A large, indoor cannabis grow operation.

Rory Savatgy

First Dispensary-Destined Cannabis Crop Harvested in Hawaii

Aloha Green Holdings in Oahu, Hawaii is the first medical cannabis dispensary to harvest their crop, the first commercial cannabis crop in the state, according to a Pacific Business News report.

The company, who was the first of eight companies to receive cannabis dispensary licenses, announced the harvest this week. However, Aloha Green now awaits the certification of an independent laboratory who will be licensed to conduct the necessary product safety tests.

According to a statement released by the company, “The [indoor] harvest comprised of an above average yield of eight different strains of cannabis with varying levels of THC and CBD content.”

“As soon as a testing laboratory is certified by the DOH, Aloha Green will announce plans to begin retail dispensary operations,” Aloha Green said in the statement.

Two other dispensaries, Manoa Botanicals LLC and Pono Life Sciences Maui LLC, were also licensed to begin growing in February and are likely to harvest soon. According to the report, there are four dispensaries currently licensed and growing medical cannabis with intent to distribute it in a retail setting — though a total of eight licenses have been issued.

Hawaii‘s cannabis reform dates back to 2000, but the previous laws did not allow for cannabis to be distributed via dispensaries and most patients grew for themselves.

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