what our organization began as when the State of Illinois only had a medical program, stepped down to take a position with the new administration in Illinois after the 2018 election, and when they went searching for a new executive director, my name showed up on several of the lists of lobbyists in Springfield as well as some of the board members, and here I am.

TG Branfalt: That’s really incredible. In the change from medical to recreational, what is the organization doing differently? What are they advocating for now?

Pamela Althoff: Well, I don’t know if it’s changed that dramatically, except that we’re acknowledging that the State of Illinois has decided to become the first state to legislatively legalize cannabis, and so we have changed our medical organization, which was pretty tightly, loosely grouped set of same players. We knew each other, we had gone through the application process together. Obviously, we provided the product to the dispensary, so it was a closed group. The state regulated that industry very carefully. There were only so many licenses available. So rather than being just limited to medical, we decided early February, March when it looked like we were going, the state was going to legalize cannabis, that we needed to evolve to meet the new needs of the State of Illinois in a larger more focused cannabis association. So we just went from that medical focus to now we represent the entire industry here in the State of Illinois.

TG Branfalt: So what were some of the changes that came about with the medical program specifically when legislators decided to legalize cannabis and the launch of that market?

Pamela Althoff: I think what it was is the medical industry, because we were so well vetted by the State of Illinois regulators, the larger piece moving into recreational was to allow the existing cannabis industry in the state to open recreational dispensaries and continue to cultivate the cannabis product. We also work very, very collaboratively with all of our stakeholders, which was law enforcement, regulators, legislators and other vested minority representatives to ensure that our social equity piece of this legislation met the needs of our elected officials, and a lot of that was to ensure that the cannabis industry reflected more of the population diversity in the State of Illinois. We wanted to give those who were just proportionately impacted by the war on drugs an opportunity to gain access into the industry. Whether that was through owner/operator opportunities or whether that was through a career, we didn’t care. We just wanted very seriously to provide that opportunity to those people that were impacted, those families that were impacted by the war on drugs.

TG Branfalt: When you guys were looking at these social equity provisions, did you look towards other states for your model or did you guys develop something in-house in collaboration as you said?

Pamela Althoff: Well, I’ll be very frank here. We didn’t find any other really viable options in other states. We’re all struggling with how that would look, and I think we took … It’s why the legislation which actually started many years ago, I would tell you that almost immediately after we started the medical pilot program, legislators started to advocate for recreational use, and so this was a significantly long … Even though I don’t think that most of the population in Illinois realized it, there was a great deal of upfront work done by concerned legislators, particularly the sponsors, Senator Steans and Representative Cassidy. We looked at how we wanted and how we wanted to ensure that it was legal, that our social equity programs would meet constitutional muster, and it took us, again, a lot of collaboration with a lot of individual people and I think that we’ve got a great framework, a really good template.

Now the challenge to all of us, the industry as well as those people, the regulators and elected officials and again the individuals who will gain access to the industry, it’s up to us now to ensure that we’re going to make it work. That’s always the challenge once you put the framework into place, is then to carry it out. I think that we are all committed to working together to ensure that there’s a great deal of success. I happen to know that other states, particularly out East — Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey — are looking at the State of Illinois social equity parameters and are trying to incorporate what we’ve done into their legislation right now.

TG Branfalt: Well, I think a lot of the states that you mentioned, I live in New York myself, we don’t have a ballot referendum, and I think a lots of states are looking towards the process in Illinois, again as you said, the first state to legalize through the legislature. Tell me about the run-up to recreational sales. What were the most prevailing concerns for business owners in the space?

Pamela Althoff: Well, the industry business owners were a little concerned about making sure that we had product availability. Let me take two steps back and set the stage. We had an administration, the Pritzker administration was very supportive and very committed to legalizing cannabis. We talked a long time about how we all recognize that there already is an illicit market here in the State of Illinois, and the idea is if it exists, then isn’t it our obligation to ensure that we legalize and make sure that those people who choose to consume have a safe and a quality product? The medical program worked extraordinarily well. In all of the time that the medical program was in existence, up and running, there was not a single diversion from the State of Illinois. So when you saw all of those “drug busts” throughout the country, not once did they ever find a product that came from the State of Illinois. That’s how well we had regulated the medical industry.

As we ran into recreational, two things happened. One, we kept the same high standards as we went forward. But as I had stated earlier, the Pritzker administration was so committed to this that they also chose to expand the medical conditions that would be acceptable to the medical cannabis program. So when we passed the recreational program, we had the perfect storm. We had an increase in the conditions that allowed patients to access the medical program, and then we legalized recreational. So we had this huge demand almost immediately from the medical side, and then we only had a six-month run up to January 1 to be ready for a brand new recreational market. So there was some concern again about product availability. The first license for recreational growth was not received until August.

TG Branfalt: Wow.

Pamela Althoff: Yeah, and I remind everyone that cannabis is not a widget. It takes time to grow. It’s a crop, it’s a product that needs 12 to 16 weeks to actually come to fruition. So there was concern about that from the very beginning. We believe that we will actually be up to full thrust by May of 2020, and we’ll be able to be regularly providing product not only to the existing dispensaries that now can sell recreational product, but also to those dispensaries that are currently in the queue to be reviewed and potentially licensed. There’s 75 new licenses that are available that are being reviewed as we speak, all of those applicants. That really was the largest concern. Then the legislation that was passed gave huge amount of ability to local units of government to make determinations on whether or not they wanted to engage in the new adult use cannabis market.

In other words, if they chose not to let these companies locate within their corporate boundaries, that in fact was up to them. So the industry, even though the state legalized it, was not exactly sure how that was going to be handled on a local basis. We did have communities that housed a medical dispensary already who chose not to engage in the adult use or in the recreational icing of cannabis. So then we had dispensaries that had to make decisions about where they’re going to stay there and continue to operate as a medicinal dispensary or whether they actually were going to choose to relocate and only deal on recreational. So those were some of [inaudible 00:13:38] the bumps, they’re a little bit of challenges, not unanticipated but certainly something that we need to address.

TG Branfalt: How many communities do you know, percentage wise, how many have opted out? I know in Massachusetts, it’s upwards of 70%, in California it’s over 60%. Do you have figures for that in Illinois?

Pamela Althoff: Not in that kind of a fashion. I can tell you that there were 55 medical dispensaries operating and approved by the State of Illinois that were permitted to immediately apply for and obtain, if they had local zoning, a license for recreational cannabis. Out of those 55, I believe we are only at 32 that have obtained their license and are operating. Some obtained a license from the state but did not get their local zoning, some of the dispensaries are still awaiting the decision by local government to decide whether or not they’re going to permit the adult use.

TG Branfalt: Since legal sales have launched, you said that there was concern about shortages, there’ve been reports of shortages, even some dispensers being forced to temporarily close due to these sorts of shortages, how are operators that you’re working with overcoming these early supply challenges?

Pamela Althoff: Well, I always tell people it depends what you mean by shortages. I would tell you that, first and foremost, the Illinois cannabis industry remains committed to their medical patients. Basically the way the legislation worked is cannabis patients had to register with a specific dispensary to obtain their cannabis product. So these are longterm relationships where often the patients were recognized right by the people who were selling them their cannabis product, their medical product. So we’re very cognizant of the responsibility that we owe these patients. So in the legislation, there is a requirement that each dispensary maintain a 30-day inventory that meets the need of our medical patients. So that too added to the recognition that we’re not going to have as much recreational product as people originally thought. So operators who have cultivation did apply for recreational licenses to be able to expand their existing facilities and start to grow immediately. All 20 cultivation sites that were approved by the State of Illinois also obtained permission to expand their facilities.

TG Branfalt: Oh wow.

Pamela Althoff: Yeah. They’re all up and getting ready, or some of them are actually almost completed with construction, which is why we’re saying that we anticipated this, we just ran into a few hiccups and bumps. One of them also being as obtaining equipment. California too is going through all of a sudden a large expansion within the cannabis industry, and off times we’re hearing here in Illinois that the required environmentally appropriate lighting, watering, all of the facilities or the equipment that we need for the expansions are on backorder because they’re being diverted to California right now, which just beat us a little bit in that kind of expansion role. So some of the construction is a little bit behind because of that, but everyone is committed to being up and running.

We are also, as an association, committed to trying to ensure that we are dispersing product across all dispensaries throughout the State of Illinois so that they all have some product. But as you might expect, some of our medical patients want to try the new strains that are available and may not be interested in gaining access to something that they had been using in the past. We also have noted that people still are very much interested in flower, and so there was somewhat of a run on a lot of the flower product while we still had available consumables. So again, it depends how you define shortages. We had product but we may not have had the product that you specifically wanted access to.

TG Branfalt: You said that you expect to be fully fleshed out the market by May where everyone’s up and running. What does your organization envision the market looking like, say in about a year? Are there any expectations for social use provisions in different cities or on a statewide basis?

Pamela Althoff: Sure. Tim, it’s funny that you bring that up. We are already anticipating social use. In fact, I believe at the end of this month, because the State of Illinois allowed local units of government to address those issues, we allowed consumption in tobacco shops and in areas that are under the same roof as dispensaries. There has to be a wall in between the dispensary and where you would have onsite consumption, but again it would have to be under the same … within the same building. It just so happens that the City of Springfield, Illinois is actually going to be considering an ordinance at the end of this month to approve an onsite consumption lounge in conjunction with one of their local dispensaries. So I anticipate over the next year we’re going to see a lot of that local action. City of Chicago is discussing how they’re going to deal with this, and I’m also going to suggest that, come spring session in Illinois, we’re going to see several pieces of legislation addressing some type of onsite consumption within the State of Illinois

TG Branfalt: Are there anything else that might be … Is delivery something that’s permitted or going to be permitted? Are there any sort of these adjacent services that you expect lawmakers maybe to address in the upcoming session?

Pamela Althoff: Illinois is still somewhat of a conservative state, which is again one of the reason that legislators chose to allow local units of government to make some of those decisions. We discussed during the crafting of the legalization, legislation, delivery and those kinds of associated services, and it was just felt that it was too early for Illinois to address those things and get a piece of legislation passed. Again, as we move forward, if we are responsible and again we demonstrate “good behavior,” I’m going to gather that we too here in Illinois will see the maturing of the cannabis industry. But as a former legislator, I always tell people we evaluate the next step based on current behavior by everyone.

So it’s one of our main goals and main missions to ensure that our message to now our consumers both medically as well as from a retail basis understand it is crucial for us to be responsible in the way that we utilize cannabis in the State of Illinois. Otherwise, we’re going to see the regulators remain vigilant and rather rigid I think. So it just depends on how well this is received and how well we do again with the social equity piece.

TG Branfalt: As a former lawmaker, you had said earlier that cannabis legalization was being talked about by lawmakers shortly after medical, and to many people watching the industry, it was a surprise that Illinois came out fast, quickly, had a market basically online six months after Michigan, which had voted for it the year prior. As a former lawmaker, was it a surprise to you at how, I don’t want to say quickly, but how much support I guess legalization had in the previous session?

Pamela Althoff: Well, I’m going to argue with you. I don’t think it did. I think that the sponsors of the legislation crafted a core group of legislators that worked very collaboratively and really worked to educate the rest of the legislators in Illinois. It really was a lengthy process, as I stated. They started working on this issue almost immediately after we had approved the medical program, which was back in 2011. So it may have appeared that Illinois moved rapidly, but that’s I think just because people started to read about it in the paper as the legislation moved forward. But there was a huge amount of upfront education that was being done in Springfield in the General Assembly to make legislators feel more comfortable. Again as I stated, part of our success was because the medical program had been so well regulated and so responsive to that regulation that there was I think a more comfort level felt by many of the legislators going ahead and approving the legalization of adults social use cannabis.

Then there was the provision about the expungement. That was an important piece to a lot of legislators to ensure that we did in fact have a vibrant expungement program for those people who were arrested for now the legal possession limits, and State’s Attorney Kim Foxx was very instrumental in helping us craft that program. As you can see now in Illinois, many of our state’s attorneys are moving forward to ensure that those records are in fact expunged in a timely fashion. Again, I think that the social equity piece was another incentive for many legislators to climb on board, so to speak, and support the legislation because it did give communities as well. There’s a provision in the bill that gives them access to grant programs to communities that also were just proportionately impacted. So we wove in a lot of good outcomes for a wide variety of entities within the legislation. It just wasn’t about the cannabis industry. It was broader than that. I think that that is what helped us gain additional support from other legislators. I mean, even a few Republicans voted for the bill, Tim.

TG Branfalt: I got to ask. You were the former Republican Caucus Chair for the Senate. Why do you think, as a Republican … I have two questions for you. Were you always pro-cannabis, and why do you think that so many in your party still stand opposed to broader legalization?

Pamela Althoff: For me, yes. I don’t want to give away my age or anything, but I was a child of the ’70s, so maybe my past perspective played into that. It was also, again, even for me, an educational process. I was always very supportive of cannabis as a medical product. In fact, how I think my association members became familiar with me is I was one of the advocates for the option of cannabis as an alternative to opioids. I was very, very much engaged in that process here in Illinois. Through that, I became, again, much more comfortable in offering the availability to people to legally gain access to cannabis. As I stated, we all know that there was a very robust illicit market here in the State of Illinois, and so I have to tell you that I believed strongly that it would be wiser and smarter and more of a health safety issue for people here in the state to have a good quality, safe product to consume as opposed to something that they’re not exactly sure what’s in it.

As to Republicans, I think that that’s just an easy division. I know many Republicans who voted for the medical cannabis program and I know several Republicans that also voted for the recreationalizing of cannabis here in Illinois too. If there is a perception, it might be because, again, the largest entity that really advocated against recreationalizing cannabis were church-affiliated groups. Again, there might be a thought process that many Republicans still are very faith-based associated or affiliated, and so it might be that they felt that they were truly representing their constituent base from that perspective.

TG Branfalt: I mean, but it does look like … I mean in New York, just to be fair, I mean it was the downstate Democrats that really stopped it from passing last year. But nationally, you look at the house, democratically controlled actually, passing the SAFE Banking Act, the committees are passing the Moore Act, which would federally legalize cannabis effectively. But the Senate, it’s a nonstarter. I mean, to say that it’s sort of an appearance issue, I mean I-

Pamela Althoff: You’re talking on a federal level?

TG Branfalt: Yeah. I mean, the Rs and the Ds, I mean there’s a split there when it comes to cannabis policy, and I’m just wondering is it purely the faith-base or is there really some entrenched moral position? I lean sort of libertarian and I believe in state’s rights and that people should have the ability to do what they want so long as it’s not harming other people. Right?

Pamela Althoff: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

TG Branfalt: If you talk to my dad, who is a Republican, he would agree with that statement. He supports cannabis legalization as well. But why is it a harder conversation to have amongst Republicans than it is Democrats?

Pamela Althoff: It’s hard for me to answer that because I’m one of those Republicans that’s kind of on the other side of that issue. I’m going to have to guess that most of those individuals feel that they are representing a portion of the population that still believes as … We were all educated. I was an educator and I can remember having numerous curriculum plans that cannabis was a gateway drug to harder substance abuse, etc, and that perception and that belief might still be very much ingrained in a lot of individuals across the board, and Republicans might feel that those are exactly the individuals that they represent.

TG Branfalt: Okay. How can advocates try to find common ground with people they typically don’t see eye to eye with regard to this one issue?

Pamela Althoff: It’s funny. That has been one of the skillsets that I think that most people identify with me as a former legislator. I think you have to create safe havens for conversation. Education is the only way any issue finally gets addressed, resolved, moves forward, whatever phrase you’d like to use in that respect. But it’s creating an atmosphere and a culture where people who disagree can walk into a room and start to exchange information and carry that conversation forward. It is. It’s education. I made that statement earlier in our interview. I believe firmly that that’s exactly why we were successful in passing the adult use/recreational use of cannabis in Illinois, is we spent a vast amount of time and detailed information was provided to educate and make our legislators feel more comfortable in taking the action.

I think that that’s what most elected officials need, is they need the information and ability to go back to their constituents who obviously elect them, place them in office, they need that information to have that dialogue with their constituents and bring them forward and understand that as with all things, it just changes. Our social agendas, our country, everything evolves and is completely different than it was 10, 15, 20 years ago.

TG Branfalt: What was the reaction from your former Republican colleagues when you end up the Executive Director of the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois?

Pamela Althoff: You know what? It’s funny. I would tell you that people who know me well rolled their eyes and said, “Of course, you’d do that,” again, knowing my background and my ability to pull very, very different diverse individuals into a room and come up and build a consensus and craft legislation that we could actually get passed. That was my forte. So obviously, I would be someone who wants to get involved in brand new and bringing people together and talking about the issue and shining the little spotlight on it so that we can have those conversations. I mean, I’m a former educator. Can you hear that? I truly believe that those kinds of exchanges are crucial in any nascent start of whether it’s an industry, whether it’s a social concept, whatever. I think it’s absolutely crucial to continue to have honest exchange between differing opinions.

TG Branfalt: Well, I think you bring up a really good point that this is not only an industry that launches, this is an entirely new sort of social structure, a new social sort of construct. I want to thank you for your candor. I’ve tried very hard to have Republicans on this show and they’ve balked assuming that I’m going to be confrontational but … So I really appreciate you answering those questions for me. That’s something I’ve wanted to ask somebody for a very long time. What advice would you have for entrepreneurs who are interested in opening up a cannabis business in Illinois?

Pamela Althoff: There are numerous opportunities to attend events and seminars. I would be cautious in determining whether they’re viable, but anything that is put on by the State of Illinois or by our association or by our affiliated association, Women in Cannabis in the City of Chicago, any local entity, you can attend them. Most of them are free of charge. We have panels. We’re actually involved in Chicago City sponsored event in February. Again, there are numerous ones that we are participating in. You can come and learn about either owner/operator opportunities, and that’s from a legislative perspective, as well as filling out your applications, as well as suggestions about how you would find investors into your business, as well as, again, as I stated, going the other direction and finding employment in the industry and not just within the dispensary or the cultivation market, but in ancillary industries, which might be transportation, which might be security, which might be marketing, all of those things.

We’re really trying to reach out into the public, and I would strongly suggest that people attend those free seminars and determine whether or not this is something that really meets their needs and piques their interest. A lot of people have misconceptions. It’s cultivation, it’s farming. It’s not, as you might think, reefer madness. It’s really serious and very regulated work. Most of those people, when you’re in a cultivation site, have on lab coats, have on little booties on their shoes and have hairnets. It’s like a food industry. So I would strongly suggest they come and hear exactly what the industry entails and make a decision. Then there’s all kinds of follow up resources that they can also then participate if they determine this is something that they want to pursue.

TG Branfalt: Again, I want to thank you so much for this opportunity. I can’t wait to see how you evolve in this space and how the association evolves as the market matures. Where can people find out more about you and more about the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois?

Pamela Althoff: You can find us at, is the website, and also provides you all the information on emailing us direct or calling.

TG Branfalt: Awesome. This has been Pamela Althoff. She’s the Executive Director of the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois, former State Senator and Illinois Senate Republican Caucus Chair. Thank you again so much, Pamela. It’s been a pleasure.

Pamela Althoff: Tim, can I have one parting comment?

TG Branfalt: Absolutely.

Pamela Althoff: I would just ask that consumers recognize that, with all nascent industries, we are going to run into bumps and some obstacles. But let me assure everyone that the industry is working very well with the State of Illinois, our regulators, also our stakeholders that have vested interest in the industry, to try and address them responsibly and in a decent timeframe, in an acceptable timeframe. I truly believe that you’re going to call me and we’re going to do this interview again in another nine to 12 months, and you’re going to hear how successful. We are truly, truly committed to making this a vibrant industry and being a template for the rest of the country.

TG Branfalt: I can’t wait to talk to you again in nine to 12 months, and by then, we’ll probably be talking about how Illinois influenced New York’s recent legalization.

Pamela Althoff: I hope that that’s true.

TG Branfalt: Thank you so much, Pamela. This-

Pamela Althoff: All right.

TG Branfalt: … has been a great joy.

Pamela Althoff: All right, thank you.

TG Branfalt: You can find more episodes of the Podcast in the podcast section of and in the Apple iTunes Store. On the website, you’ll find the latest cannabis news and cannabis jobs updated daily, along with transcripts of this podcast. You can also download the app in iTunes and Google Play. This episode was engineered by Trim Media House. I’ve been your host, TG Branfalt.


California Cities Get $30M from State Cannabis Social Equity Fund

The California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development is disbursing $30 million in grant funding through the Cannabis Equity Grants Program for Local Jurisdictions. The program was created in 2018 as part of the state’s Cannabis Equity Act.

According to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) office, at least $23 million of the funding will be directly allocated to social equity applicants and licensees in the form of low and no-interest loans.

Nicole Elliott, the governor’s senior advisor on cannabis, said the grants “reflect California’s desire to lead our legalization efforts with equity and inclusivity.”

“We applaud these jurisdictions for not only embracing the challenge of creating pathways to participate in a legitimate cannabis marketplace, but for doing so in a thoughtful way that seeks to uplift all communities. It is our hope that these efforts lead to the creation of a truly diverse industry and that these programs serve as a blueprint for others who share in our commitment to address systemic discrimination and create real prosperity for all.” – Elliot in a statement

The cities of Oakland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Long Beach, Palm Springs, San Jose, Santa Cruz, Clearlake, Coachella, and Stockton were awarded funds from the program along with the counties of San Francisco, Humboldt, Mendocino, Lake, Monterey, and Nevada.

The grant program focuses on the inclusion and support of individuals in the state’s legal cannabis industry who are from communities negatively or disproportionately impacted by cannabis criminalization. The funds are designed for small business support services like technical assistance to individuals, reduced licensing fees or waived fees, assistance in recruitment, training, and retention of a qualified and diverse workforce, and business resilience such as emergency preparedness.

The funds will be available in budgets for the next fiscal year, which begins July 1.


Lebanon Passes Medical & Industrial Cannabis Legalization

Lebanon’s parliament passed medical cannabis legalization on Tuesday; however, according to a Newsweek report, there is some skepticism whether the law can be successfully implemented due to opposition from Hezbollah and their political allies.

In addition to allowing cannabis cultivation for medical purposes, the measure aims to create an industry for cannabis health and wellness products – such as CBD – along with industrial hemp. The move was recommended by the nation’s economic advisers prior to the coronavirus pandemic as the country faces an $80 billion debt and defaulted on its debt for the first time last month, the report says.

In 2018, Raed Khoury, Lebanon’s former caretaker minister for economy and trade, told Bloomberg News that legalization of medical cannabis and industrial hemp could bring in about USD$1 billion annually to state coffers.

Activists had called for broad legalization, including amnesty for most cannabis-related drug charges and sentence reduction policies, but those measures were sent back to a parliamentary committee for further review.

Hilal Khashan, a professor of political studies and public administration at the American University of Beirut, told Newsweek that Hezbollah would need “to get its share” from the implementation of the new law if there are to accept its ratification. Khashan noted that Hezbollah “is a primary beneficiary” of Lebanon’s illegal cannabis trade. The United Nations lists Lebanon as the third-most-common source for hashish in the world.

The effort follows up on a 2018 plan by global consulting firm McKinsey & Co. to revitalize the nation’s economy.


Columbia Care Launches Online Platform for Sales & Doctor Visits

Multi-state cannabis operator Columbia Care has launched a virtual shopping experience – Virtual.Care – that allows patients to meet with physicians remotely, place orders online, and apply for the company’s credit card.

CEO Nicholas Vita said the system is “designed to deliver exceptional care, convenient access and continuity of service” to the communities served by Columbia.

“Using one, simple to use online portal, customers can access our highly trained team members and receive the same personal in-store experience from the comfort of their homes. This amazing leap forward in convenience is the first scalable, end-to-end solution in the cannabis space to offer shoppers a seamless online service and we’re proud to be making its debut at a time when our customers need it most.” – Vita in a statement

The launch comes as most U.S. states have implemented stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic. Medical cannabis has been deemed essential in states where it has been legalized and the Virtual.Care platform also allows patients to sign up with state programs where Columbia operates in real time. Several states have reported upticks in the number of medical cannabis applicants during the coronavirus outbreak.

Under state rules, essential businesses must maintain social distancing practices, which has led to officials in states with legal cannabis changing rules for the industry to allow them to, safely, serve patients and prevent the spread of the virus. Last week, Colorado regulators approved online cannabis ordering for both medical and recreational consumers.

Columbia Care operates in Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C.. Currently, the Virtual.Care platform is only available at their San Diego location but the company expects it to be rolled out in its other markets by the end of the month.


Medical Cannabis Sales Surge In Florida & Arizona

Medical cannabis sales in Arizona and Florida have risen sharply during the coronavirus pandemic; sales figures in the Grand Canyon State show a ton more cannabis was sold in March over February and the Sunshine State saw its second-highest weekly sales volume since the program launched more than a year ago.

According to Arizona Department of Health services data outlined by 3TV/CBS 5, about 17,000 pounds of medical cannabis was sold in the state in March – a month which included about 100,000 more transactions than February.

In Florida, from April 10-17, medical cannabis sales topped more than 2,082 pounds. That figure nearly reached the roughly 2,274-pound record in the state from March 13-20, 2019, the Center Square reports. From March 6 through April 17, the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use issued nearly 13,000 new program identification cards, the report says.

Raul Molina, of Mint Dispensary in Tempe, said his business has seen about a 50 percent increase in sales since the start of the pandemic and that some dispensaries are experiencing product shortages.

“That was something we didn’t expect. We thought that Arizona had an ample supply to the point where if there was a spike, if recreational happened or something like that, we were gonna be able to handle it.” – Molina to 3TV/CBS 5

BDS Analytics, a cannabis market research firm, reports that from March 13-20, cannabis sales nationwide spiked about 28 percent but since then have flattened. According to BDS, 32 percent of cannabis patients have incomes below $35,000 and 54 percent have full-time employment, and the shutdown of the economy and job losses are likely contributing to the slowdown.


Group Wants Hemp Approved as Industrial Chicken Feed

The Hemp Feed Coalition is planning to submit an application for the Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine to get hemp seed, meal, and cake approved for use in chicken diets, Feed Navigator reports. Hunter Buffington, HFC program director, indicated the process could take at least 18 months from the time the application is submitted.

Specifically, the application seeks approval for as hemp as feed for broiler and egg-laying chickens.

“This is a tedious process overseen by the FDA-CVM. While they have expressed support in fast tracking approvals of applications for hemp and its by-products the process is still slow. For example, when a researcher submits an initial research proposal for pre-approval to the FDA-CVM the agency has 180 days to respond. This is lightning speed for a federal agency but means that even the initial study design will move forward on these timeframes.” – Buffington to Feed Navigator

Buffington added that the global hemp food market is projected to outpace CBD and hemp grain and fiber product production is beginning to increase in the U.S. following the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill.

Other countries have always used hemp in animal feed, Buffington said in the report, but the HFC is going to have to prove nutritional profiles using American-grown and processed hemp to make their case to regulators. Additionally, the group is going to have to submit any published research, work with feed and species experts to create protocols for feed trials, and “determine a suggested inclusion rate for species along with the intended use of the ingredient.”

Buffington told Feed Navigator that the organization is currently working with Colorado State University on a study for hemp seed meal and cake feed for lambs and have plans to work with Minnesota State University on a study using hemp as swine feed and the University of North Dakota on a trial with beef cattle.


Alaska Allowing Curbside & Drive-Thru Cannabis Sales

Alaska Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer (R) has signed off on emergency pandemic regulations allowing cannabis curbside sales and allowing cannabis products to be transported by commercial plane or boat, Alaska Public Media reports. The changes allow customers to place orders by phone or online and pick them up outside of the business, similar to a drive-through.

Business owners who want to provide curbside or window pickup services are required to apply for a state license and submit operation plans.

“Stores providing essentials, such as groceries and pharmaceuticals, are implementing stricter measures to maintain physical distance and increasing the availability of drive-through and curbside pickup. The Marijuana Control Board anticipates that so long as patrons are able to enter the premises of licensed marijuana retail stores for purchasing, it is necessary to take every possible step to protect the health and safety of those patrons and employees by providing purchasing opportunities that minimize physical distance between patrons and employees.” – Filed Emergency Regulations: Marijuana Control Board Memorandum, April 17, 2020

The agency said the changes allowing cannabis products to be transported on commercial plans and boats are necessary to “halt the need for travel by employees and agents” of cannabusinesses. The rules require products to be delivered directly to the carrier by someone who is employed by or an agent of a cannabis licensee and picked up by an employee or agent of a licensee.

Alaska’s public health disaster emergency for coronavirus was declared on March 11. The emergency rules will remain in effect for 120 after they were signed into law.


Profile: Bob Marley, Rastafarian Legend

In celebrating 4/20 this month, we are highlighting heroes of the cannabis movement in a series of profile pieces; so far, we have discussed Dennis Peron, Baba Dam Rass, and Brownie Mary Rathbun.

Bob Marley is a household name and, despite his original claim to fame, he has become more than just a legendary musician — he is simply a legend. He grew up in Trench Town, Jamaica and eventually his music spread throughout the world. In his life’s journey, Marley became entwined with Rastafarianism and as such, ritual cannabis use.

While posters of his face have become a prominent piece of cannabis’s party culture, however, Marley’s cannabis use was spiritual. For Bob Marley, using ganja was a way to connect to Jah, not just a way to socialize with friends.

Life in Jamaica

Bob Marley was born February 9, 1945 in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica to Cedella Malcolm and Norval Marley. Norval Marley was a white man originally from Sussex who was managing a plantation. After his birth, Bob rarely saw his father but Marley did support Bob and Cedella financially. Norval died of a heart attack when Bob was just 10 years old; Norval was 70.

At this same time, the Rastafarian movement, started in 1931 and influenced by Ethiopianism and promoting Pan-Africanism, was becoming increasingly prominent on the island as Rastafarians were being persecuted by Jamaican police.  Rastafarians use cannabis as a religious sacrament, and police used possession as an entrance to beating, kidnapping, and even shaving the heads of religious practitioners that they came across.

After years of this persecution, violent eruptions and riots ensued. When shopkeepers were beaten for their Rastafarian beliefs, the neighbors revolted against the law. By 1960, Rastafari reverend Claudius was accused of writing to Fidel Castro and plotting a revolution. After much violence and attacks from both sides, Reynold Henry, son of Rev Claudius Henry, Al Thomas; William Jeter; and Howard Rollins, all United States nationals and members of the US Marines, were taken into custody for treason. This would be Jamaica’s first Treason/ Felony case since the law was made in 1869, the men were executed. After this event, Rastafari were randomly arrested and hassled by government officials, which led to unrest throughout the community.

Early music

During this period, Marley took notice of the fast, horn-driven ska movement that was also prominent in Jamaica at the time. While attending Stepney Primary and Junior High School, Marley met Neville Livingston, soon to be known as Bunny Wailer, and the two began playing music together. Marley’s mother and Livingston’s father began dating at some point during their friendship — the pair were eventually married and had a daughter together. This put Bob and Bunny under one roof, where their musical exploration gained new traction. They formed Bob Marley & The Wailers in 1963 with Peter Tosh, Junior Braithwaite, Beverly Kelso, and Cherry Smith, going by a couple of names before settling on the Wailers. By the time they really started developing their sound, they had shrunk back to a trio of Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, and Peter Tosh.

At the same time that they formed their band, political & religious tensions in Jamaica were palpable and on the weekend of Good Friday a skirmish between Rastafarians and the police became so violent that it became known as the Coral Gardens Atrocities. Following the event, the Rastafarians who were involved were hunted down, tortured, and often killed by police. Rastafarians all over Jamaica were also rounded up to be murdered after this charged altercation. It was in the heat of these moments sometime in the 1960s, after his wife Rita began growing her dreads and praising Jah, that Bob Marley converted from Christianity to Rastafarianism and began growing his dreadlocks.

Reggae for peace

Jamaican artists eventually slowed down traditional ska into rock steady, a genre the Wailers explored until 1969 when a new sound hit Trenchtown. Reggae infused New Orleans Jazz and R&B into the tempo and passion of Rock Steady. The genre was ushered into existence by the Wailers along with Toots and the Maytals, the Skatalites, and other prominent artists. They adopted the rhythm-based sound and closed the door on their past with the release of The Best of the Wailers in 1971. Together the trio released songs like Trench Town Rock, Stir It Up, and Get Up but after only three years the Wailers broke up to pursue solo careers.

Many believe that the involvement of lawyer Chris Blackwell in the management of the Wailers drove a wedge between the band’s members. Their time touring as a group had garnered international success, however, and each went on to record their own great music. 

Marley continued to tour as Bob Marley & the Wailers with a huge band backing him including his wife Rita on back up vocals. Before long, the single “No Woman, No Cry” broke through into international markets followed by the album Rastaman Vibration in 1976. The fame helped Marley promote his ideals of peace and love, which is why he agreed to perform a free concert organized by the Jamaican government to ease tension between warring political groups. But two days before the event, an unidentified gunman attacked Marley, his wife, and his manager; all but Marley sustained serious injuries but fully recovered. 

Though sustaining minor injuries to his arm and chest, Marley went on to perform at the rally and is quoted as saying, “The people who are trying to make this world worse aren’t taking a day off. How can I?”

Music to unite Jamaica

A few weeks later, Marley left Jamaica and moved to London, spending two years in self-imposed exile. During these years he wrote Exodus and then Kaya. He was also arrested and convicted of cannabis possession in 1977 and was ordered to pay a €50 fine. Later that year, the performer was told by doctors that he had a malignant melanoma in his toe caused by cancer. Though the doctors’ opinion was that he should amputate to limit the spread of the disease, Marley declined, citing his religious beliefs. Perhaps it was this news that reminded him his heart was in Jamaica even through the political unrest and violence, and he returned to play another political concert in 1978.

The One Love Peace concert came at a time when Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley was violently opposed by conservative candidate Edward Seaga. Fourteen of the biggest reggae acts performed for two opposing parties in hopes of putting out the political fires wreaking violence throughout the country. Marley only went on stage under the agreement that Manley and Seaga would shake hands on stage in front of the 32,000 people. Everyone involved in the concert had good intentions, but it didn’t halt the violence. In fact, both concert organizers were assassinated within just two years of the event. 

Ganja for peace

This event was unsuccessful but it was just one sprout in the garden of Marley’s contributions of peace and love into the world. His cancer continued to spread and reached his brain in September 1980 and his health deteriorated. He sought treatment at an alternative center in Germany and for 8 months worked with changing certain foods and substances but nothing they tried could keep the disease at bay. Again, Marley found himself on a sojourn home to Jamaica, but this time it was to say goodbye. But he never made it back — by the time the plane reached Miami, his lungs had begun to fail and he was rushed to the hospital, his last words to his son Ziggy were, “Money can’t buy life.” 

In this brief outline of Bob Marley’s rich life story of activism, artistry, and love, there was little mention of cannabis, but it was there all along. That is because what many college freshmen don’t realize is that Bob Marley wasn’t a recreational cannabis user — for Marley, ganja was a religious rite. The music that he created and the mindset that propelled him to play music and promote peace were, to him, gifts from Jah.

Marley was ultimately an advocate for legalizing the plant and fellow Wailer Peter Tosh even blessed us with the classic anti-prohibition activist anthem “Legalize It,” which is played in dispensaries around the world today. So the next time you spark a joint — whether you are planning to meditate, jam out with your band, or something else entirely — spend a contemplative moment in gratitude for the plant, in honor of Robert Nesta Marley.


Cannabis Distributors Compile List of Brands Who Don’t Pay

Two separate groups of licensed cannabis distributors in California have begun sharing information about which cannabis firms in the state tend to pay their bills and which don’t, Marijuana Business Daily reports. Businesses who become known for failing to pay could ultimately be blacklisted by the state’s distributors.

The effort stems from the ongoing pandemic, which has put most cannabis businesses in the uniquely difficult position of qualifying as an “essential service,” yet they are still being denied the federal coronavirus stimulus aid meant to help small businesses overcome the crisis.

One information network is headed by the Cannabis Distribution Association (CDA) — which includes some 30 businesses among its ranks, including 20 distributors — while the other is a smaller cadre of cannabis distributors called the Crisis Alliance, which is headed by Todd Kleparis, founder of Hardcar.

CDA board chair Lauren Fraser said their system gives distributors a chance to rate cannabis businesses on their likeliness to pay bills on time.

“Several of our members have built their own internal credit scoring and rating systems for businesses and we’re working on how we can synchronize those methods and those lists.” — Fraser, via MJBizDaily

Kleparis, meanwhile, is calling up a select few fellow distributors to ask for their “top-five most obvious really bad players” — those responses get added to “an industry blacklist that distributors can use to route out all the bad players and brokers that are doing illegal work or doing bad deals,” Kleparis said.

The groups are not working together yet, according to the report, and Kleparis said the Crisis Alliance would last only as long as the pandemic continues.


L.A. Sued Over First-Come, First-Serve Cannabis Licensing

The city of Los Angeles, California is being sued by the Social Equity and Workers Assn. over its cannabis licensing process, the Los Angeles Times reports. The organization argues that the city’s application process in September was “flawed” and unfairly implemented and the lawsuit seeks to force the city to vet every single application turned in or roll out a new process that allows “an equal, fair and transparent opportunity.”

In September, Los Angeles opened up another 100 cannabis licenses on a first-come, first-serve process but it was later discovered that some started their applications prior to the launch time. An audit of the process by Sjoberg Evashenk Consulting found that some applicants were able to access the system early, but the city took “reasonable and appropriate steps” to prevent unfair advantages, including moving those applications back in line to where they would have been if they had began the application process when the system opened.

The audit found 226 applicants had accessed the online platform before the start time, but only 14 of them actually started their applications early. The Social Equity Owners and Workers Assn. argues in the lawsuit that those applicants had a “significant advantage” over others who waited until the start time. The audit also found that some applicants were told they couldn’t even log on to the system before the start time but that was untrue.

“Fundamental to any fair race is that the competitors must start at the same time or, at the very least, be given accurate information about when the race will begin. The record demonstrates that this did not occur.” – Social Equity Owners and Workers Assn. in the lawsuit

Cat Packer, executive director of the Department of Cannabis Regulation, released a report earlier this month addressing the audit and potential fixes to ensure fairness in the next round. Tightening social equity rules and giving shops shut out of the previous licensing round “priority processing” are among her recommendations.


Oregon Cannabis Regulators Approve Random Product Testing

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission announced last Friday that it will begin random testing of the state’s cannabis products for undisclosed ingredients and additives. The agency said the change stems from last year’s vaping crisis.

“During the vaping crisis OLCC took the position that specific additives suspected of being contained in nicotine and cannabis vaping products were adulterants and based on existing OLCC rules should not to be contained in marijuana products. But the OLCC lacked specific authority to require random sampling and testing to detect adulterants and other contaminants in the marijuana products of licensees.” – OLCC in a April 17, 2020 press release

In Oregon, the vape-linked pulmonary illness was linked 22 cases and two deaths. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report indicated that most of the cannabis vape cartridges linked to the disease were produced and obtained outside of legal markets.

The agency also said for the next six months it will not require an in-person inspection by members of its staff for a proposed licensed premises due to the current coronavirus pandemic.

Steve Marks, OLCC executive director, called the suspension of in-person inspections a “temporary change” similar to rules allowing curbside delivery.

“We’re saying to the cannabis industry ‘we expect you to act responsibly’ and applicants are expected to abide by all of the rules,” Marks said in a statement. “If they do not, they will be subject to violations and the OLCC will act quickly in order to ensure public safety.”

The rule aligns with the state social distancing requirements, which do not, yet, have an end date. The random testing policy takes effect today.


California Dispensary Uses ‘Virtual Budtender’ for Touch-Free Shopping

California’s Vallejo Holistic Health Center has rolled out a “virtual budtender” amid the coronavirus pandemic, KTVU reports. The system allows customers to order on an iPad, and communicate with staff via Skype, while a 6-foot long pole with an attached basket is used to collect the money and give the customer the order.

Ann Marie, a budtender at VHHC, said once the state implemented stay-at-home orders and implemented social distancing rules the dispensary started taking orders via curbside and nobody was allowed inside. She said that customers can still come inside the dispensary but have the option for contact-free shopping.

The dispensary started the system in an attempt to better serve customers on the 4/20 holiday. Ann Marie told KTVU that the shop often has a line that wraps around the building and they expected increased traffic on the holiday.

Throughout the U.S., states with stay-at-home orders have deemed cannabis dispensaries essential – except for Massachusetts, where Gov. Charlie Baker shut down recreational sales fearing they would draw people from out-of-state. Emergency pandemic rules for cannabis sales often include strict social distancing practices – such as limiting the number of customers in a store at one time – curbside pickup, and enhanced store sanitation.

Colorado, meanwhile, has allowed for online ordering and curbside pickup for the first time. Cannabis delivery companies throughout the U.S. have reported an uptick in business as most of the nation is ordered to stay at home.

Many virtual 4/20 events are also planned as large in-person gatherings have been shut down by states or organizers in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.


Here’s a List of All the Virtual 420 Events on April 20th

This year, 4/20 was supposed to be the ultimate 4/20 of all time — in addition to the month and year aligning to 4/20 for the entire month of April, you may have also heard that on 4/20/2020 at 4:20, there will be four 20’s. Although the cannabis community’s celebration of the holiday is hindered by social distancing measures that are in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19, a wide variety of virtual gatherings are available to those who want to socialize to mark this momentous occasion. Check out our list of livestream events for April 20th below!

Higher Together Logo

Higher Together

Donation drive for Last Prisoner Project hosted by The Smokers Club

Sesh with Wiz Khalifa and Tycho during their DJ sets, and light up a backwoods while Berner gives away $5k in Cookies merch all from the comfort of home. Those who log in can expect appearances from Stephen Marley, Tycho, Cam’ron, Bill Ray Cyrus, and even some surprises.

Tune in from 12 – 5 pm PST more details here.

420 World Record 2020

A community world record attempt, benefiting Last Prisoner Project

Be a part of history by taking part in this attempt to set the world record for “Most People Consuming Cannabis on Video Chat,” to raise money for Last Prisoner Project.  Featuring hosts Tony Diepenbrock of Emerald Galore & Flower Co, Mary Bailey of LPP, and Matt Gray of Herb.

Runs 4pm – 4:40pm PST, more details here.

Come and Toke It Event


Hosted by Luck Reunion

Join a live stream variety show with highlights like the chance to pass the joint in a circle with Willie Nelson himself with their interactive #passleft challenge. Artists, chefs, educators, comedians, and more will hop in to the live stream on Twitch and Facebook to entertain while in quarantine.

Tune in from 4:20 – 8:40 pm CST, more details here.

Chronic Relief Logo

Chronic Relief

Hosted by Farechild Events

A livestreamed 420 extravaganza brought to you by the creators of Dope Magazine, Farechild Events. Featuring celebrity appearances and performances including Whoopi Goldberg, Tommy Chong, Montel Williams, and many more!

Tune in at 12:00PST to join in the fun, more details here.

BGR! FourTwenty


Leading black women in the cannabis industry discuss the business opportunities, wellness benefits, and future of cannabis. Featuring Mary Pryor, Khadihaj Tribble, Jennifer Snowden, Joy Hollingsworth, Dr. Rachel Knox, and a DJ set from DJ Beverly Bond.

Tune in at 4:00pm EST on Instagram Live at @blackgirlsrock


420 Digital Disco

Digital Disco with Sassy Black Cat

Hosted by PAX, Heylo, and Hashtag

Let Sassy Black accompany your 4:20 session with a 1-hour DJ set of holographic funk and electronic psychedelic soul in the first-ever virtual Heylo Sessions disco. Have a digital dance party between the hours and hours of educational content offerings that this year’s virtual 420 has to offer.

Groove along from 4-5pm PST, read more here.

Chicago Cannabis and Color 420 Event

Chicago Cannabis Health Initiative Virtual Summit

Hosted by Chicago NORML, CANNAHEALTH Magazine, and

Prominent minds in medicine and cannabis converge in this 2nd annual community focused summit. Reserve a seat for free to hear Dr. Wilson-King speak on women’s health, Peter Vogel will speak to a post-COVID cannabis industry, a conversation on Cannabis + Color with E.A.T., Digital Venture Partners, and LinkUp and more. This educational summit will provide industry and consumer insights worth soaking up.

Learn more about this event on Monday, April 20th here.

Get Good at Weed

Get Good At Weed

Donation drive for Last Prisoner Project and COVID-19 Relief Fund hosted by Miss Grass

An action packed wellness focused 420 cannabis event which starts with Chelsea Handler and ends with a closing DJ set with Lola Langusta. Lizzy Jeff and other advocates will engage in conversation on sex and quarantine, Vanessa Lavorato from Bong Appétit will teach a 15 minute workshop, Steve DeAngelo will join other activists to teach us more about restorative justice in the cannabis industry and more. Attend for free or donate to Last Prisoner Project and COVID-19 Relief.

Tune in from 12-4:20pm PST, see the full schedule here.

The Great American Sesh In

The Great American Sesh In

Benefit for COVID-19 First Responders hosted by Direct Relief

Support our first responders by tuning in to this telethon style event featuring beloved cannabis activists like Steve DeAngelo and Maya Elisabeth. There will be entertainment from Too $hort, B-Real, and a huge list of talented celebrities from all walks of arts and culture. This one time event also features 420 specials from dispensaries all over California so you can stay at home and flatten the curve.

The fun starts goes on from 11am – 6pm PST, you’ve got to see the full lineup here.

Peter Tosh 420 Event

Peter Tosh Day

Hosted by Niambe Tosh

Celebrate 420 with Niambe Tosh, daughter of original Wailers member Peter Tosh, as she takes over Facebook Live. Enjoy a bevy of entertainment like DJ’s, giveaways, and guest speakers including Last Prisoner Project’s Steve DeAngelo. Log in to Facebook and groove out in honor of a founder of roots rock reggae who dedicated his life in hopes that we would ‘Legalize It’.

Festivities begin at 2pm EST, get more information here.

420 Convergence

420 Convergence

Hosted by CJLA and Femme.Canna

Focus in on wellness strategies, holistic mindsets, and the decriminalization of cannabis and psychedelics for the first ever 420 Convergence. Seven streaming hours of content will cover topics like psychedelic sobriety, activism integration, and even a Holotropic Breath Work workshop set to Liquid Drum & Bass, and even more. General admission is free but there are VIP tickets availabe with special perks including merch.

Log on from 11am – 6pm PST, get your ticket here.




Green Line Expands to Los Angeles with GL.Delivery

Cannabis On-Demand Delivery Service Launches Ready for 420

Green Line Delivery, a leading Northern California cannabis company, announced today it is entering the Southern California market. GreenLine Delivery SoCal marks the beginning of rapid expansion efforts that initially includes cannabis delivery to more than 20 Southern California cities, with additional offerings for VIP customers in coming months.

GreenLine Delivery SoCal, going by the URL GL.Delivery, will serve more than 15,000 customers and growing, with big-name partners like Alien Labs, Connected, GoldDrop and Gas House.

The partnership plans to bring its full set of products and services to residents of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Hollywood, Calabasas, the beach cities and more. In addition to express delivery, GreenLine Delivery SoCal will offer personalized budtender experiences and knowledgeable customer support while continuing its best-in-class order fulfillment.

  • $30 an 1/8th(Jungle Glue, Tahoe OG, Wedding Cake and Gelato)
  • Referral Program – get 10% off entire menu
  • 420 Specials
    • 4 grams of top shelf flower for 20 bucks!
    • LOBO Presidente Cannagar 20% OFF

GreenLine Delivery SoCal has an old school “farmer’s choice” approach to genetics selection and product acquisition providing the exceptional ordering and delivery know-how consumers have grown to expect from a top-tier cannabis brand. With the partnerships deep local expertise, a network of drivers, and relationships with reputable farms, GreenLine Delivery SoCal is geared to offer consumers in the greater Los Angeles area a superior end-to-end experience that supports the growth of local brands and cultivators.


Green Line Delivery’s success in the Bay Area is based on its’ unwavering dedication to the needs of its customers and suppliers. We look forward to replicating that success in Southern California,” Justin Neal, COO of GreenLine Delivery SoCal said regarding the expansion. “Quality cannabis products, reliable and friendly customer experiences, competitive pricing, and support of local cultivators and manufacturers has been and will continue to be the Green Line guarantee.”

Terrence Taylor, CEO of Green Line Delivery says, “We’re thrilled to expand into Southern California and excited by the opportunity afforded us by this partnership to immediately provide Southern California residents with high-end products and a user-friendly platform that delivers an extraordinary experience.”

  • Virtual budtender application
  • VIP offerings – networking events, hospitality experiences with celebrity chefs, exclusive activations at select estates and farms
  • Quarterly market intelligence reports
  • Full-service consulting

Website: https://GL.Delivery



420 Special for the month of April– 4 grams of top shelf flower for 20 bucks!

ORDER NOW and experience the difference.

Media Contact:
Justin Neal
Phone: 323-413-0758


Lawmakers Push for Cannabis Banking & Stimulus Aid

Colorado Rep. Earl Perlmutter (D) is reportedly pushing for provisions of the SAFE Banking Act to be included in the next wave of coronavirus stimulus packages and for the cannabis industry to have access to Small Businesses Administration loans being made available amid the pandemic, reports.

Meanwhile, Marijuana Moment reports that a bipartisan group of 34 lawmakers delivered a letter to House leadership in support of the cannabis industry’s right to access the $2 trillion federal coronavirus stimulus package like any other small business.

SAFE Banking

The SAFE Banking Act, which would provide cannabis businesses access to traditional financial services, passed the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives last year but has not been taken up in the Republican-led Senate. Perlmutter told that while industry supporters in Congress want to pass the SAFE Act, they know banking alone “won’t be enough to give cannabis businesses the relief they need like other businesses.”

“I plan to keep pushing to ensure the cannabis industry has the ability to be eligible for SBA relief funds during this COVID-19 crisis. I have spoken to House leadership about this matter and I’m hopeful in one of the next two packages we can get this done.” – Perlmutter to

Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed earlier this month, both cannabis firms that touch the plant and cannabis adjacent companies – such as those that provide consulting, testing, or lighting – are barred from receiving SBA loans. State legal hemp companies, which are recognized by the federal government, do have access to the program.

Letter to House leadership

Today, Perlmutter’s push was reinforced by 34 members of Congress who delivered a letter to House leadership calling for the cannabis industry, which has been deemed an essential service in most markets, to be given access to federal coronavirus stimulus aid.

In the letter addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, lawmakers wrote:

“The state-legal cannabis industry is a major contributor to the U.S. economy and workforce, employing over 240,000 workers across 33 states and four territories, and generating $1.9 billion in state and local taxes in 2019. … State-legal cannabis businesses need access to CARES Act programs to ensure they have the financial capacity to undertake the public health and worker-focused measures experts are urging businesses to take.”

Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D) reportedly led the effort behind the letter while pro-cannabis senators are expected to deliver a similar letter to Senate leadership in the coming days.

Earlier this month, 11 U.S. Senators sent a letter to the SBA asking them to allow state-approved cannabis companies to qualify for the stimulus loans.

Banking first

Justin Strekal, political director for NORML, told that the industry is going to need access to traditional banking services before they would even be able to access any SBA programs.

“If we get SBA access but don’t get banking, how can SBA distribute money to someone who is unbanked?” Strekal asked. “Are they going to get $10,000 cash?”



Molson Coors-Hexo CBD Beverage Venture Launching in Colorado

Canadian licensed cannabis producer Hexo and beer-maker Molson Coors Brewing Company are launching a joint venture of non-alcoholic cannabis-derived CBD beverages in Colorado, according to a BevNet report. The new venture, Truss CBD USA, will be majority-owned by Molson Coors but operate independently with its own management team, resources, and board of directors.

The products will be produced in Colorado and only available for sale within the state, the report says. The two companies already have a partnership in Canada – Truss Beverages Co. – which was launched in 2018 to develop CBD drinks for the Canadian market. Molson Coors holds a 57.5 percent interest in that venture; Hexo holds the remaining 42.5 percent.

Molson Coors president of emerging growth Pete Marino indicated the structure of the U.S. venture is similar in structure to its Canadian counterpart. David Coors, vice president of Next Generation Beverages, which oversees Molson’s cannabis ventures, will serve on Truss CBD USA’s board of directors.

“CBD beverages are a growing segment within the non-alcohol beverage category and this JV provides us an opportunity to build capabilities in Colorado. We chose Colorado because of its established regulatory framework for CBD and we plan to approach any opportunities in full alignment with our commitment to commercial responsibility, transparency and compliance.” – Marino in a statement via BevNet

The venture will not see hemp-derived CBD drinks produced at Molson Coors facilities and the company did not offer specifics on how and when production would begin in Colorado. In Belleville, Ontario, Hexo is constructing a 2.5 million-square-foot facility for Truss cannabis beverages.

Molson Coors is the second-largest beer-maker in the U.S.


MedMen Executives May Forfeit Mansions Over Unpaid Debts

Milestone Investments LLP, an early angel investor in MedMen, has filed an official complaint against co-founders Adam Bierman and Andrew Modlin as well as current Chief Strategy Officer Christopher Ganan that could see the executives forced to forfeit their homes, according to a Law360 report.

The trio reportedly offered their Los Angeles, California mansions as collateral on a $10.2 million loan. The Alaskan investment firm also loaned the executives $2 million for the purpose of purchasing 4.6 million shares of MedMen stock. The loan was granted on the condition that proceeds from selling the stock would go to paying back the loan.

In the official complaint Milestone Investments LP v. Ganan et al., Milestone asserts that they do not believe the men have any intention of paying off the loans.

Their luxurious homes were put up against the loan in December 2019 as the distribution chain began to crumble; Modlin had very publicly purchased a mansion in the Hollywood Hills the previous summer.

Within 15 days of executing the loan, Milestone claims that they repeatedly asked for the deeds of trust. The three men were sent notices of default by Milestone on March 26 but Modlin had sold his WeHo mansion to a YouTuber just six days prior for a meager profit.

Currently, only Ganan has complied with the request. Milestone Investments is seeking a court order requiring the men to surrender the deeds, sell off the shares they had purchased, and pay back the $2 million loan they used to acquire them.

In January 2020, MedMen informed many cannabis producers and growers that they wouldn’t be able to pay their invoices. Weeks after that development, Bierman stepped down as CEO — at this time, Bierman and Modlin both gave up their super shares, leaving each with just a 5% stake in the corporation.


Massachusetts Judge Affirms Governor’s Order to Close Dispensaries

A Massachusetts judge has ruled that Gov. Charlie Baker (R) acted within his authority to shut down recreational cannabis sales in the state, although the judge said he believed the shops could be reopened safely, the Boston Globe reports. The lawsuit was filed last week on behalf of dispensary owners and one medical cannabis patient.

In the ruling, Suffolk Superior Court Judge Kenneth Salinger said that state law only requires the governor to have some “rational basis” for shuttering the shops amid a pandemic and the plaintiffs would have “little chance” to prove Baker did not have that rational basis.

“It was reasonable for the governor to be concerned that the relatively few adult-use marijuana establishments in Massachusetts are more likely than liquor stores or [medical marijuana dispensaries] to attract high volumes of customers, including people traveling from other states. The governor’s decision to treat medical marijuana facilities and liquor stores differently than adult-use marijuana establishments has a rational basis and therefore is constitutional.” – Salinger in his ruling via the Globe

Salinger added that the plaintiffs made a “convincing showing” in their argument that the dispensaries could reopen safely by limiting sales only to Massachusetts residents and requiring appointment-only shopping or curbside pickup.

Adam Fine, an attorney at Vicente Sederberg who represented the plaintiffs, called the decision “unfortunate” but that he and his clients were “pleased” that Salinger “rejected the governor’s stated rationale” for closing the dispensaries “by declaring he could ‘lawfully’ limit adult-use cannabis sales to Massachusetts residents.”

David Torrisi, the president of the Massachusetts Cannabis Dispensary Association, said he was “encouraged” by the ruling because the judge acknowledged the industry “has several tools at its disposal” that would allow the shops to reopen safely.

Attorneys said they were still deciding whether they would appeal the ruling.


Study Suggests Cannabis Consumer Product Knowledge Is ‘Very Poor’

A study by the University of Buffalo and University of Michigan shows that even enthusiastic cannabis consumers can have a low level of knowledge about THC, CBD, and effective dosing.

The researchers surveyed about 500 attendees of the Hash Bash in Michigan, asking them to fill out a 24-item questionnaire. Of the respondents, two-thirds said they consumed cannabis daily – with 85 percent claiming use for health or medical benefits – and 78 percent said their cannabis knowledge came from their own experiences. Another 18 percent said their knowledge of cannabis dosing was from their primary care provider, while 23 percent said they got their information from a medical cannabis caregiver or dispensary.

The survey asked participants what amounts they considered to be effective doses for CBD and THC and included a box for “I don’t know.” The majority (53 percent) ticked the “I don’t know” box for THC dosages and 68 percent for CBD dosages. Another question asked what the participant thought were the percentages for high and low THC and CBD strains. The majority of respondents (58 percent) believed that a low-THC cannabis strain was 20 percent THC or higher – which is considered a high-THC strain. Another 22 percent said a low-THC strain was 40 percent THC or higher – a level that exceeds anything available commercially.

Cannabis products in Michigan‘s legal market are required to list cannabinoid content on product packaging.

The vast majority – 86 percent – of respondents believed that a low-CBD strain was 10 percent or higher – which would actually be considered a high-CBD strain. About half believed that a low-CBD strain contained 30 percent CBD or higher, which exceeds the CBD level of any existing strain.

Other participants gave estimates of 91 milligrams as an effective dose for THC and 177 milligrams for CBD, while one participant said that 1 million milligrams (or 1 kilogram) of THC was an effective dose. Daniel Kruger, PhD, lead author of the study and research investigator with the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan, noted that a kilogram of THC would “fill an entire football stadium full of people and get them all high.”

“Even the people who are most enthusiastic have very poor knowledge of cannabinoid content. They greatly overestimated how much THC and how much CBD was in various strains, and what the effective dosages were. … We really have to educate people. This has very real consequences, because these compounds have differential effects.” – Kruger in a statement

While the survey certainly demonstrates a need for increased education among some cannabis consumers, it has obvious limitations, primarily sample size — the survey only features attendees at a specific event in Michigan — and potentially presentation, as many consumers do not think about cannabis doses in milligrams.

The study, “Frequent cannabis users demonstrate low knowledge of cannabinoid content and dosages,” is published in the Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy journal.


Canopy Growth Exits Multiple International Markets

Canopy Growth Corp. announced this morning that it is taking steps to dramatically restructure its global operations. The changes are meant to encourage “strategic focus” as the company seeks to align itself with the realities of the international cannabis market.

Specifically, the company announced it will sell off its operations in South Africa and Lesotho; it will shutter its indoor facility in Yorkton, Saskatchewan to “further align production in Canada with market conditions;” and it will shut down its hemp farming operations in Springfield, New York. The company’s Colombia-based cultivation facility will also be closed as the company moves to an “asset-light” model there that will rely on local suppliers for raw materials.

The changes will also lead to the loss of about 85 full-time positions at the company. According to Marijuana Business Daily, nearly half of the lost jobs come from the company’s Colombian operations.

“When I arrived at Canopy Growth in January, I committed to conducting a strategic review in order to optimize our cost structure and reduce our cash burn. I believe the changes outlined today are an important step in our continuing efforts to focus the Company’s priorities, and will result in a healthier, stronger organization that will continue to be an innovator and leader in this industry.” — David Klein, Canopy Growth CEO, in a press release

“I want to sincerely thank the members of the teams affected by these decisions for their contributions in helping build Canopy Growth,” Klein said.

MarketWatch reports that Canopy’s U.S.-listed shares have fallen 40.4% over the past three months.

In March, Canopy shuttered two major greenhouses in Canada and laid off about 500 workers.


Florida Senate Asks Court to Block Adult-Use Cannabis Proposal

The Florida Senate is attempting to use a new state law to block a proposed recreational cannabis amendment from 2022 ballots, the Orlando Sentinel reports. The law calls on the state Supreme Court – which is responsible for approving ballot initiative language – to consider whether proposed amendments are “facially invalid under the United States Constitution.”

Senate attorneys argue that since the adult-use proposal championed by Make It Legal Florida runs afoul of federal law it should be considered invalid under the new state law, the report says. In Florida, the Supreme Court reviews ballot language and titles to determine whether they meet legal standards including whether the proposal is misleading. Florida Senate attorneys argue that the language does not adequately inform voters of the conflict of the proposal with federal law and is, therefore, misleading.

Make It Legal Attorneys argue that the failed 2014 medical cannabis proposal and the 2016 measure which was approved by voters set precedent because they both violate federal law but were approved for ballots by the Supreme Court.

“Under this (Supreme) Court’s precedent, ballot summaries are not required to recite the current state of federal law, or an amendment’s effect on federal law. Nor must a ballot summary remind voters that they are voting to amend Florida’s Constitution rather than federal statutes. … Florida voters do not require a lesson in these elementary civics principles, especially having voted on marijuana amendments in two out of the last three election cycles.” – Make It Legal Florida in a January 20, 2020 legal brief

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued an order inviting attorneys in the case to file briefs addressing the implications of the new law. The state House, Florida Chamber of Commerce, and Attorney General Ashley Moody have all filed briefs attacking the proposed amendment over its conflict with federal law.

The court is expected to hear arguments on the matter May 6.


Montana Legalization Group Suing to Collect E-Signatures

Montana legalization advocates are suing the state saying they should be allowed to collect petition signatures electronically during the coronavirus emergency, KTVH reports. In the lawsuit, New Approach Montana argues that collecting signatures in-person in the middle of the state’s stay-at-home order would be “neither ethical nor permitted.” The group is also asking for the deadline for signatures to be submitted be moved from June 19 to August 3.

Pepper Petersen, New Approach Montana’s political director, said the organization already has a contract with DocuSign and the company can verify electronic signatures in a way that meets state requirements. He explained that the technology “isn’t new” or “novel” and that the state already accepts electronic signatures for many other uses.

“This is tried, true, tested technology. We’re just asking that for this emergency, we’re able to use that technology to protect the lives and well-being of Montanans – and also our democracy.” – Peterson to KTVH

New Approach Montana has already had two potential ballot initiatives to legalize recreational cannabis approved by the Secretary of State’s office. Initiative 90 would create the industry framework and impose a 20 percent tax on sales. I-90 requires at least 25,468 signatures to appear on November ballots. Constitutional Initiative 118 would amend the state Constitution to allow people 21-and-older to purchase and possess cannabis. CI-118 requires 50,936 signatures to be put to voters.

A competing proposal by MontanaCan would legalize cannabis for those 18 and older and impose a 5 percent tax; however, that measure has not passed legal review by the secretary of state.

At least two other cannabis initiatives have been stalled due to the coronavirus pandemic. In Missouri, advocates said the state’s stay-at-home order prevents them from signature gathering and will prohibit them from meeting the May deadline to turn in the petition. In Oklahoma, the secretary of state halted all campaign efforts, including signature gathering, until the state’s emergency declaration is withdrawn.


Aurora Cannabis Announces Stock Consolidation Plan

Aurora Cannabis Inc. announced on Monday that it is taking steps to shore up liquidity and regain compliance with New York Stock Exchange requirements after its stock traded at less than $1 for more than 30 days.

The plan includes a 1-for-12 stock split which will see the company consolidate all of its outstanding common shares on the basis of one common share for every 12 common shares currently outstanding. That consolidation is expected to take effect on or about May 11.

Aurora said it currently has 1,313,494,990 common shares outstanding and, “assuming no additional common shares are issued prior to the consolidation,” the action will reduce the issued and outstanding common shares to about 109,457,915.

“The company expects the consolidation to restore compliance with the NYSE’s continued listing standards, and to provide access to a broad universe of investors, access to equity capital and trading liquidity.” – Aurora in a press release

The Canadian cannabis firm said it had $205 million in cash at the end of March, including all amounts raised in an at-the-market (ATM) offering program announced last May. The company is planning a new ATM program to raise additional equity capital on top of the roughly $350 million that remains available under its outstanding shelf prospectus. The firm indicated it plans to use a portion of those funds “to provide further balance sheet strength and preserve flexibility given macroeconomic uncertainty caused by COVID-19.”

Michael Singer, executive chairman and interim CEO, said the plans “are the appropriate actions” for the company to strengthen their cash position and “maintain financial flexibility.”

Aurora said that on April 8 they received notification from the NYSE that, as a result of its common share price falling below an average of $1.00 for a consecutive 30 trading-day period, it was not in compliance with one of the NYSE’s continued listing standards. That lack of compliance with the NYSE did not affect the company’s status on the Toronto Stock Exchange.


Florida Judge Excuses Doctor Accused of Rubber-Stamping Cannabis Patients

A Florida administrative law judge has sided in favor of a physician who was accused by the state of having improper ties to medical cannabis dispensary Trulieve and not adequately evaluating an undercover investigator who sought a medical cannabis recommendation, CBS Miami reports.

Officials argued that Dr. Justin C.K. Davis violated the state’s medical cannabis law by subletting office space from a Trulieve dispensary in Lady Lake and that the physician served only as a “rubber stamp” when the investigator sought approval to use medical cannabis for purported post-traumatic stress disorder.

In the decision, Judge Garnett Chisenhall wrote that while it was “reasonable to infer” that Davis’ close proximity to a medical cannabis dispensary “facilitated the acquisition of patients” for the doctor and dispensary, the evidence showed that Davis and other physicians “were not receiving discounts on those subleases.” Additionally, Chisenhall determined that there was “no persuasive evidence” to suggest that Davis made referrals to Trulieve or that Trulieve referred prospective patients to Davis.

Chisenhall also determined that Davis “had a meaningful discussion” with the undercover investigator posing as a patient “and probably would have had a more in-depth discussion if [the investigator] had not been intentionally evasive.”

“Furthermore, the preponderance of the competent substantial evidence in this case demonstrates that Dr. Davis performed a meaningful review of [the investigator’s] medical history and symptoms, meaningfully discussed … PTSD symptoms with [the investigator], and in no way acted as a ‘rubber stamp’ of the prescription written.” – Judge Chisenhall in the decision

Under administrative law, Chisenhall’s recommendation will be sent back to the state’s Health Department for final action. Under the state’s cannabis law, physicians are prohibited from having “direct or indirect economic interest” in medical cannabis companies.
