Gage Skidmore

John Boehner Now Selling Advice for Cannabis Stock Investments

Former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has started selling tips for buying cannabis stocks.

First reported by FOX News, Boehner’s new pitch was made on Tuesday during the webcast launch of the National Institute for Cannabis Investors (NICI).

According to its hour-long webcast launch, which came across like an extended infomercial, the NICI aims to distribute “special reports” containing analysis on the industry and projections for certain types of cannabis investment opportunities — getting access to said reports, however, appears to require annual membership fees.

Earlier this year, Boehner joined the board of New York City-based cannabis company Acreage Holdings, which holds a portfolio of cannabis cultivation, processing, and dispensing operations across 11 U.S. states. Though he vocally disapproved of any cannabis reforms up until leaving office in 2015, the former House Speaker said in April that his “thinking on cannabis has evolved.”

According to Boehner, it’s time to go “all-in” on the burgeoning cannabis industry and you should pay for his advice — and the advice of his buddies — to gain an advantage over other investors.

“As you know, the prohibition on cannabis is almost over. Institutional investors are building their war chests and, with our help, you’re going to be able to beat them to the punch.” — Former House Speaker John Boehner, in an online pitch to sell cannabis stock tips

Cannabis stocks have ridden an exciting wave so far this year, with many companies surging in the hype before Canada’s federal legalization took place earlier this month. In recent days, however, cannabis stocks have plummetted, with some Canadian companies posting double-digit losses.

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