Missouri Has Spent $19M in Cannabis Taxes on Veterans, Substance Use Treatment, Public Defenders

Missouri cannabis taxes have generated over $19 million to support veterans, expand the state’s substance use treatment programs, and fund the Public Defenders System.

Full story after the jump.

Cannabis taxes in Missouri have generated more than $19 million for supporting military veterans, expanding the state’s substance use treatment programs, and the Public Defenders System, the Missouri Independent reports. Last fall, the programs each received $1.3 million and another $5.1 million each earlier this month. 

Amy Moore, director of the Division of Cannabis Regulation, told the Independent that “It is so rewarding to see the impact of this voter-approved program on organizations that provide vital services to Missourians.” 

The funds sent to the Missouri Veterans Commission are used to pay for health care and other services for military veterans and their dependent families; the funds sent to the public defenders system helps pay legal fees for low-income residents; while the drug treatment programs are operated out of the Department of Health and Human Services and help individuals with job placement, housing, and counseling.   

In March, the state set a new cannabis sales record, totaling $125 million.  

In January, Moore indicated that adult-use cannabis sales in the state had led to $58 million in revenues for the state from taxes and annual fees. So far, $8.2 million has been used to pay the state’s operating costs. The state also uses cannabis-derived funds to pay for costs incurred by the court system for expunging former cannabis-related crimes that are now legal under state law. 

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