Cannabis Still Banned on California College Campuses

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The University of California System – which includes all “UC” colleges and universities and 114 community colleges – has not lifted its restrictions on cannabis possession on university grounds or campus buildings despite broad legalization in the state, according to a report from EdSource. The ban applies to both employees and students.

In a Nov. 9, 2016 statement, UC administration released a statement indicating that federal law prevents the allowance of cannabis on campuses.

“Using and possessing marijuana is still illegal under federal law. The federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act require that UC, which receives federal funding, have policies that prohibit marijuana use, possession and distribution on campus and in the workplace. UC students and employees who violate the university’s policy may face discipline, with a maximum penalty of dismissal.” – University of California, “Despite passage of Prop.64, you still can’t use marijuana on UC property”

Stanford University issued its own directive just a few days after the passage of Prop 64 explaining that the institution must also maintain the status quo due to federal law.

“Stanford University receives federal funding for various uses, including research and student financial aid. As such, Stanford must comply with federal law, including all current federal drug laws. Therefore, even though California has legalized marijuana for recreational use for some individuals, the possession, use, storage and cultivation of marijuana (as defined below) is prohibited on Stanford University property for all faculty, staff and students under the university Controlled Substances and Alcohol Policy.” – Nov. 2016 Stanford “Marijuana Policy Statement”

Officials for both institutions confirmed that the policies will remain the same.


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