Gallup Poll: Cannabis is Less Harmful than Alcohol, Tobacco, and Vape Products

The latest Gallup poll found that Americans view cannabis as the least harmful legal drug while cigarettes are seen as the most harmful legal drug.

Full story after the jump.

Americans view cannabis as the least harmful legal drug, according to a recent Gallup poll in which 66% of respondents said it is “very” (26%) or “somewhat” (40%) harmful. Another 22% said cannabis is “not too” harmful, with 10% believing cannabis is “not at all” harmful. 

Among those polled, cigarettes were seen as the most harmful, with 79% of respondents saying they are very harmful and 18% saying they are somewhat harmful. Another 61% said chewing tobacco is very harmful, along with 31% viewing chewing tobacco as somewhat harmful. 

E-cigarettes and vaping were viewed as very harmful by 57% of respondents, with another 34% saying it was somewhat harmful, and 4% saying it is not too harmful. Forty-five percent of respondents said they viewed cigar smoking as very harmful, with 39% viewing the practice as somewhat harmful, while 9% said it is not too harmful and 4% viewed it as not at all harmful. 

Pipe-smoking was viewed as very harmful by 44% of those surveyed, while 40% said it is somewhat harmful, and 7% said it is not too harmful. Another 34% of those polled by Gallup viewed nicotine pouches as very harmful, while 38% viewed the products as somewhat harmful, 10% said the products are not too harmful, with 7% viewing them as not at all harmful. 

A third of those surveyed viewed alcohol as very harmful, with 53% saying it is somewhat harmful, and 8% viewing alcohol as not too harmful.  

The poll also found an increase among Americans who said cannabis negatively impacts society as a whole, with 54% holding that view in the most recent survey compared to 50% in 2022, when 49% of respondents viewed cannabis’ societal impact as positive – a figure that fell to 41% in the poll released on Tuesday.


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