New Jersey Doctor Suspended for Medical Cannabis Approvals

A New Jersey doctor has had his license suspended after officials accused him of “indiscriminately” authorizing medical cannabis for “thousands of patients.”

Full story after the jump.

A New Jersey physician has been suspended by the State Board of Medical Examiners for “indiscriminately” authorizing medical cannabis for “thousands of patients,” the Courier Post reports. Dr. Andrew Medvedovsky was also fined $15,000 and ordered to reimburse the board about $44,000.

Medvedovsky authorized the patients through New Jersey Alternative Medicine. The board said he did not establish the “bona fide physician-patient relationships prior to authorizing medicinal marijuana.” The board also claims that Medvedovsky neither took a medical history nor examined the patient before approving them for the medical cannabis program.

The board launched its investigation in September 2018 after the state Attorney General’s Office received a tip that Medvedovsky had been violating the state’s medical cannabis laws. He has had a medical license in New Jersey since 2012.

In addition to the suspension and fines, Medvedovsky will serve a second year as a “period of probation” and during the active suspension cannot enter “any medical practice in New Jersey during business hours when patients may be present.” He must also complete classes on recordkeeping and medical ethics.

Medvedovsky “neither admits nor denies” the board’s charges but no longer has any connection to New Jersey Alternative Medicine.

Last year, Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill expanding medical cannabis access in the state. In November, Garden State voters will decide whether or not to legalize cannabis for adult-use.

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