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Weed Slang

Welcome to the ultimate weed slang guide, created to help you get familiar with all things related to cannabis. In the close-knit world of marijuana consumers, code words and inside jokes abound: if you’re new to the herb, a lot of these references might fly right over your head. The good news is, here at Ganjapreneur we are compiling an open source dictionary of every cannabis-related slang term and phrase in the world, and our list is constantly growing. From regional monikers to pop-culture phenomena, we provide a quick and easy reference to help you comprehend any and all dialects of herbal vernacular. If you know of a term that we missed, please let us know!

Cannabis Terminology 101

Marijuana, weed, ganja, grass, dope, dro, etc.: there is no shortage of names for everyone’s favorite plant. The prevalence of these different names may be due in part to the prohibition of cannabis in the U.S. and around the world, which was often a politically-motivated and racially-targeted decision to outlaw behaviors that were common among populations that the government wanted to control. Once it became illegal, people would have needed to obscure their references to cannabis in order to hide the fact that they consumed / grew / sold it, and these names would need to evolve over time as they became well-known by the authorities.

Another potential reason for why there are so many different words for “marijuana” is that smoking weed often leads to talking about weed, which often leads to coming up with unique nicknames and descriptions for how the weed makes you feel… in other words, it’s like a self-replicating fractal, man.

Weed Slang Categories

Weed Measurements

Whether you’re selling or buying, knowing the lingo for different quantities of cannabis is essential if you want to participate in the underground (or “traditional”) market. From a dub to a zip and beyond, we’ve summed up the most common denominations of cannabis you’re likely to encounter on your dealer’s coffee table.

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Synonyms for Weed

Mary Jane has many aliases, and much like Carmen San Diego, trying to find her when you’re traveling the world can be difficult if you don’t speak the local language. Luckily, we’ve compiled some of the most (and least) common nicknames that cannabis goes by. Some are regional, some are classical, but all of them mean the same thing.

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While it can be used to describe strong, high-quality cannabis positively, Fire is also the name of a specific Indica-dominant strain. It earned its name from its appearance. The little red hairs growing all over the nuggets give it the look of being ablaze. It’s perfect for unwinding after a stressful day, although it may be too strong for those not familiar with Indicas.



Also called “indo.” While the etymology is hard to pin down, most agree that it generally refers to cannabis plants that are grown indoors using hydroponic systems. Indoor-grown cannabis is favored over plants grown outdoors by many since temperature and weather control results in a consistently high-quality product. In fact, high-quality weed is often called endo as slang. This term can also be used as a shortening of the “endocannabinoid system,” but this is not as common.

Ditch Weed

Ditch Weed

Also called “feral cannabis.” Essentially, it refers to cannabis plants found growing in the wild. These plants are remnants of the days when industrial hemp was grown in the midwest, and as a result, they have little-to-no THC content and are not suitable for consumption. While some entities put forth efforts to eradicate ditch weed, it’s a low priority for many, since it’s similar to trying to get rid of thistle or dandelions.



While dank often has a negative connotation in everyday English, it’s very positive when referring to cannabis. Any weed that is particularly potent in smell, flavor, or effect can be considered dank. In more recent times, dank has even been used as a general positive descriptor, so it’s not uncommon to hear younger people referring to memes or delicious foods as being “dank.”

Stoner Terms & Phrases

The “stoner” stereotype has been aggressively pushed in mainstream media for decades, both by proponents and detractors of cannabis. In reality, the effects of cannabis use vary from person to person, but that fact didn’t stop legions of stonified slang terms and references from getting couch-locked in mainstream culture.

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Skin Up

Skin Up

A phrase meaning the act of rolling up a joint that is popular in London and the United Kingdom. It is a reference to the word skins, a common term for papers over the pond. Though originally the term was used as a verb to roll up, it is not mostly used concerning rolling marijuana into a joint or pinner.



This term can be used to describe the action of smoking, or ripping, from a bong or to describe an intense and almost overwhelming high. A person who is ripped will likely be couch-locked and cotton-mouthed. However, they will not green out–being ripped is intended to be a positive, pleasant feeling.



The act of inhaling cannabis smoke or vapor before putting your lips to another person’s and exhaling the cannabis smoke directly into their mouth. The recipient will then inhale the smoke and both parties will get high from the one hit. This is often seen as a romantic gesture, or at the very least one signifying closeness between the participants.

Toke Up

Toke Up

The act of smoking cannabis, usually in joint form, that results in getting high. “Toke” started popping up in the 1950s, and it likely comes from the spanish verb tocar, which roughly means “to touch,” implying a small amount of cannabis is being consumed. This phrase isn’t as common as it used to be, but it’s a great way to describe having a puff or two off a joint.

Browse all terms:

Below you will find our entire catalogue of weed slang definitions. 15 terms are displayed on each page: use the pagination links to browse more definitions in alphabetical order.

Submit Weed Slang

Do you know of a weed slang term that we missed? Please submit it below, and if we’ll consider adding it to our dictionary. Note: we don’t allow terms that are hateful, sexual, or gross.