Cannabis branches hanging out to cure after harvest season.

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Cannabis Dispensaries Earn More Per Square Foot than Whole Foods

The average medical and/or recreational cannabis dispensary in the U.S. earns more money per square foot than the premium grocery store chain Whole Foods, according to the 2016 Marijuana Business Factbook.

Cannabis retailers have the advantage of dispensingĀ a generally small-sized but expensive commodity, meaning that smaller storefronts can moreĀ easilyĀ generateĀ theĀ revenue per square foot of largerĀ establishments. However, though the cannabis industry continues toĀ enjoy rapid growth, it facesĀ a wide host of problems ranging from archaicĀ political stigmasĀ to overreaching regulatory restrictions. Banking access in particular remains one of the industry’s most problematic issues, and,Ā until that controversy is solved, cannabis retailers ā€” in part becauseĀ of the industry’s successful reputation ā€”Ā will remain at heightened risks of robbery and theft.

On average, cannabis dispensaries in 2015 earned $974 in annual revenue per square foot,Ā about five percent more than Whole Foods’ $930 per square foot. On a whole, the cannabis industry earned between $3-4 billion in 2015.

Legalized cannabis isn’t completely edging out the premium grocery chain business, however: Costco stores pull in on average $1,032 per square foot, and the cannabis industry’s total revenue stillĀ pales in comparisonĀ to Whole Foods’ 2015 earnings of $15 billion. But, with medical marijuanaĀ legalized in half the U.S. states and recreational legalization votes coming up in nearly a half-dozen others, cannabisĀ willĀ likely be earning tens of billions of dollarsĀ in annual revenue within a decade.

In 2015, legal cannabis easily outpacedĀ Girl Scout Cookies and e-cigarette sales.

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