Entrepreneur Builds Successful Business Selling Custom Dirt to Marijuana Growers

The innovator and entrepreneur behind BuildASoil.com, a company that curates natural ingredients from around the world to produce nutrient-rich soils that cannabis growers can use to grow sustainably, was recently interviewed on the Ganjapreneur podcast.

Jeremy Silva joined podcast host Shango Los to discuss the origins of BuildASoil and to share his experiences growing the company from the ground up. The interview covers subjects such as basic gardening sciences and strategies, why Jeremy doesn’t believe the usual conflict between profitability and sustainability applies to his particular business model, and what it takes for an entrepreneur to knuckle down and turn an innovative idea into a functional business.

“If you give value, people will support you regardless,” explained Jeremy. “To me, that’s all our company is about.”

The podcast is available on iTunes or through the Ganjapreneur website, where written transcripts of this and previous podcast episodes are also available.

About Ganjapreneur:

Ganjapreneur launched in July 2014 and has since established a significant presence in the cannabis business world. The website regularly publishes interviews and commentary from leading minds in the industry, and has also launched a B2B business directory, a live feed of job listings from marijuana job boards, a domain name marketplace for start-ups and venture capital firms, and a mobile app for Apple and Android devices which aggregates daily cannabis industry news, business profiles, and other information. For more information about Ganjapreneur, visit http://www.ganjapreneur.com.


